Chapter 27

Should I trust him?

I'm so ing scared and worried.

That man, I don't know who he is, but I'm sure he is bad. Very bad.

I stayed at home, switching random channels.

Then, someone knocked the door.

 "You have to check who that person is before opening the door for them...*

I slowly tip-toed to the door, looking through the small tiny hole.

"So Hee... So Hee... Are you there??" I heard Hyeri calling me.

*Oh! It's just Hyeri...* 

I sighed in relief.

I opened the door.

"Hyeri, hi..." I said with a smile.

"Daehyun isn't here right??" Hyeri asked.

"How do you know??" I asked her.

"He texted me that he needs someone to accompany you..." Hyeri said.

"Oh... Okay..." I said with a small smile.


"So Hee-ah, what Daehyun told me about your mom, is it true??" Hyeri asked, worriedly.

I nodded.

"I'm scared Hye-ah... I don't know what to do... I don't want to visit my mom again... She's as evil as Krystal..." I said.

"Don't worry... Daehyun and I will protect you..." Hyeri said.

*I wished that L could protect me...*

"How are you feeling?" Hyeri asked.

"Not that good... I'm worried, scared, timid and not brave at all..." I said, sighing and laying my head on the pillow.

*My life just ... My life after dad passed away... Why did you go away dad?? It's so difficult to handle everything... My love life and my family...*


"Thanks Hyeri... You can go home now..." Daehyun said to Hyeri.

"I'll see you So Hee... Bye..." Hyeri waved with a small smile.

I waved back with a small smile too.

Hyeri left and went back home.

"What's that??" I asked Daehyun. He was taking out heavy stuff from his bag.

"CCTV cameras... I will put this outside of the door... It's very small, so no one can see it and steal it... If anyone enters the house, it will ring or make a sound..." Daehyun explained.

I smiled and hugged him.

"Thanks for protecting me..." I said with a smile.

"No prob..." Daehyun said, smiling like an idiot.


This time, I will never ever never ever never ever never ever believe or trust my mom.

She is as hell as a . Gosh I feel like punching her in the face for abusing her one and only daughter.

I'm sure she's going to hell anyways.

"So Hee... Stop grinding your teeth..." Daehyun snapped my thoughts.

"Oh, sorry... Just thinking of 'her'..." I said, still grinding my teeth, angrily.

"Don't do that, it will hurt your teeth, So Hee..." Daehyun said.

I just kept quiet and stare at the floor.

"So Hee... Are you okay? You seem so... Scared these days..." Daehyun asked, checking my forehead.

"I'm fine..." I said, still staring at the floor.

"Well, your forehead is not hot... Is something wrong??" Daehyun asked.

I shook my head and layed my head on the pillow.

"You want me to take you to the doctor??" Daehyun asked.

"No thanks, I'm fine..." I said, shaking my head.

*I just cannot accept the fact that my mom is still evil... So Hee, just forget her...*

I am so scared. What if I'm caught?? I could get and molested by that 'guy'.

I could be a slave or a maid. I could be a toy. Or maybe a e... ARGHHHHH!!!

"SO HEE!! You okay!!??" Daehyun asked me, jumping out of his couch.

"Sorry... I didn't know I was screaming..." I said, playing with my nails.


Daehyun's P.O.V

Aish... This girl... She shouldn't be afraid.

She is a very strong and brave girl...

I guess I'll have to figure it out myself...


Back to my P.O.V

"Please tell me what's wrong..." Daehyun asked me, gently.

"I... Hate.... My... Mom... So... Much... That... I... Could... Stick... A... Knife.... To... Her... Neck..." I slowly said, my eyes looking dangerous.

Daehyun's eyes widened and gasped.

"So Hee... I don't think you're okay..." Daehyun quickly spoke, scared.

"I'm just going to my room... I don't feel so well..." I said and got up and went to my bedroom.

I closed the door and layed on my bed.

I can't live like this anymore. If that 'guy' finds out where I live, I'm going to DIE!

I guess I have to move out of Seoul... Maybe America? Since I can speak fluent English.

But, I never been to America before... 

But, I can't leave school. It's gonna start in, what 3 months?? I also can't leave Hyeri, Daehyun, MYUNGSOO!

"Argghhhh!!!" I screamed.

"Maybe... Thailand?? Phillipines?? Singapore?? Hmmm...*


Author's Note:

Are you going to move out of Seoul?? :O

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blossomblackandwhite #1
Chapter 51: yeeaaaahhhh..... happy ending for everyoneee... cheersss
Chapter 51: i had read this before... a long time ago.. i searched for it again cause this story was awesome but i can.t find it. but now... i find it already and finished it in just ONE NIGHT and i'm so happy with it !!!!
cheekylittlechubba #3
Chapter 51: So beautiful and happy !!!!

I love it a lot!!!!

Thank you authornim for writing this wonderul story ^^
Chapter 51: OMG! I love this story very much! Thankyou author for making such awesome story.
Chapter 51: Omgod i love this story!
Love the posters!!!<3<3<3
Hello~ Imma new reader! :)
Chapter 9: Kyyyaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! <3
Chapter 5: LOL.
Wow that was great!! :D
Chapter 3: WOW! I just read the first three chapters and I was so amazed..
Their so great!! I wish that I found out this fic earlier!! <3 :D