I Love You

My Favorite Dongsaeng

Mia’s POV

I wake up and stretch in bed. A couple of months have passed since Gongchan first asked me out and since the time that Baro asked me the awkward question of me becoming his girlfriend of Gongchan didn’t get to me first. I didn’t give him a straightforward answer and ever since then, there has sort of been this awkward air between Baro and me.

“Wakey wakey,” unni says coming into the room. University is on winter break, so for the meantime, I decided to move into my unni’s house instead of staying at the dorm since most kids move back to their hometowns for the month long break before returning back to college. “Did someone have a late night with the boyfriend again?” she asks with a slight smirk.

“Hey,” I say eyeing her. “We were just talking on the phone.”

“Ah, long late-night conversations. I miss that,” she says as she remembers something.

“I still think you like their manager,” I pout. “What are you doing in here anyway?”

“There’s someone that wants to see you downstairs.”

“Me?” I ask pointing at myself.

“No, your imaginary boyfriend,” unni says making a joke. “Yes you. Who else lives in this house besides me and you?” I crawl out of bed and make my way down the stairs. “Are you sure you want to go downstairs like that?”

“Of course I’m sure. That person disturbed my sleep, so now they get to see me like this,” I say without even looking back.

I walk down the stairs and see a figure sitting on the couch. Maybe I should’ve listened to my sister’s words and changed. Why is Gongchan here this early? I attempt to turn around and sneak back up the stairs to get changed when I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. “Where are you trying to go early in the morning?” Gongchan whispers into my ear.

“Oppa,” I say attempting to get him off of me. “I have to go get changed.”

“No you don’t,” he says turning me around to face him. “I think you’re beautiful right now.”

“But oppa, I just got out of bed.”

“Doesn’t matter,” he says with a wide smile.

“Oh yeah, why are you here in the first place?” I ask attempting to change the subject.

“Right,” he says as if he suddenly remembers the reason why. “I have some good news.”

“Good news?”

“Yup, good news.” I look at him and wait for him to announce the good news. “I have a break.”

“A break?” I ask.

“You know, like a vacation,” he says happily. “I can spend more time with you.”

“Really?” I ask now fully understanding the situation. Gongchan just nods his head with a gigantic smile on his face that has yet to leave. I immediately hug him. “That’s great news.”

“I know. I was so excited when I heard it yesterday that I had to come and see you, but it was really late. That’s why I came over first thing today. So do you want to do something today?”

“But won’t people notice you?” I ask.

“I’ll be really careful like last time. I know we haven’t been able to have some quality time together and I feel regretful for it,” Gongchan says looking at me. “So, let’s just spend the day together. You’re off from university and I have a break, well, until the end of the year performances come, but that’s not for a couple of weeks. Okay?”

I slowly nod my head. “Fine, I’ll go with you,” I say finally giving in. “Just give me some time to get dressed.”

“Of course,” Gongchan says as I turn around and go near the stairs to go get changed.

“One more question,” I say turning around to face him. “How do you know where I live?”

“Secret,” he says with a laugh as he puts his finger up to his lips.

“Chanshik!” I yell at him before I go upstairs. He stays downstairs and laughs at me.


Gongchan’s POV

I wait for Mia to be done getting ready and to come back downstairs. I’m really happy that she agreed to spend the day with me. Even though we’re a couple of months into our relationship, we never really had the opportunity to do anything together very often because of my schedules and her things that she needed to do for college. I always felt regretful towards her because she would always have to hear the interviews where I would have to deny her or she would have to experience periods of time when I wouldn’t be able to contact her very often due to schedules and maybe doing something overseas. With this break, I’m going to make it up to her.

Little does Mia know that I actually have the whole day planned out. I planned it out yesterday since I knew about the upcoming break all day, I just didn’t tell Mia that because she would think that I’m up to something. Even though I am up to something, it’s not something that she necessarily has to know right away, she’ll find out in due time. Today, Mia and I are going to be like a real couple.

“Okay, I’m ready,” Mia says as she comes down her staircase. “Now tell me, how do you know where I live?”

“I have sources,” I tell her with a smile on my face.

“And you’re going out in those clothes? What if someone recognizes you?”

“You’ve been with me how long?” I joke with her. “I don’t think anyone will really think that the maknae of B1A4 is just walking out on the streets. Most people would think that I’m a look-a-like.”

“True,” she says thinking about it for a moment. “But still.”

“Look,” I say leaning my face closer to her. “Just trust me, alright?”

I see her gently roll her eyes at my foolishness, which I’m strangely okay with. “Fine, oppa.”

“Now, let’s get going.”

“Where are we going?”

“Shopping, Christmas shopping,” I proudly state. “Let’s go.”

I push Mia out the door to the car that’s waiting out front for us. “Car? You don’t know how to drive.”

“Yeah, but he does,” I say pointing in the driver’s seat where Jinyoung is sitting. “He agreed to help us today for something in return.”

“Does the something have to do with the something that I think I know about?” Mia asks with a sly look in her face.

“Totally,” I say nodding my head. I open the door to the back and Mia gets in.

“That took you guys long enough,” Jinyoung says complaining.

“Sorry,” Mia says, “I had to get ready.”

“It’s alright,” he says quickly softening up. “Shopping?” I nod my head as Jinyoung starts driving.

“Oppa,” Mia says looking at me.

“Yes dongsaeng?” I answer back.

“Don’t people normally go Christmas shopping alone to surprise the other person?”

“I guess you’re right, but I wanted to spend time with my lovely girlfriend,” I pout.

“But I don’t want you to know what gift I got you before Christmas comes."

I guess Mia does have a point there. What’s the purpose of surprises if she just sees it while I’m getting it? I’ll just get her two gifts then, one now and one for the actual day. “I guess we can split up,” I tell her.

“Really?” she asks surprised. I guess she wasn’t expecting me to give in so easily.

“Really,” I say nodding my head. “Just meet me for lunch. So I guess call me when you’re done?”

“Will do, oppa,” Mia says giving me a thumbs up. Why is she so cute?


Mia’s POV

“Wow, it’s so big,” I comment looking around the mall.

“You’ve never been to the mall before?” Gongchan asks me while he raises his eyebrow.

“I have, I just didn’t know that that many people could fit in here. I didn’t think this many people would be shopping when Christmas is still a couple of weeks away.”

“People just want to get some things done while they can,” he explains to me. “So you’re going to call me when you’re done?”

“I will, don’t worry about me,” I tell him. “I should be worried about you getting chased by your fans.”

“That won’t happen. They won’t actually think that Gongchan and Jinyoung of B1A4 are going to be spending a day in the mall.”

“You never know, oppa, but if they do, just text me and tell me where you end up. I’ll see you later,” I say as I begin to walk away.

I have absolutely no idea what I want to get Gongchan for Christmas. We’ve been dating for a couple of months, but there is only so much that a boy actually likes. I know that he wouldn’t want anything too mushy or cute. Maybe I should get him some stuffed animals, he likes dinosaurs, or maybe some manga, he likes reading those.

I decide to head to the bookstore first as I look over some manga. I take out my phone and decide to call Sandeul since Jinyoung is with Gongchan. “Mia? Do you need something?” Sandeul asks.

“Sandeul-oppa,” I say while I’m looking through the books. “What type of manga does Gongchan-oppa like?”

“Why are you asking such a question?”

“Because I’m looking for a Christmas present for him and I know that he likes reading it.”

“True,” Sandeul says on the other line. I wonder what he’s doing with his time off.

Sandeul reads off some stuff that Gongchan likes reading that he doesn’t have a physical copy of. “Thanks oppa.”

“No problem,” Sandeul says before he hangs up.

Just for the heck of it, and because I’m in the bookstore, I decide to buy Sandeul and Baro a gift for Christmas, even Shinwoo. I guess I’ll have to look for Jinyoung a bit later. I buy Sandeul the latest Wonder Girls CD and Baro a poster of Girls’ Generation. I manage to find the latest f(x) CD for Shinwoo since I know they’re all a big fan of those groups.

Walking through the rest of the mall, I stumble across a store that sells stuffed animals. I decide to head inside for my amusement, and to buy Gongchan another gift. I greet the worker behind the counter before I go off into the aisles as I look at all of the cute animals that are there.

“You look cute,” I say to myself as I pick up a green dinosaur that looks like it’s from a cartoon. “And you’re soft.”

I walk around with the dinosaur in my hand while I head over to look at some of the other stuffed animals. What would my sister like for Christmas?


Gongchan’s POV

“You’re going to buy her two gifts?” Jinyoung asks me as we enter the jewelry store.

“Yeah,” I say as I begin looking at the bracelets and the rings. Jinyoung’s words aren’t really entering my brain right now.

“You’re going to buy her a ring?”

“Will you keep your voice low?” I ask him. “I don’t want people to know who we are.”

“Fine, fine,” Jinyoung says.

“Why don’t you buy Suzy something so you can confess to her at Christmas?” I suggest, partially because it’s what Mia and I have to do because he drove us and partially because I don’t want him following me around like a little kid. He’s the hyung and I’m the dongsaeng, yet he’s following me around.

Jinyoung nods his head as he goes off into another part of the store leaving me to look at the bracelets by myself. I want to get Mia a charm bracelet that I’ll give her today at the dinner that I’ve planned for us. I’ll make sure that she doesn’t eat a really big lunch.

“May I help you?” the woman behind the counter asks.

“Um, yes. I have an order that was scheduled for pickup today by the name of Gong Chanshik,” I tell her. She’s an older lady so she probably wouldn’t know much about B1A4, which I’m glad.

“Please wait here one moment,” she announces as she goes into the back room to look for the order. I ordered it a little while ago and they said that it should be in by today, so hopefully it is. I go back to looking at the charms that go onto the bracelet when the woman comes back out. “Here it is.” She hands over a box to me. “Is it to your liking?”

I open up the box and see two rings sitting inside, one is made for Mia and one is made for me. It’s a couples ring. I pick them up and look the over. It seems like everything is good. “Yes, it’s perfect,” I say with a wide smile.

“That’s good to hear, Gongchan,” the woman says. Wait, Gongchan?

“You know me?” I ask.

“How couldn’t I know you?” I just stare at the woman. Well…this isn’t awkward. “Why have you been avoiding my calls?” My eyes grow wide with a realization.

“Hyung,” I call. I see Jinyoung look immediately at me. “Let’s go.” I grab the box off of the table and leave the jewelry store with Jinyoung. Thankfully, there is a different one on another floor. I can just get the bracelet there.

“What was that for?” Jinyoung asks as we’re walking to the other store.

“That woman,” I say, “the one that helped me. She’s the stalker and she knows that I was buying couple rings. Do you think she’ll say anything?”

“I don’t,” Jinyoung says shaking his head. “If she were, she would have already. Let’s just not go into that store anymore.”

“Yeah, let’s not,” I say with an uneasy feeling.


Mia’s POV

Lunch quickly passed for Gongchan, Jinyoung, and me. We spent it together and then soon after left the mall to go to a park where we could just walk around for a bit until the night fell. Gongchan said that we were going to go somewhere for dinner tonight.

“I really like today,” I say as I walk along the path with Gongchan. Thankfully, no one is really out since it’s cold because of the snow, so Gongchan and I are free to hold hands with each other.

“I really like today, too,” he says with a smile, but something seems wrong with him.

“Are you alright?” I ask.

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I don’t know,” I say shrugging my shoulders. “It just seems like there’s something off with you. Are you sure that everything’s alright?”

“I’m more than alright,” Gongchan says giving my hand a light squeeze. “I’m with my girlfriend and I’m as happy as I could ever be.”

I stare at him and give him a big smile. “Good,” I say. “I’m happy too. I’m glad that you’re my boyfriend.”

Gongchan sighs as he leads me down to sit on a bench in the middle of the path. It doesn’t look like anyone is going to be making their way down this path anytime soon. “I’m sorry for having to neglect you all of those times.”

He’s apologizing again. Whenever he’s feeling upset, he always apologizes for who knows what reason. I can always tell that he’s sincere though. It always seems like he’s really upset that he has to deny me even though he really likes me. I’m alright with it, though. I completely understand why he has to. It doesn’t bother me, although I do get a little jealous when he says his ideal type, but that’s to be expected. I’m just a hidden girlfriend.

“No need to apologize,” I say putting my hand onto his cheek. “I understand, I completely understand. You apologizing just makes me feel bad.”

“Sorry,” he says.

“Ah, that’s alright,” I say attempting to cheer him up. Gongchan suddenly embraces me in a hug. “O-oppa?” I ask.

“Let’s stay like this for a couple of minutes while no one can disturb us,” he whispers. I oblige, hug him back, and close my eyes.

By the time that I realize it, it’s already time for dinner. Jinyoung is still driving us, he has been all day, and we finally pull outside of this restaurant. “Oppa, is this…” I begin to ask by pointing out the window.

“Yup,” he says with a big smile as he gets out and opens my door.

“But I’m not properly dressed,” I say looking down at my plain clothes, consisting of jeans and a t-shirt, to just go out to the mall to.

“Doesn’t matter, you look beautiful in everything that you’re in. Plus, we’re in a private room, it shouldn’t matter what other people think.”

Gongchan immediately takes me inside of the restaurant where they lead us towards a room towards the back. Inside of the room, there is a table set up for two, which I’m assuming is going to be used by Gongchan and me.

“You really didn’t have to do all of this,” I say as I sit down across from him.

“I wanted to celebrate me getting my first day of break and being able to spend an awesome day with you.”

“More like half the day with me,” I jokingly tell him. “We did go our separate ways in the mall.”

“Yeah,” he says looking down at his plate. “At least the shopping went well for both of us.”

“Yup, I got the oppas a gift, too,” I admit. I see a little hint of jealousy in Gongchan’s eyes. “Don’t worry,” I say with a big smile, “yours is the most special to me.”


Gongchan’s POV

All of the feelings that I had when I first confessed to Mia come back. It’s probably because we’re in the same restaurant with only the two of us. Here we are sitting a couple of months later as real boyfriend and girlfriend, even if the world doesn’t know about our existence together.

I decide to not tell Mia about the problem concerning the woman. As far as I care, I’m pretty sure that I’m never going to see her again after this, but that’s what I said a while ago and I just saw her today at the jewelry store. Who knew that she lived as close as this? It’s like our own backyard she’s invading.

“This place brings back so many memories,” Mia says while we eat.

“It surely does,” I say looking around the room like Mia in an attempt to see what she might see of the place. “I was so nervous that night. I thought you were going to say no.”

Mia laughs at my comment. “I wouldn’t ever say no.”

“I just thought you didn’t like me,” I say as I play with the charm bracelet that’s currently sitting in my pocket. When is the right time to bring that out to her?

“Did your Christmas shopping get done?”

“Yup, I got the most important part out of the way,” I say. Hopefully Mia doesn’t know what I’m talking about, and thankfully, she doesn’t.

“What did you get me?” she asks. Or maybe Mia does know what I’m talking about.

“It’s a secret,” I whisper. I see her slightly blush at my action. She always blushes a little when I whisper to her. These simple things have the ability to make her heart race and mine. She’s so cute all of the time it’s sometimes unbelievable to think that she’s actually mine.

“Please, can’t I have a hint?” she pesters.

“Someone’s surely impatient,” I joke.

“Well, I want to know,” Mia pouts.

“Then you tell me what you got me.”

“Never,” she says leaning back in her chair like I’m going to do something to you.

“See, now if you won’t tell me, what makes you think that I’m going to tell you?”

“The fact that you’re such a good boyfriend,” she says with a bright smile in an attempt to be cute. No matter how cute she is, I’m not going to tell her about her Christmas gift. She can wait a couple of more weeks.

“Fine, I’ll give you a hint,” I say as I reach for the charm bracelet in my pocket. “Stick out your hand and close your eyes.”

Mia does as she’s told and sticks out her hand and closes her eyes. I take the charm bracelet from my pocket and put it around her arm. It hangs a little loosely, but that’s alright. I don’t want it to be cutting off the circulation in her wrist.

“Okay, you can open them,” I say. I moved my position from right in front of Mia to right beside her chair.

“Oppa,” she says as she jumps realizing that I’m closer than she thought. “What are you doing there?”

“This,” I say as I lean closer to Mia until our lips are touching. It’s our first kiss together.

“Oppa,” Mia repeats. It’s like she’s in a daze as the color rushes to her cheeks and I can only smile like a dork.

“Mia,” I say looking right into her eyes, “I love you.”

“Chanshik,” Mia says looking right in my eyes after taking a deep breath. “I love you,too.”



It feels like I’m the luckiest man in the world. It doesn’t even feel like I’m currently on the ground living life. I confessed to you that I love you and I gave you a charm bracelet and you said that you love me back. You have no idea how happy those three words have made me. I just hope that you like the rings that I got you for Christmas. I’m not going to tell you about those. Nope, none. I’ll be the stubborn Gongchan up until then.


The guy who loves you,

Gong Chanshik


So Mia and Gongchan love each other, what danger looms in their future? What is going to happen with the woman? What is going to happen between Suzy and Jinyoung?


Here is Chapter 14 that is super duper late. The beginning of summer equals total laziness. I'll try to correct that. Sorry.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, though :D

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Saemiy #1
Chapter 26: Love the story ^^
At first i suspected suzy as the culprit behind the chaos though. Hohohoho.
Love this story :D
jkgdshvfgsdh!! i loved this story.. :)
applechapple #4
asdfghjkl I can't wait for the next chapter! please update! ; A;
Wenxinzxc #5
update soon ^^
new reader here ! Love your story, thanks for update ! :) omg gongchann bias <3
This is so sad. ): i would hate to have a secret relationship but your fic makes it seem cool. :) anyways, updateee asap? Arraso?
Omg! This is so good! Update soon! ':) channie is so sweet. ♥ he's my bias. ;)
xoxotiffanyxo #9
First chapter and it's already good! update soon!
i love this! update soon!