Chapter 9: Discovered

I never wanted to fall for you [HIATUS]


“What are you doing here?” I asked coldly as I stood up.

“I followed you,” he said, smirking and stepped in the room.

“Why are you here?” I asked as I was getting my CD out of radio.

“Wanted to see something,” He muttered. As I turned around I flinched, because he was standing right in front of me.

“Move away,” I muttered behind teeth.

“Tell me something…” he ignored me. “Were you kidding around on what you did to me in school?” he asked. I lifted left eyebrow in curiosity.

“You joke on them, I’ll joke on you.” I said, with a little smirk on my face. “Now move away.” I added and tried to walk away, but right then, he grabbed me by my wrist, pushing me to wall.

“Ugh,” I let a groan out as my back hit the wall.

“Don’t play with me,” he started. “You don’t know what I’m capable of if you made me angry.”

“And you have no idea what I can do when someone like you makes me angry.” I said and suddenly he was on the floor lying on his back, with me on top.

“Kyu~” I heard another voice that rushed into dancing room. I looked away from Kyuhyun’s brown eyes into black haired male, looking from Kyuhyun to me and back.

“Humph,” I smirked and went off him. I walked over to my bag.

“Yah!” Kyuhyun suddenly yelled. I stopped in the middle and looked at him, but right then I saw Sungmin in front of me and kicked me with his right leg as he twisted around in the air. In a second I was on the floor.

“I don’t hit women.” Sungmin said. “But whoever hurts Kyuhyun is on my dead list.” He added.

I touched my lip and realized it got cut. I took a deep breath and stood up, smiling a little. I was at the end of tears; after all I was never hit by a guy before, not even by my brother or my dad; and now in one second I got hit by my enemy.

I didn’t say anything; I only grabbed my bag, jacket, CD and walked out, leaving them behind. A tear fell down my cheek and sped up my walking.

~Sungmin POV~

She walked out and then I turned to Kyuhyun who was now standing.

“You okay?” I asked and walked to him.

“Yeah,” he muttered and nodded. “Let’s get out of here,” he added and walked out, with me behind, locking the doors.

As we walked over to the receptionist I gave the key back and walked after Kyuhyun out.

“Let’s go back,” I said as we both sat in the car.

“Yeah,” he nodded. “I’ve had enough of her. She’s driving me crazy, though we were ‘friends’ few months ago.” He muttered. “I wonder what happened to her.” he added thinking to himself.

As we drove off on the road, I spotted her in the park. Right at that time it was red light so we stopped. I looked towards park and saw her head in her hands. Then a kid appeared in front of her, patting her head. She looked at him and hugged him tightly.

What the hell is going on? I asked myself. She was just fine few seconds ago.

“Sungmin hyung,” Kyuhyun called me. I shook my head and drove away, thinking about her.

Was she crying? Did I hit her too much? I thought to myself as I was driving.

“Yah,” Leeteuk sighed as we walked into dorm.

“What’s wrong?” I asked and looked at him.

“Jihun Yun sent his discharge few minutes ago.” He said.

“Jihun?” I asked surprised. “Why would he do that?”

“Though he was an excellent photographer, he, somehow, found out that Kyuhyun was bullying his sister, together with Taemin one year ago.” He explained and then pierced his eyes at Kyuhyun.

“Kyuhyun,” he started. “You know Xiao Yun?” he asked coldly.

“No,” he shook his head and shoulders.

“What about, old fashioned girl with braids and glasses?” he asked.

“Ah, it’s the one Taemin dated, right?” he remembered.

“Exactly,” Leeteuk nodded.

“Wait a second,” I interrupted. Leeteuk looked at me. “Jihun and Xiao are brother and sister?” I asked.

“Yes,” Leeteuk sighed. “Jihun Yun and Xiao Yun are brother and sister. He lied to them that he was going to Germany. He always kept an eye on his little sister; that’s why I always had to tell him everything, otherwise he would quit as our photographer.” He said and continued. “He knew the whole time that she was bullied and few weeks ago he stopped coming to work and few minutes ago he sent us a telegram saying that he quits.” He sighed. “He’s too damn good photographer. And we lost him, because of two maknae’s.” he went with hands thru his hair.

“Did he really quit?” Kyuhyun asked and bit his lip. Leeteuk pierced his eyes again at him.

“He really did quit. Why don’t you get it, that you must stop bully people; that is, why we always loose excellent people.” He hissed.

“I didn’t know!” Kyuhyun yelled.

“Now you know!” Leeteuk raised his voice and then sat on the couch, sighing.

~Xiao’s POV~

“Noona~” Min said as he patted my head while tears were flowing down my cheeks. I looked up at him and embrace him into tight hug.

“Don’t leave me, Min.” I sobbed. He was gently patting my head as I was hugging him, crying.

“It’s okay, noona,” Min whispered. “I’m here as well as Jun and others. You can always come to play with us.”

“Ne,” I lightly nodded and then slowly moved away and looking into his brown eyes. “Thank you, Min.” I muttered and smiled sadly as I wiped my tears away.

“Don’t worry, you can always count on us.” He thumbed up with his smile on his face.

~Next day~

Everything was the same as the morning before. I woke up, dressed myself in school uniform, put small patch on my lowe lip, where it was cut, and walked downstairs on breakfast. After breakfast I walked to school alone, not minding about others; I was only listening to my song on mp4.

When I came into school it was the same as always. Girls were screaming their names and even I heard it, though I had my volume to the fullest. I only rolled with my eyes as I was changing my shoes into school ones. The screaming was louder and louder and I could saw, with an angle of eye that Taemin and Kyuhyun were walking together in my way. I closed the locker, still with earphones in, and glanced over to them; they were looking at me. I only looked on my mp4 player and changed the music, passing each other, but then … I tripped and fell on the ground.

“You should watch where you’re going.” Kyuhyun said and laughed like others. I smirked and grabbed my books that fell on the ground and stood up, ignoring them and probably making Kyuhyun dying in anger.

As soon as I stepped into classroom, it became quiet and everyone’s eyes were pierced at me. I didn’t mind about it; I only made my way to seat and sat down, with earphones in.

“E-excuse me,” I suddenly heard a male voice. I slowly opened my eyes and in front of me was Donghae.

“Dae?” I asked as I put my earphones out and put them in my bag.

“You said you had twin sister, right?” he started carefully.

“Ne,” I nodded, not knowing what he’s aiming at.

“Her name was Xiao, right?” he asked again, even more carefully.

“Ne,” I nodded, now knowing what he’s aiming.

“Where is she now?” he asked, now at ease.

“I don’t know,” I answered simply. His eyes widened and his mouth opened.

“W-what do you mean you don’t know?” he muttered confused. “Isn’t she your twin?” he asked.

“To tell you the truth, Donghae,” I started and leaned on table. “We don’t know each other.” I whispered and smiled. His eyes widened even more and then I spotted Taemin walking in the classroom. I leaned back and started reading random book that was in my bag.

After that, the day was peaceful, even thru break times. In the class I was copying notes from power points and in break time, I was hanging out with 2NE1. Taemin was looking at me almost all of the time, while Kyuhyun was plotting a revenge on me and 2NE1. But in the lunch time, I didn’t expect to see them.

“What the heck is Big Bang doing here?” I heard a male voice as he passed my classroom.

“Oh my gosh! G-Dragon is so hot! I can't believe they're standing in front of our school! And have you seen other four, Seungri, Taeyang, T.O.P. and Daesung. They're all standing in front of our school.” I heard a scream of girl and she suddenly ran pass together with few friends.

“Now is Big Bang as well?” I heard Onew from his seat. I looked down on table, pretending to read the book, while I was listening to their small talk.

“It’s not enough that we have 2NE1 here?” Taemin hissed and stood up. But before he could do anything, I stood up, almost jumping, and ran out, in front of school gates.

“What the heck are you doing here?” I asked as I reached them and make my way thru fangirls. Some of them glared at me and tried to push me out of their way, but I didn’t move for an inch once I was standing in front of them.

“We came to visit you and 2NE1.” T.O.P. smiled. Others were looking around, impatient, trying to get out as quick as possible. I silently sighed and turned around.

“Would…” I tried to say, but Taemin’s voice overtook me: “Yah, make a way!” he yelled.

“This won’t end well,” I muttered under my breath as fans moved away, so SHINee guys were standing in front of Big Bang and me.

He looked from one to another as I was slowly backing away, behind girls, but then bam … he pointed at me.

“You,” he started and pierced his eyes on me. I closed my eyes and rolled with them.

“I’m sorry, but we’ll be taking her.” G-Dragon said and pulled my hand, starting to walk away together with others. My eyes widened as well as others.

“She’s not going anywhere!” Taemin hissed and grabbed my other hand that was free. I looked at him confused and then at G-Dragon who pierced his eyes on him.

“She’s coming with us.” G-Dragon said calmly, but you could see his anger rising up, and pulled me closer to him.

“She’ll stay here.” Taemin said and pulled me closer to him, away from G-Dragon.

Why am I feeling like I’m a puppet? I asked myself as I was being pulled by both of them from another to other.

“Damn it!” I suddenly cursed and got free from Taemin’s grip. I pierced my eyes at him. “I’m not a puppet of you as well as I have no business with you, so bug off.” I said and turned around to Big Bang. “Shouldn’t we wait for 2NE1, then?” I asked.

“We’re here~” I heard Bom’s voice behind. I turned around and saw them walking to us, but behind them … Kyuhyun with evil smirk on.

I should have known it, he wouldn’t give up.

I freed myself from G-Dragons grip as well, making him confused, and ran towards 2NE1.

“J-J-Jinny?” Dara stuttered as I pass them. They all looked at me as I tried to stop Kyuhyun, but then … I was the one being on the floor, again.

“Damn it, Sungmin!” I hissed at him, as he held my hands above my head on the ground. “Get off!” I yelled and tried to free myself.

“No way,” he said. “I told you yesterday; whoever hits Kyu is on my dead list.” He added.

“Then, why the heck is he making pranks on 2NE1 the whole freaking time!?” I hissed, raising my voice louder and louder.

“Yah, get off of Jinny!” Seungri yelled and pushed Sungmin down off me, then helped me to stand up.

“Thanks,” I muttered and then looked at Kyuhyun who was smirking. “Damn you, Kyuhyun!” I yelled and pointed at him. “You’ll be sorry for everything!” then I turned to Taemin and pointed at him. “You too as well! You’ll all go down!” I yelled and walked pass him, with Seungri on my right side and Taeyang on the other side, looking like they were my guardians.

“Let’s get out of here,” Minzy muttered and we all walked out of school ground, making a lot of girls confused by what just happened.

As soon as we came into park, I kicked into trash cabin and left a mark there.

Damn it!” I screamed and sat on the grass.

“She’s obviously angry,” I heard Bom’s whisper. “Go talk with her, Dara.” She added.

“What!? You go talk with her; I still want to live!” Dara hissed.

“Geez, I’m fine …” I muttered, obviously still angry.

“Whoa, what are you doing here?” I heard a surprised male voice. I looked up and saw Kevin and Dongho, standing in front of me. I looked back down and buried my face into my hands, letting a loud sigh out.

“What’s up with her?” Dongho asked.

“Long story,” Minzy muttered.

“Oh gosh, he has done it.” I hissed, over reaching my boiling point as I remembered the past and what happened in school; I stood up from the ground, making everyone jump away from me. I walked away from them, but I could feel they were following me.

“Cho Kyuhyun!” I yelled his name after I came back into school. Luckily, it was still lunch time.

“Jinny what are you doing?” CL asked, grabbing my hand. I looked at her.

“Release my hand.” I silently said.

“Don’t do any crazy stuff.” She ignored me.

“Lee Chae-rin, release my hand this second.” I said her full name. She gulped and quickly released my hand, like her hand got burned by fire. I could see scared faces of other members, Big Bang and even Kevin’s and Dongho’s. I turned around and then I saw Kyuhyun standing right in front of me.

~Kevin’s POV~

I could feel Xiao’s anger reaching her maximum. I stepped one step back, just in case if something will happen; and I was right.

In that split second, with people around, Xiao punched Kyuhyun right in the face, making him step back and held his nose, as blood was dripping down.

“Yah!” he yelled. “What have I done to you?!”

“You’re even asking?!” Xiao hissed back and stepped closer, but then Sungmin interrupted.

“Yah, what do you think you’re doing!?” he hissed as he looked from Kyuhyun to Xiao.

“I just gave him what he deserved!” Xiao yelled.

“You little…” Sungmin muttered and tried to hit her, but she avoided him, making him surprise from behind and hit him as well, so he lost his balance and fell on the ground.

“You think I’m fragile girl, like them?” she yelled and pointed at girls who were watching the scene. “I admit I was surprised when you hit me yesterday, but I know some martial arts as well!” she hissed and then turned to Kyuhyun.

So that explains patch on her lower lip. I thought.

“And you…” she started again. “Because of your betting with SHINee, especially Taemin, a lot of girls have been suffering! Do you realize that!?”

“What is going on here?” a female voice suddenly said from behind Kyuhyun. She looked from Kyuhyun to Sungmin and Xiao, but at the end turned to Kyuhyun. “Kyuhyun and Sungmin go to Infirmary. Xiao, you come into office, now!” she ordered.

The one thing that got my attention was look on Kyuhyun’s and Sungmin’s face when teacher said her name.

“I told you I’m not Xiao!” she hissed.

“Silence!” teacher hissed back. “Xiao Yun, go into my office, now!” she added.

“Damn it!” Xiao cursed and pass teacher and Kyuhyun. I was still looking at Kyuhyun and Sungmin who were staring after Xiao as she was walking, but punched into wall when she turned around the corner.

~Infirmary; Sungmin’s POV~

As we got treated by school doctor, she said that we should get a little rest at least. We did as she said and lied on our bed.

“Hyung,” Kyuhyun suddenly called me.

“Dae?” I asked.

“Do you think?” he asked. I knew exactly what he was thinking.

“Ne,” I nodded, thinking the same.


Mianhe for not updating -bows 90°- I'll try to update more often, but I can't promise you anything.

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larrylou #1
aww too bad you never finished
But please, continue updating!
Chapter 32: awww i think i know who is at the door~~ ^^
Chapter 30: LOL poor taemin >.<
thanks for updating~
Chapter 29: awww xiao is now revealing the truth to everyone ^^
thanks for updating
Chapter 27: i see aj is here...
Chapter 25: thanks for updating ^^ hmm looks like kyuhyun might want to change :)
Chapter 24: awwww such a sad goodbye but hmm make me stay hehe XD
thanks for updating good luck with school :D