Fan Meeting

My Favorite Dongsaeng

Mia’s POV

I wake up bright and early for my classes today. As I’m getting my backpack all ready to go, my phone rings. “Hello?” I answer not caring to look at the caller ID.

“My dongsaeng sounds happy in the morning,” Gongchan’s voice rings over the line.

“Gongchan, this is you? Did you get a new phone or something?” I ask looking at my phone. I think I would’ve known if his name came across on my phone.

“Yeah, I did,” he says.

“Oh, okay,” I say without a second thought.

“Where are you going?” he asks.

“I’m going to my classes, it’s Monday you know, right?” I ask with a laugh.

“What class do you have?” he asks.

“Chemistry,” I mutter.

“Not your strong point?”

“I like it, it’s just that the lecture is really boring,” I complain. I hear Gongchan laugh on the other line. “Don’t laugh at me.”

“I’m not laughing at you; I’m laughing at how cute you sound.”  Even though Gongchan isn’t with me, the things that he says still makes me blush. “Anyway, I think I know something that could make you cheer up.”

“What?” I ask.

“We have a fan meeting today. Are you going to come?”

“What time is this said fan meeting?” I ask as I put my books into my backpack and make my way out of my dorm. People aren’t going to think that it’s strange that I’m talking on my phone. They would probably think it’s strange once they actually know who I’m talking to.

“Um, I’m not sure, I have to ask hyung. Give me a minute.” I hear him rustle around a little bit before I hear some voices. It’s probably him asking what time the fan meeting is. “Jinyoung-hyung said that it’s starting at two.”

“Two?” I ask as I take out my planner from my purse. “I think I’m good by then. I think I can come. Does Jinyoung-oppa want me to bring Suzy?”

I hear some more rustling around and some voices being raised. I bet it’s probably Jinyoung and him objecting to liking Suzy, which we all know that he does. “Sure, bring her,” Gongchan says.

“Okay,” I say as I walk to my class. “I guess I’ll see you then?”

“Yup, you will. I’ll keep texting you throughout the day, though to remind you.”

“I won’t forget,” I say pouting, but then remember that he can’t see me so it’s probably strange for me to be pouting on the phone by myself.

“I’m still going to text you anyway because I miss you.”

“I miss you, too,” I tell him.

“Well, I’ll let you get to your class now. You’ve probably arrived, right?”

“You’re right,” I say staring at the building. “I’ll see you later.”

“Okay, wait,” Gongchan says. “Are you going to come backstage for our fan meet?”

“Should I?” I ask as I walk through the hallways to my classroom.

“Well, the past couples of times that you came backstage you stayed back there, you didn’t get to see anything. Why don’t you stay in the crowd and actually watch our performance? You better come early then, fans line up pretty fast.”

“Will do. Suzy probably knows what to do.”

“Okay. I’ll let you go now,” Gongchan says.

“Goodbye,” I say as I hang up the phone and sit down in the classroom. I take out all of my books and attempt to pay attention, but the lecture makes it hard to keep my mind focused, but the thought that there’s a fan meeting later today makes me excited. I should tell Suzy as soon as possible.


Gongchan’s POV

“I do not like Suzy,” Jinyoung protests.

“Hyung, just admit that you like her. I admitted that I like Mia,” I tell him.

“But it’s different,” he complains.

“Do you do like Suzy?” I ask attempting to turn his words around.

“No,” he says completely flustered.

“Whatever,” I say smirking to myself.

“Yah, Chanshik,” Jinyoung says chasing after me.

I run through the dorm and into my bedroom, quickly shutting the door. But of course, the door doesn’t lock and Jinyoung quickly enters and begins jumping on top of me.

“Hyung, hyung,” I say in between laughing fits since he’s tickling me. “Stop hyung, hyung.”

“Fine,” Jinyoung says getting off of me, “but it’s only because we have a fan meet later and I don’t want you to have strange bruises that people ask questions for.”

“How considerate,” I say.

“Yah!” Jinyoung yells again and I smirk. It’s so easy getting him annoyed when he’s always thinking of a girl. “Anyway,” he says trying to calm himself down, “you called Mia and told her about your phone change, right?”

“Yup,” I say nodding my head. “But I didn’t mention anything about the police station.”

“Yeah, it’s not like they could do anything anyway,” Jinyoung says sounding defeated.

That’s true. Even though we went to the police station, they couldn’t really do anything because there was no evident sign of the woman being a bother besides a couple of phone calls. If anything got more serious, the police said that we should contact them then.

“Do you think Manager-hyung would figure out that we went without him?” I whisper.

“I’m sure he won’t know a thing,” Jinyoung says with a smile. “Thank goodness Shinwoo knows how to drive.”

“I know,” I excitedly say.

“Guys, Manager-hyung is waiting out front,” Baro says sticking his head in.

Jinyoung and I hurriedly get our things together to go meet Manager-hyung out in the van. “Where are we going today?” Sandeul asks.

“You guys have an appearance on a show and then you have your fan meeting today, but you guys should already know this,” he says.

“We’re forgetful boys,” Baro complains.

“I know,” he says laughing. “That’s why I remind you guys all of the time. We’re going to go to the show for recording.”

“All five of us are appearing?” Shinwoo asks.

“Yes all five of you.”

I stare out the window while the rest of the members are thinking about what talents they’re going to show when the time calls for it and what answers they are going to give to questions.

Then I remember that I forgot to text Mia. I immediately take out my phone and text her a sweet message.


My girlfriend, I’m missing you dearly. I’m on the way to an appearance on a show right now. Remember, no matter what I say, I’m always thinking about you and I’m only yours. Good luck in your classes and I can’t wait to see you at the fan meeting later.

-Gongchan <3


I send off the message with a big smile on my face. I wonder what it would be like to be a college kid, having to wake up to go to classes, having to study, having friends to hang out with, staying up late for study sessions, going out late at night with friends, and just having the ability to be in an open relationship.

Sighing, I stare out the window some more and think about Mia. “What are you sighing at?” Manager-hyung asks.

“Oh, nothing,” I say quickly snapping back into reality.

“Is something bothering you?” he pesters.

“Nope,” I say putting a smile on my face. “I’m just tired.”

“Okay,” he says looking in the rearview mirror at me. I’m pretty sure that he doesn’t believe me, but for now he’s just going to have to live with it. I’m not sure who Mia wants to know about our relationship, I’m just going to wait until she gives the okay for us to tell her sister and our manager.


Mia’s POV

After class I manage to look at Gongchan’s text message before going to my English class. I smile to myself as I catch up with Suzy. “Why are you smiling?” she asks. “Let me guess, it’s the boyfriend, right?”

“You should get yourself one,” I joke with Suzy. “Ah, right, do you know about their fan meeting today?”

“How could I not?” she asks. “I was going to ask you if you wanted to go, but I’m guessing that you’re already going?”

“Yup,” I say nodding. “He invited me.”

“Awesome. Are you going to go backstage or just stay in the crowd this time?” Suzy asks as we’re sitting down in English.

“I was planning on just being in the crowd and acting like another fan, you know?” I ask. “The last time that I went to one of their things I just stayed backstage, I didn’t get the chance to do anything. So I want to see what they’re like on stage.”

“Awesome, we can watch them,” Suzy says with a bright smile.

“You mean you can watch Jinyoung, right?” I ask elbowing her. Her face turns a bright shade of pink. “Why don’t you just admit that you like him? And you were the one that made fun of me because I liked him.”

Out in public, I don’t use Gongchan’s name for fear of someone overhearing us and then making a big deal out of it because he’s the only one that I know with that name and the only one around here that I know of with that name. I don’t think anyone in the college has that name, unless I’m wrong, but I’m sure that if people hear the name Gongchan they’re going to automatically assume that it’s the idol.

“Fine, fine, I’ll say it,” Suzy says. I wait a moment to hear what she says. “I do not like Jinyoung.” I sigh in defeat. If only she’ll admit it, it’ll make her life a whole lot better; at least it did for mine. “Hey, you didn’t tell me that you liked him, either,” Suzy says in her defense. “You just decided to randomly date him.”

I stick my tongue out and turn my attention back to my phone typing back a reply to Gongchan.


My boyfriend, I’m in my next class. Sorry I didn’t text you back earlier, but we were doing a lab. It’s only a couple of more hours until your fan meeting and I’m so excited. Be sure to show your charms on stage! I’ll be sure to tell you that before you go on the stage.

-Mia <3


Thankfully, class feels short because we just go over some more English phrases that we should know for a test that’s coming up soon. Before I realize it, it’s already lunch time.

“Their fan meeting is only in two hours,” Suzy says as we sit down eating lunch. “We should get there early.”

“Should we?” I ask. “I’ve never been to a fan meeting before.”

“Yeah, there will probably be a lot of people there and you want to see him, right? Let’s leave at one to get to the venue; we’ll probably be there about a half an hour before the thing actually starts, oaky?” Suzy asks.

“Sure,” I say nodding my head.

We both eat while we talk about random things that don’t concern us with my boyfriend or her crush that she won’t admit on Jinyoung, until I get a text message from Gongchan.


That’s alright if you don’t answer me. I know that your studies are important to you. What time are you going to come to the fan meet?



“What do you guys always text about?” Suzy asks.

“Just what we’re doing throughout the day,” I say as I begin typing my message back to him.


I think we’re leaving around one? Then we’re going to get there at one thirty, hopefully. Don’t forget to look for me in the crowd.



“Hmm,” Suzy says thinking. “Have you guys ever like gone on an actual date?”

“An actual date?” I ask. I shake my head. “No, we’ve only gone to the amusement park, but that was with everyone. After a while, though, we split apart and he and I were alone.”

“That’s not really a date,” Suzy says.

“There was also the time that he confessed to me. He and I were alone the whole time because you guys decided to ditch,” I say glaring at her, but I have a smile on my face. I’m not mad at her because of that.

“It wasn’t my fault,” she says laughing. “They were the ones that dragged me away and I guess that could be considered a date, but you guys weren’t going out at that time, so maybe?” I can see that she’s thinking really hard about it. “We should organize you a date?”


“The rest of his friends and me,” Suzy says pointing to herself. I’m grateful to her that she doesn’t use his real name when mentioning him.

I roll my eyes at the mention of it. “Do whatever you want,” I say with a laugh.

“It’s almost one,” Suzy says looking at her phone. “Let’s get going.”


Gongchan’s POV

I smile at Mia’s text message. The group and I have now moved from the recording to the venue of the fan meeting. Thankfully at the recording, I wasn’t asked a question about having a girlfriend, but for some strange reason, I think I’ll be asked that question. I don’t want to deny Mia when she’s in the crowd, though, but I know that if I don’t answer it, they’ll become suspicious.


I’ll be looking for my favorite dongsaeng in the crowd, don’t worry. And please don’t feel sad if I do cute actions to other people or if they ask me a question about having a girlfriend. I promise that you are the only one in my heart when I’m doing those cute actions and I’m trying to prevent myself from saying that I have a girlfriend and putting you in harm’s way when they ask me that. I want to protect you.

-Gongchan <3


I sigh again as I send the text message. It breaks my heart that I have to do these things. “Cheer up, Channie,” Sandeul says patting me on the back. “Why are you so down?”

“Nothing,” I say putting a smile on my face. “Do you know what songs we’re doing?”

“We’re just going to do ‘Beautiful Target’ and then ‘Baby I’m Sorry,’” Jinyoung says coming into the room. “Then we’re going to carry on with the signing.”

“Okay,” I say nodding.

“Mia’s coming, right?” Baro asks sitting down.

I nod my head. “She’s going to be in the crowd, so she’s probably going to get something signed.”

“Are you going to write a cheesy message for her?” Shinwoo asks with a smile plastered on his face.

“Who knows,” I say with a sly look in my eye. “What are you guys going to write?” The rest of them shrug their shoulders. “Jinyoung-hyung, are you going to write a sweet message to Suzy? She’s coming too.”

“Chanshik!” Jinyoung says.

“Hyung, we all believe that you like her,” Sandeul says.

Jinyoung sighs in defeat. I begin to laugh as I look down at my phone. It’s almost time to go on and do the fan meeting. “Are you guys ready?” noona asks coming into the room. “Mia told me that she’s going to be in the crowd today. Are you excited, Gongchan?”

“Yes, noona,” I reply to her.

“C’mon, let’s go,” Manager-hyung says coming into the room.

Immediately, we all pump ourselves up before we go out onto the stage to see our fans. The music for ‘Beautiful Target’ start up and we make our entrance with our singing and dancing. The fans love it as we do all of these cute poses and singing. While I’m dancing around, I look for Mia or at least Suzy, but with moving all of the time, it’s difficult. Finally, I spot them not too far away and they’re not that far back in the line, which means that they can see me. I send Mia a wink and I see her slightly blush. That means that she has her eyes only on me.

During ‘Baby I’m Sorry’ I attempt to move my eyesight away from Mia and focus on some other fans because people might get suspicious if I keep looking in only one direction. I would never want to say that we should break up to Mia. I want to stay with her forever and ever. I really like her and she really likes me. Why should there be any reason for us to break up?

After we’re done the songs, there’s a short question and answer session. This is the part that I wasn’t looking forward to the most.

“Now,” the host says coming out onto the stage, “we’re going to get to know the members of B1A4 a little bit better while the tables are getting set up on stage. We have some questions that the fans have written on their way in that they want to be answered. Let’s read a few of them now. So, which member are you most comfortable with?”

Question after question we answer. I just hope that we run out of time before the question that I’m not looking forward to comes, but sadly, we don’t. The question comes as the last one. “So,” the host says, “it’s time for the final question before we start. Does anyone have a girlfriend?”

My eyesight immediately goes to Mia and she just nods her head. She knows the answer that I have to say and I can’t show a sad face because fans are looking at me, I can only continue to act cute and do fun acts that are considered to be the typical Gongchan behavior.

“Gongchan, do you have a girlfriend?” the host asks.

Looking at Mia, I shake my head. “No, I want one really bad,” I say doing some aegyo.


Mia’s POV

My eyes never leave Gongchan as he says that he doesn’t have a girlfriend but he wants one. I know that he has to say that answer, but I won’t lie when I say that it hurts. It does hurt when he says that he’s not dating anyone, but I completely understand. Is this the feeling that he was having when he was sad yesterday?

When Gongchan says that he really wants a girlfriend, I hear his fans all around saying that they would gladly be his girlfriend. I don’t know why, but I start feeling jealous. Maybe it’s because we can’t have an open relationship? He has so many fans and so many people that give him love. If he were to reveal our relationship, I’m sure that some of these people would stop supporting him and B1A4. I would never want that to happen.

Before my eyes, the signing starts. Beforehand, Suzy handed me one of their albums. “Get this signed,” she told me. “You don’t have anything. Just bring it.”

The line moves slowly, but it doesn’t move that slowly. I like it how all of the members get to spend some quality time with their fans and ask them some questions while they sign whatever they sign and return it back to them.

Next, it’s my turn to go up to them. Sandeul is first. “Hello,” he says with a bright smile as I kneel in front of him.

“Hello,” I say.

“Channie is really excited to see you,” he whispers as he hands me the CD. “And don’t take his words about not having a girlfriend to heart. He was really upset about it yesterday.”

“Okay,” I say giving him a smile as he hands me back the CD. “Thank you,” I say bowing.

I move onto Baro next. “Hello wonderful fan,” he says with a bright smile.

“Hello, Baro-oppa,” I say. Baro doesn’t really talk to me, he just signs very intently before handing it back to me. “Thank you.”

Next in line is Shinwoo. “Well, if it isn’t a devoted fan,” Shinwoo says with a smile.

“Hello, Shinwoo-oppa. Long time no see.”

“Surely it has been. We should see each other more often,” he whispers with a smile.

“Okay,” I say with a smile.

“Here is your CD,” he says handing it back.

“Thank you,” I say bowing once again before moving onto Jinyoung.

“Well, if it isn’t my favorite person,” Jinyoung says as I go up to him. Thankfully Suzy is after me so none of the fans, besides the one in front of me, hear it, but I look over to the person in front of me who seems like she’s having fun with Gongchan and I can’t help but feel a bit jealous for the second time today. I watch as they interlock fingers and Jinyoung must see me. “Hey, who is your favorite member?” he asks attempting to start conversation.

I think about it for a moment, acting like a true fan. “I would have to say Jinyoung-oppa,” I say with a smile.

“Good,” he says with a smile. “You may have your CD back and go over to Channie.”

Finally, I kneel before Gongchan. “I miss you,” he whispers.

“I miss you, too,” I tell him.

“I’m happy that you were able to come to this fan meeting. After it’s over, go backstage.”

“Okay,” I say nodding my head with a smile plastered on my face.

Gongchan holds out his hand and I put my hand up to his. We just stay like that for a moment before he hands me back the CD with his free hand. “Go ahead, go wait backstage, your unni is back there.”

“Thank you,” I say taking the CD and nodding my head. I get down from the tables where their fan signing is happening and see my sister standing over in the corner. I wave to her and she waves back. I wait for Suzy to be done before we both head over there together to go backstage.



Your fan meeting has opened my eyes to the world of an idol. I didn’t realize that it was that hard for you to live your life and how much of a danger it could be if I was revealed as your girlfriend. I guess it pains me inside when you said that you didn’t have one, but you must be feeling that same pain when you say those words. But I’m glad that you’re getting the support that you’re getting.


Your understanding girlfriend,



How is the rest of the day going to go for the members and Suzy and Mia? How are Suzy and B1A4 going to plan a date for Gongchan and Mia? What is going to happen with the strange lady that kept calling Gongchan?


Here is Chapter 12. Hope you enjoyed :D

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Saemiy #1
Chapter 26: Love the story ^^
At first i suspected suzy as the culprit behind the chaos though. Hohohoho.
Love this story :D
jkgdshvfgsdh!! i loved this story.. :)
applechapple #4
asdfghjkl I can't wait for the next chapter! please update! ; A;
Wenxinzxc #5
update soon ^^
new reader here ! Love your story, thanks for update ! :) omg gongchann bias <3
This is so sad. ): i would hate to have a secret relationship but your fic makes it seem cool. :) anyways, updateee asap? Arraso?
Omg! This is so good! Update soon! ':) channie is so sweet. ♥ he's my bias. ;)
xoxotiffanyxo #9
First chapter and it's already good! update soon!
i love this! update soon!