You have dimples in your smile

If only I could see you

Song for this chapter:

No one's POV: 

When Hui-Fen began to come around from her operation she could voices around her "She should wake up anytime soon, so if she does just come call us" she could hear the doctor say as the door closed and the room went quiet. As she opened her eyes she was blinded by the lights on the ceiling as she put her hand up over her eyes to stop the light from hurting them. Once she realised what she had seen she sat up in bed suddenly her heart beating faster than lightning because as her eyes wondered around the room, she could see it perfectly. 

"No way" she said to herself as she bought her hand up to her eyes and jumped when she saw it in front of her before she looked around to see if there was a mirror nearby to see if her mind was playing a cruel joke on her... or the operation worked.... as she looked around an idea popped into her mind, maybe the window could show her reflection as she slowly got out of her bed and stopped herself from falling before making over to the window. As she looked out the window it was a beautiful sunny day for winter and the sun ruled the skies as it was a mix between a sunrise and clouds trying to take over, then she saw something else that caught her attention... her reflection.... 

As she looked at her reflection, she could see her curly hair sitting on her shoulders and her pale skin with her big brown eyes. As she looked at herself for the first time in 11 years she began to laugh and jump around excitedly. That was when she heard voices outside which got louder as they approached the door and Hui-Fen quickly scrambled back into bed and closed her eyes pretending to sleep as Lay entered the room. As he entered the room he found that Hui-Fen was still asleep (pretending) as he walked over the window to open it and began humming, when Hui-Fen heard him humming she opened her eyes and sat up in her bed as he turned around and smiled at her when he saw she was awake. As Hui-Fen saw him smile she thought for a second that this person wasn't her Yixing because... he was beautiful compared to the Yixing she grew up with... but his dimples in his smile were still there... 

"Are you alright?" he asked when he realised that Hui-Fen wasn't saying anything and he was scared to ask if the operation had worked 
"Have people ever told you, you have dimples in your smile?" she asked as Lay's eyes widened and he walked up to her and held three fingers up to her 
"How many fingers am I holding up?" he asked and expected her to feel his fingers to find out the result but instead she didn't and straight away answered "Three" at which it went quiet. Lay sat on the end of her bed trying to find something to say but he couldn't, for 11 years she hadn't been able to see and now after a few hours in the operating theatre her sight was back just like that... 

"Oh yeah the operation worked if you havent gathered" Hui-Fen said to try and break the silence as Lay smiled and again there were his dimples that were making her love him even more as the seconds wore on. "Does it feel weird... being able to see again?" he asked as Hui-Fen nodded 
"But I am SO GLAD I can see again" she said as Lay laughed and Hui-Fen crawled down to where he was sat and hugged him and the two stayed like for a while before Lay kissed her and her parents walked in. When they saw their daughter look directly at them and wave her mum broke down into tears of happiness and her dad ran over to hug her. 


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Chapter 25: Hi! A friend recommend this story to me! And i was glad he recommend it.
Doubtful #2
Chapter 24: Oh my gosh, such a cute and happy story. I love it!
TaquitosNOMNOM #3
Chapter 24: AHH! OMG! I loved this story, I think I'm going to read it again! The ending is SO CUTE!
Chapter 24: I can't believe it worked! I'm so happy. They even have a little baby girl too! :)
I love the ending. I will continue to support your stories author nim! :)
forever_or_never #5
Chapter 24: That was such a sweet ending. What EXO member will be the main character in your next story?
forever_or_never #6
Chapter 22: Omg it worked <3
Tippy8382 #7
Chapter 22: Ohh she can see again!!! Update more chapters please!!
TaquitosNOMNOM #8
Chapter 21: AHHHH! I can't wait!
TaquitosNOMNOM #9
Chapter 20: AHH! She almost gets to see his beautiful face again, hopefully.=)
forever_or_never #10
Chapter 20: Oh yey! I'm glad she said yes to the operation.