
The Other Girl


The secret wasn't kept for long though. A while later, everyone just had to find out that Hyuna was leaving. Someone from school took a picture of Hyuna while she was in the embasy, which caused quite a stir among everyone. She had to reveal that she'd leave for London eventually.
Heejin and Yoomi were in the lockers when 4Minute passed by them. The atmosphere in the group was quite heavy.
"I guess it's because Hyuna sunbae's leaving soon. Have you heard the news?" Yoomi whispered to Heejin.
She just nodded, Hyuna sunbae told me before everyone else found out.
The two were about to go to their classroom when MBLAQ passed by. They shared the same atmosphere as 4Minute's. And Heejin noted with worry that Joon seemed restless, which was true: he hadn't slept a wink since he found out that Hyuna would be leaving soon. He was almost going out of his mind, trashing his whole room and drinking. It was a miracle that he'd still attend school that day.
"You should've rested at home, Joon-ah," Seungho looked at him in worry.
"Hyuna's leaving in two weeks and you want me to miss out on another day with her by staying at home? Am I crazy?" he snapped.
"Okay, I get it, you love her," Seungho chuckled. "Sleep during class then. Later," he waved and went to his classroom.
Joon took Seungho's advice and slept as soon as he sat on his seat in class. People started gossiping, feeling sorry for Joon. Everyone knew how much they loved each other, and everyone saw the two of them getting married, but since Hyuna was leaving, the future seemed unclear for all of them now.
Lunch time came and everyone went to the cafeteria, as usual, for their lunch. However, the food wasn't their first priority as everyone found themselves staring at MBLAQ and 4Minute's table in the middle of the room. The ten kingkas and queenkas ate their food and 'laughed' as Mir and Cheondoong attempted to make jokes. They were all taking it hard for the day. Hyuna and Joon just held hands and ate, cherishing the moments they had.
"It's so weird in the cafeteria," Changjo shrugged as he ate. The eight of them were, as usual, in the gardens.
"Of course it would be!" Yoomi hissed. "Didn't you hear the news?!"
"Of course we did," CAP rolled his eyes. "Everyone's been talking about it since we got here."
"Then why aren't you reacting?!" Yoomi asked, flabbergasted.
"It's not the end of the world just because Hyuna sunbae's leaving," Chunji said. "There's Twitter, and Facebook, and Skype, me2day, and whatever website. They can still talk and keep in contact. Everyone's acting like Hyuna sunbae caught some terminal disease or something."
"But still!" Yoomi insisted. "Ya, Nam Heejin! Why aren't you supporting me?!" she shook Heejin, who's been quiet since that morning.
"Oh, mwo?" Heejin had shaken out of her trance and looked at Yoomi.
"You've been silent the whole time, Heejin-ah. What's wrong?" Chunji asked.
"You really that depressed that Hyuna sunbae's leaving?" Niel laughed.
"Ani," she smiled. "Just thinking," she dismissed the topic and started participating in the conversations more, careful not tell them anything about her and Hyuna's conversation a week ago.
Heejin and L.Joe were walking behind their friends as they left for the dance studio. "Did Hyuna sunbae tell you anything?"
"Mwo?" Heejin looked at him.
"When you and Hyuna sunbae met at the mall," L.Joe reminded her, "Did she say anything?" He took out the lollipop from his mouth and tapped his lips with it before putting it back in his mouth.
"Ani," Heejin smiled.
L.Joe eyed her critically, "I don't believe you, but alright," he shrugged.
Heejin looked at the road as she thought and saw a familiar gray car pass by. Joon sunbae's car...
Hyuna was sitting on the passenger's seat as Joon drove to his house. The two were silent, just holding hands. After a while, they finally arrived in the luxurious Lee residence. They got out of the car and walked in, immediately going to Joon's room. As soon as Hyuna saw the state of the room, she gasped.
"Oppa, what the hell happened to your room?" she looked at him.
"Jagi..." Joon whispered as he cupped Hyuna's face. "Jagiya..."
"Oppa..." Hyuna wrapped her arms around Joon's waist.
"Don't leave me, baby. Please..." he whispered, eyes b with tears.
"Oppa, I-"
"I love you, I love you, I love you," the tears from his eyes were flowing nonstop. "Don't leave me baby, I love you..."
"Oppa..." Hyuna's tears started falling as well, seeing her boyfriend so weak and fragile. He was always so strong and cool, but right now, all the coolness and composure has left, leaving him in his fragile and needy state.
"Do you really have to leave?" Joon whispered, looking into Hyuna's eyes.
"I- I don't have a choice, oppa," she whispered.
"You always have a choice, baby," Joon convinced. "You can stay here until graduation."
"But then, I'll still have to leave after, oppa," she said, Joon's face. "Me leaving is inevitable."
"No, baby, please..." Joon furiously Hyuna's cheek, "Don't go."
"Oppa, mianhae," Hyuna whispered.
Joon, without anything else to do, knowing that he can't convince her with words, just tilted Hyuna's face up and kissed her with so much passion and love, trying to convince her to stay with his actions.
Hyuna knew what Joon was doing, but both of them knew she couldn't stay, so she just responded to Joon's kisses, letting him do whatever he wanted with her for that night.
Well, I'm almost there =)))))
I'm so so so excited for BoA's guesting on WIN WIN which will air later!!! Does anyone know where I can watch KBS online? :D
I hope you liked this update! Thank you so much for all the comments!!!
@Seonriyong: Joon's a nice guy dongsaeng-ah~ ^^ Hahaha and my friend said hello too when he saw your comment :)) Yes that's why~ And I read the new chapter already~! SARANGHAEEE~~~
@AnnaOnew: What if i want things differently this time? =)))))
@lolmeowlol: Yeah she has too~ I actually like her too, I mean how I wrote her here =))
@FolderName: It's 'coz Hyuna always is the in other stories (at least the ones I've read) so I just wanted a change from that =)) I even made Jihyun the in one of my stories before =))
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I will update with a new chapter on Tuesday (PH time) :D


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After almost 4 years, I'm coming back again to read this. Please don't ever delete it
Chapter 56: I actually kind of wanted Joon and Heejin to end up together.
andreaylen #3
Chapter 56: At last they together....
lolmeowlol #4
Chapter 56: sigh so joon and heejin didn't end up together :/
Well it was fun while it lasted
I really enjoyed reading this, thanks for making such a fantastic story :)
Just want to make it clear to everyone who didn't like Joon that Joon wasn't a bad guy, he was just a person looking for some love! >_<
(I've been fangirling over shinhwa too, don't worry you're not alone XD)
Chapter 56: ITS OVER.

/is guilty to laughing when the car went bang :3

/rolls arounnd
And omg. Cameo of Jonginnie&Yeollie <3 <3 <3

Chapter 56: Me loves the ending eventhough I truly didn't see it coming anytime soon LoL anyway thank you for the story~
Chapter 56: Hi :D yeayy finally ! :D i like the ending ! :D good job ! :D
Chapter 54: Author-nim , please update :( i've been waiting so long for the next update :( *begging* TT-TT
tia-louise #9
please update soon!!! love it!!
Chapter 53: Jdxhnjiskjmnhdsoxksjhnxbhnjkodksjndhjiksjhndhjsiw
Jdxijkwsnhjksxddsehwaszhdsjidxnhcd what is coherence???
Byungjiiiinnnnnn! /rolls around

HYUUNNNAAAAAAA! /tackles her

Saranghaaee! <3
