Dorm Date

My Favorite Dongsaeng

Mia’s POV

“Um, are you alright?” I ask going towards the bathroom door after recovering from the shock.

“Yeah, I just forgot a shirt. Can you grab one out of my dresser for me?” Baro asks. “It’s the one with my picture on it.”

“Okay,” I say, “so any particular one?”

“No, just give me one.”

I go to his dresser and pull out a shirt. I see Baro’s hand sticking out of the bathroom door and I put the shirt in his hands. After a few minutes, he comes out fully dressed now. “Sorry about that.”

“That’s alright,” I say trying to get passed the embarrassing part of remembering him without his shirt on.

“Wait, why are you in our dorm?” Baro asks.

As soon as he asks that question, it’s like Gongchan couldn’t have better timing. “I bought the ingredients, dongsaeng,” he announces. “What do you want to make?”

“Ah, so Gongchan brought you here,” Baro says.

“Yeah,” I say unable to look him in the eyes. Why did he sound a little hurt? Gongchan doesn’t notice Baro sounding hurt and is instead shocked to see him in the dorm.

“Hyung, I thought you were on a schedule, what are you doing back?” he asks him.

“I was just washing up,” Baro says. “I have to leave in a couple of minutes anyway.”

“Oh, okay,” Gongchan says. “That’s right, you weren’t here this morning.” Gongchan goes over and stands next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist, “Mia’s my girlfriend now,” he says with a bright smile. I smile, too, but it’s hard when something doesn’t seem right with Baro.

“Congrats,” Baro says. “I have to get going now.”

“Okay, see you, hyung,” Gongchan joyfully waves.  “So, did anything happen between you two while I was gone?”

“Nope,” I quickly say, maybe it was a little too quickly. “Nothing happened. I actually didn’t even know he was home until he came out of the bathroom, he was quiet,” I explain to Gongchan.

“Okay, well, I have the ingredients,” he says holding up a bag, “why don’t we make pasta?”

“Sure,” I say as I follow him to their kitchen. “Then I can make cookies, too.”

Gongchan and I begin making the pasta and cookies. “What type of pasta do you want to make?” I ask him.

“The regular kind?” he asks pulling out a can of premade sauce. I laugh at him. “Let’s get cooking, shall we?”

Gongchan and I wash our hands before we even start doing something. I make Gongchan in charge of cooking the noodles while I start making cookies for afterwards. I make sure to make more than enough for the members whenever they get back home.

“How do I know if the noodles are done?” Gongchan asks after a while as I’m stirring the cookie mixture.

“Throw it against the wall or taste it,” I say with a laugh.

“Hmm,” Gongchan says with a pout, “it doesn’t stick. I guess I’ll just have to try it.” I watch him as he sticks some in his mouth and nods his head. “I think it’s good, do you want to try some?”

Gongchan walks over and feeds me a noodle. I put my thumbs up in response. “Oppa, I didn’t know you were a good cook.”

He smiles at me in response. “I guess there are a lot of things you don’t’ know about me yet. You’re just going to have to find them out.” Gongchan gives me a little wink before heading over to the stove to drain the noodles and mix them together with the sauce.

I, on the other hand, quickly work to finish the cookies by putting them on multiple pans and putting them into the oven while Gongchan is draining and stirring. Thankfully, they quickly bake and I get them all done pretty quickly.

Gongchan goes into the main room and sets up a small table where he puts the two plates of pasta and where I put the plate of cookies. “Feed me, dongsaeng,” Gongchan says opening his mouth.

“But you have a hand,” I say pointing at it. Gongchan still insists on having me feed him, to which I reluctantly agree to.

“It states even more delicious coming from my girlfriend,” Gongchan says with a smile. I can feel the heat rising to my face as I just look at him. “Someone’s blushing,” he points out with a laugh.


Gongchan’s POV

Who knew that my girlfriend could be so cute? My heart just beats faster every time I look at her. “Now, I’m going to feed you,” I say putting some on my fork. “Open your mouth.” Mia looks away and I chuckle at myself.

Suddenly, I start doing some of my aegyo, which results in Mia looking at me and laughing. “Oppa, I didn’t know that you could do aegyo.”

“I can do it really well,” I state. “Just ask noona. I get away with like everything. Now let me feed you, please?” I ask throwing another aegyo pose in there.

Mia sighs. “I guess.” She hesitantly opens as I put some in it.

“See, doesn’t it taste better when you’re feeding the person that you really like?”

She nods her head in agreement. “I guess you could say that.”

We spend the rest of our lunch just joking with each other and appreciating the time that we have alone together since alone time isn’t going to happen that often in the future since I have to go do my separate schedules as the maknae of B1A4 and she has her college life. I’m just appreciating the time that we have together and all of the time that we have together since the public won’t know anything about our relationship.

“I’m sorry I could take you anywhere fancy,” I say sitting next to Mia.

“It’s alright,” she says with a bright smile as she looks at me. I see her yawn and pull her wrist down. “Oppa, what are you doing?” she asks me.

“You’re tired, right? Here, lay down on my lap.”

“But oppa,” Mia protests, but I won’t have any of it. I settle her onto my lap so that she’s on her back and looking up at me.

“It’s alright,” I tell her. “This is what boyfriends and girlfriends do, isn’t it?” I reach down and interlock our fingers together. “So, tell me Mia, how are your classes going?”

“Good,” she says nodding her head. “They’re challenging, but I expect them to be.”

“I could help you if you want,” I offer.

“You could?” she asks surprised. “How? Don’t you have your schedules?”

“I’m really good in math,” I admit. “Just give me a call whenever you have trouble and I’ll help you.”

“But what if you’re on your schedule?” she asks concerned.

“Don’t worry about it,” I say gently touching her face with my other hand. “I’m your boyfriend. If something’s bothering you, feel free to tell me about it and if something’s bothering me, I’ll tell you.”

“Okay,” she says.

“Will you turn to me when something’s bothering you?” I ask.

“Of course, unless I go to Suzy,” she jokes.

“Hey,” I say. “Promise.” I let go of her hand and stick out my pinky, to which she accepts and we promise. “There, it’s sealed, you can’t break it.”

“Why would I ever want to break it?” she innocently asks.

“You wouldn’t,” I say with a smile looking down at her. “I’m just making sure.”

“Okay, oppa,” she says. “How are your schedules going, since you asked me about my classes.”

“They’re going good,” I say looking at her.

“Is something bothering you now?” she asks.

“Why?” I ask looking at her.

“Well, you seem kind of sad or are you just tired.”

I interlock our fingers together as I pick up her hand and stare at it. “I hope you’ll be mine forever.”

“Of course, oppa,” she says with a smile. “I’ll be with you as long as you want to be with me.”

“I’ll always want to be with you,” I say, “but I just think that you might get the wrong idea sometimes.”

“Because you’re an idol?”

“Yes, because I’m an idol,” I admit. “There’ll be times in interviews where they will ask if we have girlfriends and I will have to deny you. We can’t go out like normal people; I can’t be the average relationship that you’ve always wanted because I’m an idol. Plus, there may be rumors that you may hear about me. Don’t always assume that the rumors are true.”

“I won’t,” she says brightly.

“How can you be so happy all of the time?” I ask as I lightly pinch her cheeks.

“Because you’re mine.”

I smile at Mia. Since when did she know how to make my heart race like this?


Mia’s POV

I open my eyes to loud noises as the members come back from their schedule. “Shh,” Gongchan says. “Mia’s sleeping.”

“Mia?” Sandeul asks. “Mia’s here, sorry.”

“We didn’t know,” Jinyoung whispers.

“It’s alright,” I say sitting up. “Hello oppas. How long was I sleeping for?” I ask turning to Gongchan.

“For a couple of hours,” he says, “it’s about three thirty now.”

“That was a long nap,” I comment. “Were you in an uncomfortable position?”

“No, no, don’t worry about me,” Gongchan says flashing me a smile. I smile back at him.

“Ah, yeah, I made cookies for you guys,” I say gesturing towards the table.

“Really? Thanks Mia,” Sandeul says sitting down to have some. That boy really does love food.

“Did you really make them? They’re amazing,” Shinwoo comments. Jinyoung and Sandeul comment after him.

“Yes, I really made them,” I say.

“You’re really talented. Channie, you have an awesome girlfriend,” Sandeul says.

“Where’s Baro-oppa?” I ask looking around and not seeing him anywhere.

“I’m not sure,” Jinyoung says. “I guess he’s doing something? I mean, he has to be.”

“Yeah, I guess,” I say.

“Anyway, we’re all free of schedules for the rest of the day; do you want to do something together?” Sandeul offers.

“But won’t you guys get caught and won’t Gongchan and I get caught?” I ask.

“Not if we’re all together, then it won’t seem like a date now will it?” Gongchan asks.

“But still,” I complain. “I don’t wish to get hate mail.”

“You won’t get hate mail,” Gongchan says as he touches my hair. “I’ll make sure to protect you and so will the rest of the hyungs, right?”

“Right,” they all say together.

“Let’s go to the amusement park,” Shinwoo says.

“Amusement park!” Sandeul says jumping up and down.

“That’s funny coming from Shinwoo-hyung,” Gongchan says.

“Why is it funny?” I ask.

“Shinwoo doesn’t do well on rides,” Jinyoung answers.

“Really?” I ask.

“Really,” all of them except for Shinwoo says.

“Why don’t you overcome your fear?” I ask looking at him.

“What?” he asks looking straight at me with worried eyes.

“Let’s get over your fear.” I immediately stand up and put my hands on my hips. “Let’s go oppas.”

“Yes, amusement park!” Sandeul says still cheering.

After Sandeul, Jinyoung, and Shinwoo change into more comfortable clothes, and so does Gongchan, we start to head out to the amusement park. “What if fans ask who I am?” I ask in the van. I’m sitting next to Gongchan in the middle with Shinwoo, Sandeul, and Jinyoung in the back.

“Then we’ll just say that you’re a cousin, it’s always a safe measure,” Jinyoung says nodding his head. “Our fans really respect our space, so I’m pretty sure that it won’t be a problem.”

“Okay,” I say hesitantly. Gongchan immediately reaches down for my hand and squeezes it a little.

“Don’t worry,” he leans over and whispers. “No one’s going to mess with my favorite dongsaeng.”

“She’s everyone’s favorite,” Sandeul complains. “You can’t just hog her.”

“Yes I can,” Gongchan says wrapping his arm around me. “I am her boyfriend.”

“I can’t believe the maknae would have a girlfriend before we do,” Jinyoung says shaking his head.

“Hyung, you have to get out there and meet some girls,” Gongchan replies.

I laugh at the statement. “It’s not even like we met on usual circumstances,” I say looking at Gongchan. “We met because of my unni.”

The guys in the back laugh at the statement. “That is true,” Shinwoo says.

“She got you there, Channie,” Sandeul says.

“Wait, Manager-hyung, turn this song up,” Jinyoung says from the back as he starts dancing. The others start dancing, too.

“Mia, why aren’t you dancing?” Sandeul asks looking at me.

“I don’t know this song,” I admit looking down at my hands.

“Well, we’ll teach it to you,” Gongchan says with a smile.

As the music starts, they all start singing and dancing.


Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh 2NE1

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh 2NE1


I can never forgive you for the lipstick marks on your collar

Every single day, countless times your phone that is turned off

Doesn’t seem like it will change

Oh, oh


All those girlfriends that you just called friends

Don’t think of me in the same way, I won’t let it ride

Do whatever you want now; I don’t want to care anyway

I really loved you at one point

Oh, oh


You sometimes call me while you’re drunk (right now it’s 5:30 AM)

You call out another girl’s name again

No, no


I don’t care, I want to stop

Whatever you’re doing at wherever you are

I really won’t care anymore, can you go away?

Don’t come crying and clinging onto me now


Cause I don’t ca-a-a-a-a-are

I don’t ca-a-a-a-a-are

Cause I don’t ca-a-a-a-a-are

I don’t ca-a-a-a-a-are

Boy I don’t care


I look around the vehicle at all of the hyperactive boys and I can’t help but laugh to myself. They do know that it’s a girl group singing a song about a boy, right? These guys, they’re always so funny.

“Baro’s always the best at this song,” Sandeul says. “He always plays along with the lyrics.”

“Oh,” I say nodding my head and getting a better understanding.

As soon as like a mid-sort of rap starts, they start singing up and getting hyper again. Is it just because we’re going to an amusement park?


I remember the night I spent crying over you, boy

My heart feels relieved if I think you’ll regret it more, boy

Isn’t it a shame to let me go, but boring to have me?

You should have treated me well when you had me


You fooled me countless times with your lies

Starting today, I’m a bad girl who makes men cry

Without shedding a single tear, I’ll laugh at you

The loser who’s in a game called love

Get on your knees and beg for forgiveness

If not, get out of my sight right now


Now clap your hands to this


I don’t care, I want to stop

Whatever you’re doing at wherever you are

I really won’t care anymore, can you go away?

Don’t come crying and clinging onto me now


Cause I don’t ca-a-a-a-a-are

I don’t ca-a-a-a-a-are

Cause I don’t ca-a-a-a-a-are

I don’t ca-a-a-a-a-are

Boy I don’t care


As the song ends, I start clapping. “That was really good,” I say with a bright smile.

“I’m glad my girlfriend liked it,” Gongchan says putting his hand over my shoulder. “You’ll never cheat on me, will you?”

“Nope, never,” I say. “But you do know the song was about a boy cheating on a girl, right?” I ask.

“Yup, so I won’t ever cheat on you,” Gongchan says hugging me a little tighter. “Anyway, that was 2NE1, you should know some of their music, I’ll introduce some of it to you.”


“Not only that, but our music, too,” Gongchan adds.

“Whatever you wish, oppa,” I tell him.


Gongchan’s POV

While we’re on our way to the amusement park, I point out a lot of things out the window since I’m pretty positive that Mia has never been this way before. “Plus, it’ll be your first time in a Korean amusement park,” I add.

“True,” she says.

“So you’ve been in Korea for like a month, right?” Jinyoung asks.

“Yup,” Mia says. “A month.”

“Why did you leave America in the first place?” Sandeul asks.

“I wanted to be closer with my unni,” she states. “She’s ten years older than I am and I never really got the chance to know her since we moved to America when I was a year old. When my unni turned nineteen, she moved back here, I was only eight at the time. I guess you could say that I grew up practically an only child. I wanted to know my unni,” she says with a bright smile.

“But you aren’t living with her,” Shinwoo says.

“That is true,” Mia says nodding her head, “but I still get to see her sometimes when she’s done working with you.”

“But what about your parents?” Sandeul asks. “Aren’t they worried about you?”

I feel Mia tense up underneath of my arm. “Um, I’m sure they’re fine. They know that I’m with my unni and they trust me,” Mia calmly says. She looks up and smiles at me and I smile back at her, but there has to be something about her parents that is bothering her.

Jinyoung must feel the awkward atmosphere that is starting to rise in the van as he quickly changes the subject. “I’m sure that they know you’re doing fine,” he says, “it was the same way when I left home to become a star.” Jinyoung starts diving into a story about him moving to Seoul from the countryside. During the story, I look at Mia as she looks out the window of the moving van.

What’s on her mind I might never know, but I’m not going to force her to say anything that she doesn’t want to. She’ll just tell me in due time.



I don’t know what’s bothering you about your parents, but I hope to become someone that you can trust enough to tell me. I want to help you, even if you don’t want to say it out loud. I’m never going to force you to do something that you never want to do. I’ll always be here for you, you’re my girlfriend and I’m your boyfriend. Even though I may be inexperienced when it comes to these types of things, I’m giving it my best attempt.


Your slightly immature and inexperienced boyfriend,

Gong Chanshik


What is going to happen on their afternoon at the amusement park? Where did Baro disappear to? What happened between Mia, her sister, and their parents?


Chapter 9 is up. Hope you enjoyed :D (I made a mistake and labeled Chapter 8 as Chapter 9. So that notification about this story was me realizing my mistake and changing it. Sorry about that)


Anyway, here is a video of B1A4 singing along to 2NE1's 'I Don't Care' in the car. It's where I got inspiration from for the scene. It's funny, only they aren't sitting in the same order that I have them in the story, but that doesn't matter.


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Saemiy #1
Chapter 26: Love the story ^^
At first i suspected suzy as the culprit behind the chaos though. Hohohoho.
Love this story :D
jkgdshvfgsdh!! i loved this story.. :)
applechapple #4
asdfghjkl I can't wait for the next chapter! please update! ; A;
Wenxinzxc #5
update soon ^^
new reader here ! Love your story, thanks for update ! :) omg gongchann bias <3
This is so sad. ): i would hate to have a secret relationship but your fic makes it seem cool. :) anyways, updateee asap? Arraso?
Omg! This is so good! Update soon! ':) channie is so sweet. ♥ he's my bias. ;)
xoxotiffanyxo #9
First chapter and it's already good! update soon!
i love this! update soon!