Chapter 34

Should I trust him?

"While I was shopping, I bought for you a cute little white dress... Hope you'll like it..." Hyeri said with smile while handing me a cute little white dress.


"Wow! This dress is really pretty... Where did you get it??" I asked Hyeri.

"I can't tell you..." Hyeri said with a smirk.

"Thanks so much... I'll go try it on..." I said and went to the changing room.


"Wow So Hee... You look fabulous~" Hyeri complimented.

"Thanks... " I said with a smile.


"You look so amazing Hyeri..." I said to her with a smile.

"Thanks So Hee..." Hyeri said and gave me a hug.

"Your husband is so going to drool once he sees you..." I said while crossing my arms.

"LOL?" Hyeri said.

"Well, I have to change... Thanks for the dress..." I said.


"It's my time to shine, I guess... I'm so nervous, So Hee... I don't know what to do..." Hyeri said, fanning herself.

"All you have to do is walk down the aisle and repeat what the paster tells you and say 'I do'... Don't be nervous Hye... Remember, 'it's your time to shine'... There's no turning back... You've got to do this... Be strong Hyeri... You're going to be with Kai forever and live happily ever after..." I said while putting my hands on my hips.

"Live happily ever after?? Where'd you get that from?? Cinderella?? Haha..." Hyeri laughed.

I just looked at her.

"Oh okay, it's not funny..." I heard Hyeri whispering to herself.

"Just go do your thing alright?? Smile and think happy thoughts..." I said.

"Donuts, puppies-"

"Okay not that... Think about the wedding and your new apartment and-"

"Yeah yeah I get it..." Hyeri said.

"Just get your up there and do your thing... Wish you luck..." I said to Hyeri and went out.

"Huh..." I heard Hyeri sighed.


"Would you, Kim Jongin be wed Lee Hyeri to be your beloved wife through sorrow and pain, sickness and in health, to cherish one another?" The paster said.

"I do~" Kai said with a smile, looking at Hyeri dreamily.

"Would you, Lee Hyeri be wed Kim Jongin to be your beloved husband through sorrow and pain, sickness and in health, to cherish one another?" The paster said.

"Yes I do~" Hyeri said while holding Kai's hand.

"I pronounce you husband and wife... You may kiss the bride..." The paster said.

Kai leaned his head and kissed Hyeri.

"Awwwwww~" Everyone chimed.

I was in tears. Not tears of sadness, but joy.

I'm so proud of my dongsaeng best friend, Lee Hyeri.


"I'm married to Jongin~ I'm married to Jongin~" I heard Hyeri sang while walking towards me.

"Hyeri... You're officially married to Jongin!!" I screamed happily.

"Yeah... I was so nervous... OMG!! Did that just happen??" Hyeri asked while pinching herself.

"Yes... You're officially married to Jongin..." I said to her.

"This is the best day of my life!!" Hyeri squealed.

"Congratulations Hye..." Daehyun suddenly popped out of nowhere, which made me jumped a little.

"Thanks Dae Dae..." Hyeri said with a smile.

"Oh hi Daehyun... Haven't seen you for a long time..." I said to Daehyun.

"Hey So Hee... I've heard that you're a famous fashion designer here in Seoul..." Daehyun said.

"Yeah... It's hard but still, it's worth it..." I said.

"Great... Umm, I have to go... My girlfriend is waiting for me outside... Bye..." Daehyun said.

"So... He got himself a girlfriend... Looks like he doesn't 'love' you anymore... Haha..." Hyeri joked.

*I'm happy that Daehyun finally got himself a girl that can take care of him...*


"Okay... HyunA, try this on..." I handed HyunA a dress.

"Thanks..." HyunA thanked me and went to the changing room.

"Tia? Tia?? Where is Tia??" I asked one of the staff.

"She went to the bathroom... She was there for about 15 minutes..." One of the staff said.

"I'll go check up on her..." I said and went to the bathroom.

Before I even reached to the door, I heard someone vomiting.

I gasped and quickly ran into the bathroom.

"Tia?? Is that you??" I asked.

"Y-yeah..." Tia answered. She was inside one of the stalls.

I went into the stall, to see her kneeling down on the floor, puking into the toilet bowl.

"Are you okay?? What happened??" I asked her, patting her back.

"I got... G-gas s-strict..." Tia said while wiping with a tissue paper.

"Why?? Have you eaten??" I asked her, worried.

"N-no... Your boss didn't want me to eat..." Tia said while blowing her nose.

"I'll go talk to her... Go to the cafeteria..." I said to her and left.


"Mrs. Lee... Why don't you let Tia eat?? She's having gas strict right now..." I said to my boss.

"Look... I don't like her one bit, and I don't want her to eat the food that I PAYED FOR... Plus, she's gaining a lot of weight..." Mrs. Lee, my boss said.

"Are you kidding me?? She's thinner than a pencil... Everyone needs food, don't be so cruel and selfish Mrs. Lee..." I said angrily and went to check on Tia.

"How are you feeling??" I asked Tia.

"I'm fine... Thanks..." Tia said while biting her sandwich.

*I can't believe someone could be so cruel...*


"Is everybody ready?" I shouted.

"Yes!!" The staff, the models and L said.

"Let's go..." I shouted.

I saw HyunA and Tia modeling.

*They're so young yet so beautiful...*


"So Hee... Can we talk in private??" L asked me.

"Yeah sure..." I said, kinda feel weird.

In the rooftop...

"I'll ask you a question... Are you single??" L asked.

I looked at him weirdly.

"Ahahahahahahaha!!!!" I laughed.

"What?? That's funny??" L asked innocently.

"Are you serious??" I asked him, shocked.

"Yes... Are you??" L asked.

"What if I say no?? What if I say yes??" I asked.

"You sure know how to make me laugh..." L said while giggling.

Then, we locked eyes for quite a longggggggggggggggg time.


Author's Note:

Such a sweet moment! ^^

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blossomblackandwhite #1
Chapter 51: yeeaaaahhhh..... happy ending for everyoneee... cheersss
Chapter 51: i had read this before... a long time ago.. i searched for it again cause this story was awesome but i can.t find it. but now... i find it already and finished it in just ONE NIGHT and i'm so happy with it !!!!
cheekylittlechubba #3
Chapter 51: So beautiful and happy !!!!

I love it a lot!!!!

Thank you authornim for writing this wonderul story ^^
Chapter 51: OMG! I love this story very much! Thankyou author for making such awesome story.
Chapter 51: Omgod i love this story!
Love the posters!!!<3<3<3
Hello~ Imma new reader! :)
Chapter 9: Kyyyaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! <3
Chapter 5: LOL.
Wow that was great!! :D
Chapter 3: WOW! I just read the first three chapters and I was so amazed..
Their so great!! I wish that I found out this fic earlier!! <3 :D