An Oppa and A Dongsaeng

My Favorite Dongsaeng

Mia’s POV

Gongchan and I are still in our awkward position as everyone comes in. What is this? Why is my heart beating so fast? What has gotten into me? We’re simply dongsaeng and an oppa, right? But why was I getting excited as his face slowly came towards mine?

“Chanshik, what are you doing?” I hear Baro ask.

I take a quick glance at Gongchan and see his face getting as red as mine.

“Nothing, hyung,” Gongchan quickly says pulling away from me and trying to ease the awkward atmosphere.

“Anyway,” unni says trying to take our minds away from something else. I will be eternally grateful to her. “Um, so this is the dressing room for you guys. I’m going to prepare the clothes. Oppa says that you guys should head towards the stage to do some sound check.” My ears perk up at the statement. I’m assuming that she’s calling their manager oppa. Does she have a close relationship with their manager?

“Unni,” I say getting close as the members shuffle their way out to follow their manager towards the stage. “Do you like their manager?”

“What are you talking about?” she asks, her face is getting red from suddenly being put on the spot.

“Are you guys dating?”

“Yah!” she says rubbing the top of my head. “I could say the same things towards you. Do you like Gongchan? Why are you guys getting so close?”

I immediately shut up at the statement. I shouldn’t have said anything. “Sorry,” I say fixing my hair.

“Nah, it’s alright,” unni says putting her arm around my shoulder. “I’m happy for you. If you like Gongchan, then what power do I have to stop you?”

“I don’t know if I like him, though,” I tell her.

“Well, I think he likes you.”

“What are you talking about?”

“See, he didn’t see you for like two weeks, right?” I nod my head. “During those two weeks, he was completely beside himself. It’s like you changed him, even though it was one day. What happened between you two?” she asks poking at my side. “Did something happen that I should know about?”

“I don’t think so,” I say trying to think. “Nothing out of the ordinary, but I thought that you would’ve disagreed if we showed any type of feelings towards each other because you work so closely with them.”

“I know that Gongchan is a nice guy. If you guys end up in a relationship, I don’t think that I would mind,” she says. “Now, I have to go organize their clothes.”

“But unni,” I say turning around while she gets some bags and straightens them out. “You never answered my question about their manager. Are you guys dating?”

“I’ll tell you later,” she says with a smile on her face.

Before I can question her even further, Suzy comes into the room. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about this before,” she says jumping up and down.

“Well, that’s exactly the reason why,” I say pointing at her and smiling.

“Hey, it’s not my fault that B1A4 is my absolute favorite group. Jinyoung-oppa is just as cute in person as he is in the pictures, and he’s even really nice, too.”

“Jinyoung-oppa?” I ask. “When did you become so close with him?”

“I could ask you the same question about Gongchan. What’s going on between you guys? Don’t think that I didn’t see that almost kiss in this very room.” I turn to look away from her since my face is turning red again. “Don’t tell me that you have a crush on Gongchan.”

“I don’t,” I state as calmly as I possibly can.

“I saw the way that he greeted you, though. It seemed like he was thoroughly happy. When did you guys get so close? You have to tell me the details. How many times have you met so far? Are you guys really close friends? Of course you would be since your sister works with them all of the time,” she says in a half scream.

“Suzy, Suzy,” I say calming her down as I bring her to a chair located in the room. I sit beside her. “Fine, I’ll tell you everything, just stop asking questions for the time being.”

“Okay,” she excitedly says as she puts her hands in her lap and sits there quietly. I begin to tell her the story about the one day adventure with Gongchan, my first day in Korea.


Gongchan’s POV

“Good run through guys,” Manager-hyung says coming up to us. “The concert’s not going to start in a while, so if you want to, you guys can rest in the room.” We all nod our heads in agreement as we head off stage wiping the sweat off of our faces.

“I think that that was one of your best performances, Channie,” Sandeul says.

“Is it because a certain someone is going to be watching you?” Jinyoung asks poking me.

“Hey,” I say looking at them. “I don’t like her, she’s only my dongsaeng.”

“That’s what they all say,” Shinwoo says causing the guys to laugh.

“Hey, at least I wasn’t the one getting cozy with Suzy,” I say looking directly at Jinyoung. He just turns his head away causing the rest of us to laugh some more.

Mia’s still in the room and so is Suzy by the time that we come back. We have free time now until we have to go on. I kind of don’t want to stay in the room until we have to go on.

“Hyung,” I say talking to our manager. “How much more time do we have until we go on?”

“Maybe an hour?” he asks looking at his watch. “Why? What were you thinking?”

“Do you think I could take a walk around campus with Mia?”

I see him think for a minute before he reluctantly nods his head yes. “But if anything happens like that time before, I’m not going to trust you to go out by yourself.”

“Of course,” I say. “I would never want to endanger Mia’s life again.” I walk over to where Mia and Suzy are and I slightly overhear Mia telling Suzy the story about how she got chased by my fans during our first outing. I kind of feel bad for putting her through that. “I am sorry about that,” I say butting into the conversation surprising both girls.

“Gongchan,” Mia says surprised.

“What happened to oppa?” I pout. I can see Suzy look at me and then back to Mia, but that doesn’t bother me. “Anyway, we have some free time. Do you want to show me around campus?”

I see Mia look at Suzy for reassurance. “You should take him around yourself,” Suzy says getting up from her seat. A smile comes across my face as I silently thank her. I should set her up with Jinyoung as a repayment.

“What are you going to do?” Mia asks as Suzy starts walking away.

“I’ll get to know the other members,” she says as she walks towards the rest of them who are doing who knows what. Sometimes I think they’re the strangest people that I’ve ever met in my life.

“So, are you up for taking me on a tour this time?” I ask.

“Okay,” Mia says getting up from her chair. “But this time, we aren’t going to get chased, right?”

“I hope not,” I tell her. “Should I change my clothes?”

Mia looks me up and down and shakes her head. “Do you have a hat and sunglasses again? You’re wearing sweats and a t-shirt. I’m pretty sure you’ll fit in with every other college kid here.”

“Be right back,” I tell her as I go over to noona. “Noona, do you have any sunglasses or a hat that I could borrow? Mia’s going to show me around campus. I’ve always wanted to experience real college life.” Thankfully, she manages to scrimmage up some stuff from some of the other staff since she only brought our stage clothes. “Thank you, noona,” I excitedly say before I go back to Mia. “Have the stuff.”

“You make it sound like it’s some sort of drug deal,” she says with a smile. “Let’s get going.”

“Okay,” I say following her. I catch up to her pace, which isn’t hard since I have long legs. Once I catch up to her, I interlock our arms together. She seems shocked at the motion at first, but then she eases up. This is going to be fun. It’s a role reversal.


Mia’s POV

“So, this is the main building,” I say pointing out the old looking building to Gongchan. Our arms are still entangled with each other. People probably think that we’re just some boyfriend and girlfriend, or maybe they think that he’s just my brother or some other kid that I know from back home that’s come for a visit. I don’t think that they would ever think that he’s from a famous idol group, especially with the way that he’s dressed.

“What is that?” he asks pointing towards the green clearing.

“That’s a park dummy. Surely you’ve seen one before,” I say lightly knocking him on the head.

“Well does it have a name?”

“I’m not sure. I’m not trained in giving tours, you know.”

“It’s still good, but mine was better,” he says leaning down towards my face. My hearts starts racing again at the sudden close contact.

“Hey, mine is just as good. At least I have somewhat of a plan of where we should go and stuff,” I say sticking my tongue out at him as we stop in the middle of the path.

“My dongsaeng is cute,” he says ruffling my hair. It’s the second time that that’s happened to me today.

“You just called me cute again,” I point out.

“Well I mean it,” Gongchan says as he turns and gets closer to my face. My heartbeat suddenly gets faster once again. I don’t really like you, do I?

“W-w-what d-do you m-mean?” I manage to stutter out. As if my nervousness wasn’t already apparent.

“Looks like someone’s nervous,” Gongchan says touching the tip of my nose. Just his touch on my nose makes my whole body want to get closer to him, but I restrain myself. We’re only dongsaeng and oppa. Only dongsaeng and oppa…

“Why would I be nervous?” I ask turning my head away from him. I’m pretty sure my face is red by now and I don’t want him to see it.

“No reason,” he suddenly says standing straight up. Somehow, I find myself disappointed by this action. Was I hoping that he would kiss me like before? What has gotten into me?

“Moving on,” I say starting to move from the position and on with the tour. “These are the dorms and this is where our tour concludes.”

“That was such a short tour,” Gongchan says taking out his phone. I’m guessing that he’s looking at the time. “Hyung said that I had about an hour, but your tour only took fifteen minutes. I have forty-five minutes left to kill and I’m not going to sit in that stuffy room. Why don’t we go to your room?”

“My room?” I ask pointing at myself.

“No, her room,” Gongchan says nudging his head in another direction towards another girl. “Of course your room, who else do I know that goes here?”


“But I don’t know her well enough to go into her room.”

“And you do for me?”

“Hopefully,” he says. “So which one do you live in?”

“That one,” I say pointing to one.

“Let’s go.” Gongchan grabs my hand as we make our way towards the dorms. “Do you have a roommate?” he asks as we walk through the hallway to get to my room. “I don’t want her knowing that who I am.”

“No, I don’t have one,” I admit to him. “Since I enrolled later, I got a room by myself. I don’t know whether I’m lucky or not.”

“But you’re making friends despite that,” Gongchan says. “And you thought you wouldn’t.”

“What?” I ask looking at him.

“The first day that we met, you said that you didn’t know whether or not you would make friends and it old you that you would.”

“You actually remember that?” I ask surprised.

“Why not? My dongsaeng said it, I should remember it.”

“Aish,” I say hitting the top of his head. I see him smile a dorky smile as we finally reach my room. “Well, this is it,” I say. I open the door and allow him to come inside.


Gongchan’s POV

“Wow,” I say looking around the room.

“It’s fit to house two people, but I’m the only one in it, so I have it all to myself,” Mia explains.

“It’s just like what I thought they would look like,” I say sitting on the other bed that isn’t occupied. I look around at some of her pictures from the states and smile to myself looking at how goofy she is. There are plenty of pictures of her with her friends back home. “Do you miss them?” I ask as she sits on her bed across from me.

“Hmm?” she asks.

“Your friends,” I say pointing at the pictures. “Do you miss them?”

“You could say that,” she says with a smile.”But it was my choice to come here.”

I can see that she’s thinking a lot about it, so I decide not to ask her about why she decided to move here. It’s none of my business so I shouldn’t be nosy about the whole subject, but I can’t help but wonder why she did move here. I mean, noona never really mentioned having a sister before. Something just seems wrong about the situation, but not wrong like in she’s not really her sister, but maybe there’s something wrong with her home life. They never talk about their parents, ever.

Mia begins explaining some of her pictures to me and I can see her expression immediately change. She must enjoy talking about her friends. She tells me about the pranks that they played during school and her field trips and fun days that the school had where she embarrassed herself in front of the student body. As she’s telling me those things, I can’t help but have a desire to want to create memories like that with her, but she’s simply my dongsaeng. She’s my dongsaeng and I’m her oppa. We’re only friends, but do I have the feeling that I want to be something more?

“I’m going to go to the bathroom. Are you going to be okay in here by yourself?” Mia asks getting down from her bed.

“You think I’m incapable of looking after myself?” I ask pretending to be hurt. “I’ll be okay.”

“Don’t touch any of my stuff,” she warns.

“Of course,” I say putting my hands up in the surrendering position.

After she leaves, I look at the pictures some more until I see a notebook lying on her desk. I decide to pick up the notebook and pen and quickly write a note. I quickly finish it and rip it out of the notebook, fold it, and stuff it under her pillow when I hear the doorknob opening. I resume my original position on the bed and act like I was looking at things as to not draw suspicion towards me.

“What were you doing?” Mia asks looking around the room. She must think that I must have touched something.

“Nothing,” I say acting totally innocent.

“Hmm, I don’t believe you,” she says.

“Maybe you should, or maybe you shouldn’t,” I say with a smirk.

“Chanshik!” she yells.

I smile at her. “Babo,” I say gently flicking her forehead. I look at my phone again and see that we have about fifteen minutes before I need to get back to the room. “Shall we get going? I have to go back to the room soon.”

“Okay,” Mia says backing away from me.

We walk back to the room arm in arm again. I like the feeling of walking beside her. I hope she’ll stay and watch the performance. Was she already planning on watching it?


Mia’s POV

Gongchan and I make it back to the room to see the rest of the boys and Suzy playing some sort of game with a punishment. “The lovebirds are already back,” Jinyoung says looking at us. Gongchan and I don’t say anything which causes them to say some more things.

“Looks like they had a romantic time,” Sandeul says.

“Looks like our maknae might have done something that he shouldn’t have,” Shinwoo says.

“I think they like each other,” Suzy says. I send her a glare to which she responds by sticking her tongue out.

The only person who isn’t getting in on the jeering is Baro. I see him concentrating on the game, but I have a feeling that it’s not the game that he’s trying to put his attention on. Is there something wrong with him?

“When are we performing?” Gongchan asks sitting on the opposite side of the table.

“In about half an hour?” Sandeul asks looking at everyone else. “We were going to get changed after we finish this game.”

“Which is right now,” Jinyoung excitedly says. “I win!”

“Not fair hyung,” Sandeul complains.

“Too late,” Jinyoung says with a smile. “Let’s get changed guys.”

“Hey, are you going to watch us perform?” Baro asks Suzy and me.

“Yeah, we were planning on it,” Suzy responds.

“Here, we’ll give you guys some good seats,” Shinwoo says pulling out some lanyards.

“What are those?” I ask pointing at them.

“They’re the VIP seats; they’ll give you a great view of the stage. Don’t tell anyone where you got them,” he whispers. Suzy and I nod our heads as we accept the passes.

“Thanks,” we both say at the same time.

“No problem,” Shinwoo says. “We hope that you enjoy our performance.”

“Are you going to meet us back here when we’re done?” Gongchan asks looking at me.

“Depends,” I say joking around with him.

“Well, you should,” he sternly says. “We can all go out to eat.”

“Sounds like a plan to me,” Suzy says looking at me waiting for me to answer.

I just shrug my shoulders. “I guess I’ll come along, but just because I don’t want my best friend hanging out with a couple of weirdoes.” I see Gongchan smirk as he goes over and changes his clothes. “We’ll be out in the crowd.”

“Look for us,” Suzy says as we leave the room.


Gongchan’s POV

As we are getting our microphones hooked up, I can’t help but feel more nervous by the second. I shouldn’t feel nervous, though. I’ve performed plenty of times before. Why is this time going to be any different? Is it because I know that Mia’s going to be watching me? I just hope that she finds her note under her pillow and no one else does.

“Are you guys ready?” Jinyoung asks as we circle up to do our pre-performance ritual. We all nod our heads in agreement. “Hana, dul, set,” he counts off.

“Let’s fly! B1A4!” we all yell together.

“Let’s do an awesome performance,” Sandeul says.

“When is it not awesome?” Baro asks.

“It has to be special since Gongchan’s girl is watching,” Jinyoung says looking at me.

“Not to mention yours, too,” I say giving it right back to him.

We make our ways to the entrance of the stage as the music starts. We perform ‘Beautiful Target’ first and the whole time I look at Mia. I just hope she gets the message. I watch her as she sways to the music and sometimes she’ll join in with Suzy in singing. She looks so cute sitting there intently watching the performance. Sometimes I’ll also see her look in my direction a couple of times, but then she goes back to looking at everyone and my heart can’t help but take a dive.

Whenever my parts come up, I imagine that I’m singing them to Mia. Why? I’ll probably never know because we’re only oppa and dongsaeng, right? Even when the others are singing, I’ll lip-sync their parts because I feel like they relate to Mia. Why is she always in my mind? She’s been in my mind for the past two weeks and even though I see her now, it’s like I’m not satisfied with it. At least we’ll be eating together afterwards.

We’re only oppa and dongsaeng, right? We’re only friends, right? Could I like her, though? Someway am I finding myself falling in love with Mia? But she’s my dongsaeng, oppa’s don’t fall in love with their dongsaeng’s. But she’s not even my real dongsaeng, so it’s possible, I guess.



Why do you have me so confused? Do I like you? Everyone seems to think that I like you, but is it true? Am I finding myself falling in love with you even though I haven’t seen you that often? Is this what love at first sight feels like? Do you like me, too? But we’re dongsaeng and oppa, can we have a relationship with each other? I’m an idol and you’re noona’s dongsaeng, would she approve? Would everyone say that we don’t belong together?


The guy who probably likes you but is too afraid to admit it,

Gong Chanshik


Gongchan and Mia are thinking that a relationship with the other is impossible, but when will they know the truth? What was in the note that Gongchan stuck under Mia's pillow? Why was Baro not making fun of Gongchan and Mia like everyone else was? What's up with Mia's sister and B1A4's manager? What's up with Suzy and Jinyoung?


Another chapter is up. Hope you enjoyed :D

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Saemiy #1
Chapter 26: Love the story ^^
At first i suspected suzy as the culprit behind the chaos though. Hohohoho.
Love this story :D
jkgdshvfgsdh!! i loved this story.. :)
applechapple #4
asdfghjkl I can't wait for the next chapter! please update! ; A;
Wenxinzxc #5
update soon ^^
new reader here ! Love your story, thanks for update ! :) omg gongchann bias <3
This is so sad. ): i would hate to have a secret relationship but your fic makes it seem cool. :) anyways, updateee asap? Arraso?
Omg! This is so good! Update soon! ':) channie is so sweet. ♥ he's my bias. ;)
xoxotiffanyxo #9
First chapter and it's already good! update soon!
i love this! update soon!