

After that fight that Himchan and I had, I did the sane thing that any humane person would do, I apologized to Zelo's parents and everyone else. Yongguk told me he was proud of me for apologizing and not walking away like Himchan but I could tell that he was disappointed in me.


We left the funeral after apologizing and the ride bal to the hospital was terribly quiet. The car was filled with the sound of me sniffling as tears flowed out of my eyes endlessly. Jongup sat next to me and put a caring hand on my. Youngjae kept glancing back and I could feel the tension from Yongguk.


Youngjae's phone suddenly rang and he picked it up immediately .


"Hello? Who's this?" He said.


"Why are you calling me? After what happened just now you still have the nerve to ask how she is?! Are you stupid?" Youngjae hissed angrily.


after hearing what Youngjae said, I assumed that the caller was Himchan. I sighed inwardly and laid my head against the car window.


"Yeah, we're on the way to the hospital... No, Daehyun wouldn't be happy if you visited him." I heard a gasp escape from Youngjae's mouth a spilt second later, "He's what?!"


"What it is?" Yongguk snatched the phone away from Youngjae. 


"Are you serious or is this just one of your stupid games again?" He roared. He merely grunted a reply and hung up the phone. He threw it back to Youngjae and accelerated the car.


"Why are you driving so fast? I feel like I'm going to puke!" I said.


"We can't waste any more time. Apparently Daehyun isn't in his best condition now and we need to go there immediately. I don't want to lose another one of you." He simply said.


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exomaania #1
Chapter 42: omg omg omg omg
Chapter 42: I like the ending, its sweet and simple. Is rmthat really the end though? It didnt say complete or final...
bellaxjoker #3
Chapter 42: aww,,so sweet. glad daehyun is fine and happy with hyuna. sad cause himchan doesn't come to his senses. even sadder cause the group was never the same without zelo. so it makes the ending somewhat bittersweet. good job,author-nim. looking forward to your next fic!
arescom #4
omo! Zelo!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 41: Im glad daehyun is ok! And I rest my case, like I said earlier in the story himchan is bipolar lol, he asked if hyuna was ok after having a fight with her during the funeral! Bipolar!
Chapter 41: Daehyun sooo sad sweet...please let them end togethee...
bellaxjoker #7
Chapter 41: phew~! Glad that he's fine. Maybe if you went through that staring fight banghim were having,you'll be sliced in two. Heol! Great chap here,authornim!
bellaxjoker #8
Chapter 40: please don't. don't want to lose daehyun too. argh! going crazy right here!