Don't Let Her Go

The Other Girl


L.Joe walked excitedly to the library the Monday after his and Heejin's "best friends' date". He hadn't had the chance to talk to her while they were still in class because she was tired, so he was extremely excited to spend the rest of the day with her. He didn't care if she had to sleep and he had to write down notes for her, he just wanted to spend the rest of the day with Heejin.
He sat down in one of the empty tables and took out his books. The library was starting to get filled up since exams come in a week. He looked around for any sign of Heejin, but she wasn't there yet.
I'll just have to wait then, L.Joe sighed. He took out his science book and started making notes, constantly looking at his phone for any text or call from Heejin.
But none came.
He only felt his phone vibrate a few hours later. He had fallen asleep sometime during making notes for English, and was woken up by the vibrations of his phone. He groggily took it out and answered, "Heejin-ah?"
"Yah, does it sound like I'm Heejin?" the person from the other line laughed. It was a male voice.
"Oh, CAP hyung? Why are you calling?" He yawned and sat up.
"It's eleven at night, babo! Where are you? Auntie and uncle are looking for you."
"It's eleven?!" He really woke up then and looked around. The library was already empty, only he was there with the librarian.
"I'm at the library, must've fallen asleep. I'll go home now." He hung up and packed his stuff. After packing, he stood up and left the library, bowing to the librarian on his way out.
Heejin didn't come.
L.Joe spent the next few days in the library, studying and making notes for the exam. Whenever he was at classes, he would always look at Heejin, but would always see her asleep. And when it was break time, and he wanted to talk to her, she would always slip away to some place he didn't know. He tried following her once, but the sea of people coming out to the corridors prevented him from having any idea where she went. And when it was time for classes, she would be asleep again.
"HEEJIN-AH!" L.Joe only got the chance to talk to her that Friday. He immediately got out of his seat and caught up to Heejin, who was trying to escape.
"B-Byunghun-ah!" Heejin looked at Byunghun in shock, as if he was back alive from the dead. "Byunghun-ah..." A tear slipped from her eye, and before L.Joe could blink, Heejin already hugged her tightly, sobbing in his chest, too scared to let go.
"Hey..." he softened, and wrapped his arms around her. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"
But Heejin just shook her head and buried her face in L.Joe's chest. "I don't wanna talk about it."
Her vibrating phone harshly woke her up from the blissful five minutes with L.Joe, and she tore herself away from him. "I have to go."
"No, Heejin-ah-" But Heejin had already been swallowed by the people in the corridors, and L.Joe couldn't catch sight of her again. He turned around and punched the wall, "DAMMIT!"
He went out of the school and caught sight of Seungho kicking the dirt, huffing like he had run a mile, which he probably did. L.Joe warily approached him, hoping he could ask some questions. "S-Seungho sunbae-"
"WHAT?!" Seungho fiercely growled and turned around. "Oh, L.Joe," he sighed.
L.Joe's eyes grew wide. "Sunbae, what happened to your eye?"
"Oh this?" He touched his black eye and chuckled, "Nothing, just had a fight with a ing bastard. You needed something?"
"I- I just wanted to ask if you knew where Heejin was going to the past few days," he scratched the back of his head.
He noticed Seungho's eyes suddenly become dark, as if he wanted to murder someone that very moment. "No, I don't know," he lied. "Why? What got you asking? Aren't you the best friend?"
"Well, yeah, but I don't know what she's up to nowadays. We were supposed to meet at the library this week, but she didn't show up. And she's always asleep in class and whenever I wanna go talk to her, she disappears." He sighed, "But we got to talk a while ago. Well, she cried and I hugged her. I was hoping you'd know what's happening, since you two seemed familiar with each other the last time we met."
Seungho's fists tightened, ready to punch someone in the gut, but his voice kept cool, "I'll update you when I hear anything," he nodded. He turned to go, but then stopped and turned back, "L.Joe."
L.Joe looked up at Seungho.
"If Heejin hoobae lets you hold her, don't ever let her go again."
He didn't have any idea what Seungho was talking about, but L.Joe nodded and went to the library.
It was only then when Seungho's words really sunk in, and he knew that it meant more ways than one. Whatever Seungho sunbae means, I won't let her go if she comes to me again.
Heejin looked at Joon, who was holding her hand, flirt with the girl beside him. They were at a club again, and Joon refused to let her go no matter what she said.
"I'll just go to the bathroom oppa~" the girl winked and stood up.
As soon as she left, Heejin tugged on Joon's hand, "Sunbae, can I go now? I still have to study..."
Joon's hold on Heejin's hand tightened as he looked at her, "Y-You can't! I- I need you here! Please?"
Before she could answer, the girl came back and sat back down beside Joon, touching his thigh.
And she knew that, without a choice, she had to stay.
It's enrollment time again for me tomorrow for the new semester hahaha!!! Oh well~
-insert story on how I got to know BoA and KPOP when I was nine-
I'll save you guys of the story LOL :D
I hope you liked this update! Thank you so much for all the comments!!!
@Seonriyong: HAHAHAHA Mr. and Mrs. Nam being fellow shippers =))))) SARANGHAEEE~
@AwkwardlyPabo: Amazed?? Really??? Why??? =)))) But thank you :D
@lolmeowlol: LOL PIZZA GUY JOON =))))) You know, for a moment, I really, actually considered making Joon a pizza guy =))))
@FolderName: It wasn't mentioned in the chapter, but I think you know who it is, right? :))
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Thank you!
I will update with a new chapter on Tuesday (PH time) :D


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After almost 4 years, I'm coming back again to read this. Please don't ever delete it
Chapter 56: I actually kind of wanted Joon and Heejin to end up together.
andreaylen #3
Chapter 56: At last they together....
lolmeowlol #4
Chapter 56: sigh so joon and heejin didn't end up together :/
Well it was fun while it lasted
I really enjoyed reading this, thanks for making such a fantastic story :)
Just want to make it clear to everyone who didn't like Joon that Joon wasn't a bad guy, he was just a person looking for some love! >_<
(I've been fangirling over shinhwa too, don't worry you're not alone XD)
Chapter 56: ITS OVER.

/is guilty to laughing when the car went bang :3

/rolls arounnd
And omg. Cameo of Jonginnie&Yeollie <3 <3 <3

Chapter 56: Me loves the ending eventhough I truly didn't see it coming anytime soon LoL anyway thank you for the story~
Chapter 56: Hi :D yeayy finally ! :D i like the ending ! :D good job ! :D
Chapter 54: Author-nim , please update :( i've been waiting so long for the next update :( *begging* TT-TT
tia-louise #9
please update soon!!! love it!!
Chapter 53: Jdxhnjiskjmnhdsoxksjhnxbhnjkodksjndhjiksjhndhjsiw
Jdxijkwsnhjksxddsehwaszhdsjidxnhcd what is coherence???
Byungjiiiinnnnnn! /rolls around

HYUUNNNAAAAAAA! /tackles her

Saranghaaee! <3
