Chapter Seven

Here I Am


“Do you like -----ah, hyung?” Changmin asked Yoochun in a serious tone.

Jaejoong was still eating while they waited for Yoochun’s answer.

Yoochun moved forward, he leaned closer…

“Actually, I do like -----ah.” He said in a whisper.

Jaejoong dropped his chopsticks in surprise (O_O) …

“WHAT?!” Changmin screamed in shock.

“Told you! Told you!” YooRin said turning to Jae.

Jaejoong dropped his chopsticks, staring into space with wide eyes.

“Hyung, are you okay?” Changmin asked waving his hands in front of Jae’s face.

“I’m fine. I was just…shocked.” Jae said in response.

“We all were! Oh My God Yoochun hyung! I can’t believe you’re finally in love!”

“I’m not yet sure if I love her, I just like her Changmin-ah.”

“That’s almost the same Yoochun! That’s how I felt for Jae before!” YooRin blurted.

Jaejoong and YooRin exchanged glances. “Yoochun-ah, congratulations! You finally found love!” YooRin said trying to change the topic. “Yeah, hyung! Let’s celebrate. Let’s order more food!” Changmin shouted in joy.

YooRin and Changmin were both eating and chatting happily, both trapped in their own world. Yoochun moved beside Jaejoong and they started to chat.

“Did you tell her?” Jaejoong asked. Yoochun shook his head no. “Why do you ask?”

“I just thought that you told her already, since you were together.”

“No, it was a coincidence. I saw her at school; she was being bullied again, so I saved her. Then we walked and talked, I was carried away talking that’s why I forgot we were supposed to hangout good thing Changmin called.”

“What did you talk about?” Jaejoong asked.

“We talked about YooRin. She was curious so, I told her about YooRin.

“What did you tell her?” Jaejoong was curious too.

“I told her that YooRin’s a childhood friend, and I also told her that she likes you, well before.”

“What did she say?”

“Nothing, I also told her that you have no interests in love or something about that. Oh! You have something in common with her.”


“You both have no interest in love.” Yoochun whispered.

“Isn’t that a bad thing?” Jaejoong pointed out. “Why?” Yoochun asked, confused.

“If she knows that you like her, she’ll just ignore you, dump you.”

“But, I don’t think it’s like that at all. She’s different from you Jae, even if she knows that I like her, I think she won’t ignore me like what you did to YooRin.”

“When did I ignore YooRin? I never ignored her!”

“But you acted like you didn’t care. I think that’s the same.”

“I didn’t know what to do then, we were so young. But, I kept her as a friend, isn’t that enough already?”

“Yeah yeah, but what if she still likes you now?”

“I guess…I’ll think about it. But, I think it’s still better to just keep a friend.”

“So you’re saying that you’ll be single for the rest of your life and just making friends everywhere?!”

“I didn’t say that. Anyways, what else did you tell -----ah?”

“She asked me if I’m the same as you, I said, before I’m not interested too, but now I like someone. You know what, she didn’t bother to ask who. Isn’t that weird?”

“Why is that weird? It’s not weird at all. She knows its private that’s why she didn’t ask.”

“Yeah, just like you, you don’t ask too. I just think it’s weird cuz most people would be curious, right?”

“Well -----ah and I are different, we respect privacy. Are you saying I’m weird?”

“No. I totally understand that. I also discovered that me and -----ah have something in common too.”

“What?” Jaejoong questioned. “We both love strawberries! I gave her a strawberry pudding. Then she said she love it and especially chocolate covered ones. Isn’t that my favorite too?”

“Yeah, are you that happy?”

“Yeah, by the way, why did you ask? It seems like you’re so curious.”

“I’m just bored, I don’t want to eat anymore. Are we not leaving yet?”

They turned to Changmin’s direction. They saw the two buddies laughing so hard while shoving more food into their mouth.

“You guys are not full yet? You finished three sets of sushi already!” Yoochun said in amazement.

“Let’s go. It’s past 7 already.” Jaejoong headed out first.

“B-but…but we just ordered another set, it will be a waste. Let’s just stay for another while okay, hyung?” Changmin whined. “My tummy will burst out soon. Let’s go Changmin.” YooRin said. But, b-but the sushi!!!” Changmin pouted. “Leave it.” Yoochun said dragging Changmin with him.

Yoochun and Changmin were still on the counter paying, while Jaejoong and YooRin stood outside waiting.

“What did you and Yoochun talk about earlier?” YooRin asked.

“Why? You heard?”

“Yeah, I kind of heard my name. Did you talk about me?”

“A little. We just missed you.” Jaejoong said smiling.

“Awww…I missed you too Joongie. Let’s hangout again sometime, okay?” YooRin smiled back.

Then a black car stopped in front of them.

“You called your driver?” Jaejoong asked.

“Yeah, I don’t want to bother you guys to drop me off. Anyways, thanks! See you tomorrow.” With this goodbye, YooRin got into the car and with a last smile the car drove off.

“YooRin left first. She called her driver.” Jaejoong said as the two other guys got out.

“So, let’s go too.” Yoochun said getting inside the car.

Changmin sat at the back, and said “That sushi set was such a waste; I want it for my snack later.” Changmin whined. “We’ll go back again sometime okay Changmin?” Yoochun said he sat at the passenger seat in front. Since it was Jaejoong’s car, he drives. After dropping Yoochun and Changmin to their houses Jaejoong was all alone.

“Yoochun likes her? Why? Is she Yoochun’s long lost friend? Does -----ah likes Yoochun too? No, she’s not interested, so I think she doesn’t… wait, why am I even thinking of these things? It’s their matter, it doesn’t involve me, so…ugh!”

He decided to erase his thoughts with some music, and soon he was home.

-In Your House-

Since your dad was away in France for business, your mom just like your dad, was away too in Jeju. Your family runs a hotel and resort business in Jeju Island. You were indeed rich, and you’re living alone in a big house with your big brother. Good thing your brother is there to look after you. He goes to your school too, he’s a senior and he’s popular at school too. You didn’t want him to worry more about you and to burden him, so you kept everything a secret from him, about the students who bully you and also about your iPod, and everything else. Also, seniors have their own building that’s why he didn’t know what was happening and seniors also didn’t care much about their juniors. Also, only a few people know that you have a brother. You love your bother so much and he is so caring to you.

(A/N): This idea suddenly popped in my mind, I decided for you to have a brother, and since I am also a      fan of Karam, I decide to use him in this character. I hope its okay? ^^ anyways continue to my story. //

“-----ah, its past 7. Where were you? I was worried sick! I called you, but you didn’t pick up.” You heard your brother’s voice as soon as you entered the front door. You looked up to him; he was standing at the top of the staircase.

“Sorry, oppa. I was eating strawberry pudding and because it was so yummy I didn’t notice my phone. And I was in the park, just looking around.” You said with a smile.

“Fine, I know you don’t lie, so I’ll let you off this time, but next time, be home early. Mom and dad are not here. I’ll be in my room if you need me. Call me for dinner!” Karam then walked off.

“Huh? Oppa didn’t eat yet?... Oppa! I’ll make special bulgogi for you!” You shouted.

(A/N): For those people who doesn’t know: Bulgogi is a Korean dish, it’s simply marinated beef. It is usually eaten with cabbage; you wrap the meat in cabbage and eat the whole thing. YUMMY! //

You placed the side dishes on the table. You placed a plate of cabbages to.

“Oppa! Special bulgogi is ready!” You called again.

“Wow! The smell is nice, but why did you make bulgogi all of a sudden?” He questioned.

“I want to eat beef and cabbage. Careful oppa it’s still hot.” You said blowing the heat off a piece of meat. Karam looked at the pan of beef on the center of the table. “You cooked a lot! Are you gonna finish all of this?”

“Yeah, why not? I love beef! Don’t you too?” You started eating. You shoved the whole thing in your mouth. Karam stared at you with the ‘she just ate the whole thing-look’.

“Oppa, don’t just eat with rice, you need to eat cabbage too. Want me to make one for you?”

“I’ll do it myself, just yeah, eat a lot.” Karam started eating like you too.

“It’s so yummy! I hope appa can eat this too. But, they don’t have bulgogi in France. It’s been a while.”

“I’m sure mom and dad are fine, don’t worry about them.” Karam spoke with his mouth so full he can barely say the words right. You started cracking up. “Oppa! Don’t talk when you’re mouth is full! What did you say again, I didn’t understand some words?” You teased. “Nothing just shut up, and eat!”

It was almost 8:30 when you and your brother finished eating. Your oppa offered to do the cleaning so you went upstairs.

“I’m so tired.” You mumbled to yourself.

You lay on your bed and sighed. “Why do I still feel this sting on my chest?”


Sorry if I wasn't able to update yesterday. I was sick.

Anyways, thank you for your somments! ^^

I will post the next chapter later.

Please don't hesitate to drop some comments.


ooooh, by the way, i just got that picture yesterday.

it's from JYJ's documentary "3hree Voices"

i just wanna share it. ^^ what do you think? ^_^

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Chapter 34: Yoochun is really a great friend. ♥him really much kekeke
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 34: Awwww.....nice story though, done reading this one hehe! They ended up together :D
redblossom07 #3
love love love ^^
Lovely author,i really love ur story...Its so good to read The Boss combined with DB5K in 1 story... I love it when u put Jay&Cgangmin the gluton together as eating buddy...its pretty hard for me to imagined that Karam is older than JaeJoong but i enjoyed this story so much..I'm a Cassie and Master.. My 2 ultimate bias are JaeJoong and Karam...I hope u can write another story about TheBoss&DB5K and YOU(reader) in a story about gangsters...lovely author,Fighting...!!! #AKTF
CassieJYJlhyn #5
amazing mMmm...luv it!
miakay #6
wow~they are all so innocent in this story~
luv it very much!! ^_^
mareta #7
Feeling relief ~
Finally at the end she with Jaejoong. Actually yoochun must be hurt but he`s the best friend. Thumbs up!
im re-reading this, cuz i love it so much!
Yoochun is the greatest friend one can have!:) thanks for updating^^
Superdbskjunior #10
This is the amazing story ever! Yoochun oppa is so nice and caring
I wish he was with __ ah but then he gave her to jaejoong :(
Oh well jaejoong oppa is also nice :)