
The Night and the Sun


His flaming red eyes made her unable to move even thought she wanted to. She saw his front teeth becoming fang like and worst of all, she saw him moving closer to her. She screamed from the bottom of her lungs, as loud as she could, hoping someone would hear her. But suddenly her voice disappeared. She kept trying to get a sound out of , but it was no use. He grabbed her hand which was already hurting and pulled her up, against his cold body. He sniffed her neck in ecstasy. She was unable to do anything, she could just wait and helplessly try to get her body move. But it was useless. She had no idea that Kyu Jongs power, was to do this. He had such a scary, and unique power. Only by looking at human, he could force their bodies to stop cooperating with their mind. He slightly touched her skin with his fang like teeth, anticipating what was to happen next, and he pierced through her soft skin.
The remorse hit him hard as soon as his blood thirst had been satisfied. "What have I done?" He covered his face with his hands and tried to wipe away the blood from the corners of his lips. He touched Emilys lifeless looking body to check that she was still alive, even though it wasn't needed. He could feel her body warmth even without touching her. She was just unconscious. Was it because she lost too much blood, or because she was scared enough to pass out, that Kyu Jong wasn't sure of. He checked the teeth marks on her neck, hoping they would miraculously disappear and what just happened, wouldn't really have happened. But of course, they didn't disappear, and it was all very real. The wounds were still bleeding lightly, but nothing to be alarmed of. Sometimes, rarely though, if bitten too roughly, the wounds wouldn't heal. It's more common amongst younger vampires, and ones that taste fresh human blood after a long diet, as they call it. Diet could mean feeding off animals, or blood bank supplies, like Kyu Jong and his friends were living. He let out a deep sigh. "The guys are going to rip my heart out for this." He picked up Emilys feeble body and sprinted towards their house. He'll have to talk with the others. Discuss what to do from here onwards, if they are able to forgive him.
Jung Min and Hyung Jun both got alerted by the scent of blood getting closer to their house. They both silently moved downstairs and waited by the front door, They exchanged worried gazes. "It is Kyu." Jung Min stated. Hyung Jun nodded. He felt his presence as well. "This is bad." He sighed. They stood still, like statues, waiting for him to reach the house and get inside. They were both trying to convince themselves that it could be fixable matter, but in all honesty, neither one of them believed that. They knew very well that there was no way it could be fixed. Once discovered they had two choices, to move somewhere far away and count on people thinking the person is crazy, uttering nonsense about things that only happen in movies, about characters that only appear in movies. Or worse, kill that person. Which is what most of the vampires did if they got caught. But their family was different. At least they wanted to be different. When Kyu Jong opened the door, carrying lifeless looking Emily, clearly fighting the urge to out the remaining life she had in her, Jung Min and Hyung Jun didn't know how to react. They stood there for few seconds before gaining back their ability to move. "What the hell.." Hyung Jun growled, not believing his eyes. Jung Min shot a death glare at Kyu Jong and carefully took Emily away from his arms. He turned away, carrying her upstairs. He looked at her pale face, checked the marks on her neck and sighed in relief. She'd survive all right, but what about all these bruises? He stopped and turned around slowly. "What's this?" He asked and pointed at a bruised part of her arm. "And these?" He pointed at her scratched knees. He sounded like he was absolutely sure it was Kyu Jongs fault. "And.." He was about to continue but Hyung Jun stopped him. "It's not him. He paralyzed her. You did right? He turned to Kyu Jong hoping he really did. Jung Min could be moody but now he seemed to be dangerously angry. Kyu Jong raised his head a bit and nodded. He lowered his head back down, looking like a puppy waiting to be hit. "That doesn't make it any more okay." Jung Min said coldly. "What you did is unforgivable." He stated as if it was obvious. Kyu Jong bit his lip and bowed down even more. Hyung Jun glanced at both of them. Kyu Jong deserved it, but it still wasn't right. "Of course it doesn't. Just pointing out a fact. Get her upstairs, I'll handle it here. I'll be up soon." Hyung Jun said and motioned Jung Min to go. He didn't reply at all, he just turned around and jumped over all the remaining stairs and brought her to his room.
Jung Min cautiously placed Emily on his bed. He double checked her injuries, making sure no bones were broken, or anything seriously wrong. Didn't look like he'd need to take her to the hospital. He sat down on a chair beside the bed and brushed her messy hair away from her face. She was so pale, if he didn't know better he'd think she was dead. He was quietly watching over her, and listening to the conversation from downstairs. 
Hyung Juns cold blood was boiling. He was so angry at Kyu Jong. He looked at his friend with cold eyes and gritted his teeth against each other and tried to control himself. But it was hard. "Do you have any idea what you have done? How serious this is?" Hyung Jun scolded. Kyu Jong didn't raise his head. He just quietly waited for Hyung Jun to continue. Hyung Jun stepped closer to him and placed his index finger under Kyu Jongs chin and roughly lifted his head up, forcing him to meet his eyes. "Do you?" He asked again with flaming eyes. Kyu Jong sighed. "I know." There was nothing he could do or say to make things better, he knew it very well. "Aish!" Hyung Jun hissed while backing away and scratching the back of his head. "At least tell me what happened?" I'm sure you didn't do this intentionally." Kyu Jong told Hyung Jun everything. The girls beating Emily, how he didn't wanna get involved but ended up doing so regardless, how he couldn't control himself.. "I thought I had better control over myself than that but I.." He paused and took a deep breath. "But I guess I was wrong." He whispered. Hyung Juns anger settled a little listening to his explanation. Jung Min was absolutely right, this wasn't okay, it was the worst thing one could do. But he could understand Kyu Jongs feelings. He knew what it was like when you just simply couldn't stop yourself, every single one of them knew that feeling. "We'll have to wait for Hyun Joong and Young Saeng to get back before making any hasty decisions. For now, you should stay out of her sight. For your safety, and hers as well. Jung Min and I will take care of her for time being." He looked up, to the direction of Jung Mins room. "He'll come around. But for now, you should stay out of his way." Kyu Jong nodded. "I will." Hyung Jun turned back to Kyu and mumbled quietly. "For all that it's worth, I think we should give her a chance to understand. Tell her the truth. It might be just my wishful thinking, but, there's something in her, something tells me she might be able to understand." Kyu Jongs eyes opened wide. "Are you serious?" Hyung Jun just nodded as a response.
Soon after the conversation ended, Jung Min heard Hyung Jun enter the room, he didn't look his way, he still had his eyes locked on Emilys painful expression. "She still looks like she is in pain." He whispered. "Even though she is unconscious." Hyung Jun sat down on the bed, holding a soft white towel and a bowl of warm water. He wiped away the dried blood from her body and face, while Jung Min watched him do so. After all the blood was gone, Hyung Jun stood up and headed towards the door. Half way there, he stopped. "You know.. He's really sorry. He didn't want any of this to happen." He hesitatingly said. He didn't want to make up any excuses but he didn't want to have those two fighting either. "I know." Jung Min sighed. "I shouldn't have blamed him so. I was just so angry. I still am" He turned around to face Hyung Jun. "I will talk to him later." He said. Hyung Jun smiled faintly. "I'll be back after a while. I have to figure out how to cover this, before they report her missing or something." He said and left the room. "Close the door, please." He heard Jung Min shout after him. He was already few metres away, but just by a small movement of his finger, the door closed.
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nikhitha #1
Chapter 27: its really awesme..pls cntinue dis story....i truly love dis...update soon n try to complete soon...
Chapter 27: Dear Calidafly, do you have plans to continue this story? I really missed it.. :(
Chapter 27: Yes, however Jiyoung looks like a girl with a pure heart to help people as Jungmin remembered before. I will be more worried for her friends they will be dangerous and I think they overprotect her.....
However, I'm not sure about Emily and JungMin at all. Don't take this wrongly, I'm not jealous... I love the 5, but I love lider Joong the most. I'm not prejuicious, but I'm just not sure about Emily and Jungmin together there's something I don't like, but I don't know.. probably he's still in love with that unknow woman and also I feel kind of sorry for Hyung Jun...
Thanks for the update...
Chapter 27: at least Emily's fine and she's comfortable around JungMin. but then there's Jiyoung, a jealous vampire is not a very good news! JungMin should watch Emily every moment he can. Vampire or not jealous women are bad news.
Chapter 25: oh that's sad, JungMin ah, have a little more faith, please?
Chapter 24: ok, who's who? a woman? who's she? OmO, Emily just pissed Jungmin not a good sign, uh oh!
Chapter 23: sad for JungMin -- it wasn't his fault Emily is in that state. I hope she doesn't hate them, they're pretty nice for a vampire, Kyu's just got a problem with control. Haiz! who am I explaining to?! please update soon and maybe longer? sorry If I'm too demanding, I can't help myself ^^
Chapter 21: Poor Emily, but I wonder what will she do if she discover the truth... because Jiyoung might come back soon and heal Emily. Hyun Joong oppa is coming, but I'm worried because I don't know what they will do without their blood supplies.
Chapter 21: oh Jungminnie! don't be sad, I'm sure she'll be fine. I feel bad for Kyu, I know he just want to help, poor thing or vampire ^^
Chapter 19: OmO! KyuJong!!! don't do it!!!! control yourself!