2-The Aftermath

If Things Are Meant To Be...

It's been 5 weeks. 5 whole damn weeks without him.

I've tried everything to get him back. I called him, left him voice mails, texts to meet up...I even became crazy on day and decided to show up to his front door with a bouquet of roses.

"What are these?" he asked, eyes narrowing as he emphasized each word.

"They're roses. They're...they're for you," I hesitated, but boldly looked up into his eyes as I held up the flowers to him.

"I know that," he scoffed, "why are you giving it to me?"

"Well...I've been doing a lot of deep thinking and I want you back."

"You want me back? But I broke up with you."

"I know, but I can't stand not being with you. I can't stand not having you by my side. I miss you coming over and waking up with my arms around you. I was stupid to say all of those things to you and I regret it. I miss you. I can't sleep without you...my life isn't whole without you. Taemin, I-"

I love you.

But before I could finish my sentence, he slammed the door right in front of my face.

I guess once it's done, it's done for good.

Clenching the bouquet and the urge to cry, I turned around and started to drive back home.

Key came over my house on the same day after I texted him about my failure. He just hit me on the head and said I'm stupid for wanting to fix something that can never be. Tell that to my heart.

"Minho, if things are meant to be then he'll come back to you with the same feelings. Until then, you have to let go," Key spoke gently, my head like I was a hurt puppy.

"I know, but you know that's hard to do." I sat up, looking straight at him.

"You don't even know half of it."

"Well, then what about those nights you came running to my house drunk and yelling about how great of a guy he was and how he was great in be-"

"I think that's enough," his tone became stern, eyes seeping with rage and angry.

"I'm just saying."

"I know. Sorry for snapping like that, you know it's hard for me...but this isn't about me. It's about you." I nodded my head to acknowledge that I was listening.

"Minho, I think it's time for you to let go. You've been at it for almost a month now and do you see how he's been reacting? If you keep at it, he'll never come back. Lay low for a while and try to focus more on studying. It's almost the end of the school year; have you even seen your grades lately?"

I raised an eyebrow and laughed.

"My grades? My grades are fine. Why don't you check gradespeed or something."

Key scrambled to his feet and sighed in defeat. Hinting that he'll be taking his leave, I stood up and got his things, showing him the door.

"Minho, I hope things are alright for you."

"I hope the same for you Key."

a/n: Comments are welcome:3 How do you like it so far?

For those of you who don't know what gradespeed is, it's a site that students use to check their grades. That's how I always know my grades haha

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Chapter 47: nice ending! loving this story so much~~ <3
hopegrl18 #2
sequel, because I still feel like Taemin has some serious making up to do towards Minho, he got his way too easy!!!!!
jonkey2min #3
Yes this fic does need a sequel. It is far to good not to hav one.
boondoks1 #4
nice ending,,,kekeke and yes for a sequel,,wink wink,,kekeke
Waterdroplet #5
I wouldn't mind a sequel!!!
I seriously think this fic needed more subcribers; I enjoyed it very much! Continue on writing :3
OMG ^\\\\\\^
hopegrl18 #9
Taemin better not dump him again!! If so Minho sweetie come to Noona , I'll take care of you!!
hopegrl18 #10
~snort~ oh brother these two!! Kai sweetie please think with your other brain for a second!!