A Big 360

The Other Girl


Heejin woke up to her alarm clock ringing. She sat up and stretched, having quite a good sleep the night before. Well, that's new, she thought, smiling to herself. She stood up and made her bed, quite excited to live a normal day after such a long time. She took a really long bath, remembering what had happened the day before.
"HE SERIOUSLY DID THAT TO YOU?! THAT STUPID BASTARD!" CAP threw hysterics at the dance studio. L.Joe and Heejin just finished telling the lot of them what really happened to her for the past da- months.
"Why didn't you tell us anything, Heejin-ah?" Changjo, being the calmer one, asked.
"Well," she started, fidgeting with her fingers, "first, I don't wanna see Minsoo reacting like that," she grinned up at him. CAP pretended to calm down and sat down beside Ricky, smiling like an angel. "Second, I thought I was responsible for taking care of him in some way, since Hyuna eonni asked me to take care of him when she left. I never thought that it would all add up to this."
Chunji leaned in, "I'm pretty sure by "taking care of him", Hyuna sunbae didn't mean that you stand by him like a babysitter and attend to his every whim." "Not to mention that you've gotten hurt and tired," Yoomi nodded.
"Yeah well, he doesn't look like he's gonna give up on you anytime soon." Everyone turned to look at Niel. "Think about it," he started, looking at everyone, "just because Byunghun gave him a warning doesn't mean he'll just back off. It looks like Heejin's become his... pacifier, his night blanket. Would any of you let go of your night blanket so easily just because your mom put it in their room? You'd all probably go steal it when they're not looking."
L.Joe stretched out his arms and put it around Heejin, "Then I guess we'll just have to keep an eye on her, won't we?"
"There you are, Heejin-ah! Come and eat breakfast," Mrs. Nam called when she got down the stairs. She smiled and went to sit down on her place at the table. "Waffles and bacon okay for breakfast today?"
"Wah, we're like an American family today," Heejin giggled.
"Well of course," Mr. Nam mumbled while reading the paper, "We can be pretentious once in a while, can't we?"
The Nam family stopped and looked at each other. Then fits of giggles and laughs started to fill the dining room.
"Aigoo, appa," Heejin wiped away the tears in her eyes from laughing too much. Truly this day's starting up to be really good.
Heejin's just finished breakfast and is about to leave when Mrs. Nam called out, "Don't forget: we're having dinner later, araseo?" "Ne, eomma!" Heejin ran to the door, "I'm going now!"
"BE SAFE!" Mr. Nam called out just before she closed the door. Heejin turned around and immediately brightened up to see L.Joe waiting for her. "Breakfast went well?"
She nodded and beamed, "We had an American breakfast. Come on!" Heejin started walking.
"Why didn't you invite me then?" L.Joe shook his head and ran up to Heejin, taking her hand and walking with her.
Heejin's heart started to beat just a little bit faster. Must be from the walking fast, she thought. "Silly Byunghun, you were having breakfast at your house; why would I call you to have breakfast at ours?"
"A second breakfast won't hurt," he just shrugged.
"You'll get fat fast," she laughed. "You won't be able to dance well if you get fat. Didn't you watch KPOP Star last year? That's what JYP said!" [a/n: LOL I'm sorry, I just had to put in some KPOP Star reference :)) BoA ♥]
"You still watch that, huh? Are you dreaming of becoming the next KPOP Star?" L.Joe laughed.
"No, I can't sing for my life," she laughed. "I'm monitoring your competition," Heejin said, pretty seriously.
"Competition?" L.Joe laughed. "For what?" "Well, obviously you're all going to be some idol group in the future! We should look after your competition!"
"I think we'll be sticking to the underground dance competitions for now, Heejin-ah," L.Joe smiled, holding onto her hand a bit tighter. "Besides, I don't want you getting mobbed by crazy fangirls."
"Psh, showoff," Heejin made a face, but held onto L.Joe's hand a bit tighter as well.
The two met up with the rest of Teen Top and Yoomi a while later and walked to school. The eight of them were noisy and playful, as usual, but stopped when they saw the big commotion happening once they stepped inside the school.
"What's happening?" Yoomi whispered to Chunji.
"Don't ask me: I just got here," he shrugged.
The crowd saw Heejin and immediately parted, revealing a very dapper-looking Joon. He looked all cleaned up and suave, holding a bouquet of roses in his hand. What Heejin noticed most of all was that he looked... sane. As if he had gone to rehab for whatever addiction he got and was already better overnight. To think she had just seen him at wits end the day before.
"Heejin-ah," he smiled a very wonderful smile and walked purposefully towards her. She stepped a bit backwards, L.Joe immediately walked up to block Joon from getting to Heejin. "What is it?" he asked, for all eight of them.
Joon smiled, completely unfazed, "Well, I just wanted to give these to Heejin," he held up the roses, "and I wanted to ask permission to court her."
The crowd gasped at Joon's boldness, as if he didn't see that Heejin and L.Joe were holding hands. "Permission from who?" L.Joe challenged.
"From Heejin, of course," he said, "You're only her best friend, aren't you? I don't need to ask permission from you to court her," he challenged back, then looked at Heejin. "I know that we've had a complicated start to our... friendship, but I can assure you that things are fine now, Heejin-ah. I've changed, and I can assure you that I won't hurt you anymore. Please give me a chance."
Everyone held their breaths as they looked at Heejin, waiting for an answer. L.Joe squeezed her hand tighter, telling her to say no. CAP was getting ready for a fight.
"Um..." Heejin looked around, finding the right words to say. "Thank you, for the flowers..." Joon brightened. "But, I..." Heejin looked down, not wanting to say more.
"I understand." Heejin's head shot up and looked at Joon. His expression faded a bit, but otherwise it looked pretty bright. "It's not very logical to accept after everything that had happened, but I won't give up, Heejin-ah. I'll prove to you that I've changed, and that you won't regret choosing me." He sent one more challenging look at L.Joe and smiled at Heejin, "I'll see you later then," and he walked away.
The crowd started to disperse, leaving only Heejin, Yoomi, and Teen Top outside the school. All of them were silent for a while. Ricky was the first one to find his voice.
"What the hell just happened?" he asked, looking at the roses in Heejin's hands.
"I don't know," L.Joe said. But I'm gonna stop him from hurting Heejin anymore.



MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! 메리크리스마스~~~

I may not have presents for my relatives (because I'm poor), but here's my present for everyone here! YAY!

I hope all of you have a very happy Christmas and good holidays, regardless of who you guys are spending it with :D

I hope you liked this update! Thank you so much for the comments!!!

P.S. Who do guys ship now: Byungjin or HeeJoon? :D
@Seonriyong: I know you're gonna hate this chapter =)))) Aigoo saengie~ Joon just found out last chapter that he loves Heejin, give him some credit? =)))) SARANGHAEEEE!!!
@lolmeowlol: I dedicate the second half of this chapter to you, being the only HeeJoon shipper =))))))))) Yep, toned down the insanity :D
@B2UTY-K: If Joon does that (what you said in your comment), will you ship them??? :D
@Honeyjay: No rampage, see? :D :D
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Thank you!
I will update with a new chapter on Tuesday (PH time) :D


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After almost 4 years, I'm coming back again to read this. Please don't ever delete it
Chapter 56: I actually kind of wanted Joon and Heejin to end up together.
andreaylen #3
Chapter 56: At last they together....
lolmeowlol #4
Chapter 56: sigh so joon and heejin didn't end up together :/
Well it was fun while it lasted
I really enjoyed reading this, thanks for making such a fantastic story :)
Just want to make it clear to everyone who didn't like Joon that Joon wasn't a bad guy, he was just a person looking for some love! >_<
(I've been fangirling over shinhwa too, don't worry you're not alone XD)
Chapter 56: ITS OVER.

/is guilty to laughing when the car went bang :3

/rolls arounnd
And omg. Cameo of Jonginnie&Yeollie <3 <3 <3

Chapter 56: Me loves the ending eventhough I truly didn't see it coming anytime soon LoL anyway thank you for the story~
Chapter 56: Hi :D yeayy finally ! :D i like the ending ! :D good job ! :D
Chapter 54: Author-nim , please update :( i've been waiting so long for the next update :( *begging* TT-TT
tia-louise #9
please update soon!!! love it!!
Chapter 53: Jdxhnjiskjmnhdsoxksjhnxbhnjkodksjndhjiksjhndhjsiw
Jdxijkwsnhjksxddsehwaszhdsjidxnhcd what is coherence???
Byungjiiiinnnnnn! /rolls around

HYUUNNNAAAAAAA! /tackles her

Saranghaaee! <3
