"The Vacation & the Birthday Invitation"

"Playboy v. Playboy"


Part 24: The Vacation & the Birthday Invitation



“Hurry up! Hurry up!!!”


“Hurry up!!!”


Bo Mi and Ga Eul were running circling Changmin while screaming to him.


“Okay, I got it the first time…I’m not deaf…let me tie my shoelace first…” Changmin crouched down; focusing on his shoes and seeing the opportunity right before her eyes, Bo Mi ran and jumped on Changmin’s back.


“Urghh!” Changmin groaned with the sudden increasing weight on his back.


“PIGGYBACK!!!!” Bo Mi screamed again. She tied her hands around Changmin’s neck and kicking playfully on Changmin’s back with her knees.


“YAAHHH!!!!” He yelled but Bo Mi responded to it with laughter.


“Ahh…oppa~ I want too~!!!” Ga Eul started to whine, stomping her feet on the ground. Changmin sighed deeply. He then lifted up Ga Eul and carried her inside his arm while piggyback Bo Mi at the same time.


“Let me guess…just go divorced right?” Junsu teased and snickered at him.


“Not funny…” He pushed Junsu out of his way and headed straight toward the car where the chauffer was already waiting for them with an open door. While Changmin’s struggling to put down the twins, Junsu boarded the car before them.


“This is the reason why I don’t date!” Changmin grumbled, hopped on the seat after the twins. Bo Mi clucked her tongue while exchanging a meaningful gaze with Ga Eul.


“Oh please…don’t blame us when there’s no one interested in you…” She countered.


“Yeah…is it that hard to admit that you’re unwanted…?” Ga Eul chimed in while shaking her head. Changmin’s teeth grinded, his blood’s boiling.


“Aish these kids…do you want to die that bad?” He pulled both of his sisters’ ears.


“Do you hear that, Ga Eul-ah? He really want us to die that bad…”


“Yes...I heard that unnie…what kind of oppa is he, wishing for something like that…”


“Let me tell you, what kind of oppa is he, Gae Eul-ah…a jerk!”




Junsu bit back a laugh, enjoying his moment watching them bickering, teased and being teased. The scene before him kinda reminded him to Yunho and Jaejoong. They maybe sweet at times but most of the time they’re nothing different than the twins and Changmin, perhaps even rougher.


“Ahhh….I miss Jaejoongie already…” Staring onto the space, Junsu spoke up. And that succeed to divert their attention from each other to him.


“They’re probably at the airport by now, getting ready to leave…” Changmin said as he’s glancing at his watch.




Both of his hands were gripping deadly on the steering wheel. They’re way off their schedules. If this continues, everything he’s planned for the trip would go down on the drain for nothing. Yunho stepped on the accelerator, speeding up as they’re racing against time.


“OMO! OMO!  We’re going to miss the flight. We’re going to miss our freaking flight!”


“JUST SHUT UP! I’m trying to concentrate on the road right now while trying to get us there in time SAFELY!”


“Huh! In time you said?!!! Like we’re going to make it anyway…” Jaejoong crossed his arms to his chest, underestimating Yunho.


“And who’s fault that caused us to be late, you tell me?! If it’s not because of you, Mr. Sleeping Beauty…” Yunho stressed his voice at the end of the sentence.


Jaejoong rolled his eyes, wouldn’t want to surrender that easily. Throwing his gaze far out of the window, his lips puckered up slightly.


“It’s not like I planned to oversleep…mummy don’t even wake me up…”


“That’s right! Your mummy!!! How old are you exactly? SLEEPING WITH YOUR MOTHER?!!!”


“WHAT’S WRONG WITH THAT?! After all the things that I’ve to go through, I think I deserve some comfort from my own mother!” The tone of Jaejoong’s voice matched Yunho’s. His eyes flared and he’s far from finished.


“…besides…you know I’m not used to separate from my parents!”






Yunho’s mouth gapped, staring at him in disbelief. At last Yunho sighed in resignation.


“It’s useless talking to you…”


“Then don’t talk…” Right after he said that, Jaejoong saw the sign board to the airport as they passed by.


“Where are we going? This is not the way to the airport!” Jaejoong slapped Yunho’s arm, pointing to the right direction.


“Oh crap!” Yunho cursed under his breath, finally realized that they’re heading to the wrong way. They’re getting farther away from where they’re supposed to be. Now they’ll be late for real.


Jaejoong sighed deeply and leaned back against the seat. Yunho slowly loosened up the grip on his steering wheel. There was a pregnant silence in between when neither of them speaks a word for a moment. Yunho was trying to find a way to turn around but the heavy traffic forced him to take a detour.


“We can just buy new tickets when we arrive later on…” Jaejoong finally said something. Yunho nodded.


“I’ll just make a phone call informing the hotel manager that we’ll be late…” Yunho said in return and Jaejoong nodded.


Even though they didn’t say it out loud, both of them were sharing almost the same thought inside their heads. They felt responsible for it.


Jaejoong glanced at Yunho while considering something. And then his gaze trailed off to his laps.


“I’m sorry…”


Yunho looked at Jaejoong briefly when he heard Jaejoong’s apologizing.


“It’s my fault too…so I’m sorry…”


Yunho extended his open hand to Jaejoong, asking for his hand. Jaejoong’s face softened as he intertwined his hand with Yunho’s.


“Don’t worry…we’ll manage somehow…” Yunho uttered it with an assurance smile.


But it’s not. After 1 hour and 30 minutes on the road, they still couldn’t find the way out. They probably strayed too far from the main road. Way too far, they concluded. As far as they know, they could be anywhere and wherever it is, it definitely not Seoul. It didn’t seem like they’re in Seoul. Aside from Yunho’s car, they hardly even see another car drive through. The road narrower and it’s basically empty. The woods and other similar nature are the only things they can see from both sides – the left and the right.


After 2 hours and a half, it slowly occurred to them that they might be lost.


“Y…you know where we’re heading, right?” Jaejoong began questioning Yunho’s judgment.


“I’m just following the navigator…”


Jaejoong nodded slowly but still doubting it. Based on his observation, they’ve been going around in circle.


“Because we’ve been here 10 minutes ago…” Jaejoong cautiously voiced it out.


“Nah…it’s just because of the surrounding…they look the same…”


Jaejoong nodded again though he wasn’t really convinced with it. It’s true; everything looks the same except for this one particular crooked sign on the other side of the road. It’s the only thing that stood out aside all the fresh green trees and he could never forget such a thing. But he didn’t want to heat up the situation and decided to give Yunho a benefit of doubt.


“Are you sure the navigator’s working out properly?”


Yunho glanced at the navigator and then to Jaejoong. He shrugged.


Jaejoong frowned while staring hardly on the navigator like it’s the first time he ever discover such a thing. After a minute of one-sided staring battle, Jaejoong decided to reset it and reinserted their destination.


Yunho just sneaked a peek with the corner of his eyes.


“Turn around…” Jaejoong commanded while looking at the navigator.


“We need to turn around…”


Knowing that they’re the only one on the road, Yunho steered the steering wholly turning around without bother to look at the rear view mirror. And the next thing occured in a blink of eyes, so fast and so blurry that they couldn’t really tell what it was exactly. A dog? Or maybe a boar that raced across the road. Yunho swerved the car to avoid it causing his car skidded and lurched to the shoulder of the road. Panicked, Yunho tapped onto the brakes urgently but unfortunately, it didn’t stop at just that. His car jolted side to side before it died.


Their hands were shaking and their hearts racing. Both of them breathed hard. Yunho’s gaze flew directly toward Jaejoong on his seat. Jaejoong’s face blanched and seems overwrought that it scared the hell out of Yunho.  He unbuckled his seatbelt in fast speed so that he can move around easily.


“Jaejoongie? Are you okay?!” Yunho’s hands lightly skimmed Jaejoong’s body for a trace of blood that can point him to any injury. When he didn’t find anything, he shifted to Jaejoong’s legs next, checking if there’s any fracture.


“No…I’m fine…” Jaejoong said after a while. Hearing that, Yunho pulled him into a deep hug.


“Oh thank God…I’m sorry…I’m really sorry…”


Jaejoong hooked his chin above Yunho’s shoulder, inhaling deeply and blew it out in one breath – trying to level his heart beat again.


“I’m fine…really…” He repeated, more like convincing himself rather than to Yunho. He’s frightened but relieved when he found out that neither both of them got injured.


“…but your car’s not…” Jaejoong added, watching the smoke came out from the front car.  




“SERIOUSLY?!!!!!” Changmin half shouted.


“We came here to invite the kids for the birthday party and we should PAY  you first before they can go?!!”


That man nodded, didn’t budge as he’s standing with his hand sticking out.


“750,000 won…” He said firmly motioning with his hand, asking to be paid.


“What kind of orphanage this is?! This is the first time I heard such a thing! And 750, 000 won?! Are you kidding me?!”


“What? You said that it’s for the charity…then why can’t you just pay? It’s charity, still…and besides, I believe your stuffs – the phone, the gadgets, your precious items are more expensive than that…”


Changmin’s mouth moved slightly, desperately to say something but he’s running out of point to argue.


“Oh come on Changmin-ah…just pay him…it’s not that much…and it’s for charity…” Junsu decided to meddle.


“I’m just being cautious…who knows it might be a trick he’s pulling off? We visited two orphanages before we reached here…they’re not asking anything payment like he did…!”


“Really? Then triple the amount…I’ll go and hand the money to them myself…there must be a slight misunderstanding…” He responded with a slumber tone.


“TRIPLE WHAT?!!!!” Changmin raised a level of his voice notch.


Just then he heard the tearing sound and darted his eyes to the culprit. The twins just tore three pieces of check in the name of the said three orphanages.


“This would do, right?” and handed it to him with a wide smile on their faces.




The check was snatched out from Bo Mi’s hand even before Changmin could lay his hand on it.


“Consider it as done…!” He kissed the checks and waved them in front of Changmin’s eyes.


“Appa gave it to us…in case we need it…” Ga Eul answered nonchalantly. Bo Mi nodded, affirming it. The check book was completely signed and all they need to do is just insert the name of the receiver as well as the amount. Changmin’s eyes were on the verge of popping out.


“That old man must be out of his mind…” Changmin muttered under his breath.


Right at that moment, another person came out from the office to greet them.


“Karam-ah…what are you doing over there with our guests?” All of their eyes were now on him.


“Omo…gotta run…thanks and bye bye~!”


“YAAHHH!!!!!!” Changmin snarled.


“Manners Shim Changmin…manners…” Junsu slung his arm around Changmin’s shoulders as he reminded him.


“Remember where we at…we have children filled up this place and bear in mind, they’re not like Bo Mi and Ga Eulie…”


“But he wasn’t even a kid!” Changmin retorted.


“Still…you don’t want them to acknowledge you as a cheapskate, do you?”


What Junsu said had a point. Changmin forced himself to take a deep breath; one that he never thought required him more than just a simple rational mind. His patience was tested and his pride was challenged. He sighed in defeated.


When Changmin didn’t say anything after that, Junsu patted his shoulder while smiling encouragingly.


“Annyoenghaseyo…I’m Kim Kibum, one of the teachers at this orphanage…and I’m really sorry…I’d take all the blame for whatever Karam-shi has done…please forgive him…” Kibum introduced himself and bowed.


Junsu’s arm slid down from Changmin’s shoulder as they bowed back to him in return. Kim Kibum – the one that they made an appointment with.  


“Nothing big, seongsanim…that oppa just now…Karam-shi or whatever his name is, asked us to pay first only then you guys would agree to come to our birthday party…” Bo Min explained on behalf of them.


“Yes…and that pissed off our oppa here…he was afraid that we’re cheated…” Ga Eul added while holding onto Changmin’s hand.


Kibum’s chin dropped low, didn’t quite expect that. His gaze then shifted to Changmin.


“Omo…I’m really sorry…I’m really sorry…I’d return the money to you after this…I’d make sure of it…” He bowed and apologized again and again to them.


“Ah…an-aniya~ we planned to donate it anyway…hahaha…” Changmin waved his hand, slightly blushing as he said that.


“Excuse me?!” The twins said in unison.


“But just now you said- hmmpph…!”


Bo Mi began but Changmin didn’t let her finish. He cupped both Bo Mi and Ga Eul’s mouths and at the same time flashed his sweet smile to Kibum. Junsu saw that and he also saw the light shade of a blush on Changmin’s face. He smirked-finally figured it out.


“So…shall we get to our main business today…” Changmin acted fast by distracting their attention to something else.


“Oh yes…sure…let’s talk in the office…” Kibum led them to an office.


Junsu wanted to tag along when his phone rang. He took a quick look on the screen and was a bit surprised to see Jaejoong’s name on the screen.




They stopped and looked back at him.


“What’s wrong, Junsu-ah?”


“You guys go first…I’ll join you later on…”


Hearing Junsu said that, Changmin nodded and left him outside alone. Junsu waited until they disappeared into the office to answer the phone call. He ran his finger on the screen and then pressed it against his left ear.






“I thought you’re on the plane?


“There’s something happened…we….stra….somewhere…” Junsu crinkled his brow; hardly catch up what Jaejoong’s trying to say. There’s lots of buzzing and crackling sound and Jaejoong’s attempt to explain his situation sounded more like an incoherent jabber.


“Jae-Jaejoong-ah…I can’t hear you…”




“I can’t really hear you!”






“I can’t really hear you!”


“Wait a second…” Jaejoong then walked back to where he stood just now.


“Can you hear me now?”


“Better than before…” Junsu answered him. Afraid that he will lose the connection, Jaejoong then hurried on to explain their situation.


“Something happened to us…we somehow got lost on our way to the airport…and we kinda involved in an accident just now and the car broke down…”


“Oh my…are you two okay? Have you called for help?”


“Nope…you’re the first one I called…after so many attempts…the point is, we stranded at a place which we don’t even know its name, with no one that we can ask for a help, we don’t even see a single car for the past freaking hours! Can you believe that?! And don’t let me start on the connection…” Jaejoong gritted his teeth at the end of the sentence, couldn’t really express his frustration.


“Do you want me to call your parents?”


“No…please don’t…I don’t want them to worry…we...” Jaejoong glanced at Yunho who’s dealing with the car.


“…we’ll work it out somehow…” Even he wasn’t really convinced with what he just said. But it’s not like they have any choice. Whether they like it or not and whether it’s hard or not, they have to find a way out of that place.


“Okay…but please let me know-” Junsu’s voice broke off and then it went silence.


“Hello?! Junsu-ah? Do you hear me?!” Jaejoong shouted at his phone but he got no response. He threw his gaze on the sky and swallowed a groan knowing that he just lost the connection. Why him? Why did he always end up with the same thing again and again? But luckily he’s not alone this time. He has Yunho and that’s good enough.


Jaejoong fixed his gaze on Yunho’s back. His eyes softened. That’s right, as long as he’s with Yunho, he will be alright. Yunho on the other hand was too busy focusing on the car’s engine tracing the root of the problem to notice that Jaejoong’s watching over him.


Yunho’s white shirt damp with perspiration, molded against his back and it outlined his broad shoulder.  With his body hunched, his one leg slightly bent to the front, his left hand clasped firmly on the hood; Jaejoong had to admit that he really enjoy the view. It kinda brings out the sensuous desire inside of him and with just the two of them, anything could happen. Jaejoong shook himself, couldn’t let his mind go too far envision something he’s bound to lose control.


Gravel crunched beneath his shoes as he walked toward the car and stopped when he reached next to Yunho.


“So…can you do something about it?”


Yunho answered with a sigh. His eyes diverted from the engine to Jaejoong and shook his head.


“The flat tire, I can change it…but this…” He pointed to the engine.


“I can’t determine what its problem…we have no choice but to wait for help…”


“Wait for help?” Jaejoong’s voice echoed. He looked around as if he’s searching for someone.


“What help? We’ve seen no one for the past hours…do you think someone would stop and help us?”


“Do you have a better idea then?”


Jaejoong huffed and folded his arms together.


“There will be someone…they won’t build this road for no reason…so, believe me…there will be someone that we can ask for a help…for how long we have to wait, that I can’t really answer…we might have to stay a night here in the car…”


Jaejoong’s widened his eyes.


“You’re kidding me! How can I survive a night here at this kind of place?! Look at me! My skins itches because of the mosquitoes, I’m hungry and now I have to sleep in the car?!” Jaejoong whined while scratching his legs. His future seems so bleak and he don’t think he could endure any of that.


Yunho studied him from head to toe. Jaejoong’s wearing jeans that just past below his knees, exposing his white fair legs. He can’t really blame the mosquitoes for biting him. It looks so tempting even to him, a human being.


“You need to change your clothes…it’s not very suitable in this kind of condition…your dark color t-shirt…your smell, and the jeans…you’re attracting them…”


“So it was all my fault? I’m really sorry because I dressed up for a vacation…never really thought that we’re going for a camping trip…oh wait, we ARE supposed to go on a vacation!”  


Yunho’s almond orb’s narrowing, his face’s turning grim.


“Do you really want to start on that right now?”


With a grunt of irritation, Jaejoong looked at the other direction.


“Still…changing into a different outfit won’t make any different…” Jaejoong muttered.


“What that’s supposed to mean?”




Yunho blinked blankly at the small suitcase Jaejoong brought along. He thought that it was weird for Jaejoong to carry such a small bag with him when they’re supposed to go on a trip but because they’re rushing to go to the airport, he didn’t have the time to ask him about that. And now the answer to that question is finally revealed. It’s just couple pairs of change, loose shirt, tank top and pants that aren’t even reach his ankle.


“Don’t you have anything that isn’t bare your skins too much?”


“I brought the most important thing – credits cards!” Jaejoong showed his lined up credit cards in his wallet with a toothy smile.


“We’re going on a vacation...why carry lots of stuff when you can just buy new ones over there…?"


“Yeah…thanks for reminding me that you’re a rich brat…” Yunho said dryly. He opened up a box which contains all type of emergency supplies – the foods, bottles of water, the clothes, the blanket and lots of other stuffs that he thought that’s important.


“Wow…you prepared lots of things here…but don’t you think these will add the weight to your car and consume the gas?”


“Nonetheless, it’ll help me during the time like this…” Yunho pulled out the two packs of breads, a water bottle and a cream to prevent the mosquitoes bites.


“Hold this for me…” Yunho slammed those stuffs inside Jaejoong’s arms so that he could close the trunk. Jaejoong backed away, watching Yunho from the side. Brushing his hands off together, Yunho turned back to face Jaejoong who stared at him with a clueless face.


He then clamped his hands on either side of Jaejoong’s waist and swept him off his feet. Jaejoong let his guards down and definitely didn’t see it coming. He let out a small shriek as Yunho’s doing so and later he was placed to sit on the car’s trunk.


“You said you’re hungry just now…eat…” Yunho motioned with his hand and then reached out to grab the cream.


Sitting with his legs sticking out, Jaejoong hastily opened up the plastic wrapper and bit his bread.


“You’re not eating?” Jaejoong asked Yunho with his mouth full.




Yunho poured out the cream onto his palm and began applying the cream all over Jaejoong’s legs. The smile washed away Jaejoong’s face, watching Yunho’s treating him that way. He took another bite of his bread and closed his eyes, feeling the wind blew cool over every inch of him. He could smell the grass mixed with the balmy smell of the cream Yunho’s applying.  The touch of Yunho’s hands that moved so gently against his skin-he really loves such feeling.


“Mmmm…I feel like I’m a prince…” Jaejoong murmured. Yunho glanced up at him and chuckled.


“More like a princess to me…A mulish princess…”


Jaejoong pouted but he’s willing to let it slide since it’s not sound that bad to hear.


“Then I guess this princess needs to treat you better…since you’re the only prince that willing to stand by me and put up with my childish spoiled attitude…” He took a pinch of the bread and shoved it close to Yunho’s mouth which Yunho accepted it gladly.


“There…this would do…” Yunho announced, closing back the tap of the cream.




Yunho went ‘hurrmm’ to Jaejoong’s call.


“You won’t leave me, right?”


Yunho darted his gaze at Jaejoong, eyeing him. That was one serious question and Jaejoong even had a serious expression on his face as he asked. And that kind of question shouldn’t be answered lightly, he noted.


“I’ll serve you for as long as you want me to, my princess…”


Jaejoong’s lips tipped up a smile. A very pleasant one.


“Your whole life then…”


“If that’s what you want… where should I sign? The contract?”


The lifetime contract could only mean one thing and a blush immediately crept up to Jaejoong’s cheek when he thinks about it. Don’t want to get caught up by that tricky question, Jaejoong shoved the leftover bread inside Yunho’s mouth and jumped off from the car.


“Arrghh…how should I sleep tonight?” Jaejoong threw his hands to the air and stretched his numb limbs.




Jaejoong struggled to sleep on the back seat. Like he presumed, the space is too small for him to fit. He tossed his body around, finding the right position to sleep without feeling uncomfortable. Jaejoong held his breath and then sighed inwardly. It’s not even 20 minutes passed, but his entire body ached like he’s been sleeping in that cramped position for a whole day.


His eyes stared at the small gap in between the window. Since they cannot start the car, they had to leave the window opened for the air to seep in. But that small gap somehow reminded Jaejoong to the creepy scene he watched in the thriller movie and his body shuddered because of it.


Giving up, Jaejoong pushed the blanket and pulled his body into a sitting position. Unlike him, Yunho chose to sleep on the passenger seat and even without the blanket on; he doesn’t looks like he has trouble sleeping like him. And that makes Jaejoong envied him.


“Yunho-ah…you’re asleep?”


“Not really…but trying to…” Yunho opened his eyes and looked back to him.




“I can’t sleep…” He noticed the grimace expression Jaejoong had on his face. He should have known it.


“Do you want to sleep here with me?”


Jaejoong blinked his eyes rapidly, considering it. He doesn’t want to sleep alone at the back- if he can sleep.


“I don’t want to sleep alone here at the back…but I don’t think that seat can fit two people…”


“We can work it out…come here…bring the blanket with you…” Yunho adjusted his position, trying to make a space for Jaejoong to move to the front. Staying with his body slouched; Jaejoong watched as Yunho pushed the seat backward and lowered it down as much as it can.


“I think that will do it…come here…” Yunho opened up his legs wider and reached out for Jaejoong’s hand, led the latter to sleep on top of his body.


Jaejoong rested his head on Yunho’s chest slowly and Yunho’s steady heart beat greeted him right at the next second. The sound of it was enough to sooth Jaejoong’s heart. Yunho wrapped Jaejoong’s waist protectively in one hand and used his other to cover their bodies with the blanket.


“Better now?” Yunho asked, looking down at the smaller one inside his embrace. Jaejoong nodded with an assurance smile.


“It’s warm…I really like it…I think I will drift to sleep in just mere seconds…”


“But your hands are cold…” Yunho wrapped their hands together to transfer the warmth.


“Nah…it’s fine…it’ll be fine…”


Yunho however didn’t listen to what Jaejoong said and put his hand inside his shirt instead. Jaejoong startled with Yunho’s bold action, a fiery blush on his face when he felt his hand brushed over Yunho’s bare chest.


“Stay like this…it’ll warm you…” Yunho said, placing his hand above Jaejoong’s hand-still inside his own shirt. Jaejoong hid his blushing face and nodded slowly. After fully convinced that Jaejoong’s comfortable sleeping inside his embrace, Yunho closed his eyes getting ready to sleep.




Yunho’s eyes flew open when Jaejoong called him again.


“What is it? Not comfortable?”


Jaejoong shook his head. He lifted his upper body a little bit so that he can look Yunho in his eyes.


“I love you…” There. His heart’s racing, his body trembling but he finally said it-loud and clear. Seeing Yunho’s puzzled face, Jaejoong chuckled.


“What did you say? Say it again…”


Jaejoong’s smile widened. He sneaked his hand underneath Yunho’s neck and then pressed their lips together before he whispered to him.


“Jung Yunho…I love you…”



A/N: Thanks for participating in the poll, really grateful for your kindness. Here’s another update~ Enjoy~ please support me by subscribing and comments are most welcomed^^ thanks.

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Chapter 1: Wow, I still reread this in 2020.
Chapter 34: Its 2018 and i'm reading this for a thousand times already =D
your storyline is awesome, i seriously hope you will continue it one day!
dee_9576 #3
Chapter 34: Hey author-nim! I was sooo excited then I found this fic and saw you username haha! I read another fic of yours from winglin and I really loved that fic! I really love this fic too! How strong the love is between Yunjae just amazes me. I really like the way you potray Jae -how he tried to live his life, he tried to be tough yet so vulnerable inside. And Yunho! Annoying playboy -I just got pissed off when I read the part that Yunho flirted around with other girls when he said he would be there for Jaejoong. The roles and characters you gave suit them well! I love that you make them chaebols haha. I started reading this fic yesterday and I couldn't just stop reading it until I reached the very last chapter that you posted. Haha I guess I just love everything about this fic -the plot, the way you describe the situation and their feelings, everything!
I hope you could consider updating this fic.. I just read it but it's already one of my favorites! Hwaiting author-nim! :)
Chapter 34: Hey dear author, when are you gonna update? Please don't abandon this story. It's amazing.. <3
I never thought that this story is gonna be good because when I first saw the title I thought its about fighting kind of thing so I always pass this story but! Dude this story is ReallyAmazing! I think this is One of yunjae Amazing stories that I read so far!. Thanks author-nim for making this wonderful stories !
Chapter 34: I really ship changmin and karam! Hope you will update it soon :)
Elrhumy #7
Chapter 34: Passing this fic n CANT RESIST to reread again hehe.. i just love yunjae in here :D I really hope Yunho can beat whatever his father planning..
hymeki #8
Chapter 34: Aigooo,, OMG,, I'm speechless.. thumbs up for u
Elrhumy #9
Chapter 34: I loooove this story!! the funny thing was I dont have good impression at first maybe cause jeje's badass-ness.. Well but I sub yesterday and found this fic hook me up after the chap two.. I really need more patient.. "_"
But really love character here their improvement potrayed very nicely and the story was unpredictable but not frustating.. I hope found your story sooner.. thanks for writing and hopefuly you update anytime soon.. AKTF <3<3<3<3<3
zandria #10
Im hoping to see this story updated..hope to hear from you soon..