
Hi! I'm Mr. Nam's Wife


You could not believe your eyes. It seems like your sight want to play with you. It can’t be! How Woohyun oppa and Ailee eonni can be together? What was Woohyun doing there? You want to prove to yourself that it was not Woohyun, your husband. You stepped to the person without care anything around you. You stepped further… and further…

“Oppa?” You tried to call him with your weak voice.

“Woohyun oppa?” This time, you called him louder.

Recognized the voice, Woohyun rose his head. “Minjoo-ah, what are you doing here?” He was a bit startled seeing you at the time.

You looked to his back. “Ailee eonni?” Sehun stepped closer to you and tapped your shoulder, want to calm you a bit.

Ailee stepped closer to both of you, and to your shock, she suddenly wrapped her arms around Woohyun’s waist. In fact, Woohyun also shocked to her action. “What are you doing?” Woohyun pulled her arms away.

“Woohyun-ah~ why don’t you just tell her the truth?” Ailee asked him with intimate voice.

“What the truth? What are you doing behind me?” You didn’t even give Woohyun the chance to reply.

Before Woohyun could open his mouth, Ailee suddenly hiccup and closed with both of her hands before ran to the dustbin nearby the place and threw up.

“It..can’t be…” Sehun looked at you in shock.

You were a bit blurry with the situation at first but when you understood it, you looked at Woohyun in shock. “Minjoo-ah~” Woohyun tried to come closer to you. But before he could reach you, you stopped him. “DON’T TOUCH ME WITH YOUR DIRTY HAND!

“What nonsense you’re talking about?” Woohyun couldn’t understand with the situation.

“Mr. Nam, I can’t believe it, you make that girl pregnant?” Sehun pointed to Ailee.

“I’m-I’m WHAT?!” Woohyun couldn’t believe what he just heard. You couldn’t believe your eyes, you couldn’t believe your ears, was this really happening?

“Minjoo-ah~ please let me explain-“ before Woohyun could reach you, you ran away from the place.

“Minjoo-ah!” Woohyun chased you.

“Please listen to me!” Woohyun begged. You cupped your ears, didn’t want to hear any of his words. You didn’t want to… melt with his sweet words anymore… because you were that weak… like that…








You crossed the road not to care about anything before the honk from the car shrieked to your ears made you startled and looked back. You could see a body was lying hopelessly on the road. That couldn’t be… you looked around to search for your husband. Was that… NO! it must not be him. People started gather to the weak body. The driver anxiously approached to the body to check the person.

“Woo-Woohyun.” You walked around without looking at the victim; you didn’t want to see it. You know it; that must be not your husband.

“Op-oppa. Woohyun oppa.” You called for him with your heavy voice. You still walked around, ignoring the crowd that already surrounded the victim.

Suddenly Ailee and Sehun went to roadside to see the accident victim. Why they were there? You didn’t want to know about it. But where did Woohyun go? Where did he go? Wasn’t he run after you? You were there! Standing right there without any move! Why didn’t Woohyun try to reach you? Where did he gone? He was still behind you before the accident. He said he want to explain, you want to hear it. He said that he want you to listen to him. You were ready to listen anything that he want to say, why he was hiding? You were there! You want to hear anything from him. Where he was?

An ambulance passed by and stopped right beside the crowd and the nurses could be seen ran to the victim. As the victim was taken, you could see his glance. That... really him… you quickly ran to the victim and it was really… Woohyun… the one who involved in the crash... “Op-oppa!!!!” You shook his body while crying out loud.

“Are you his relative?” One of the nurses asked you.

You nodded. “I’m his wife.”

“Please follow us to the hospital.” The nurse asked and you just agreed.

“I’ll follow you from behind. Sehun, get on my car.” Ailee said before she too gone from your sight. You even couldn’t understand what she was talking about. You only knew that Woohyun, your husband, was in danger.

You hopped on the ambulance without letting your hand go from him. You sat beside him while the nurses tried their best to wake him up. They put the oxygen mask on him and his body already surrounded by all the wires that you couldn’t even tell what it was for.

When you arrived at the hospital, you followed them bringing your husband until at the front of the emergency room’s door. “You may stay here.” The nurse ordered.

You couldn’t stay still. What would happen to Woohyun? Would he be alright? He was so bleeding right there, he would be fine, right? You know him. Your husband is the strongest guy in the world. Yes, he would be fine. You only believe with that thought while waiting for him at the front of the emergency room’s door. The only thing that you could do is pray for his safety. You believe in God. Yes, God will help you. God know how much you love your husband. Soon after, Ailee and Sehun came to you. “How’s he?” Ailee asked. You shook your head, couldn’t say any word.

You didn’t know how much hour passes when the emergency’s light was off and the doctor came out. “Who’s the patient’s relative?” He asked.

You ran to him. “How’s my husband?” 


Hello guys~~~ i'm so so sorry for the late update :( you know how's university's life is... anyway, please accept my tiny present and thank you because keep waiting for this update, love you much :-*


credit to the owner :)

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[author] ur comments are like vitamin, thank u guys XD


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Lovinglovely #1
Chapter 36: Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazinggg story!!!!! Update soon author -nim!!!!
Raghavi #2
Chapter 36: Madly in love with ur story!!! Please update soon author-nim!!! And ur comedy timing is just amazing!!!!
Chapter 36: OMG! This is an amazing story!! Please update soon, authornim!!!!!
Chapter 36: Finally you updated author-nim!!! Been missing this fanfic... Haha.. Thanks!! FIGHTING!
Chapter 12: OMG I think I'm in love with ur story.... 사랑해 남유현
Chapter 36: I love the story it's really great I cried so hard when woohyun couldn't remember her...... will woohyun remember his wife ? N what about sehun why is he trying to separate them so much? He got on my nerve I hope woohyun remember his wife in they will be happy ever after OMG I can't wait for the next chapter n author _ nim you're amazing writer keep it up n I will sport you always...... Hwaiting ♥ Xoxo ♥
Chapter 36: I'm curious wif the next chappie! I'm looking for the next update! Hehehe update soon! :)
Aqua_Hunter #8
Chapter 36: Really cute and sad story it gives me so much mix emotions:(
naznew #9
Chapter 36: Sehun protecting her? But why? Why he don't want Nam's family looking for her?