Sungjong's Lesson

Hi! I'm Mr. Nam's Wife


“Am I dreaming?” Sehun looked at you before shifted his gaze to Woohyun. Three of you were at the café which is not so far from your school.

You took the cup from the table and raised it to the side of your face, “Do I have to pour this hot chocolate to your face to wake you up?” You joked.

Sehun slowly shook his head, “I-I… I’m just too shocked.” He whispered, lowering his head.

Woohyun straighten up in his seat, “You must keep your promise, never spread this news to anybody, especially in school.” He firmly said.

Sehun sighed, shaking his head. “I won’t tell this to anybody, but you have to be careful next time. Luckily, I was the one who saw you at the classroom, what if someone else seeing that? I can’t imagine what will happen.”

“Good. Enjoy your drink, it’s my treat.” Woohyun offered, pointing to the glass that was placed in front of Sehun. Sehun nodded before taking it and sipping the bubble iced tea.

“Since you knew about our relationship, I guess you should watch your distance with my wife.” Woohyun warned.

Sehun raised his eyebrows in confusion. He placed his glass of bubble iced tea on the table.  “Look here Mr. Nam, can’t you see that we’re friends? You don’t have the right to block Minjoo’s social life.” Sehun pointed to you.

“I think you should mirror yourself with who you’re talking, I’m your teacher! I know more what the best thing to do! Don’t you dare to teach me, little boy.” Woohyun hissed.

You gawked with his statement. “Oppa! That’s worse! You shouldn’t say something like that to him! He’s true! You can’t block my social life, he’s my friend, and always be my friend. Even he’s only a student, he also have the right to say what he think! Status not a mirror of everything! You’re not always right and Sehun is not always wrong!” Without realizing, all eyes were looking on you. As you stopped talking, you could hear people murmured around you. You lowering your head; sighed.

Woohyun became speechless with your outburst. He was quite surprise that you as his wife would oppose him. “So you’re defending him instead of me?” Woohyun looked deep in your eyes.

You sighed. “I’m saying the truth.”

“So you’re saying that I’m wrong and he’s right?” Woohyun pointed to Sehun.

“Oppa…” You lost your words.

“Minjoo-“ Sehun was cut with Woohyun. “And you’re saying that you’ll stay to be with him instead of me?” Woohyun bitterly smiled.

“Oppa, Sehun didn’t do any wrong. Why are you being like this?” You questioned.

Woohyun nodded. “I’ve got my answer.” He said before standing up, taking his coat, and stepped out from the café. Covered in disbelief, he couldn't find himself meaningful to you and he thought he should leave before anything worse happened.

“Minjoo-ah.” Sehun looked at you.

You shook you head. “It’s not your fault.” You stared to the empty space.

“Mr. Oh, the car is ready.” Sehun’s bodyguard came out of nowhere. With that, both of you walked out from the café. “Want to take a ride?” Sehun offered.

You shook your head, “Don’t bother yourself, I want to take some fresh air for a little while, you can go home now.” You assured.

“If you said so, take care.” Sehun patted your arm before leaving. The bodyguard opened the door for him and he hopped on the car. The bodyguard closed the door before shifted his body to you and bowed before he too, entered the car and drove off. Sehun took a glance of you from the car, sighed.

“Mr. Oh, what will you do now?” The bodyguard asked while driving.

“We will go on with the plan.” Sehun answered. They exchanged glance before looked back to the front, smirked.


Woohyun and his friends were at the outside of Tasty Club. Sungyeol suggested going to the club that night and Woohyun just followed him because he want to forget everything that bothering him. When they were about to entered the club, Sunjong stopped them. “Hyung, do we really need to do this?” Sungjong hesitated, playing with his own fingers. To be truth, that was the first time for him to enter the club. At first, he just want to spend his time at their home, but after Sungyeol keep bothering him to follow them and his eagerness to show him the real life of 20’s, also want to calm Woohyun who keep babbling about his dissatisfaction non-stop at their home, Sungjong finally agreed to follow them.

“Come on~ I told you that I will teach you how 20’s should do in their life. You have lots of thing that you could do in this age, not only learn about girls group’s dance.” Sungyeol advised.

“You had shown me the video, wasn’t that enough?” Sungjong argued; remembered the video that Sungyeol showed him before they sneaked to follow you to Japan.

“Yah! Do you really show him the video? Sunggyu widened his small eyes (it was not working though), shocked.

“Err… err… Well, he asked me what a married couple do in their first night, so… as a fact of becoming a good hyung, I showed him.” Sungyeol confidently answered; tried to defend himself.

“I asked that after you told me that Woohyun and Minjoo will have their first night in Japan!” Sungjong argued.

“Oh my poor innocent maknae~” Dongwoo hugged Sungjong while patting his back, sympathize with the youngest.

“Yah yah!!! Stop that! Why are we wasting our time talking about this stupid stuff here? Sungjong, let me teach you what other things that 20’s do in their life, let’s go!” Sungyeol clang his arm around Sungjong and led him to the club.

“I don’t know how I involved in this stupid lesson.” Myungsoo shook his head before follow them from behind.

“Won’t you come in?” Hoya asked Woohyun who seems like was in his own world.

“Y-yes, let’s go.” Woohyun snapped away and quickly stepped into the club.

The floating hot air from the shiny lightings filled the hectic Tasty Club that day. Crowd was seen drinking and dancing with their spouse, some of the singles spotted to be flirting. “Oh yeah~ it’s time to have fun~” Sungyeol started clapping his hand, followed the rhythm of the music.

“I want to find a seat.” Woohyun left the group.

“Me too.” Sunggyu followed him.

“Me neither~” Myungsoo followed both of them.

“Such a party pooper. Hoya! Let’s dance~” Dongwoo started to dance and made his way to the dance floor.

“Woooo!!!!!!!!!!! Let’s go Jongie~” Sungyeol merrily cheered, led Sungjong to the floor.

Woohyun, Sunggyu and Myungsoo found the spot and took their seat. “May I help you, sir?” The bartender asked.

“I want something that can make me forget the world.” Woohyun answered, playing with his wedding’s ring. Sunggyu and Myungsoo shook their head in disapprove.

“I got it, anything else?” the bartender asked to Sunggyu and Myungsoo.

“One coke.””No, thanks.” Myungsoo and Sunggyu answered respectively. The bartender nodded and left to serve the order.

Myungsoo sighed, “Hyung, you’re better than this.” He looked at Woohyun in sympathy.

“What else can I do?” Woohyun smirked, still staring at the ring.

Sunggyu patted his back, “Woohyun-ah~ you know that we’re with you, right?”


Meanwhile, at the dance floor…

Hoya, Dongwoo and Sungyeol were dancing happily on the dance floor while Sungjong was standing there like a statue, “Come on, Sungjong! Dance!” Sungyeol said while dancing.

Sungjong decided to show some of his movement. Before he could start to dance, Sungyeol stopped him. “No girls group’s dance, please.” Sungyeol remembered him. Hoya and Dongwoo were too busy dancing to keep their eyes to Sungyeol and Sungjong.

Sungjong pouted, “What kind of dance should I do then?” He questioned. Sungyeol smirked before grab a girl beside him and dance with her. Sungjong gawked and widened his eyes in shock.

Sungjong shook his head. “This hyung will never change.” He said before leave the crowd.

Sungjong stood on tiptoe to find his other hyungs when someone greeted him. “Hi! As one of the OWNER of this club, what can I help you?” Soryong asked, giving his meaningful smile. Soryong was the owner of the Tasty Club along with his older twin, Daeryong. He was popular with his playboy character while Daeryong was known with his serious personality.

“I want to find my hyung, but I can’t see them anywhere.” Sungjong answered, still searching for their glimpse.

“Hyung? That trick was lame, pretty lady. Come dance with me.” Soryong offered.

“Pre-pretty lady? Yah! I’m a man! MAN! M! A! N!” Sungjong emphasized the word.

“With that pretty face? I’ve got a good sense with pretty girl; I can see your hidden beauty, my girl…” Soryong said, caressing Sungjong’s face.

Sungjong moved Soryong hand from his face, “You’re crazy, and can’t you see that I’m a MAN with this outfit?” Sungjong showed his cloth, black jacket with white shirt beneath it, blue pants, and a pair of PINK sneakers. Soryong hid his giggles.

“I’m leaving, crazy jerk.” Sungjong said, trying his hard to show some of his manliness. “Oh! Myungsoo hyung! Wait for me!” Sungjong waved his hand to make him visible in Myungsoo’s sight before jogging to him.

Daeryong appeared to Soryong side, “Are you sure that she’s a girl?” He questioned.

Soryong looked at Sungjong. He was talking to Myungsoo who he called 'hyung' and other two unknown guys with his legs crossed. “Don’t you remember with drama ‘You’re beautiful’? ‘To the beautiful you’? Girls nowadays prefer to pretend to become a guy, maybe because they want to show us that they’re not weak, somehow, I found it attractive.” Soryong smiled.

Daeryong looked at him in disbelief. “Don’t blame me if that person is really a guy.” He said, shaking his head.



Say hello to Tasty~

please don't ask me which one is Daeryong and Soryong, i can't differentiate them at all XD



As a bonus...


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[author] ur comments are like vitamin, thank u guys XD


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Lovinglovely #1
Chapter 36: Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazinggg story!!!!! Update soon author -nim!!!!
Raghavi #2
Chapter 36: Madly in love with ur story!!! Please update soon author-nim!!! And ur comedy timing is just amazing!!!!
Chapter 36: OMG! This is an amazing story!! Please update soon, authornim!!!!!
Chapter 36: Finally you updated author-nim!!! Been missing this fanfic... Haha.. Thanks!! FIGHTING!
Chapter 12: OMG I think I'm in love with ur story.... 사랑해 남유현
Chapter 36: I love the story it's really great I cried so hard when woohyun couldn't remember her...... will woohyun remember his wife ? N what about sehun why is he trying to separate them so much? He got on my nerve I hope woohyun remember his wife in they will be happy ever after OMG I can't wait for the next chapter n author _ nim you're amazing writer keep it up n I will sport you always...... Hwaiting ♥ Xoxo ♥
Chapter 36: I'm curious wif the next chappie! I'm looking for the next update! Hehehe update soon! :)
Aqua_Hunter #8
Chapter 36: Really cute and sad story it gives me so much mix emotions:(
naznew #9
Chapter 36: Sehun protecting her? But why? Why he don't want Nam's family looking for her?