
"Playboy v. Playboy"


Part 21: JAElousy?



After the incident with Ren, everything went back to normal. Their relationship’s getting stronger than before and now they’re more open to talk to each other about their personal matter; so that no one else can use their weaknesses against them anymore. Junsu has to learn to live without Yoochun by his side but it doesn’t mean that their love just die the moment Yoochun leave.


They once again becomes the public attention, where everyone will look up to, adore like crazy, dreaming to be and anything that you possibly can imagine. Everything went back to normal just like it never happened.


Yes, everything went back to normal…including Yunho’s behavior. His nature as a well known playboy strike again and it ticked Jaejoong’s nerve like a time bomb.




The lunch hour will end and they’re on their way back to the class but Yunho wasn’t there with them.


“And where’s Yunho again?”


“Probably flirting with a girl somewhere…” Jaejoong answered nonchalantly.


“And you’re okay with it?”


“Okay? Huh…I’m just restraining myself from killing those girls,, don’t want to get my hand dirty…but I won’t promise that I’m not going to hurt them…so they better hope that I don’t see them with Yunho, if not-”


Jaejoong couldn’t finish his sentence when someone came to block their way. Jaejoong, Junsu and Changmin exchanged looks with each other as they’re wondering why. It’s a girl but unfortunately they couldn’t have a better look at her face because she’s standing there while lowering her head.


“K-Kim Jaejoong-shi…” She stuttered; her fingers picking on the present she’s been holding on.


“Here, for you” Jaejoong was taken aback when she suddenly shoved the present to his chest. They finally shared an eye contact.




“Today is my birthday…” She said; onto her bottom lip nervously.


“Happy birthday!” The three of them wished her almost at the same time.


“Then…shouldn’t I be the one giving you a present?”


“Ah…no no…you don’t have to…” She waved her hand frantically to Jaejoong. Her eyes shifted back to the floor.


“I…I…just need one thing from you…”


Jaejoong’s forehead knotted into several lines, waited. It took her sometimes to deliver what’s inside her mind and their patience’s getting thinner by the minute passed, but wanting to give her a chance, they waited.


“I just wanna hug you, if you don’t mind…as my birthday present…” Fidgeting on the same spot; she finally said it.


The way she’s asking led Jaejoong to think that it must be a bigger deal and he couldn’t think of anything aside from her asking him to be her boyfriend. And for that, he already has a ‘no’ as an answer.


He might have an issue to say ‘I love you’ to Yunho but that’s just it. It’s not like he has a change of heart. His heart never wavered and he’s proud to say that he’s a loyal person despite of his status as a playboy. And now that he knew Yunho love him too, he don’t think that he could go back to his former life – messing around dating different people just for a fun.


And that’s why when Jaejoong heard that she only asked for a hug, he had this urge to laugh. But he didn’t, afraid that it might offend her feeling. She asked him earnestly like her life was depending on it!


“Well…I don’t really mind it…sure…” He glanced at Junsu and Changmin first before awkwardly opened up his arms.


As if on cue, she threw herself right into Jaejoong’s embrace causing the latter to jump a step backward as an impact. Chuckling along with the two witnesses, Jaejoong patted her back twice.


“Are you really sure this is enough?” He asked her again. She nodded, didn’t really say anything and tightened the hug.


“5 minutes…let me hug you just for 5 minutes…I wanna to memorize everything about you, as much as I can – the length of your shoulders, your smell, your warmth, the way it feels like having you to hug me back…everything…and lock it inside my mind…” She uttered with the vibe of excitement flow through her voice. Her voice slightly muffled because of the hug, yet it was so clear and well received to their ears.


 And just like she said, she pulled herself 5 minutes later.


“Thanks…this is officially the best birthday present ever…” She exclaimed with a bright smile on her face.


There’s nothing special about this girl through their eyes. Really, there’s nothing. She’s just a plain ordinary girl and needless to say she isn’t in the list of the pretty girl.


When other girls kept themselves busy following the trend dying their hairs, wearing contact lenses, altering their uniform – cutting the skirt a little bit shorter than it was supposed to; this girl came to him just being herself. But they’re charmed and perhaps by her determination?


“I still think a hug is not enough…it can’t even be considered as a gift…” Jaejoong said with a serious face; thinking that it’d be proper if he could give her something material – something that she could keep it with her.


“It is for me…” She seems couldn’t shake off the smile of her face and bowed to them 90 degrees; turning around ready to leave.


“Wait…what’s your name?”


“Shin Ji…Choi Shin Ji imnida…” and then she walked away.




Jaejoong and Junsu threw Changmin a look upon his sudden change of reaction. They continued heading back to their class.


“What? What’s wrong?” Jaejoong was interested to know what’s inside Changmin’s mind at that time.


“Another Choi?”


“It’s a common thing in Korea, Changmin-ah…don’t treat it like it’s a bigger deal…” Junsu brushed it off and it got Changmin rolling his eyes.


“Of course I know about that…it’s just that our Jaejoongie here never got really lucky with the past 2 ‘Choi’...one Choi’s gone, another one came…he’s gone, a different Choi turned up…coincidence much?”


Jaejoong’s steps died. Not because of what Changmin told him but because he just spotted Yunho with a girl talking intimately at a corner. It’s a different girl this time. The girl’s leaning against the wall facing Yunho. Yunho had one hand braced on the wall next to her face and another one inside his pocket. They stood so close with each other.


“You have pretty lips…what are you wearing?” Yunho brought his finger close to her lips.


“It’s just lips tint…”


“Why wearing make-up when you’re pretty without it? It’s ruining your beauty…”


“Not all people with the surname of Choi are bad, Changmin-ah…you’ve seen her, she’s pretty decent and I can’t imagine her doing something bad…” Junsu replied.


“But it’s not wrong for us to stay alert, right? And please…and please don’t get yourself fooled by that kind of appearance…” Changmin reminded him and then gazed at Jaejoong; only to realize that Jaejoong wasn’t even paying his attention to him.


“Yah Kim Jaejoong~! Are you really listening to what I’m saying?”


“Yea yeah…I’m listening…” Jaejoong answered with his eyes fully fixed on Yunho.


Changmin titled his head and saw Yunho nearby. He sighed in defeated.


“I’ll just head back to the class myself…”


Jaejoong replied him with a simple hum. Changmin shook his head and left Junsu with him.


“He’s definitely a word class playboy…” Junsu commented after making some evaluations. Jaejoong turned around awarded him a glare. Junsu’s grin widened; obviously teasing. He tapped Jaejoong’s shoulder and walked away.


“Aniya…I’m not pretty…I’m not perfect like Kim Jaejoong-shi…”


“Oh believe me…he’s not that perfect as you think he is…”


A muscle knotted in Jaejoong’s jaws when he overheard it but decided to continue listening to their conversation.


“I heard you’re dating him?”


“Nah…we’re just fooling around…we’re over it now…”


And that’s just it. Jaejoong couldn’t stand aside any longer. He then marched straight toward them and since the girl’s facing him, she saw Jaejoong first before Yunho and frantically backed away from Yunho.


“Oh really? But you said to me last night, you can’t sleep without me…” He butted in; slapping Yunho’s hand off the girl and shot her a death glare.


“I-I think…I should go now…”


“Hmmm…that’d be a good idea…” Jaejoong waved his hand to her and his face brightened up. Yunho grunted before turning around facing him.


“What the hell are you doing?” Yunho questioned Jaejoong action.


“No…it should be me asking you that question. What the hell are you doing?”


“What am I doing? I’m just being friendly!”


“Really? Because it looks like flirting to me…”


“…you know…the hands…the candy coated kind of talk…and not to mention the close distance…I bet you would accidentally kiss her if someone happen to bump you from the back…” Jaejoong let the sarcasm dripped out of his mouth.


Yunho looked up to the air, his Adam apple bobbed as he’s swallowing a groan.


“Do you have to do that every time?”


“Well, yes if you keep on doing that…”  


“It’s not like I’m sleeping with her! We’re just talking…” Yunho countered, defending himself.


“Is that what you call as talking? Then why I don’t see you’re ‘talking’ like that with Junsu? Or Changmin?”


Yunho took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.


“Okay fine…you win…happy now?”


“No…I’m not happy…I’m certainly not done yet…and please don’t act like I’m over controlling you…I can’t get too close to any other people but you can?!” Jaejoong huffed in frustration.


“Okay…let’s just drop it, okay…” Yunho grasped Jaejoong’s shoulder but he was just slapped away hard. Jaejoong took a step back from him, feeling disbelieved.


“…you said that you’d always stay by my side…you said that you’d never leave me no matter what…” Turning around, Jaejoong threw his hands to the air continued complaining and stating all the things Yunho did that upset him.


Jaejoong didn’t show a sign that he would stop babbling as they’re walking back to their class. There’re even some parts that Yunho couldn’t tell what he’s actually referring to because the more he listen to it, the more Jaejoong sounds like he’s mumbling than talking.


And because Yunho was smiling while eyeing Jaejoong from the back.


‘Oh my…Jaejoong-ah…if only you know how cute you looks like…how adorable you’re when you’re jealous…aish…my heart…’


It’s a lie if Yunho didn’t notice Jaejoong was jealous but it’s pointless if Jaejoong didn’t see it for himself. So if he has to go around flirting with different girls just to make Jaejoong admit his own feeling, then he would. And for that reason, he won’t stop.




That day, Jaejoong and Junsu met again 2 hours after they finished with the school. They intended to spend their quality times together and it’s also because Jaejoong thought that Junsu needed someone to talk to, someone to accompany him even if he didn’t actually say it out loud. Tired going around the mall emptying their wallets; they finally sat down in a restaurant facing each other.


They waited until the waiter leave to properly have a conversation.


“So, how are you doing?” Jaejoong began.


“Still holding on…”


“Everything’s fine at home? What about your parents? Are they able to accept it now?”


Junsu took his time in answering that question. He leaned forward, resting his forearms on his knees.


“I don’t know how to answer that question…we…we’re not actually talking, you know…but then again, it’s something that I’m used to…it’s nothing different than before…I’ll just pretend that they’re not at home…” 


Jaejoong looked down to his laps; couldn’t really ditch the feeling of guilt.


“I’m sorry, Junsu-ah…it’s all-”


Junsu held up his one hand, stopping Jaejoong from finish his sentence. He shook his head and smiled in assurance.


“We both know, it’s not your fault…and Yoochun was right…we should thank you instead...now we have nothing to hide anymore…Yoochun and I; we’re free to express our feeling…it’s so comforting…”


Their conversation was halted in the middle when the waiter came to deliver their orders. They looked at the waiter, thanking him and leisurely stir up the drinks before took a sip.


“Stop talking about me…what about you and Yunho? Are you sure you’re fine just being friends?”


Jaejoong didn’t answer. And Junsu pretty much could figure it out just based on Jaejoong’s expression. A sigh filled up the momentarily silence.


“If you really love him, why don’t you just tell him? All you have to do is just say the ‘magic word’ and he’ll come back to you…”


Really? Is that all what it takes? Is that also will guarantee that Yunho would never leave him again, ever?  What if Yunho still leave him after that? What should he do? Yes, he was scared. He was scared to be hurt again. He was scared to go through the same pain again.


“Junsu-ah…there’s something that I never tell anyone…not even Yunho…” Jaejoong paused. He was about to disclose a secret that he wished to undone. Junsu arched his brownish brow.


“After Yunho left me…I tried to kill myself…”


Junsu’s mouth dropped open. He thought he had heard worst before and he thought anything that will come out from Jaejoong, could never surprise him anymore. He could never imagine that he would hear something like that from Jaejoong. Who would have thought Jaejoong have that kind of past life. Seriously, he’s not fit to be in that picture!


“I suffered major depression…with Yunho leaving me…it kinda triggered it…”


“I-I’m sorry Jaejoong-ah…I…”


“I’m scared of myself, Junsu-ah…I’m scared of what I’m capable of…” Jaejoong’s hand clenched even tighter on his jeans.


“Don’t you wanna tell Yunho about it?”


Jaejoong immediately shook his head, disagreeing with it. Yunho was the last person he wanted to tell.


“I don’t want to burden him with it…it’s better if he doesn’t know about it rather than forcing himself to stick with me throughout his life…”


“He wants to spend his lifetime with you, Jaejoong-ah…can’t you see?”


“Even so, I still don’t want him to find out about this…” Jaejoong’s being stubborn. He eagerly shook his head and there’s no way he would open up to any negotiation.


“I-” He let his gaze roamed outside the restaurant and that’s when he unwittingly spotted as to what it seems like a pair of love birds.


“What the hell…” Jaejoong muttered. Junsu’s eyes followed where Jaejoong’s currently looking at and then he saw Yunho with a girl.


“Talking about small world…” Junsu said as his eyes trailed off back to look at Jaejoong.


Jaejoong’s barely touched the chair; started to feel uneasy watching the two of them. While gritting his teeth; he had his hands flexed tightly around the fork and the knife and yes, those two cutleries are the worst combination ever but good if you’re thinking of committing murder. Once in a while Junsu could hear Jaejoong’s swallowing a groan – probably hoping that he could just run and strangle both of them.


Junsu’s lips then quirked into smile.


“Just call him…” He tapped Jaejoong’s hand to grab his attention as he’s suggesting. And Jaejoong quickly made a phone call to Yunho without wasting any second.


“Where are you going?” Jaejoong immediately asked when Junsu suddenly rose up on his feet.


“Creating an excuse for you…”


Jaejoong blinked his eyes rapidly; didn’t really catch up what Junsu really mean.


“Just call him and ask him to accompany you…”


“Will you be fine?”


“Don’t worry about me…” Junsu laid a hand on Jaejoong’s; giving him a quick gentle squeeze. He then gathered all the shopping bags in his hands, ready to leave.


“Thanks Junsu-ah…” He said, waving as Junsu walked out of the restaurant.


“Yobeoseyo?” Yunho’s voice sounded at the right moment.






“Where are you now?” Jaejoong asked Yunho eventhough he already knew it.




“I can’t really say through the phone…can you come and meet me here…?”


Yunho let the silence sneaked in before he answers. It seems like he’s searching for the right way to tell Jaejoong that he’s not alone at that time.


“I’m with someone right now…”


“It’s urgent…” He informed the details of his whereabouts and hang up before Yunho could say anything.


“I’m with someone right now” Jaejoong imitated the way Yunho talked to no one. He puffed his cheek and stretched his legs out underneath the table.


“Of course I know…I saw it with my own eyes!” He muttered grumpily, crossing both of his arms to his chest.


His eyes then landed on the steak he ordered just now. He snatched the fork and jabbed it right into the meat with a force while imagining it was the face of that girl, shoved it into his mouth and slowly munching onto it. It’s a bit chewy now that it’s cold but it still tasted good. Or maybe it was just because he’s hungry.


“What’s wrong?!”


Jaejoong’s body jumped slightly, almost drop a big chunk of steak to the floor when Yunho bolted out. He let out a huge noise as he dropped down on the chair; the same one Junsu sat just now. He’s still breathing hard; evidence that he’s running to get to Jaejoong.


“That fast…” Jaejoong said and casually ate.


“You said it’s urgent…so what’s wrong?” Yunho gazed at Jaejoong wearing a serious expression on his face, then averted his attention to the steak on the plate and then back to Jaejoong. His gut’s telling him that something’s off.


“Junsu had to leave urgently…and I’m alone…” Jaejoong faked a sob which only last for 2 seconds as he’s back on finishing his steak with a slumber face.


“Seriously?!” Yunho half shouted. Jaejoong glanced up to him; thinking for a moment and then nodded.


“You made me dump my date just for this?!” Yunho asked him again; feeling disbelieved.


“What?! Is she’s more important than me?!” Dropping both of the knife and fork back on the plate; Jaejoong scowled at him.


“Here we go again…with the same issue…” Inhaling deeply, Yunho leaned back and shook his head. And it’s always with the same answer and it must be done in the same way; convince Jaejoong that he’s more precious than any jewel in the world. Yunho forced himself to take a deep calming breath.


“Of course you are more important to me than her-”


“Then I don’t find it’s wrong for me wanting you to be with me…” Jaejoong stressed out his point.


“But you should at least let me bid her goodbye properly…send her home first-”


“I’d never agree to it…” Jaejoong said with a firm voice, didn’t even have any intention to tolerate it. And that’s all what it took for him to win over Yunho because Yunho’s running out of words to rebut, more or like he thought that it’s useless to argue so he just lock his mouth.


Yunho stared at the empty plate as Jaejoong just finished the last bite of his steak. Jaejoong his lips, drawing Yunho’s attention to his mouth.




Jaejoong pressed his lips together and shook his head.


“I want another course…” He grinned sheepishly, bringing the long shape dimple with it this time.


 “…and a raspberry sherbet…” His smile widened.


Yunho heaved a deep sigh – certainly not because of tired dealing with Jaejoong’s childish attitude but because of his heart. His heart that he thought it could no longer be saved. Jaejoong’s continuously and intentionally annoying him, running him like a lifeless machine, treating him anyway he like, but still he couldn’t hate him. Worst, he kept on falling for that man.


Just by seeing Jaejoong smile, his heart softened. His face went soft with a smile.


“You do know gluttony is sinful, right?”


“Yes…and I also know falling in love sometimes can be sinful…”


Yunho blinked his eyes, thinking. Jaejoong got a point. Just like his heart - fell in love making him blind, defenseless and lost his ability to judge or to decide. If only Jaejoong could see how weak he is because of him.


His mouth slowly relaxed into a smile. His hand reached out for a napkin and helped to wipe the smudge off Jaejoong’s lips.


“I need to go to the bathroom…I’ll order it for you on my way there…” Yunho said and stood. Jaejoong nodded like an innocent kid. He left his phone on the table and made his way straight to the counter.


Jaejoong sat still on his seat while Yunho’s taking care of everything for him. He sat there, eyeing Yunho who once in a while stealing glances at him. Watching Yunho from far, Jaejoong had to admit that Yunho looks stunningly matured compared to his real age. Just then, Yunho’s smart phone signaled and a glance at the screen told him that it was from a girl, probably the same girl he saw with Yunho just now.


Jaejoong waited until Yunho disappeared into the bathroom and yanked the ringing phone. His finger slid through the screen and then answered.




“I’m sorry…if you’re looking for Yunho; he’s currently not available…”


“Oh really? Okay then, I’ll just call him again later…thanks…”


“You know what…there’s no need for you to do that…really…”


“…because honestly Yunho asked me to tell you that he doesn’t want to see you anymore…” Jaejoong made sure that he doesn’t need to repeat it.


“W-what? But why?”


“Simple…he doesn’t love you and he thought that it’d just a waste of his time…” Jaejoong showed her a light sympathy while biting back a laugh. When he thought that the ‘message’ is perfectly delivered; he ended the call.


Placing back the phone where it was originally placed; Jaejoong blew out a breath – a relief one as he’s mentally pat his own shoulder, complimenting himself for being so genius. And then it hit him. He might as well just blow up all Yunho’s dates when he’s still got the chance and the chance he’s talking about is just right under his nose. He reached out back for Yunho’s phone and began checking all the text messages from the girls.


With a sly smirk playing at the tip of his mouth; his fingers moved in fast speed typing messages with the same content to those unfortunate girls and pressed ‘send’. It’s pretty much telling them that Yunho doesn’t want to have anything to do with them because they’re . The next thing he knew; he received a shocking wave of reply from them and he just deleted those messages without bothering to spend minutes to read.


“What are you doing?” Yunho caught Jaejoong’s holding onto his phone.


“Just erasing some phone numbers…”


Yunho wrinkled his forehead, hoping that Jaejoong didn’t actually doing it literally. He shot his eyes at Jaejoong; demanding a further explanation but when Jaejoong didn’t even spare him a look, it finally registered in his head that he was talking the truth.


“Yah!” Yunho snatched back the phone from Jaejoong’s hand. His eye balls moved wildly as he’s checking it and it grew wider, almost popping out. Most of them were gone.


“Opps!” Jaejoong said with a condescending smile flickered on his face, sneering.


Yunho dropped back to his seat, so those sharp almond eyes were level with Jaejoong’s. He in a breath, blew it out and gave the latter a long tense look as if he’s considering what should he do with him. He awarded him a long stare as if he’s deciding for himself whether he should or should not be angry about it. And his rational mind was telling him that he’s the one that searched for trouble, he’s the one who’s trying to piss off Jaejoong at the first place.


The waiter walked to the table, missing the hint of a long stare both of them were sharing. He cleaned up the table first and replaced it with a new order.


“Here’s your order, sir…” He said, bowed and walked away.


And they’re back alone, no word spoken from each side yet.


“What should I do with you?” Yunho said it aloud, washing off the smile on Jaejoong’s face.


“Love me, be with me, and don’t ever let me go…” Jaejoong paused, took a moment to push the plate of steak to Yunho and drawing the mouth watering sherbet closer to him.


“I’m a person with flaw…flaws…I drive you insane most of the times…and even so, love me…”


“I acts irrationally, I lack sense of responsibility and judgment, I love befriend with trouble…and even so, be with me…”


“I might push you away sometimes, sending you the wrong ideas about how I really feel…and even so, don’t ever let me go…”


“…because I need you…it seems like we live in two different worlds and even if we really did…. just so you know…” Jaejoong took a deep breath, held it and released.


“…my heart’s always reaching out for you…”


Time, Jaejoong thought. He needed some times to muster the courage. He needed some times to face his own fear. But in order for him to make it work, he needs Yunho.


Yunho’s cheek warmed as he smiled. He thought he’s floating in the air, he thought that he’s flying farther away from reality. But that was real.


“Wow~ what a confession…it’s just missing one thing…” Yunho emphasized it with a grin. Jaejoong rolled his eyes and let his spoon sank into the smooth sherbet.


“Give me some times…I thought that’s the purpose of us separated at the first place…to give me some times…” Jaejoong shoved the sherbet into his mouth and it took just mere second for the icy coldness to wrap all part of his mouth.


“…or do you rather have my number erased from you contact list?”


“I can always find you…you could never hide from me…” Yunho exclaimed proudly and that kind of threat won’t work on him.


“Oh really? Hurmm…don’t let it bite your tongue later…”  Jaejoong waved his spoon in front of Yunho’s eyes.


*At the same time

“That’s right Jung Yunho…don’t let it bite your tongue…there’s always a place where you can’t find him…”


“…there’s always a place…” He said, singsong it with a smirk.



A/N: Another update~ Please support me by subscribing and comments are most welcomed~! Thanks ^^


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Chapter 1: Wow, I still reread this in 2020.
Chapter 34: Its 2018 and i'm reading this for a thousand times already =D
your storyline is awesome, i seriously hope you will continue it one day!
dee_9576 #3
Chapter 34: Hey author-nim! I was sooo excited then I found this fic and saw you username haha! I read another fic of yours from winglin and I really loved that fic! I really love this fic too! How strong the love is between Yunjae just amazes me. I really like the way you potray Jae -how he tried to live his life, he tried to be tough yet so vulnerable inside. And Yunho! Annoying playboy -I just got pissed off when I read the part that Yunho flirted around with other girls when he said he would be there for Jaejoong. The roles and characters you gave suit them well! I love that you make them chaebols haha. I started reading this fic yesterday and I couldn't just stop reading it until I reached the very last chapter that you posted. Haha I guess I just love everything about this fic -the plot, the way you describe the situation and their feelings, everything!
I hope you could consider updating this fic.. I just read it but it's already one of my favorites! Hwaiting author-nim! :)
Chapter 34: Hey dear author, when are you gonna update? Please don't abandon this story. It's amazing.. <3
I never thought that this story is gonna be good because when I first saw the title I thought its about fighting kind of thing so I always pass this story but! Dude this story is ReallyAmazing! I think this is One of yunjae Amazing stories that I read so far!. Thanks author-nim for making this wonderful stories !
Chapter 34: I really ship changmin and karam! Hope you will update it soon :)
Elrhumy #7
Chapter 34: Passing this fic n CANT RESIST to reread again hehe.. i just love yunjae in here :D I really hope Yunho can beat whatever his father planning..
hymeki #8
Chapter 34: Aigooo,, OMG,, I'm speechless.. thumbs up for u
Elrhumy #9
Chapter 34: I loooove this story!! the funny thing was I dont have good impression at first maybe cause jeje's badass-ness.. Well but I sub yesterday and found this fic hook me up after the chap two.. I really need more patient.. "_"
But really love character here their improvement potrayed very nicely and the story was unpredictable but not frustating.. I hope found your story sooner.. thanks for writing and hopefuly you update anytime soon.. AKTF <3<3<3<3<3
zandria #10
Im hoping to see this story updated..hope to hear from you soon..