A result of midnight conversation

Turning point


(A/N: I'm sorry for veeeeerryyyy late update...)

vote for SJ please :) http://mama.interest.me/visite?s=1351374146547 ^^



Mr. Bang sat quietly while watching a fidgeting Heechul sat in front of him. Every few minutes she’ll stood up and walking to hallway, trying to eavesdrop every conversation at living room but she definitely couldn’t hear nor see anything and she will entering the kitchen again with a disappointed and tense expression on her face. She sat back while biting her nail nervously.

“Can I make some tea for calm you down, Miss?” the old butler stood up as he felt that he had enough of watching a nervous young girl. He decided that Heechul need some tea or anything to distract her for a bit.

 “Uh what? Oh, yeah tea, thank you. I put the tea on third drawer, ahjusshi.”

The old butler nodded.

He set the cup down once the tea was ready and Heechul took it with grateful smile but worries still clear inside her eyes.

“Don’t worry Miss; I’m sure they’ll finish their conversation soon.” He said slowly.

“I hope so ahjusshi, but somehow I doubt they’ll finish it quickly.”

“So maybe you should be a little bit patient, miss.”

Heechul laughed a little, “Patience and me rarely in one sentences, ahjusshi.” And nervous took over again when silence enveloped them once again.

Ten minutes passed and both of them were busy with their own mind and have no intention to open up a conversation when suddenly Heechul spoke up.

“I think we should make some tea for them too ahjusshi. I bet they’re thirsty.”

The old butler just nodded, and wordlessly pouring a cup of tea, when he about to pouring the tea onto second cup, Heechul stopped him.

 “Let me make a new tea for Siwon, ahjusshi. He’s a little bit picky about his tea.”

A small smile appeared behind his thick moustache. He has good news for his boss and he couldn’t wait for delivering the news. Ah, wait, he didn’t have to wait until later. Technology was his answer. He typed and sent the information immediately. He couldn’t help but agree with Heechul, Siwon indeed a little bit picky about tea, he prefer coffee than tea and as person who was live few years with him, he never made tea for him, he simply made black coffee for him every day.

Heechul carefully put the cups and few slices of cake on tray and when she will take the tray to living room, Mr. Bang stopped her. “Let me take this for them, Miss.”


Meanwhile at living room.

“I’m sorry grandma. I didn’t mean to ignore your phone call.” Siwon said immediately. He guessed the reason behind her sudden visit because he was ignoring her phone calls today. If not, she always asks him to visit her and not the other way round.

She waved her hand dismissively, “Nah, that wasn’t my reason visiting you today. You had done the same thing few years ago when I asked you to break up with Melody so you should have known I won’t spend my time for unimportant thing like that.” She paused for a while when a message entering her phone inbox. A smile appeared after she read her butler message. “Anyway, do you still dislike tea?”

At first, Siwon was taken aback with his grandma question but he answered it nonetheless, “Yes, I still prefer coffee than tea except…” he stopped mid way ‘Except if the tea was made by Heechul’ he continued inside his mind.

Mrs. Choi raised her eyebrow, it seem she had found something interesting. “Except…?” her question was full with teasing tone.

Few times his mouth opening and closing after his mind couldn’t find an excuse. When he found his voice, he chose to ask back. “Forget it grandma. So, what bring you here if there’s nothing important. I’m sure your answer not only because you missed me, there must be something else. Am I right grandma?”

Mrs. Choi clucked her tongue. She’s finally sure her grandson not only a straightforward person who didn’t like beat around the bush but also a spoilsport.

“Yeah, you're right. I came here today because I want to talk about your girlfriend.”

 In instant, an assumption about his grandma asked him to break up with Heechul filling in his mind, creating an uncomfortable knot inside his heart. He braced himself to ask. “What is it grandma?” he asked calmly although inside his heart he was frantically praying to god to not let his assumption become reality.

Mrs. Choi turned her head to hallway direction as she saw her butler standing there. “Let’s drink tea first. I’m thirsty.”

It’s took all of Siwon’s willpower to not yelling at his grandma. He hates if someone didn’t directly said the point and kept doing unnecessary thing. Although, he had learned to tolerate her behavior since he lived with her but now he couldn’t tolerate it. The knot inside his heart had tighter and the uncomfortable feeling tortured him at every minute passed.

“Drink your tea dear, you didn’t want to waste a delicious tea like this, right?”

“I don’t like tea.” Siwon answered immediately. He’s too irritated to think about decorum now. He just wants to finish the conversation as fast as possible and make everything clear.

“It's Heechul who make the tea, dear.” Mrs. Choi spoke up again, her eyes never for once skipped every change on Siwon’s expression.

Siwon slight dumbfounded, he thought Mr. Bang who made the tea, he didn't know that Heechul who was actually making the tea. Slowly he reach the cup and took a sip, missed a playful glint on his grandma's eyes.

“Let's back to the topic. About your girlfriend...” she raised a finger as a warning that she hasn't finished talking and Siwon was better not interrupting, “I don't think she's the perfect person for you. I think Kibum is better…”

“Don't talk about Kibum, grandma.” Siwon cut her word, “I think you had agreed that you won’t bring the topic about engagement with Kibum.”

“Why? I still thought she's the better candidate for you.”

“But I don't like her; she acted as if I will propose her every time we met. That girl creep me out.”

“Don't exaggerated thing Siwon. You start to acting like Kyuhyun. She's actually a good girl.”

“But grandma. I don't like her and that's final.”

“So you want to say that you like Heechul more.”


“Yes, my grandson? Do you want to say something?”

“Yes of course I like her more.”

Mrs. Choi sighed. She looked at her nail with poker face, “Only likes?” asked her.

“Y-Yes.” Siwon stuttered, he really didn't have any idea about anything plan inside his grandma head.

“I think you should love her first before you asked her as your girlfriend, Siwon.” she said calmly.

Mrs.Choi’s statement made Siwon speechless. He gaped for a second, couldn't argue back. He reached his tea and took a sip.

“By the way, when will you get married?”

Siwon choked on his tea, “Grandma, I haven't think about that yet. We just start dating if you forgot.”

“But all of your male cousin had think about marriage. Choi Jonghoon, Choi Minhyuk, Cho Dongrim even our maknae Kyuhyunnie has planning about marriage. He told me that you had planning to take your relationship to next step too.”

'That little devil.'  Siwon growled. “I haven't a plan to get married soon, grandma. She haven't ready yet too, beside Jonghoon hyung, Minhyuk hyung and Dongrim hyung had old enough to think about marriage. They were around 30 this year.”

“So, if your girlfriend hasn’t ready, I think Kibum was ready to get married soon.”

“Grandma, enough about Kibum!”

“Why? So far, she was my ideal type and she's more than ready to be your fiancé and your wife. Don't interrupting me, I haven't done yet. So why do you keep insist to reject her? A lot of men are more than ready to be her husband.”

“That's because family matter grandma. Are you had forgetting how her family wanted to destroy our family business few years ago?”

Mrs. Choi shook her head slowly. She couldn't believe his grandson still held the grudge while mostly of the Choi family had forgive Kim family. “Let bygones be bygones, Siwon. We had talked about this.”

“But I still couldn't forgive Kibum's grandfather.”

“I think you just made up a reason to strengthen the reason of your rejection.” Mrs.Choi chided. She still kept going with her little game.

“I'm not!” he denying, “But yeah, okay, a little bit.” he immediately surrendered after his grandma throw her sharp look to him, a look that could draw truth even from the deepest lies.

They didn't knew, in the middle their 'conversation', which more likely throwing argument and reason on Siwon's side, someone was listening.

“Kibum? Which Kibum they're talking? Is it possible that they were talking about my manager?” Heechul mumbled.

“What are you doing here, Miss?”

Heechul almost got heart attack after she heard Mrs. Choi's butler voice. She cursed silently since she hasn't done yet with her investigation. She turned her body and smiled sheepishly, “I think the tea was empty so I want to offer the new one, but I guess I'll wait at my room because they didn't need tea now and obviously they didn't need me too. Umh...excuse me.” she bowed and walked hurriedly to her room. Completely unsatisfied, since she just heard the part about Kibum being Siwon grandma's ideal type and she was his possible fiancé at future and embarrassed after she caught red handed trying to eavesdropping their conversation. Blame her curiosity that make her squirmed in her seat and the only way to kill it is to know the content of their conversation although just a little bit, since their conversation definitely will drag her too.

She bit her nail nervously as she paced back and forth inside her room. She really wants to eavesdrop again but it won't good for her reputation. 'Eunhyuk' her best friend name suddenly popped out in her head. She needs her now.


The atmosphere was somewhat awkward. Mrs. Choi didn't said anything and Siwon didn't try to open the new topic from the past few minutes.

Mrs. Choi finally spoke up, “What actually did you see from that girl, Siwon? Judging from her behavior and her style, she was far from your or my type, although I should admit she's a nice girl. Or did you hiding something from me?”

Inside Siwon imagination, he can imagine perfectly a bomb that finally exploded. He could sensed that this is the question his grandma want to ask since beginning and he definitely couldn't tell her that he actually made a deal with Heechul to avoiding engagement with Kibum because if he tell her now, all hell break loose. His grandma will calling Kim family and this night the engagement will happen. Just imagining that made Siwon shuddered in horror. “I...uhm...” he cleared his throat nervously, “I just felt comfortable with her, unlike my ex-girlfriend. Okay, maybe she's not the prettiest among them but she's definitely the most comfortable person to hang out with.” and Siwon was telling the truth. 'And she's y and a good kisser too.' if he can added. “Besides, I knew her before. She's my school friend in high-school.” 'Not to mention she's my enemy too' he added inwardly.

“Ah, I see. So you really didn't hide something from me my grandson?”

Siwon shook his head.

“But what will you do if I asked you to break up with her? I still prefer Kibum than her.”

Siwon closed his eyes, he mustered up his courage to say his answer which he knew, maybe will make her disappointed.

Slowly he opened his eyes. A confident look on his face, “I won't break up with her for now. I want try to make this relationship worked. I'm sorry grandma, if I make you disappointed.”

“But why?”

“I have my own reason and I hope you will understand, grandma.”

Mrs. Choi smiled, “I'm only wishing you made the right choice and as long as you happy, I'll happy too.” she opened her bag and took something. “If only you brave enough to defend your girlfriend or ex-girlfriend maybe now I had a cute great-grandchild. Why did you just show your courage now? Oh yeah, I have this for your girlfriend. Just a little gift.”

Siwon’s breath caught up when guilt strangle. He want to tell the truth yet he couldn't, “You don't have to grandma. I...I can't accept this.”

“It's okay. I just want to give this for her since you said you won't broke up with her, so I think I'll give you a chance. If you failed again, well, at least I had given you a chance.”

Siwon reach out the little box and hold it tightly, his expression mixing between guilt, relief, happiness and another of emotion dancing inside his brown orbs. “I...Thank you grandma...I...” he choked and stumbled on his own words.

Mrs. Choi stood up and walked to Siwon's side. She gave a hug. “No, thank you for being a good grandson for me. I think today was the time for me to let you lead your own step. When you failed, just come back again to me. I'll always here and... Kibum too.” she almost laughed after the last word slipped out. She can felt Siwon start to tense. “But I think you won't let Heechul go easily, unlike your previous girlfriend, right?” and she felt how Siwon's body start relaxed in her embrace.

“Yes grandma.”

“Good. I will go home now. Don't forget to visit me.”

Siwon nodded. He following Mrs. Choi and her butler until the elevator. He bid goodbye and retreated back to his room.



“Come on. Pick up the phone, Hyuk.”

Finally, someone pick up the phone.


Heechul took the phone away from her ears and checked the number once again. She indeed was calling Eunhyuk's number, but why her voice similar with a men voice and finally realization was dawned on her. “I'm sorry Donghae sshi, I'll call Eunhyuk later. Good night.” she turns off her phone.

“Who is it?” asked Eunhyuk groggily as she woken up.

“Your friend. She'll call you tomorrow.” he replied calmly. Slowly gathered Eunhyuk in his arm and hugged her tightly as they drift off into dreamless sleep once again.


“I guess you had known the result of our conversation Mr. Bang.”

“Yes, Ma'am. I think I could guess the result.”

“Did you think Siwon was made a right choice this time?”

“I'm not quite sure but I always hope for the best for him.”

“Yeah, me too. Let's go home faster, I'm tired.”


“Heechul, are you still awake?” Siwon knocking Heechul's room softly. He heard a reply and a click of the door unlocked. Slowly the door opened and revealed Heechul in her night pajama.

“I had packing my clothes.” She said softly. She opened the door wider and Siwon can see her suitcase along with few of her stuff.

He frowned, “Can I come in?”

Heechul's move aside and standing awkwardly beside the door after Siwon entering the room and sat on the bed.

“Come here.” He patted the space beside him, gesturing Heechul to sit there. Slowly she approaching and sat beside him.

“I will move out tomorrow. Thank you for everything, Si…Siwon.” she slightly wonder about the fact that tears start blurring her vision. How can she crying when she really didn’t involving her heart at all, or that just because she will lost everything, her shelter, her job, and…Siwon? She wasn’t sure. She chose to stare at her lap, while trying to stop the tears from falling.

“Who said you will leave?” Siwon asked calmly.

Heechul raised her head and staring straight into Siwon’s eyes. “What do you mean?” she asked confusedly. “Aren’t your grandma asked you to break up with me? So I don’t have reason to stay longer in your flat if she asked you to break up with me.”

He took her hand and holding the delicate hand firmly. “She did ask me to break up with you but I reject her request.”


“Because…” ‘Because I want to try to make this relationship worked and hopefully one day you will understand and will try to make this relationship worked for both of us too.’  if only he can said those word out loud and not only spoken inside his head he will choose to say that, but as a logical man he simply stated, “Because, I haven’t buy the dress for you and our deal haven’t end either.”

“Oh okay, I understand. Thank you again but still, I couldn’t stay forever in your place.”

‘Yes, you can if you want.’ Siwon screamed inside his mind once again but he chose to reply in very neutral way, “Yeah, you’re right.” that was the neutral answer he could thought at the moment.

“So, why did you taking a long time talking with your grandma?” Heechul couldn’t hold back her curiosity anymore. She really wants to know.

“Just family matter. Nothing important. I don’t want to talk about that now.” He pulled something from his pocket. “And grandma gives you this.” He opened the box and took out the necklace.

“Oh my god.” Heechul gasped. “It’s so beautiful.” She reached the necklace on Siwon's palm and observing the necklace carefully. The pendant in a cat shape, her favorite animal. “Is it not too much?” she asked. “I mean, we practically… deceive her.”

“I don’t know, maybe not. But for now, let’s keep going with our deal.” He unclasped the necklace, “Let me put it for you.”

Heechul turned her body and she can felt Siwon’s finger brushed her nape and sending a jolt to whole of her body, “Please, stop reacting.” She begged silently.

After the necklace placed around Heechul’s neck, Siwon bring his hand rested on Heechul’s shoulder. He felt Heechul shuddered under his touch. “Midnight has passed, our deal is safe. I think everything will be fine.” Slowly he turned her body, facing him. “Now, rest well.” Something based on instinct lead Siwon to place a soft kiss on Heechul’s forehead, “Good night…my enemy.” He murmured softly before rose up and walked out from Heechul’s room.

Slowly Heechul opened her eyes that was closed in her own accord when Siwon placing a kiss. She touched her forehead and after that touched her own heart that was beating harder. “Good night, Siwon.”




A/N: It’s soooo laaaaammmeeee… ackkh.. (Kill myself…) comment? comment! :D

Maybe for next chapter will still un-beta. Please bear my strange, weird writing style...<3


@lady_na: You're welcome.. ^^

@ichathoriqlover: Sorry, no Kyumin this time but i hope you still leave comment for me. The mysterious guy? I'll reveal it bit by bit.

@nank45: Don't worry. I think the same thing too :p thx for your comment.

@rossy80: Thank you for your lovely comment :)

@Fungafufu: I love her too <3 Thanks' for your comment

@Aricari: I'm so happy that you didn't fainted because of running out breath. Sorry for the late update and thank you for your comment :D

@loser220: Update (although my update is late :D )

@maedeh: Update...

@n0erhyuk: Update..hehe

@punklena : yeah, that____ deserved it. Never mess with Heechul. That's the first rule if you want to survive :D Thank you for the comment.

@shooOoog: Omo, thank you so much for your sweet comment. Update <3

@PusPusMayPuSiwon: Update ^^

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21 and 22 beta done..Happy belated B'day Hae..


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tsha_l #1
Hello, I want to tell you that I have read this fic twice and both times, I took three days off from work to read it without even having meals. This is seriously an addictive story and you're awesome. <<hugs>>
peachpetals #2
Chapter 48: oh my god am i too late for comment this story, i'm just new on aff i'm looking for sichul stories and i interested with this story..
i feel sorry for crazy love geunsuk for hichul, and my tears falling at the moment geunsuk confess his fault.

i love this story so much but why the ending got anti huhu is there any sequel?? /okay don't answer i'll look your stories by my self/ /slap/ hahaha

btw himchan, my shoulder is free for you and of course my heart opened for your love hahahaha..

well, this is mamacita era and i hope we got a lot of sichul moment and you can get your inspiration for your new story ^^
choiheenim #3
Chapter 47: ouuwww....happyly ever after.. 。゚(゚^∀^゚)σ。゚
daebak hyung....you are hooot...

hyung,why you didn't tell about the book that siwon found at the day his grandma got accident?
is that book which his initial name in it?

ouch..... the end??okkay....let move to epilogue

hyung,saranghae...thanks for the beautiful story
choiheenim #4
Chapter 28: mianhe hyung...but what is 'M rate' means for this chapter?

coz i dont read any nasty things..hehe.. ^.^V
choiheenim #5
Chapter 20: kyuhyun..he must be kyuhyun..

aawww....cute siwonnie...
choiheenim #6
Chapter 1: muahahahaha.....another fic that make me smile all day long....

love sichuuulllll......
thank you author~nim *or hyung?? *bow
Chapter 1: love to read it again and again :")
Chapter 47: New reader here... I started reading last night and now I look like a panda lol but I have to say I loved it totally loved it. It's my first time reading a gender switch but I have to say it fits perfectly I really enjoyed it... And now they r having twins I really want to continue reading part 2 looking forward to it :)
Qk-9ya #9
Chapter 48: finally. but i wonder about their future! Kyaaaa! i can help it!
lukianara #10
Chapter 48: I don't know how to say....just...thank you.
I don't mind if you make sequel for this.I hope so...."Sichul family"sounds interesting