You can't give up!

If only I could see you

No one's POV: 

Hui-Fen was woken up the next morning by Lay shaking her, early in the morning he was woken up by her screaming and crying in her sleep, turns out her ordeal with Chen the other other day wasn't a dream but reality, "You're alright" she could hear Lay say as he patted her back to calm her down and she sat back in bed sighing. Meanwhile for Lay he kept his promise to Hui-Fen and stayed with her the whole night and watched her as she slept before slowly falling asleep himself. Next thing he knew he was woken up by Hui-Fen kicking him and screaming in her sleep. 

"What time is it?" she asked after she had calmed down and Lay checked on the clock next to her bed. 
"7:30" replied Lay as Hui-Fen shot up and Lay could see a confused look on her face "So you were here the whole night?" she asked as Lay smiled by how cut she looked shocked. 
"Yes, you asked me to so I stayed" he said as Hui-Fen thought for a moment before nodding "Where's mum and dad?" she asked whilst she moved around to get comfortable. 
"They went to visit your grandparents, your grandfather went and hurt himself so they've gone to see how he is for a few days and me and mum agreed to take care of you whilst they were gone". 

After that the two was met by a silence, in the past it would've been alright but now it was awkward for them... very awkward. That was when Hui-Fen realised her bottom lip was swollen and Lay noticed to and surprised the both of them by running his thumb slowly over her lip before quickly jerking his thumb away. "Sorry" he said as he jumped up from her bed and Hui-Fen began to blush like mad, quickly Lay made his way downstairs telling Hui-Fen to rest for the day in the process. 

Lay's POV: 

What did I just do? Why did I do it? Great... now she's going to think I'm really weird... no wait she wont because she likes me... brilliant... As I start making breakfast I can hear a bang from upstairs and Hui-Fen shout "OW" and I laugh as I go to check on her. When I get to her room she's making her way across the room by holding onto whatever was nearby and then she held my hand before quickly pulling it away and my heartbeat begins to race... "Wh-what are you doing I thought I asked you to stay in bed?" I ask her as she blushes. 

"I dont want to be left alone" she says as I sigh "Don't worry he's not here to hurt you anymore" I tell her as I try to put her back into bed but she doesnt move. 
"Please Yixing" she says and I quickly give in as I link arms with her and lead her down the stairs and force her to sit down and rest. "Enjoy" I say a while later as I put her breakfast in front of her and soon the two of us are again met by silence... an akward silence... I don't like it... 
"I rang your work and told them you wouldn't be in for a while" I say in the hopes of making a conversation 
"Should have told them I'm not coming back at all" she says plainly and I choke on my food... what does she mean she's not going back? 

I must have been staring at her for ages with my mouth opened like :O because she started talking saying "You stll here?" 
"What do you mean you're not going back?" I ask her as she stops eating and sighs "Because Yixing the world isn't ready for a person like me and I'm not ready for a world like this" she says... what is she talking about? 
"But you were doing so well... you can't give up" I say and then she scares me by banging her hand on the table "Please Yixing, for once... just shut up and let me do what I want" she says before the room becomes quiet again... I'm sorry Hui-Fen but this is a promise I'm going to have to break you WILL play again!

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Chapter 25: Hi! A friend recommend this story to me! And i was glad he recommend it.
Doubtful #2
Chapter 24: Oh my gosh, such a cute and happy story. I love it!
TaquitosNOMNOM #3
Chapter 24: AHH! OMG! I loved this story, I think I'm going to read it again! The ending is SO CUTE!
Chapter 24: I can't believe it worked! I'm so happy. They even have a little baby girl too! :)
I love the ending. I will continue to support your stories author nim! :)
forever_or_never #5
Chapter 24: That was such a sweet ending. What EXO member will be the main character in your next story?
forever_or_never #6
Chapter 22: Omg it worked <3
Tippy8382 #7
Chapter 22: Ohh she can see again!!! Update more chapters please!!
TaquitosNOMNOM #8
Chapter 21: AHHHH! I can't wait!
TaquitosNOMNOM #9
Chapter 20: AHH! She almost gets to see his beautiful face again, hopefully.=)
forever_or_never #10
Chapter 20: Oh yey! I'm glad she said yes to the operation.