The Adventure of Nothing

My Favorite Dongsaeng

Mia’s POV

“Where are you taking me?” I ask Gongchan as he grabs my arm.

“I have to go get changed into a disguise first, so we’re running back to the dorm.”

“Running?” I ask. “No duh we’re running.”

“Sorry,” he says turning back. “The restaurant isn’t that far, we’ll be there in no time.”

“What?” I ask. Suddenly I felt myself run into a body. I look up and see that I ran into Gongchan’s back.

“Dongsaeng, don’t you look when you’re running?” he asks turning around.

“You suddenly stopped,” I growl at him.

“Sorry,” he says flashing a smile. “We’re here.”

“You go in, I’ll wait outside,” I say.

“You can’t do that,” Gongchan protests grabbing at my wrist. “There are dangerous people. I don’t want my precious dongsaeng getting hurt.”

“Why do you keep calling me that?” I ask. Gongchan just stares at me for a couple of minutes like he’s trying to think of an answer. “You know what, never mind. Just go get changed.” I push him towards the building that his dorm is in.

“Fine, but you just wait outside of the door to the dorm. You don’t have to come in or anything,” Gongchan says pulling me before I have a chance to object.

In reality, it’s my first time in a guy’s dorm or even near a guy’s home since I’m not actually going in with Gongchan. I only have my sister, but even so, she moved before I really had the experience of having a sibling. For most of my life, I spent it as an only child. My sister moved before I was even like ten years old. She’s ten years older than I am, so because of the gap, I don’t really know her like other people would know their siblings. That’s why I decided to move to Korea, to spend time with my sister, and to really get away from everything back home.

I wait against the door for Gongchan while he changes into some sort of a disguise. Finally, after what seems like forever, he emerges with a hat and sunglasses and some baggy street clothes. “You look like a gangster,” I say between laughs.

“You aren’t supposed to laugh at your oppa,” Gongchan whines.

“Something tells me that you don’t get called that often,” I say poking at him.

“Well, I’m the maknae, of course I’m not going to get called oppa often, besides the fans. That’s why I’m living up this moment. So you,” he says pointing a finger at me, “call me oppa.” I simply laugh and sigh as I start walking down the stairs. “Hey, Mia, wait for your oppa.”

Gongchan runs and catches up to me. “You know, you’re lucky that none of you fans saw you running through the streets,” I comment.

“Well, it’s the day and most of the kids are in school, so I guess that it’s good. Otherwise there would’ve been this rumor and who knows, we might have ended up being married.”

“Married? I wouldn’t get married to you,” I say looking at him. “I barely even know you.”

“You know my name."

“Just knowing your name isn’t enough. So, where are we going Mr. Tour Guide?” I ask.

“Hey, it’s Mr. Hottest Tour Guide,” Gongchan says sticking his tongue out at me. I roll my eyes and wait for him to think of a place to go. “Why don’t we just walk around and see if you see anything that you like, we can stop.”

“You have no plan,” I say walking past him.

“I do so!” Gongchan pouts.

“If you have a plan, there where are we going?” I ask crossing my arms.

“I-I-I never mind,” Gongchan says as he grabs my arm. “Let’s just walk around, let’s spend this free time together while we can.”

I roll my eyes at his silliness as he drags me along. “Have you ever tried your disguise before?” I ask looking at him again. I don’t think I’d be able to recognize him, but I’m not a fan of his. I just met him today, like five hours ago. Thankfully, I probably won’t see him again for like ever, hopefully. My sister isn’t so lucky on that part; she definitely has to deal with them all every day. I have no idea how she can do that job, it’s definitely not something that I would do.

“Nope, never tried the disguise before,” Gongchan says with a smile.

“Then what is you get recognized?”

“Better run fast.”

“Ya! Gong Chanshik!” I yell.

“If you don’t want to run, you better not yell my name,” Gongchan says putting his finger to my lips. My eyes cross as I stare at his finger touching my lips and I’m guessing that Gongchan just realized what he did. “S-s-sorry,” Gongchan mutters nervously. Why is he so nervous about that? I was going to make a remark about him yelling at me.

“It’s alright…I guess,” I comment. “So let me ask you, why do you always call me dongsaeng and not Mia?”

“I have a dongsaeng,” Gongchan begins, “it’s my little brother, but he’s back home far away so I don’t see him that often. But I don’t have a girl dongsaeng, I’ve always wanted one, so I guess I’m using you as my substitute dongsaeng, hence you’re my favorite dongsaeng, okay?”

“I guess,” I say, “and I guess I’ll call you oppa since I don’t have an oppa, only an unni.”

“Yes!” Gongchan says yelling and jumping up and down. “Hey let’s go there!” I follow where Gongchan is pointing at some ice cream shop.

“Ice cream? We just like ate,” I comment.

“We didn’t have desert. Ice cream is always the best. You have no choice, dongsaeng, oppa is going to buy.” Gongchan says as he grabs my arm and drags me into the ice cream shop.


Gongchan’s POV

It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to have freedom and to go places. Mia should be happy that she’s spending time with me, even if she doesn’t know fully well who I am, but that doesn’t matter. I’m just happy spending some time with her. For some reason, I like being with her.

I drag her inside of the shop with my disguise. I’m not sure if anyone will actually recognize me and I hope that they don’t, I look like a gangster in Mia’s eyes. Then again, Mia doesn’t really know who I am, we just met today, but it feels like I’ve known her longer. Maybe it’s because she’s like her sister, maybe that’s where the familiarity comes from.

“What do you want?” I ask dragging her up to the counter. I look at the woman at the counter and she stares at me. I hope she doesn’t recognize me or say anything. Hopefully she’ll only think that it’s a trick of the eyes, or maybe she won’t say anything at all because she’s too shy to say something to see if I’m really who she thinks I am. “Um, I’ll have death by chocolate,” I say looking at the menu and then the lady. “And whatever she’s having here. Did you decide yet?” I whisper to Mia.

“Um, I’ll have strawberry cheesecake,” Mia says.

“Okay,” the woman says as she gets the orders to us. I pay her while she still stares at me. I silently laugh inside. I can’t laugh aloud or else she’ll think that I’m being rude and we can’t have a rumor going around saying that I’m a rude person, that’s just not nice. That and that it’s totally not within my personality to do that.

Thankfully, Mia and I find a quiet booth in the back where no one would be able to detect us. “Did you see her staring at me?” I ask sitting down. I take off my jacket and Mia does the same, but I still keep my hat and sunglasses on.

“Don’t you think that you’ll stand out more if you just leave your hat on?” she asks pointing at it.

“Maybe you’re right, but people will probably notice me if I take it off,” I say thinking about the situation.

“Can’t you just say that you’re a look alike if people ask?” she suggests.

“You know what, that’s a good idea, Mia,” I say taking off my hat and sunglasses. “Plus, the way we’re sitting, they wouldn’t know I’m back here because my back is facing them. So if there’s someone coming, you have to tell me, okay?”

“I guess,” Mia mutters and sighs.

“You’re such a cute dongsaeng,” I say reaching over the table and rubbing her hair before I realize what I just said. I just called her cute. Hopefully she doesn’t say anything about it.

“You, you just called me cute,” Mia says pointing her finger at me. Darn, she caught it.

“Well, says who?” I ask childishly. I know it’s childish, but I just can’t help it. It was a slip of the tongue, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that I don’t mean it, it’s just…difficult.

“Aish, Chanshik,” she says hitting my head.

“Do you call me Chanshik when you’re angry?” I ask eyeing her and rubbing the spot on my head that she so conveniently decided to hit. “And do you want people to know that I’m here?”

“Maybe,” Mia says sticking her tongue out at me and turning her head while she eats her ice cream.

I just stare at her while she continues eating. I say no objections to her calling me Chanshik. Really, besides my family and my members, sometimes, no one else really calls me Chanshik. Channie is a really common nickname, but hearing her call me Chanshik is somehow…refreshing.

We both just sit there while we eat. We don’t really talk with each other until we’re both finished and there’s an awkward air between us. “So, you came from America, right?” I ask her finding nothing else.

Mia nods her head. “Yup, came in this morning.”

“Are you tired at all? I could just walk you back to your house,” I offer. “We don’t have to do a tour.”

“Thanks, but I want to do the tour,” Mia says. When she says that, a wave of relief falls over me. I’m somehow thankful that I’m getting spend this time with her. “Plus, even if I wanted to go back, I don’t know where unni lives or anything. I just got here moments before you today.”

“True,” I say staring at her.

“So where were you?”

“Hmm?” I ask.

“You guys were coming back on a plane, where did you guys go?”

“Just somewhere,” I simply respond. “It was for a schedule, like on the other side of Korea.”

“Oh, so it wasn’t that far,” Mia comments.

“Not really,” I comment, “I’m used to it, anyway.” We both stare at each other awkwardly after that. Why is everything so awkward between us? “So, you know English then?” Mia nods her head. “Does noona know English then?” I attempt to ask questions at anything to keep the conversation going.

“I guess,” she says hesitantly. “I’m not sure. I know that she knows Korean better since she lived here longer and didn’t live over in the states long enough, but she probably knows some of the basic things, unless she’s forgotten it all.”

“Oh,” I say nodding my head. “Where do you want to go now? We’ve finished our ice cream.”

“I don’t have a place and you don’t have a place,” she says pointing at me. “Why don’t we just do your plan of walking around?”

“Perfect,” I comment as I get dressed back up into my disguise. “Is this good?”

“Awesome,” Mia says as we walk out together.


Mia’s POV

Gongchan and I are walking around Seoul with no real destination in mind, but that doesn’t really bother me. Normally it would since I like having schedules and knowing what I’m doing when, but walking around and not having one seems nice. Maybe it’s because my life always revolved around schedules back home that it was different, but feeling freedom for the first time is awesome. I think I could get used to this lifestyle.

Gongchan and I walk around and he shows me some of the sights and famous places that I’ve only heard about before. It’s really exciting to see those places up front. He even takes me to Namsan Tower. Surprisingly, no one has noticed him yet.

“I’ve heard a lot about this place,” I comment as we go up to the top observation deck.

“Yeah, couples come here and put padlocks to symbolize their love,” Gongchan explains to me. “I want to do it when I find a girlfriend.”

“Maybe I should do it when I get a boyfriend,” I say with a smile and I see Gongchan smiling at me with a hint of pink in his cheeks. “Are you blushing?” I ask poking at him.

“No,” he says turning his head.

“I think someone’s blushing,” I say with a small laugh. “I don’t understand why you’re blushing though.”

“Because it’s embarrassing,” Gongchan complains.

“What’s embarrassing?” I ask not understanding the situation.

“Telling what I’m going to do with a future girlfriend.”

“Nah, it’s not embarrassing,” I say. “I think it’s cute.”

“You, you just called me cute,” Gongchan says imitating me and I hit him on the shoulder.

“Chanshik,” I attempt to whisper to have people not really hear the name.

Gongchan simply laughs at me as we make our way to the top. Once we reach the top, my jaw drops at the amazing view.

“Like it?” Gongchan asks noticing my open mouth.

“Like it? It’s amazing,” I say going over to the edge and looking over. Gongchan stands right next to me and we both look out over Seoul. “This is probably the most amazing view that I’ve ever seen, like ever. New York City can’t even compare to this in my eyes.”

“It’s that amazing,” Gongchan whispers.

“That amazing,” I say looking at me. We spend some time up there while I look out at the city at all of the angles possible. I even take a couple of pictures with my phone to set as my background to commemorate actually living in Seoul from now on. “So these are the padlocks,” I say looking at them. I read some of the sweet messages that boyfriends and girlfriends write on them.

“These are the padlocks,” Gongchan says. “They all have cliché messages, but I don’t care, I want to write a cliché message one day.”

“You’re right, they are cliché,” I say reading another one. “I think that the clichés make it adorable.”

“Hmm,” Gongchan says nodding his head, agreeing with me. We both stare at each other for a moment before I look away.

“Um, should we go somewhere else?” I ask. Why did the stare feel so awkward?

“Sure,” Gongchan says awkwardly as he rubs the back of his neck. “Let’s head down first, okay?”


Gongchan’s POV

The stare with Mia lingers in my mind. It was only a stare. Why am I thinking so much about it? Her eyes, even though they aren’t the biggest and they aren’t the lightest shade of brown, I’m still drawn in by them. They look beautiful and I think that I wouldn’t mind staring at them all day.

Gongchan, knock out of it. What am I thinking of that for? She’s just noona’s dongsaeng, nothing more, right?

I decide take Mia to the zoo after we’re finished at Namsan Tower.

“What’s your favorite animal?” Mia asks as we walk through the zoo.

“My favorite animal is no longer alive. What’s yours?” I ask her.

“I asked you first,” she says sticking her tongue out.

“Fine,” I say with a smile, “it’s a dinosaur. I like dinosaurs. Maybe I’m biased towards them because it’s said that I look like them.”

“Hmm,” she says looking at me.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“You do look like one,” she says putting her finger up to her chin and tapping it.

We both laugh at the statement. “Now, your turn.”

“My turn?” she asks pointing at herself.

“What is your favorite animal?”

“Umm…” she says as we walk through all of the animal displays. “Same,” she suddenly says pointing at me.

“What?” I ask not understanding.

“I like dinosaurs, too. If it were possible, I would want to keep one as a pet.”

“My dongsaeng has quite the imagination,” I say rubbing the top of her head.

“Chanshik,” she mutters under her breath. She knows better than to say it out loud just in case someone might be nearby and overhear the statement.

I smile. “You rang?” I playfully joke around.

“Catch me if you can,” she says as she starts running. I immediately take off after her, but I end up running into a stranger.

“Sorry,” I say immediately standing up and helping pick up the things that I knocked down. It is then that I realize that my hat came off, but my sunglasses are still on. This can’t be good.

“Oh, it’s alright,” the woman who I knocked into begins. “It’s—wait.” It’s coming. “Are you Gongchan?”

“Gongchan?” I ask attempting to play innocent.

“Yes, Gong Chanshik of that blood-idol group,” the woman says.

“I’m sorry,” I say quickly gathering my things. ‘I think you have the wrong person.” I attempt to put on my hat and sunglasses quickly to get out of view, but a whole bunch of people have now crowded around. Looks like escaping is nearly impossible. Where is Mia?

I look around where the crowd has formed and don’t see any sign of her. She couldn’t have just suddenly gone missing, right? I can’t have lost her. Noona would explode, not to mention Manager hyung, too. I’m responsible for Mia right now, she’s my dongsaeng. If she gets lost, then I’m a bad oppa, I have to find her at all possible costs.

“Oppa!” I hear a voice yell. I immediately look through the crowd and see Mia jumping up and down with her hand in the air yelling oppa. She probably doesn’t want to yell my name after seeing the problem that we’re in.

“Dongsaeng,” I yell heading over to her.

“I think that really is Gongchan,” I hear some people whisper.

“He looks so much cuter in person,” another one says.

“That’s definitely him, look at his face.”

I finally make my way over to Mia, but the crowd around us is slowly getting bigger. “Mia,” I whisper in her ear, “remember what I said before?” Mia looks at me slightly confused. “Run,” I say.

Immediately, the both of us take off running away from the people who decide to run after us, it’s like some movie. Some of the people probably don’t even know why they’re running. I’ve never had an experience with fans like this before. I guess when there’s an unexpected outing, it causes everyone to be wild.

After what seems like forever, Mia and I manage to go into an alley and lose the rest of them, but not before they run by the alley and look into it. I block Mia and myself from the view since they probably saw me running with a girl anyway. I put my head close to her as my lips are close to her cheek. As I take slow breaths, I feel my heart get faster and faster just by imagining being close to Mia.

“G-Gongchan,” Mia finally stutters. “I think they’re gone now.”

“Oh, right,” I comment.

“Um, so, that was exciting,” Mia says as I back away from her.

“The life of an idol,” I tell her. “Only it’s never that crazy. They must’ve seen me run away with you.”

“Do you think something’s going to happen?” Mia asks worriedly.

“No, nothing’s going to happen. They were just too excited thinking about it being me,” I say. “They aren’t going to do anything, trust me.”

“Should I?” she playfully asks. We both smile at the statement. “I think I should text unni and ask her where she lives.”

“Yeah,” I say awkwardly. “I’ll walk you home once you know.”

Mia gets the text from her sister on the address and I walk her home. All of Mia’s luggage is still in the van and noona is going to bring it back when she comes home.

“I guess this is where we separate,” Mia says looking at me. I can’t help but feel slightly disappointed at those words. Somehow, I wanted to extend the time with Mia as long as possible, but I guess that it’s time to go our separate ways now. After all, fans are going to be looking for me in this disguise now since they already saw me. It’s in both of our best interests if we just aren’t outside anymore.

“Yup,” I say looking down at the ground. “I had fun,” I say after a couple of moments.

“Yeah, it was fun,” Mia says giving me a smile. I’ll always remember it, even if I never see it again.

“When are you starting classes for university?” I ask her attempting to extend the conversation.

“In a couple of days,” she says. “Two or three.”

“Ah,” I say in slight disappointment. I was hoping that possibly, just possibly, we could be able to see each other again before we do our separate schedules, but looks like that won’t be a very good possibility.

“Well, this is goodbye,” Mia says as she turns to open her door.

“Goodbye, my dongsaeng,” I say waving as I walk down the steps.

“Goodbye, oppa,” Mia says waving back before she heads into the apartment. I watch her go in before I turn and leave to go back to the dorms alone.



We may have said goodbye now, but I’ll make sure that we see each other again. Even though we just met, I have this burning desire in me to see you. It feels like if I don’t see you; my heart is going to burst. What is this feeling? Do you have it, too?


With all my heart,

Gong Chanshik


How are Gongchan and Mia going to meet again? Are they ever going to meet again? When will they both come to realizations with their true feelings for each other?


Another chapter is finished. Hope you enjoyed :D

It's only the second chapter.

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Saemiy #1
Chapter 26: Love the story ^^
At first i suspected suzy as the culprit behind the chaos though. Hohohoho.
Love this story :D
jkgdshvfgsdh!! i loved this story.. :)
applechapple #4
asdfghjkl I can't wait for the next chapter! please update! ; A;
Wenxinzxc #5
update soon ^^
new reader here ! Love your story, thanks for update ! :) omg gongchann bias <3
This is so sad. ): i would hate to have a secret relationship but your fic makes it seem cool. :) anyways, updateee asap? Arraso?
Omg! This is so good! Update soon! ':) channie is so sweet. ♥ he's my bias. ;)
xoxotiffanyxo #9
First chapter and it's already good! update soon!
i love this! update soon!