"King v. Queen"

"Playboy v. Playboy"

Part 4: King v. Queen



“Why don’t you just surrender your heart to me, Jaejoong-ah…” Yunho said softly. His warm breath brushed through Jaejoong’s sensitive ear.


Jaejoong nibbled his lower lip. His breathing hitched. Yunho waited for some response from Jaejoong. His gaze fell down on Jaejoong’s red lips. He brought his finger up to touch that attempting lips.  


He then smirked sneakily.


“You’re not seriously falling for me, don’t you?” Jaejoong widened his eyes; finally realized that he’s falling into the trap.


Yunho pinched Jaejoong’s nose and walked away.


“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Yunho burst into a loud laugh.




Jaejoong’s cheek turned into a ripe tomato color.


“Yah UGLY! Let’s have a deal!!! Why don’t I take all the GIRLS in this school, and you just take all the BOYS! Then there wouldn’t be any case like today, anymore…seriously I tell you, it’s not nice seeing two girls fighting over a boy!" Yunho continued to laugh. He scampered away as soon as he finished playing around with Jaejoong; for now.


Changmin and Junsu ran to stand next to Jaejoong; checking their best friend.


“Jaejoong-ah…are you okay?”


Jaejoong didn’t answer. His eyes were furious as he curled his fingers; clamping on his palms.


“STUPID JUNG YUNHO!!!!!!!!!!!! I’LL KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!”


Both Junsu and Changmin palmed their ears; freaking out they might turned deaf because of that high frequency screaming.


“I’LL KILLLLLLLL YOUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” His chest moved up and down; trying to catch up his breathing.


Junsu and Changmin lowered down their hands and shook their heads. For the first time they ever witness this kind of situation. Maybe there really IS someone who dares to play around with Jaejoong without thinking of the consequences.


“Good job in making it sound like a real death threat…” Changmin patted Jaejoong’s shoulder.


“But I was thinking to just skip it away, my friend…I’m too young and living behind the bar isn’t my dream…”


Jaejoong averted his gaze, staring intensely to Changmin.


“One word coming out from you, Changmin-ah…you would be the first one I send to hell before him!”


Changmin shrugged.


“I prefer heaven than-“


Junsu quickly palmed Changmin’s mouth to prevent him from blabbering.


“Ha Ha…” Junsu laughed dryly.


“W-we should head to class…” Junsu pulled Changmin’s wrist and walked ahead.


“Not so fast, you guys…”


“What do you mean…?”


“Our English teacher is on medical leave, remember…?” Jaejoong reminded them.


“Ahhh… right…” Junsu scratched his un-itchy head; totally forgot about it.


“So…what are you planning to do…?”


A sly grin flashed on Jaejoong’s face.




After making sure that the class is fully emptied; Jaejoong sneaked in and ambled over one particular table that has ‘Jung Yunho’ written on the name plate.


Junsu was guarding outside their classroom while Changmin was in charged in distracting their classmates especially Yunho. He let his gaze wandered around the room; don’t want to have someone accidentally witness the ‘crime’ he’s about to commit.


After he satisfied with the surrounding; he then took out something from the pocket of his blazer. Carefully twisting the cap; he poured out a huge amount of glue on top of Yunho’s chair. It was the special Super Glue invented by Changmin. It takes a long time to dry but sticking hard like a nail on the wall.


In a glimpse; no one would have notice about the existence of the glue because of its transparent color. But Jaejoong wasn’t finished yet. Afraid that Yunho wouldn’t fall for such a trick; Jaejoong had prepared another trap to distract Yunho’s attention away from his chair.


He slid couple of magazines among the neatly arranged text books on the table. He makes sure that the magazines weren’t completely hidden and a bit exposed to anyone eyes.


“Serve you right, Mr. Smart …this is just a small ‘treat’ from me…”


He brushed off his hands together and walked towards Junsu. Junsu had his eyes focused intently at the phone screen at that time; didn’t realize that Jaejoong’s already standing behind him. Jaejoong landed a soft tap on Junsu’s shoulder.


“You’re done?”


Jaejoong replied with a smile.


“How’s Changminnie?”


“Don’t worry…basketball is Changmin’s thing…” Junsu voiced out confidently.


Yes, Jaejoong knew that. Changmin’s undoubtedly the master who rules the court when it comes to basketball. If it’s before; Jaejoong could trust Changmin and give him 100% support. But it’s a different story when the opponent is Jung Yunho. Others might don’t have realized it yet but Jaejoong knows about Yunho better than anyone else.


“Basketball…no way…” Jaejoong said aloud but more to himself than to Junsu.


“Yah! Jaejoong-ah!!! Wait for me!!” Junsu wasn’t given a chance to respond to his words when Jaejoong suddenly ran away leaving him far behind.



*At the Basketball Court


The students of the Special Class weren’t the only class that filled up the court seats. Those from other classes also joined them in watching the game. They were screaming and cheering, supporting their bias. Changmin and Yunho became the centre of the attention.


The current score at that time was on Changmin side. Unfortunately that doesn’t last longer when the table suddenly turned upon Jaejoong’s appearance.


Yunho continued to score again and again.  


“What the hell has just happened?!” Junsu who just arrived at the court, still in the middle of catching up his breath was surprised to see it. Changmin never lose before but now it seems like he’s struggling to win over Yunho.


“Yunho-ah…I know you really love playing basketball… But they’re older than you… Do you really think that you can win this game…?”


“Of course I can…as long as you are there with me, Jaejoong-ah…as long as you’re watching me; I know I can win any game…”


Jaejoong closed his eyes; doesn’t even wish to remember it all. That wasn’t even the right time to let himself sway into his emotion. Not now and not even in the future.


Yunho was his past - someone that he doesn’t want to have any connection with anymore.


Jaejoong turned his body around; ready to leave.


“Junsu-ah…make them stop…ask Changminnie to stop playing…”


“B-but… they’re still playing…I don’t think Changmin would agree to it…you know how stubborn he is…he won’t stop until-“


“I’ll be waiting at the Changing Room…”


Junsu let out a sigh when Jaejoong just walked away; leaving him with no choice.


“CHANGMIN-AH!!! PLEASE STOP!!!” Junsu screamed; interrupting the intense match.


“W-what? But…?”


“I SAID STOP! STOP RIGHT NOW!!!” Junsu commanded. He realized all the spectators were giving him the disagreeing looks that he had to come up with a last minute excuse.






The door of ‘The Changing Room’ was pushed hard as Changmin stepped in; along with Junsu following him at the back.


“What the hell was that about…?!” Changmin slammed the towel on the table, expressing his dissatisfaction.


But Jaejoong wasn’t affected by it at all. He continued flipping the page of the magazine; acting like they’re having some kind of a normal daily conversation.


“I asked you to distract him while I’m setting up the trap not to get carried away…” Jaejoong answered nonchalantly; didn’t bother to look straight at Changmin.


“HE PISSED ME OFF, INTENTIONALLY! HE CALLED ME NO.2!!! He said ever since he came to this school; I’m no longer sitting on the 1st rank – neither in education nor in sports! Because the crown was snatched away from me by him!!! The hell! He's nto even the King!”


“You should at least let me prove that I’m at the top when it comes to basketball…!!!!! I’M THE PRIDE OF THIS SCHOOL NOT HIM!!!” Changmin violently kicked the locker with a loud bang; wrecked the school property for 3rd times in that month.


“Are you done?” Jaejoong rose up to his feet as he’s asking Changmin.


“If you wish for a revenge… do it somewhere else - a place where no one can find out in case if you lose…”


“KIM JAEJOONG!!!” Changmin exploded.


“Get yourself together; Changmin-ah…knows your enemy better like you know yourself, isn’t that what you told me before…? What’s the point of trying to defeat someone who you don’t even know what his weakness is?”


“So you’re saying that you know that he can defeat me; just like that?”


“I’m just saying that I know who he really is…he’s not an average normal person like others…he’s just like us…someone who has nothing to lose…”


Changmin glued his lips together. He rested both of his hands on his waist; stabilize his breathing.


“I’ll give you 5 minutes, then come and join us in the class…”


“Let’s go Junsu…”


Junsu gave a friendly tap on Changmin’s shoulder.


“Try not to break anything anymore, okay…” Junsu reminded him and followed Jaejoong’s steps.


Changmin huffed. He really hates when Jaejoong was right.




The class already started when Jaejoong and Junsu walked in. To their surprise; the Principal Shin Dong Hee was there along with Park Yoochun Seongsaenim.


Junsu startled upon meeting Yoochun’s eyes.


“Ahh Kim Jaejoong-shi…Kim Junsu-shi…please take a seat…we’re just getting started…” Principal Shin Dong Hee titled his head like he’s looking for someone.


“Where’s Shim Changmin-shi? I thought he’s with you too?”


“Err…He’ll join us soon…” Jaejoong stole a glance at Yunho’s place before he sit down. Yunho’s already seated. His eyes fixed on the arranged books on the table; probably discovered the ‘new items’.


Jaejoong smirked.


Not long after both of them settled down on their chairs; Changmin jogged back into the class.


“As you’re already knows; this handsome gentleman here is Park Yoochun seongsaenim. He’ll be replacing your English teacher; Jason-shi who’s on medical leave…”


“Seriously?!” They asked in excitement.


“Since we’re unsure when Jason-shi will be back from his medical leave; the President suggested to just replace him with Park Yoochun Seongsaenim, teaching English for this class…"


Everyone’s face beamed in happiness upon hearing the news. Everyone except Junsu.


“Errm Park Seongsaenim, Principal Shin…” Jaejoong raised his hand to alert them.


“Yes…Kim Jaejoong-shi…”


“I heard Park Yoochun seongsaenim came from America...”


“Yes, indeed…Kim Jaejoong-shi…” Yoochun affirmed.


“Our new friend, Jung Yunho-shi also came from America…” Yunho flinched when his name is mentioned. He knew Jaejoong’s up to something and he doesn’t have a good feeling at that time.


“He even brought lots of English books with him…Though I don’t quite understand what the book is about…but I did see few books on his table just now…”


“Really…? Then I hope you wouldn’t mind if I take a look at the books for a while, Jung Yunho-shi…who knows we might share the same interest…” Yoochun was so interested to know; walking straight to Yunho.


“N-no! Don’t bother to come down, Seongsaenim…” Yunho flustered and stopped Yoochun right away.  Yoochun’s steps died. He looked back at the Principal who’s been an observer from the very beginning then back to Yunho.


The cold sweats covered up Yunho’s forehead; searching for a way out. The only books with the English titles and also with the English contents at that time were the magazines which suddenly turned up on his table.


And it’s not that hard to guess who the sender was.


“Can we talk about it later? I can bring it to you personally after this…”


“W-well…sure…of course…there’s no need to rush, right…” Yoochun just smiled then walked back to his place.


Yunho heaved a relief sigh. Jaejoong on the other hand, rolled his eyes and hissed as his plan to humiliate Yunho publicly suddenly flunk.


“I guess I shall leave everything in your care now, Park Soengsaenim…” Principal Shin Dong Hee was asking for a leave.


After the Principal left; the class proceeds as usual. Yoochun didn’t rush to start with the teaching yet and instead he took that opportunity to get closer with his student by making a random conversation.


‘They’re small in numbers but they are the hardest to handle’ was what the Principal kept on reminding him. Not just the Principal; in fact he heard lots of bad rumor about the Special Classroom from other teachers as well.


And that’s why Yoochun glad that everything went smoothly for him. The time flew fast and without they even realized; it’s already lunch hour.


The kitchen workers started to enter the classroom one by one in a line; setting up a long table far at the back and began with the plating up. They served different kind of menus everyday; from the appetizer up to the deserts.  


“Young Masters, you may eat…” They bowed first before they leave. They will come again after the lunch   hour end to collect and to clean up.


The students began gather at the back; leaving only Junsu, Jaejoong, Changmin and Yunho at the seats. Changmin and Junsu were ready to leave; carrying their lunch boxes together only to realize that Jaejoong wasn’t even budge for an inch.


“What are you doing? Aren’t you going to join us…?” Changmin questioned him.


“I…” Jaejoong frowned.


It seems like he stuck at the seat; literally.


“I…” Jaejoong made another attempt to release himself from the seat but failed; again. The several lines appeared on his forehead; frowning hard.


Hearing the footsteps approaching from behind, Jaejoong looked over to Yunho.


“That’s because our Queen here cannot stand up…am I right, Ugly?”


“YOU!” The three of them pointed at him.


“H-How did you…?” They eyed Yunho from up and down; flabbergasted.  


“Like you've said, I came from America…I’ve seen many kind of tricks they pull off there…but if you’re still wondering how; I’ve exchanged our chairs before you came in…just wanna be safe…”


“Surprised? It’s a payback for what you did to my pant the other day…” Yunho’s evil laugh emitted.


“Damn!” Jaejoong cursed under his breath. His ’s completely glued to the chair.


“So what are you going to do, Ugly…? Wanna strip off? You love doing that, don’t you…?” Yunho snickered.


“Junsu-ah…Go buy me a new pant! Hurry up! Changmin, go and distract them at the back!” Jaejoong delegated the task. Junsu and Changmin however were a bit reluctant to leave Jaejoong alone with Yunho.


“What are you guys doing? They’re going to come back here in any time…Are you sure you wanna stay here?? I don’t mind…” Yunho crossed his arm feeling composed.     


“Just go!!!” Jaejoong urged.


Yunho waited until Junsu and Changmin completely gone just to have a private conversation with Jaejoong. He pulled Jaejoong’s chair away from the table then stood before Jaejoong; face to face.


Clasping both of Jaejoong’s hands to the chair arms; Yunho bent down closer and closer to Jaejoong.


“YAH!!! What are you doing?!!!” Jaejoong wriggled from his chair to escape but it’s useless.


“What…?! You gave me those magazines hoping that I can practice it with you, right?!” Yunho leaned his face closer to Jaejoong but Jaejoong turned to other direction; avoiding him.


And Jaejoong regretted the next second when Yunho grazed his lips to his jaw line and kissed his neck. Jaejoong’s body shivered. Yunho noticed that but he has no intention to stop; not just yet.  


“Y-Yunho-ah…please don’t…” Jaejoong struggled to push Yunho with his free hand but his energy’s depleting with every failed attempts.


“Don’t what? Oh admit it, you’re enjoying this, ugly…”  


Yunho took advantage of his position; fumbling with the buttons of Jaejoong’s uniform.




“Are you sure? You want me to do everything with my mouth only?” Yunho smirked.




“Oh Jaejoongie…you talk too much…”




Jaejoong gasped softly as Yunho took his mouth, molding it with his, teasing it with his tongue. He then gentled the kiss; letting himself enjoy the soft yielding pressure of Jaejoong’s mouth.


Jaejoong knew that Yunho’s just playing with him. And that’s why Jaejoong blamed himself when his brain’s slowly clouded by the sensation he received. Jaejoong moaned. He gave in to the almost overwhelming temptation; opened up his mouth and allow Yunho took control over him.


Jaejoong tangled his fingers in Yunho’s hair as Yunho deepened the kiss; and the heat of his passion dissolved any lingering doubts. For once Jaejoong thought; just for once he wanted to let himself enjoy it instead of fighting it. He believed he wasn’t the only one who feels like that and he was right. Yunho groaned low in his throat before they parted.


Both of them were breathing hard as they gazed in wonderment at each other. Yunho caressed Jaejoong’s cheek and slowly capturing Jaejoong’s mouth once more; arousing his passion.


And his conscience.


Jaejoong wrapped his hands around Yunho’s neck then peeled the blazer over Yunho’s broad shoulders. He didn’t just stop at that when Jaejoong reached his hand down to his own pant. With their lips still connected with each other; Jaejoong pulled down the zip of his pant. The sound of the zip alerted Yunho.


“Yah Ugly, you-” Yunho’s trying to comprehend the real situation when Jaejoong pushed Yunho’s body down abruptly with his final strength and threw Yunho’s blazer on Yunho’s face.


“What the-”


“Try take that blazer off your face and I’ll kill you for real, Jung Yunho!!!” Jaejoong threatened.


He got up from his chair; pulling his legs out of the pant and wrapped his own blazer around his waist. Yunho’s breathing was hard and heavy so he couldn’t reply right away. 


“Here, the pant!” Junsu ran to Jaejoong holding onto a new pant in his hand, right in time. Without delaying a second, Jaejoong grabbed it and put it on immediately.


Finally regained his consciousness, Yunho pulled the blazer off his face. His upper lip tipped and slowly curved into a smirk.


“Good job, ugly!” Yunho clapped his hands, complimented. He couldn't admit that the kiss really blown him away.


“But… don’t you think you’re going a bit overboard…? What’s the point of hiding? I’ve seen everything before right…?”


“SHUT UP!!!”


“What happened?!” Changmin appeared with a glass of juice in his hand. There was a trace of rice stuck around his lips and his mouth smelled like sushi.


“I know how to kiss, thank you!!!” Jaejoong scowled.  


“Kiss?” Junsu gasped.


“Kiss? What kiss?!!!” Changmin was so eager to know.


“Of course…I don’t doubt that…you have so many ‘tools’ to practice with…” Yunho snorted; mentioning about different people Jaejoong ever dated.


Jaejoong’s anger boiled up. He snatched the glass from Changmin’s hand and splashed right at Yunho’s face.


“That’s for pouring me wet the other day!!!”


Jaejoong walked away grumpily, leaving Yunho dumbfounded. The juice dripped down his cheek and Yunho rubbed it off. He chuckled.


“Thanks…I really need the cold water anyway…” Yunho murmured.


He his lips; recalling the taste of kissing Jaejoong just now. So sweet, so addictive. He shook his head and knocked his head with his knuckles lightly.


“Aaah…I really need the cold water…” He chuckled again.



*In the Bathroom


Yunho splashed the water on his face twice; letting it rolled down wetting his face and fell back into the sink. He then stared at his own whish was reflected on the mirror.


Just then, his phone rang. Fishing out the phone from the pocket; he ran his finger sliding through the answer button and put it against his ear.


“Hello lovely~! Miss me already?” Yunho smiled hearing the sweet voice from the other line.


“Yeah right…I miss you like crazy…in fact I’m standing at your front door right now…”


“Seriously? Why don’t you tell me that you’re coming? I can go and pick you up…” Yunho’s question was replied with a soft chuckle from her.


“I just want to surprise you…but what should I do now? You’re still at school~…”


“Just wait there…I’ll come home right away!”


“Really? Can you…?”


“Nah it’s okay…something happened, I’ll just explain to the Principal and leave early…”


“If you said so, okay then…I’ll be waiting…I love you~”


“I love you too…” Yunho replied before he ended the call. Checking his appearance in the mirror for the last time; he walked out of the bathroom soon afterwards.


The sound of Yunho’s footsteps is getting farther away by a minute. Not long after that; Junsu walked in.


“Jaejoong-ah? Are you done yet? You better hurry up…Changmin’s digging your lunchbox…” Junsu knocked on one closed door.


Jaejoong then came out from the toilet – looking a bit speechless. He accidentally overheard Yunho’s conversation on the phone.



A/N: Another update for you guys, my dear readers. I'm really sorry if it's such a bad update. *cover my face & run away*.


The truth about Yunho and Jaejoong's real relationship will be revealed on the next chapter...please bear with me, okay~ Please support me by subscribing~ The comments are most welcomed. Your comments will be replied on the comment section. Thanks you *bow*


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Chapter 1: Wow, I still reread this in 2020.
Chapter 34: Its 2018 and i'm reading this for a thousand times already =D
your storyline is awesome, i seriously hope you will continue it one day!
dee_9576 #3
Chapter 34: Hey author-nim! I was sooo excited then I found this fic and saw you username haha! I read another fic of yours from winglin and I really loved that fic! I really love this fic too! How strong the love is between Yunjae just amazes me. I really like the way you potray Jae -how he tried to live his life, he tried to be tough yet so vulnerable inside. And Yunho! Annoying playboy -I just got pissed off when I read the part that Yunho flirted around with other girls when he said he would be there for Jaejoong. The roles and characters you gave suit them well! I love that you make them chaebols haha. I started reading this fic yesterday and I couldn't just stop reading it until I reached the very last chapter that you posted. Haha I guess I just love everything about this fic -the plot, the way you describe the situation and their feelings, everything!
I hope you could consider updating this fic.. I just read it but it's already one of my favorites! Hwaiting author-nim! :)
Chapter 34: Hey dear author, when are you gonna update? Please don't abandon this story. It's amazing.. <3
I never thought that this story is gonna be good because when I first saw the title I thought its about fighting kind of thing so I always pass this story but! Dude this story is ReallyAmazing! I think this is One of yunjae Amazing stories that I read so far!. Thanks author-nim for making this wonderful stories !
Chapter 34: I really ship changmin and karam! Hope you will update it soon :)
Elrhumy #7
Chapter 34: Passing this fic n CANT RESIST to reread again hehe.. i just love yunjae in here :D I really hope Yunho can beat whatever his father planning..
hymeki #8
Chapter 34: Aigooo,, OMG,, I'm speechless.. thumbs up for u
Elrhumy #9
Chapter 34: I loooove this story!! the funny thing was I dont have good impression at first maybe cause jeje's badass-ness.. Well but I sub yesterday and found this fic hook me up after the chap two.. I really need more patient.. "_"
But really love character here their improvement potrayed very nicely and the story was unpredictable but not frustating.. I hope found your story sooner.. thanks for writing and hopefuly you update anytime soon.. AKTF <3<3<3<3<3
zandria #10
Im hoping to see this story updated..hope to hear from you soon..