"The Arrival of the Rival"

"Playboy v. Playboy"

Part 11 : The Arrival of the Rival



“I know what you did to omma…”


The big chair turned and his father’s staring at him face to face.


“So what? You’re going to tell the world about it?”


“I’m not going to forgive you…even if I die, I would never admit it that you’re my father!”


His father snorted. He curled his hands into fist; restraining himself from killing his own father.


“Let me enlighten you…you ARE my son…it doesn’t matter whether or not you want to admit it…it’s a fact that you have to accept…”


“Unfortunately…” He made a disgusting face.


“You can hate me…but what makes you think that you won’t do the same thing like I did? I raised you and I know that you’re nothing different than me, Yunho-ah…you have the same temper like me…over possessive, rebellious type…it’s like seeing me when I’m younger…”


“No! I’m different! I’m not you and you know why? Because I have heart…and I’m going to win the one I love with my heart…”


The sound of something’s breaking and clattering pulled Yunho out of his deep slumber early in the morning. Still caught on the fringe of his nightmare; his eyes flew to the left side in that instant. The spot next to him was left empty and Jaejoong wasn’t there anymore.


Then he heard it.






A distance voice like the sound of someone’s groaning in pain.


“Jaejoong?!” Yunho sprung up immediately and threw away the blanket form covering his lower half. Every horrific fate possible ran through his imagination.


It could be a robbery and Jaejoong could have been held as hostage. And the sound he heard just now; he could be tortured or something.


“Oh please no such thing…” He pleaded under his breath as he stormed out of the room. He ran toward the area where he heard Jaejoong’s voice.


“Jaejoongie?!” He called again as soon as he reached at the kitchen doorway.


“I’m here…” Jaejoong raised his hand.


Yunho walked slowly towards the place and spotted Jaejoong laid flatly on his stomach.


“Oh my God Jaejoongie, what happened?!” Yunho helped Jaejoong to stand up on his feet. Yunho’s hands lightly skimmed over Jaejoong’s body; obviously checking for any compound fracture or protruding bones. It’s nothing more serious other than a slight cut on Jaejoong’s forehead and as well as on his lower lip.


“I’m thirsty and came here to get a glass of water…when I…suddenly tripped over the chair’s leg and got my head bumped with the edge of this table…” Jaejoong brought his fingertips to touch his forehead.


“You’re bleeding…”Yunho muttered pulling Jaejoong’s hand away to see it clearly.


“It hurt indeed…”


“I could understand about your forehead but your lip?” Yunho led him to a chair and went to get the first aid kit from the cabinet.


“I guess it’s true what other people said…sometimes your habit can get your injured…” Yunho said; walking back to Jaejoong.


It’s Jaejoong well known habit; biting onto his lips when he’s scared, embarrassed and guilty.


“You know what…your sarcasm hurts me even more…” Jaejoong heaved a deep sigh and bit onto his lip; forgot about the injury.


“Ouch!” Jaejoong whimpered and rubbed his lip.


“Stop doing that!” Yunho pulled another chair facing Jaejoong and sat on it.


Yunho cleaned the cut with the clean cloth first before applying the ointment on it. Jaejoong’s just staring at him while he’s doing so.


“Yunho-ah…” He called softly.




“I’m sorry for breaking your heart…” Jaejoong expressed his feeling. Yunho stopped and dropped his fingers from Jaejoong’s forehead.


“What?” He then remembers about the box of cookies he put on the table last night. When he threw a glance on the table and the box is gone.


“It’s not like breaking your heart literally…it’s…” Jaejoong took it out slowly from behind his back.


“This was meant for me, right? You made it specially for me…I didn’t mean to crush it…”


Yunho opened up the box and saw that the ‘heart’ part was detached from the bear and it broke into two. He looked at it in despair.


“I’m sorry…I grabbed anything that’s close to me; to prevent me from falling down…and…”


Jaejoong reached over and squeezed Yunho’s forearm.


“It’s okay…as long as you’re safe…” Yunho handed it back to Jaejoong.


“I like it…I love it…thanks…but I’m intrigued with what you wrote on this piece of paper…” Jaejoong showed him the paper.


“Can you explain it to me what do you really mean by this? I wanna hear it from you…because I don’t want to misinterpret anything…”


Putting aside the first aid kit; Yunho had his eyes fixed on his laps. Confessing to the one he loves in the kitchen wasn’t really much to his liking. He wanted it to be special; wanted Jaejoong to recognize his feeling. He rubbed his face; gathering all the courage and strength he had – just to let out three special words in everyone’s life.


“It’s a…emmm…”


Jaejoong’s heart began to pound. He could only imagine one scene in his mind at that time – a scene where Yunho told him that he loves him. It almost like he was dreaming or something and if it’s really a dream then he doesn’t wish to wake up at all. But when Yunho wrapped their hands together; he knew that he IS standing on the ground. It’s real.


“…emmm…” Yunho inhaled deeply then breathed out.


“I’m not trying to be kind…I’m trying to be honest…what I really meant is…I-”


The sound of the blaring phone call distracted them away from each other. Yunho released Jaejoong’s hands and stood up.


“I’m sorry… I have to get that...not many people knows about my house number so it must be important…” Yunho explained and Jaejoong nodded; allowing him to go.


Still sitting on his seat; Jaejoong watched Yunho from the kitchen and sighed.


‘It’s so close…’ He perked his lips and cursed whoever that is.


“Jaejoongie…it’s your mother!” Yunho shouted from the living room.


“Okay…I should take back the curse…” Jaejoong muttered as he slapped his mouth lightly.


Yunho passed the phone to him and Jaejoong accepted it. He put it against his ear.




“Yes I’m here, Mummy…”


“I’ve called your phone so many times but you didn’t answer so that’s why I called this number…”


“We’re in the kitchen and the phones in the bedroom…why? Is there’s something happened?”


“Yes it’s kind of urgent…we got some problem with our branch at China and we can’t wait until you come home…both Mummy and Daddy has to leave now…we can’t promise for how long so you’re take care…”


“What? Then what about me?!” Jaejoong retorted.


“You have Yunho…Mummy and Daddy love you~ bye bye baby~” and she hung up.


Jaejoong flabbergasted. He turned his head to look at Yunho in a slow motion. What the heck has just happened? Even if it’s urgent; normally his father will go there first to confirm everything. If it will take a long time; only then they will join him after that.


Because his mother would never leave him alone!


“Yunho…send me home…” Jaejoong pulled Yunho’s hand.


“We should hurry; maybe we can still catch them…”




*At Shim Resident


“The plane will land in 3…”




Bo Mi and Ga Eul jumped and threw themselves on top of Changmin’s stomach at the same time.


Changmin emitted a surprise grunt of pain. He; who’s still travelling in his dream just now completely wide awake. His face constricted; groaning softly.


“YAH!!! Are you two trying to kill me?!!!”


“Good morning, oppa~” Both of them greeted him sweetly. They kissed Changmin’s cheek on both sides.


“Good morning…” Changmin was defeated by their innocent smile.


“…now get off!”


He pulled himself up; letting his back rested against the headboard. He yawned. It’s Sunday and the twins MUST have a better reason for waking him up that early. Because he’s totally not in the mood to tolerate anything that could be included in ‘silly’ term.


“Here…our 9th Birthday proposal…the list of our wishes, the location, the theme...well, you can read…” Bo Mi handed the papers to Changmin.


Changmin stretched out his hand to grab his glasses on the bed side table. He put it on and flipped it open to the first page.


“We give you a month to prepare for everything…” Ga Eul raised his index finger; stressing out the word one month.


“Right…your birthday is next month…” Changmin rubbed his eyes; almost forget it. He read through the list of their wishes and it supposed to be nine just like their age.


“Only 8? Where’s another one…?” Changmin asked.


“About that…Unnie and I were thinking about meeting your girlfriend…” Gae Eul explained.


“I don’t have a girlfriend…”


“Really? Still? Don’t you wanna find one, oppa?”


“Why should I when I have you two…you’re my girlfriends…” Changmin grinned.


“A boyfriend maybe?” Bo Mi bluntly asked.


“Yah~” Changmin pinched her cheek lightly.


“What makes you think that I would swing the other way?” He was a bit surprised to hear that coming out from his 8th years old dongsaeng.


“You’d never know…maybe one day you’ve found someone that can make your eyes sparks…you know; like Yunho oppa and Jaejoong oppa…”


“See…even 8th years old girls can see through their hearts…why can’t they? What’s holding them back, actually?” He muttered to himself; couldn’t understand. He breathed out and glanced back at the two girls.


“…and in answering your question…it’s NO…I don’t have girlfriend and I don’t even have a boyfriend…”


“So you have to think about something else, okay…” Changmin brought his hand to caress their cheeks.


“Okay…” Both of them said in unison.


“Okay…a month it is…” Changmin flapped the papers against his palm and smiled in assurance. He was thinking about texting Jaejoong and Junsu; asking for their help.


And like it was planned; he received a text message from Jaejoong asking him to join them for brunch.




Changmin headed purposefully toward the stairway; ready to leave to meet Jaejoong and Yunho. He was at the last step when he saw the maids came out from his parents’ bedroom and discuss something with the Butler. Judging from their looks; he could tell that it’s a serious matter.


“What’s wrong?” Changmin walked into the conversation.


The door of the room was left opened and he could see his mother lying on the bed.


“She refused to take her medicine…” The Butler informed.


“What about my father?”


“He has an important meeting in Japan. He took the first flight early this morning…”


Changmin glanced at his wrist watch and typed a short message to Jaejoong; telling him that he will be late.


Taking the medicine from the maid’s hand; he walked into the bedroom and moved to the side of the bed.


“Omma…” He called as he lowered down on the edge of the bed.


Mrs. Shim tipped up her chin as she turned her gaze to Changmin.


“Changminnie…” She smiled despite her fatigue look.


“Are you okay?”


“I’m fine…I’m just tired…and headache…but I’m doing fine…”


“You should take your medicine, omma…” Changmin couldn’t easily be convinced. He persuaded.


Changmin noticed the phone that was inside her hand and he attempted to put it aside. But he failed as she tightened the grip on her phone. She pushed Changmin’s hand and looked away.


“Bo Mi and Ga Eul…they’re turning 9th years old next month. 9 years old, Omma…they’re your daughters but they grew up like you never exists…”


“So it’s been 9 years…” She mumbled.


“Yes…9 freaking years! Tell me something, how many years more do you need in order for you to move on?” Changmin added some force in prying her hand. He opened up her palm and placed the medicine on it.


“I don’t care if you’re looking for trouble…but I won’t tolerate it if you let others suffer because of you…” Changmin reminded her; his voice stern.


He stood up and walked to the Butler.


“Don’t let her touch Bo Mi and Ga Eul…if there’s anything happen; call me right away…” He ordered.


*Changmin’s POV

Bo Mi-ah…Ga Eul-ah…oppa mianhe…it’s not like oppa doesn’t want to date…it’s just that our circumstances doesn’t allow it. I’m doing this because I wanna protect you two.


Jaejoongie, Junsu and I talked about this before. We realized how much it’s hard for us to open our heart to other people. It’s not like we don’t want to but because we’re scared to. We hide all of our weakness from behind this thick wall. Our house is our shield; our sanctuary. And that’s why only a small group of people ever allowed coming to our house.


Once you let them entered into your house; it’s just like you’re allowing them to enter into your heart. All your secrets are up at stake. They could either be the reason for someone to stand behind your back; supporting you or be the reason to throw you under the bus. 


You’re vulnerable.


One wrong step; your pride will stand at the front line.


If you’re not preparing for the consequences; if you thought that you could never handle the aftermath…the door to your house would be forever closed.


*End of Changmin’s POV




“I can’t believe this! How can they do this to me?!” Jaejoong settled back on his chair; folded both of his arms to his chest.


“Could you please stop whining? It’s nothing big…you’re grown up enough to take care of yourself…” Yunho spoke calmly; his eyes staring at the menu.


“What? It’s nothing big you said? They just abandoned me; their son! They never do this to me before~ and I’m not whining!”


Yunho arched a brow; obviously questioned it.


“I’m just complaining!” Jaejoong said on his defend. Yunho burst into a light chuckle. The way Jaejoong’s thinking and presenting it always amused him.


“You have me, don’t you? And I think that’s the main reason they’re okay leaving you behind. Because I’m here…”


A waiter walked to their table; ready to take order.


“Like usual, Jaejoong-shi?” The waiter asked in friendly tone. But Jaejoong shot him a death glare instead.


“It’s okay…I’m ordering…” Yunho took control over the situation.


“Give us 2 of set B…and-” Yunho paused when Jaejoong pointed to one picture.


“…and one slice of this strawberry shortcake-” Then Jaejoong pointed to another picture. Yunho frowned.


“…and regular bowl of this ice-cream-”


Yunho frowned harder when Jaejoong’s circling the ‘large’ one.


“Are you sure you can finish all of these?” Yunho doubted.


“No…but I have you…” Jaejoong blurted confidently.


“Huh! What am I? Garbage?”


“No…my other half…” Jaejoong flashed a grin making his dimple obvious.


Yunho’s heart fluttered. Damn, he was completely knocked down. Jaejoong won, again. But to Yunho; it doesn’t matter as long as he’s smiling. He turned to the waiter and proceeds with the order like the way Jaejoong wanted it. He nodded at the waiter; confirming everything and waited until he’s out of the hearing range.


“You’ve been here before?” Yunho asked; interested to know. Jaejoong nodded simply.


“Eung…with Junsu and Changmin… This place belongs to the Shim; the only place that I trust…it’s one of their branches…”


Yunho’s mouth formed into an ‘o’ shape. He scanned every corner of the place. The restaurant was specially designed to look like a garden. It’s very peaceful and fresh to the eyes. It’s like they’re having picnic outside on the green grass except that they’re sitting on the chair instead on the mat.


“Impressive…” Yunho expressed his view.


As he’s infatuated by the interior design of the restaurant; his eyes caught another pair of eyes; watching over them. It was the waiter who took their order just now. When their eyes met each other; he quickly looked away pretending like he’s occupied with something else.


Yunho doesn’t like it.


“Do you know everyone who works here?” Yunho asked Jaejoong.


“I couldn’t care less…” Jaejoong arrogantly answered.


“What about the waiter just now?”


“He doesn’t attract me…” Jaejoong said flatly. He’s more interested in his phone; entering the new status on his twitter rather than paying attention to someone he doesn’t even know.


But there’s something in particular popped up inside Jaejoong’s head right after he pressed ‘enter’. Something unfinished. His gaze flew to Yunho who seems little distracted at that time.






“You owed me something…”


When Yunho didn’t get it; Jaejoong continued.


“…and explanation…in the kitchen, at your house just now, remember…? what do you wanna tell me exactly? I wanna hear it…”


“S-seriously? Now?” Yunho swallowed the lump down his throat when Jaejoong suddenly brought up the matter. He felt like he’s about to be choked by his own voice.


“Why? You wanted me to stop whining; I stopped whining and now I’m asking…”


Yunho’s heart began to pound; not knowing that the same thing happened to Jaejoong. Jaejoong hid his sweaty hands underneath the table; clenching onto his jeans.


“Okay…” Yunho breathed out and inhaled another.


“The truth is…I-”


“Sorry guys! I’m late!” Changmin barged into their conversation without knowing the real situation. Changmin’s wheezing when he arrived; a sign that he’s been running to meet them.   


Both of them broke into a frustration sigh. It’s the second times such thing happened that day.


*Yunho’s POV

I felt like my heart could stop because of the tense. I wrapped my face with both of my hands; muffled the heavy sigh. The thought of having to go through the same tense and nerve wrecking situation again for the 3rd times later; terrified me.


But when I looked up and saw Jaejoong who’s sitting in front of me…It occurred to me that it’s more than worth it to go through it all over again. And when I saw the frustration written all over his face; I smiled in relief. He’s as much as nervous as I am.


Nah…there’s always another time…and I’ll make sure that I’ll tell him what’s bottled up inside my heart no matter what. I’ll tell him again and again if I must…


I love him. I love you Kim Jaejoong.


These three words contain my whole life inside it. I have to suffer for such a long time if I don’t tell you and I’ll die if I can’t have you. But still; it could never make my heart stop loving you.


I reached out for my phone and sent a text message to him.


‘I’ll certainly let you know about it next time…’


That’s what I promised him. And that’s also a promise I made to myself.


But I could never imagine that ‘next time’ is still far ahead of us. And I never knew that he’s slipping away from me and getting farther for me to reach.


If I could foresee it; I would definitely braced myself and just told him even if Changmin’s there. If I knew it; I would just let Changmin witness the important part of my life and confessed to Jaejoong right away.


If only I knew about it…..


*End of Yunho’s POV


*At the same time

He fully immersed in observing their every moves. That new guy was something; he thought. Aside from the Young Master Changmin and Young Master Junsu; no one can make his princess smiling like that.


What makes him so special in princess’s eyes? Small face? But his face isn’t that big either. The hair style? He looked at his face that was reflected on the silver tray. It’s maybe because of the hair. He saw the way the latter raked his fingers through his hair and he too copied the same.


“Yah! What are you doing?!” His head was whacked with the thick menu by his supervisor.


“Go and bring them the foods…they’re the important guests. And don’t’ forget to take order from Young Master Changmin as well…” The supervisor reminded him.


“Err…who’s that guy; sitting in opposite of them? I’ve never seen him before…” 


The Supervisor took out a magazine from the shelf and placed it in front of him.


“It’s dated 3 years ago… What do you want me to do with this old magazine?”


He didn’t answer but flipped it to a certain page. He tapped his finger on that page.


“JUNG YUNHO; the pride of multimillionaire JUNG JIN HEE”  was the main title.


His face then showed an indefinite expression.


“I’ll bring these to their table…” He excused himself from the Supervisor.



Back on Yunjaemin; the three of them were discussing about the twins birthday party. The waiter came and arranged the foods on the table on by one. They just let him do his job as they continued talking.


“The location for the birthday: a cruise” Jaejoong read. Both he and Changmin sent a meaningful look to Yunho.


“Consider it as done” Changmin’s face brightened as soon as Yunho said that.


“I know I could count on you…” Changmin breathed in relief. He then looked around like he’s expecting someone.


“Where’s Junsu? I don’t see him….he’s not coming?” Changmin asked Yunho and Jaejoong.


“Nope…he said that he has another plan with his lover…” Jaejoong informed him. Yunho smirked.


“Now that you mentioned about it… He sounded like they’re in a serious relationship…but he never once introduce his lover to us, didn’t he? ” The curiosity nudged Changmin’s head.


“Maybe he’s not ready yet…” Jaejoong shrugged.


“Maybe you’re right…or maybe because his lover is irksome…” Changmin deduced simply.


“You mean like you? If it is, we know how to handle it…” Jaejoong stuck his tongue out after he said that’ successfully irritated him.




“Yoochunie, have you finished packing? We don’t wanna be late…” Junsu shouted from the bathroom. He came out not long after that with nothing but a towel hang around his waist. The water is still dripping from his topless body.


He saw a guy stood in front of the closet with his back facing him.




Junsu called but he was so shock to find out that it’s not Yoochun but someone he doesn’t know. He stepped back; almost tripping over the mat. He then screamed at the top of his lung.


“W-who are you? What are you doing in this bedroom?”


Yoochun stormed into the bedroom when he heard Junsu’s screaming. Junsu ran to hide behind Yoochun’s back while pointing at the stranger.


“Junsu calm down~” Yoochun tried to coax him.


“I’m sorry…I don’t know that you’ve got a guest…” He apologized while bowing to them several times.


“He’s my nephew…” Yoochun introduced.


“W-what?!!!” Junsu’s jaw dropped low.


“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Aaron…” he said in friendly tone.


Junsu looked at Yoochun in disbelieved.


“It’s okay…he knows about our secret…”


“W-what?!!!” A surprise after another. Junsu couldn’t tell which one is the worst. He pulled Yoochun’s arm; dragging him to a corner of the room.


“You’ve never told me that you have a nephew before…?”


“Because I thought that it’s not important…”


“A nephew at the same age as me; and you still think that’s not important enough?!” Junsu shrieked.


“Okay I was wrong…I’m sorry…the point is; he’s just arrived from America…his Korean is bad and I thought maybe you could help him get use to the new surrounding…and he could help you with your English…”


“Why should I do that? And what makes you think that I would agree to it?”


“Because he will transfer to CassiElf High…”


Junsu’s eyes widened. His words stuck at his throat. Okay; now he found the worst of the worst.


“G-great!” Junsu flailed both of his hands to the air.


“He could spread the news about us then…” He ruffled his wet hair while paced on the brown tile floor.


“No he won’t…I trust him and you should too…” Yoochun worked hard in convincing his lover.


“Why? Because I’m your lover and he’s your nephew?”


“Yes…” Yoochun said; his voice firm.




On the next day; the CassiElf High welcomed not just one but three new transferred students.  Their appearance garnered all of the students’ attention. Aaron was among of them.


Apparently Aaron too has a beauty in his group. It’s Ren. He became the hot topic in a blink of an eye since its rarest case for them to have a beauty among the commoners.


Beautiful or not; it doesn’t concern Junsu at all. No matter how attractive they are; Junsu could never think the same. He somehow couldn’t able to set his heart at ease. After seeing them with his own eyes; all he could sense is trouble.


And what’s with the transferring thing? The exam is just around the corner and the school session for that year is about to end. Who would want to change their school at the last freaking minute?


Oh how much he wished that he was wrong.



A/N: Another update~ Yunjae might takes some time to be officially together. I hope you guys don’t mind.  But don’t worry; it’s still according to my plan. And as you can see there are some new appearances and also a mysterious one. They’ll play their parts later on. Hope you guys will stick with me to find out what’ll happen, okay~ enjoy~!

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Chapter 1: Wow, I still reread this in 2020.
Chapter 34: Its 2018 and i'm reading this for a thousand times already =D
your storyline is awesome, i seriously hope you will continue it one day!
dee_9576 #3
Chapter 34: Hey author-nim! I was sooo excited then I found this fic and saw you username haha! I read another fic of yours from winglin and I really loved that fic! I really love this fic too! How strong the love is between Yunjae just amazes me. I really like the way you potray Jae -how he tried to live his life, he tried to be tough yet so vulnerable inside. And Yunho! Annoying playboy -I just got pissed off when I read the part that Yunho flirted around with other girls when he said he would be there for Jaejoong. The roles and characters you gave suit them well! I love that you make them chaebols haha. I started reading this fic yesterday and I couldn't just stop reading it until I reached the very last chapter that you posted. Haha I guess I just love everything about this fic -the plot, the way you describe the situation and their feelings, everything!
I hope you could consider updating this fic.. I just read it but it's already one of my favorites! Hwaiting author-nim! :)
Chapter 34: Hey dear author, when are you gonna update? Please don't abandon this story. It's amazing.. <3
I never thought that this story is gonna be good because when I first saw the title I thought its about fighting kind of thing so I always pass this story but! Dude this story is ReallyAmazing! I think this is One of yunjae Amazing stories that I read so far!. Thanks author-nim for making this wonderful stories !
Chapter 34: I really ship changmin and karam! Hope you will update it soon :)
Elrhumy #7
Chapter 34: Passing this fic n CANT RESIST to reread again hehe.. i just love yunjae in here :D I really hope Yunho can beat whatever his father planning..
hymeki #8
Chapter 34: Aigooo,, OMG,, I'm speechless.. thumbs up for u
Elrhumy #9
Chapter 34: I loooove this story!! the funny thing was I dont have good impression at first maybe cause jeje's badass-ness.. Well but I sub yesterday and found this fic hook me up after the chap two.. I really need more patient.. "_"
But really love character here their improvement potrayed very nicely and the story was unpredictable but not frustating.. I hope found your story sooner.. thanks for writing and hopefuly you update anytime soon.. AKTF <3<3<3<3<3
zandria #10
Im hoping to see this story updated..hope to hear from you soon..