Chapter 16

Should I trust him?

I just woke up to get a glass of milk when I saw L's door was opened.

I wanted to close it but then, I saw something horrifying, that will haunt me for life.


I saw L and a girl on bed, which made me faint.

Then, I collapsed to the floor.


I just woke up, feeling a little dizzy, then realized, the image of 2 bodies.

"Urrrgghhhh..." I groaned angrily.

"What time is it?" I asked myself, but someone answered it for me.

"9:38am..." Someone that sounds like L said that.

I was shocked. 

"What happened?" I asked him, even if I know the answer.

"You shouted and fainted..." L answered.

"Oh... I didn't know you were there... Where were you?? You came home late..." I said.

"I was just... At a bar..." L simply answered it.

"No wonder you were in bed with a girl..." I said.

Then, L rubbed his neck.

"I was at the bar. I drank so much and I didn't know what was happening... I really hated it..." L said.

"What happened when I was still unconscious??" I asked.

"I shoo-ed the girl away and she was so angry... Urgghhh..." L said, feeling stupid.

"Oh... Okay..." I simply answered, still scared of what happened just a few hours ago.

* BODIES!!?? Well at least he didn't wanted it to happen, he was drunk so yeah...*

"Why aren't you in school??" I asked L.

"I'd rather wait for you to wake up than going to some dumb school..." L said.

*So he waited for me all this time?*

"Don't be so mean L..." I said and slapped his arm.

"Are you feeling better already??" L asked.

"Ummm.. Yeah..." I said.

Then, I realized.

*Yesterday, Daehyun oppa confessed his feelings to me...*

"OMO!! I need to see Daehyun..." I suddenly jumped up.

"Woah... He might be in school..." L said.

I took my phone and it said, '103 miss calls, 98 messages'.

Half of them were from Daehyun and Hyeri.

"Woah..." I gasped.

"We'll just have to skip school today... So where do you wanna go??" L asked.

"Hmmm... I dislike Lotte World, I hate playgrounds and amusement parks, because I'm not a kid anymore... Let's eat first..." I said.

"Where??" L asked.

"Let's go for pizza..." I said, smiling.

L nodded and grabbed his coat.

I changed my clothes and went out with L.


"I apologize for what you saw just now... It wasn't appropriate at all... I didn't even know what happened... I didn't even know who the girl was..." L said.

"So why did you go to the bar??" I asked him.

"I was feeling depressed..." L said.

"Oh..." I said.


After we ate breakfast, we went to walk around the streets of Seoul.

Then, one of our schoolmates bumped to L.

"Ow..." Our schoolmate said.

Then, she looked up.

"So you guys were skipping school because you were on a date??" The girl said.

"No... This is not what you-"

"I've had it... Seriously? You guys don't need to deny... Urggghhh... I'm so going to report to the school..." The girl said and went off.

"She was skipping school too..." I mumbled angrily to myself.

"She's here because she was assigned to take photos of sceneries..." L said.

"Argghhh.." I said while slapping my forehead.

"Don't worry... We'll just talk to the principal and tell her the truth..." L said.

"I hope she'll believe us..." I said, hoping.


"I am very dissapointed in you Mr. Kim and Miss Park... Why are you giving bad image to the school all the time??" Principal Jung said, feeling dissapointed.

"Look Principal Jung, we were not skipping school... So Hee-sshi fainted this morning, so I took care of her..." L said.

I nodded.

"Is that true? How am I suppose to believe that?? You were roaming around the streets of Seoul..." Principal Jung said.

"It's true... We went out to eat breakfast... She just woke up at 9:40... I don't think it's a good time to go to school, coz we were extremely late..." L said.

"So... That happened??" Principal Jung asked.

L and I nodded.

"Well.. I'll let you off... Good bye and rest well then..." Principal Jung said.

We waved and went out of the school.

"Let's just go home..." L said.

I nodded and went home.


Someone called me so I checked the caller ID.

"Oh hey Daehyun opp-"

"Where are you? Why weren't you picking up the phone when I called you..." Daehyun said, sounding a little angry.

"Ummm... I fainted this morning, because I wasn't feeling well, so L took care of me..." I said.

"Why him? Can't you notice me?? I confessed to you last night, and now, him again??" Daehyun said, sounding scary.

I kept quiet, feeling scared.

"You know what?? Just forget about it... Anyways, are you feeling okay??" Daehyun asked.

"Yeah... I'm fine..." I said.

"Oh... That's good..." Daehyun said, sighing in relief.

"So... How was school today?? Did you see Hyeri?" I asked him.

"Yeah... Hyeri was there... And school was okay, as usual..." Daehyun said.

"Ok... I have to go... Bye..." I said.

"Bye..." Daehyun said and disconnected the line.

*Daehyun oppa was so scary...*

*I don't think I can love you as a lover Daehyun oppa, you're only a brother to me...*

I sighed and called Hyeri.

"So Hee!! Where are you??" Hyeri shouted.

"Ouch, my ear... I'm at home... So what happened in school??" I asked Hyeri.

"Oh... It's okay I guess... Why did you skip school today?" Hyeri asked.

"I fainted coz I wasn't feeling well..." I said.

"You feeling better??" Hyeri asked.

"Yeah... I'm alright..." I said.


I feel so mixed up right now... I need to be sure about it.

Daehyun oppa confessed to me, but I love him as a brother only.

So, I guess I have to tell him the truth...

For some reason, when I'm with L, he would always make me smile, even if he did something wrong... He makes me happy and makes my heart beat than a usual heart.

*But, he plays with girls...*

Oh yeah, I forgot... That really hurts my heart... I wonder if he could fall in love with me like how he loved Krystal, but now, he doesn't.

*What am I going to do?? Urrrghhh... Life is so damn hard!!*

My love story is getting more complicated than I thought... 



12 years ago...

I've always dreamt to have the guy of my dreams.

Cute, caring, kind, helpful, faithful, trustworthy, honest, humourous, funny, makes me smile and laugh, never cheats on me, loves me for me, healthy

I hope to have 'him' in the future and become soulmates.

After that, we get married and live happily ever after...



Author's Note:

So freakin complicated!! >.<"

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blossomblackandwhite #1
Chapter 51: yeeaaaahhhh..... happy ending for everyoneee... cheersss
Chapter 51: i had read this before... a long time ago.. i searched for it again cause this story was awesome but i can.t find it. but now... i find it already and finished it in just ONE NIGHT and i'm so happy with it !!!!
cheekylittlechubba #3
Chapter 51: So beautiful and happy !!!!

I love it a lot!!!!

Thank you authornim for writing this wonderul story ^^
Chapter 51: OMG! I love this story very much! Thankyou author for making such awesome story.
Chapter 51: Omgod i love this story!
Love the posters!!!<3<3<3
Hello~ Imma new reader! :)
Chapter 9: Kyyyaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! <3
Chapter 5: LOL.
Wow that was great!! :D
Chapter 3: WOW! I just read the first three chapters and I was so amazed..
Their so great!! I wish that I found out this fic earlier!! <3 :D