Happy Birthday

My Favorite Dongsaeng

Gongchan’s POV

I stand outside of the university with my mask pulled up, my hat pulled down, and my sunglasses across my face. I can’t believe I’m doing this, but hey, what can I say? Today is the last day of classes for Mia and I promised her that we would meet. So, keeping up with my promise, I’m standing outside of her class. Next year she graduates, time has already passed that fast.

As students start getting dismissed, I see some stare and point at me. Maybe I shouldn’t have attracted so much notice to me, but that doesn’t matter now, I’m already outside of the house.

“Oppa,” the most familiar voice in the world says.

“Dongsaeng,” I say as I open my arms wide and hug her.

“Aren’t you hot with all of that stuff on?” she asks.

“No,” I say shaking my head, when in reality, I am kind of hot.

“Why don’t you ditch the mask?” she asks.

“I’m fine, Mia, relax,” I say patting her on the top of her head while I take her backpack and we begin walking.

“I don’t even know why you’re wearing that in the first place, everyone already knows that we’re dating.”

“So?” I ask causing her to laugh. “Fine, I’ll take it off, are you happy?” I ask as I slowly take everything off revealing myself to the public.

“Good, now, where are Suzy and Jinyoung-oppa meeting us?” she asks.

“I think they’re meeting us in a restaurant, right over there,” I say pointing, but smiling inwardly because I know what’s coming.

Today is Mia’s birthday, she just thinks we’re doing a double date for her birthday. Yes, Suzy and Jinyoung are dating each other now. They managed to get past the thought of possibly ending up like how Mia and I ended up and are happily together. Those two are the one that planned the birthday party anyway. People should be in there waiting. Suzy knows what time Mia gets out of class and I told her that we’d be there shortly afterwards.

Mia and I enter the restaurant and she immediately looks around for the missing Suzy and Jinyoung. “Where do you think they are?” she asks.

“I’m not sure,” I say shrugging. I take out my phone, as part of the act, and message Jinyoung saying that we’re in the restaurant, but pretend like I’m messaging him asking where they are. “Oh, look Jinyoung-hyung responds fast,” I say as I shut my phone off pretending like I already know where we’re going.

“So you know where we’re going?” Mia asks. I nod my head.

It’s been three, almost four years since everything’s happened. Those years were wonderful, even if Mia spent one in America with her father. She moved back later to resume her education here and has been living with her sister, when she’s not in the dorms and has been visiting America frequently. It’s like nothing could ever become more perfect.


When Mia came back, no one bothered us again. I don’t know what happened to the lady and I don’t even know her name, but she never came around again. I don’t know if she got arrested because she beat Mia up or what, but I’m just thankful she’s not here and bothering us.

“Where are we?” Mia asks looking around.

“Right here,” I say with a smile as I open the door.


Mia’s POV

“Surprise!” I hear as the lights suddenly get . My eyes open wide as I realize the amount of people that are in there.

“What is this?” I ask looking back at Gongchan.

“Happy Birthday!” Suzy says running up to hug me.

“This is all for my birthday?” I ask dumbfounded.  “I thought we were just going to go out together with Jinyoung-oppa and Gongchan-oppa.”

“Well, we planned this instead, it’s more fun,” Jinyoung says as he comes up next to her and wraps his arm around her waist.

“Thank you,” I say surprised. “Thanks to all of you.”

“Are you really surprised?” Gongchan whispers into my ear. I nod my head. “I’m glad you enjoy it. You go socialize, I’ll be over here.” Gongchan walks away leaving me to go around and greet everyone that decided to come.

“Hey Sandeul-oppa, Baro-oppa, and Shinwoo-oppa,” I say walking up to them.

“Happy Birthday!” Baro says immediately hugging me; the other two do the same.

“How could you guys keep a secret?” I ask them suspiciously.

“We didn’t know until today,” Sandeul confesses with a light laugh.

I go around and say hello to a lot more people when I end up standing with Gongchan again. A lot of people are around and I spot my father coming over to talk to me. “Dad?” I ask as he gets closer. “What are you doing here?”

“Your boyfriend here invited me to the party,” he says gesturing towards Gongchan. Thankfully, throughout these years, Dad has learned to accept Gongchan as my boyfriend, which I’m clearly very thankful for.

“Don’t you have work, though?” I ask.

“I’m just here for the party and then I’m flying back out tonight,” he admits.

“I wish you would stay longer,” I complain. My father and I have gotten really close, thankfully, and I was able to somewhat let go of the past.

“Maybe next time you guys can come to America,” he offers.

“Sure,” I say with a smile as I hug him.

“I’m going to go talk with your sister a little.” I nod my head and watch as my father disappears into the crowd.

“Thank you, thank you a lot,” I say turning to look at Gongchan.

“You’re welcome,” he says with a big smile as he pulls me close. “Anything for you, my favorite dongsaeng.”

“Oppa, I love you,” I say as I reach up and kiss his cheek.

“You call that a kiss?” he asks pouting and leans down to be face to face with me. “This is a kiss,” he says as he smashes his lips against mine. “Happy birthday, Mia,” he mutters. “Next party we’re going to have is going to be our engagement party.”

“What?” I ask surprised as I pull away from Gongchan, but he just pulls me right back in.

Yup, life can’t get better than this.


Well, it's over. 'My Favorite Dongsaeng' is over. The next chapter will be full of all of the extras stuff, like some little trivia on thoughts I had during the writing process, like what I was thinking and what I wanted to happen, but didn't, and some songs that I think fit perfectly.


And I wanted to thank everyone for reading, so thank you! I hoped you all enjoyed it and if you did, I'm glady ou enjoyed it :D

Well, this is the final chapter with a time jump and a glimpse into Gongchan and Mia's future. Hope you enjoyed :)

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Saemiy #1
Chapter 26: Love the story ^^
At first i suspected suzy as the culprit behind the chaos though. Hohohoho.
Love this story :D
jkgdshvfgsdh!! i loved this story.. :)
applechapple #4
asdfghjkl I can't wait for the next chapter! please update! ; A;
Wenxinzxc #5
update soon ^^
new reader here ! Love your story, thanks for update ! :) omg gongchann bias <3
This is so sad. ): i would hate to have a secret relationship but your fic makes it seem cool. :) anyways, updateee asap? Arraso?
Omg! This is so good! Update soon! ':) channie is so sweet. ♥ he's my bias. ;)
xoxotiffanyxo #9
First chapter and it's already good! update soon!
i love this! update soon!