
The Other Girl


Heejin and Joon sat across each other in a cafe in Myeongdong. It was one in the afternoon, and they were already deciding on what to order.
"Your friend seems to hate me a lot," he chuckled.
She looked up from the menu and blinked, "Which friend, sunbae?"
"The guy you're always with. L.Joe?"
"Ahhh," she nodded. "He said he doesn't exactly like you, sunbae."
"And you're too honest," he laughed.
"Aniyo," she smiled. "But he's the kind of person who doesn't really like a lot of people, and tends to have bad vibes for some."
"Then why don't you listen to him?" He raised his eyebrows, "You two have known each other for longer, and I might just be a bad guy like he says."
"Are you a bad guy, sunbae?"
"I guess every guy has a bad side in them, don't they?" Joon smiled.
Heejin blinked, not understanding.
He chuckled, "I smoke, and drink. I'm sure L.Joe doesn't do that, and your parents probably don't do that too."
"We've drank wine though," Heejin said. "It was Christmas eve two years ago and my family and Byunghun's family went to a ski resort. We drank wine before opening the drinks. He had two glasses while I had only one."
"Byunghun? Who's that?" he furrowed his eyebrows.
"Oh!" Her hands went to cover . "That's L.Joe's real name sunbae. But don't call him that: he only lets us call him that."
"The two of you must've been friends for a while now," Joon commented.
"We were classmates in the second grade, with Chunji and Yoomi. Then we walked home together and found out we were neighbors, so we became close friends after that," Heejin smiled at the memory: how L.Joe was on his lollipop, and how his eyes went extra wide upon seeing her house next to his.
"Anyway," he chuckled, "back to the topic: I'm a bad guy?"
"I think that just because people do bad things doesn't make them a bad person. And smoking and drinking don't seem like bad things... but they do damage the body. If you like doing that, then there's nothing I can do, although I would much prefer it if you didn't," she nodded, satisfied with her answer.
"You seem so nice, I wonder if it's a good idea to be friends with me," Joon laughed. "I might be a bad influence."
"I think Joon sunbae's a good person, even if he does things I don't really like," she smiled, then went back to reading the menu. "I think I want carbonara," she nodded.
"Carbonara it is," Joon laughed and called the waiter, ordering a carbonara for Heejin, a bolognese for himself, and an iced tea pitcher.
The two mostly ate in silence when their orders arrived, only sneaking in a few talks in between bites. When they were done, Joon paid for the bill and then drove Heejin home.
"What kind of relationship do you and L.Joe have?" Joon suddenly found himself asking.
"Relationship?" Heejin looked at him, "What do you mean, sunbae?"
"Well, you two have known each other for a while already. And you two seem so close, I wouldn't be surprised if you told me you two were a couple," he smiled.
Her eyes went wide upon understanding what Joon meant, "Aniyo, sunbae! L.Joe and I are really close friends, and that hasn't changed in eight years."
"Really?" His eyebrows raised. I swear, that look on that guy's eyes... But I guess this one's pretty innocent.
"Really, sunbae," Heejin furiously nodded. I don't understand: why would sunbae think Byunghun and I are like that?
They arrived a while later to see L.Joe sitting on the porch of the Nam residence. He looked up when he saw the familiar car and stood up. Joon got out of his car and walked around it to open the door for Heejin.
"Gomawoyo, sunbae, for the ride and for the meal," Heejin smiled.
"You're welcome," he smiled. "Let's do that soon again, okay?"
She felt spread to a huge grin, "Ne!"
Joon laughed and patted her head, "I'll see you soon, favorite hoobae." With a cool salute, Joon went back in the car and sped off, leaving Heejin in a huge grin.
"You like him that much?" "OMO!" Heejin turned around to see L.Joe looking at her. She clutched her heart in shock. "Byunghun-ah! Don't creep up on me like that."
"I've been standing here for five minutes already." "Jinjja?!" He nodded. "I didn't notice..." Heejin made her way into the house, L.Joe following her. He didn't need to ask permission and entered after Heejin, took off his shoes where she took off hers, and went to the kitchen where Heejin was getting two glasses of water.
"How long have you been waiting?" She set the glass in front of L.Joe, who was sitting in the dining room.
"An hour," he took the glass and drank. "Did your lunch really last that long?"
"Not really, but we kind of talked a lot," she smiled.
"About?" L.Joe became curious.
"You, mostly," Heejin bluntly said.
"Really? He hates me that much?" he laughed.
"You just don't give him a chance, Byunghun-ah," she laughed. "And you know what's funny?"
"What?" L.Joe raised his eyebrow.
"Joon sunbae thought we were a couple," Heejin giggled.
"Oh? He did?" L.Joe chuckled. "That's 'coz you keep on clinging to me, you should really stop that."
"Ya!" She slapped L.Joe on the arm, "Who was the one waiting outside our house just a few minutes ago, huh?"
"I told you," he shrugged. "And besides, I should be mad at you for not listening to me."
Heejin cocked her head to the side, "About what?"
"Babo girl, now forgetting about it," he shook his head. L.Joe grabbed hold of Heejin's hands and looked into her eyes, "I told you: I don't like his vibe. And it's getting graver by the minute. You knowhow I am with these bad feelings. Remember when I had a bad feeling and warned Niel not to overpractice, but he still did and ended up injuring his ankle, having him bandaged up for a month?"
"I don't know where these feelings are coming from since usually I don't have any problems with the new friends you meet, and not even towards Hyuna sunbae. It's just with him, and with that Mir dude. Don't get too close to him, okay?"
Heejin sofly smiled and gently wriggled her hand off L.Joe's grasp, softly placing it on his cheek. "You're too concerned about me."
"Blame the eight years of sticking with you and knowing all your habits," he mumbled, holding Heejin's hand that's caressing his cheek.
"I promise, I won't go too close to him, especially when he's out doing those things. But I won't be able to avoid him all the time, Byunghun-ah," she reasoned.
"Then just avoid him when it's avoidable, don't go to him when you have a choice not to, okay?"
Heejin nodded and smiled. "I promise. Now let's go to the mall and let me treat you to a smoothie since you waited for me. Just let me change my clothes." She stood up and skipped up the stairs to change her clothes.
L.Joe placed a hand on his chest. "You should stop now, before your condition gets graver," he mumbled to his fast-beating heart.
Did you miss me??? -hugs for everyone!-
I was supposed to get this finished a few hours ago, but my stomach's hurting ㅜ______ㅜ It's been that way since last night, and then when the pain attacked while I was starting on this chapter, I couldn't continue writing until a few hours later.
I managed to get it done, though!!! And I think the Byunghun-Heejin shippers here would like this chapter =))
Well, tell me what you think, okay? :D
I hope you liked this update! Thank you so much for all the comments!!!
@AnnaOnew: HAHAHA I would too... but she didn't, so yeah =)))))
@FolderName: Well, Hyuna doesn't have a plan, that much I can tell you :D I think when the events unfold, you'll all understand :D
@Seonriyong: Aigoo dongsaeng~ kkkk Hyuna wants them to be friends~ And that's Joon's way of starting :D GOMAWOOOOOOOOO~~ SARANGHAEEEEEEEEEE~~
P.S. Why is everyone hating on Joon? =)))))))))
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I will update with a new chapter on Tuesday (PH time) :D


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After almost 4 years, I'm coming back again to read this. Please don't ever delete it
Chapter 56: I actually kind of wanted Joon and Heejin to end up together.
andreaylen #3
Chapter 56: At last they together....
lolmeowlol #4
Chapter 56: sigh so joon and heejin didn't end up together :/
Well it was fun while it lasted
I really enjoyed reading this, thanks for making such a fantastic story :)
Just want to make it clear to everyone who didn't like Joon that Joon wasn't a bad guy, he was just a person looking for some love! >_<
(I've been fangirling over shinhwa too, don't worry you're not alone XD)
Chapter 56: ITS OVER.

/is guilty to laughing when the car went bang :3

/rolls arounnd
And omg. Cameo of Jonginnie&Yeollie <3 <3 <3

Chapter 56: Me loves the ending eventhough I truly didn't see it coming anytime soon LoL anyway thank you for the story~
Chapter 56: Hi :D yeayy finally ! :D i like the ending ! :D good job ! :D
Chapter 54: Author-nim , please update :( i've been waiting so long for the next update :( *begging* TT-TT
tia-louise #9
please update soon!!! love it!!
Chapter 53: Jdxhnjiskjmnhdsoxksjhnxbhnjkodksjndhjiksjhndhjsiw
Jdxijkwsnhjksxddsehwaszhdsjidxnhcd what is coherence???
Byungjiiiinnnnnn! /rolls around

HYUUNNNAAAAAAA! /tackles her

Saranghaaee! <3
