First Date

My Favorite Dongsaeng

Gongchan’s POV

I wake up to some loud music playing in my ear. “Ugh,” I groan as I turn over in my sleep.

“Channie,” I hear someone say. “It’s time to wake up.”

Immediately I sit up in bed, but I’m still tired and I feel like I’m falling asleep sitting up. “Maknae,” another voice says, “you have to tell us.”

“Tell you what?” I angrily ask. It’s one thing that they have to wake me up, but especially on a day that we don’t have a schedule, now that’s really mean.

“Did Mia accept?” It registers in my mind that the voice belongs to Sandeul. “You came home really late and we didn’t feel like waiting up for you. Were you with Mia that whole time?”

“Or were you crying your eyes out?” Shinwoo jokes.

“Very funny, hyungs,” I say turning around to face them. I rub my eyes with my hands and blink a couple of times before they come into focus. “Mia accepted,” I say as a smile grows on my face as I remember last night. Last night Mia became my girlfriend and I became her boyfriend.

“Yes!” Sandeul yells jumping up and down. “Our maknae has a girlfriend, now we just need to find one.”

“Well, everyone except for Jinyoung-hyung,” I say pointing at him.

“What are you talking about?” Jinyoung asks shocked. “I don’t have a girlfriend and I’d definitely tell you guys if I do.”

“I was talking about Suzy,” I say laughing, the rest of the members laugh along with me. “Where’s Baro?” I ask looking around and realizing his absence.

“He has a schedule,” Shinwoo says, “he left early this morning. I have to leave later.”

“So do I,” Sandeul says, “I have a recording.”

“So do I,” Jinyoung says.

“I’m left home again?” I complain.

“Hey, you have a girlfriend now,” Jinyoung says as he turns and leaves the room. “Hang out with her, go on a date with her. Do something that’s boyfriend and girlfriend like.”

“But hyung,” I say, “we can’t be seen in public.”

“Then invite her over,” Sandeul says as he comes over and knocks on my head. “Really, for someone so smart, you’re kind of stupid.”

“Thanks hyung,” I mumble.

“Don’t worry,” Shinwoo says giving a smile. “I just think they’re slightly jealous about not getting a girlfriend and the youngest has one before they do.”

“Probably,” I say looking over at the side.

“Anyway, good luck on your date today,” he says waving before he leaves, too.

I lean back on my bed with my hands behind my head. I really want to go back to sleep, but as I glance at my phone, I see that it’s already nine thirty in the morning. What time did I come back last night? Either way, I did sleep a lot, so I guess I should just get up for the day since they already woke me up.

Making my way over to the window, I look outside and see that it’s a beautiful day. I should take Mia out, but I can’t be seen by people. People can’t know our relationship. I feel guilty for Mia because of that, but nonetheless, she accepted my feelings. Quickly, I grab my phone to text her and ask her if she wants to spend the day together. I’ll just leave it up to her as to what we do.


Mia’s POV

I wake up and immediately the feelings of last night come to my mind. Gongchan is my boyfriend. I am Gongchan’s girlfriend. I’m only a regular girl, though, and because of that, we can’t exactly tell people about us. I’m sure that the members of B1A4 know and I’m sure that my unni knows. Besides that, I guess I’ll tell Suzy, unless Gongchan is immediately against it, but I feel like I can trust Suzy. After all, she knows what my unni does for a living, so it’s not like she doesn’t know. Plus she always says something about Gongchan liking me. I can only imagine her reaction when she finds out that we’re now dating. She’ll probably just say that she told me so, but be completely happy for me.

I look at the calendar that’s put up by my bed and see that today is Saturday, which means that we don’t have any classes today, or at least I don’t, thankfully. I don’t think I could handle having to go to school after last night. Even after telling Suzy about last night, I don’t think she would act normal during classes. When is the right time to tell her, though?

As I think about these things, I hear my phone give off its familiar ringtone to signal someone calling me. I jump down from my bed and head over to my desk to look at it since I was charging my phone last night. Looking at the caller ID, I see that it’s Gongchan calling me. “Hello?” I ask pretending to not know that it’s him. I hear him chuckle on the other line. “What are you laughing at?” I ask him.

“Aigoo, my girlfriend is so cute in the morning, I can only imagine what you look like right now,” he comments.

“I can only imagine what you look like right now,” I say to get back at him. I stick my tongue out, but he can’t see it. “Why did you call?” I ask pretending to be mad at him.

“I don’t have any schedules today, do you want to do something?” he offers.

“I don’t have any classes,” I say.

“Yes,” I hear him whisper.

“I heard that.”

“Anyway, what do you want to do? I’m leaving it completely up to you.”

“So it’s like a date?” I ask.

“If you wish for it to be that way.”

“Hmm,” I say as I climb up on my bed and cross my legs. “What would be more comfortable with you? Staying at your dorm?”

“Why?” he asks shocked at my sudden comment.

“Well, you said that you didn’t want people knowing about our relationship, which I completely understand. I don’t want people suddenly hating me for no reason. Why don’t I just come over to your dorm?”

“Do you know how to sneak in?” he jokes.

“Hey, I’m sure people live in your dorm and come in and out all the time, so I don’t need to sneak in,” I say. “What time should I come?”

“I’ll pick you up,” Gongchan quickly says.

“Oppa, isn’t that dangerous?”

“I’ll disguise myself,” he offers.

“Even if I say no, you’re still going to do it, aren’t you,” I say admitting defeat.

“Of course,” Gongchan chuckles at himself. “I’ll be over within the half an hour. See you.”

“Yup, see you,” I say hanging up the phone.

I can’t believe that Gongchan is my boyfriend. This just feels like a dream to me. I can’t wait to spend the whole day with him.


Gongchan’s POV

After hanging up the phone with Mia, I quickly go into the bathroom to wash up before heading to my closet to pick out something that no one would notice me in, or at least something that wouldn’t bring attention to myself.

In the end, I end up finding an overly large sweatshirt with a pair of loose jeans. I manage to find a backpack that I don’t really use when going on trips since I’m afraid that fans would notice the backpack, too. Going into Baro’s room, I sort through his hat collection to find a hat that he doesn’t wear often so fans won’t recognize that either.

Before heading out, I take a good look at myself in the mirror and am even surprised at myself. Since I don’t have any schedules, I don’t have the need to put on any makeup, not that I even put on a lot anyway. I’m happy in my appearance; I look just like a college kid. Even though it’s Saturday, they could think that I’m going to study, or maybe I do have Saturday classes or something.

Finally, I end up at the university. Taking a look around, I see that some kids are out doing some things, probably hanging out with each other and doing other various college activities. They look at me, but they don’t notice me, at least they don’t say anything. Thankfully, before I left the dorm, I managed to find a pair of glasses sitting around.

However, I don’t remember where Mia’s dorm is. I’ve only been here once before. Luckily, I pass Suzy hanging out with some friends. “Excuse me,” I say attempting to disguise my voice. “Do any of you know where Mia lives?”

“Um, sure,” Suzy says eyeing me. Does she notice me? “She lives in that building over there.” I follow her finger to see what building she’s pointing at. “She lives on the first floor.”

“Ah, thank you,” I say with a disguised voice as I bow and walk towards the building. I can feel Suzy looking at me and I just hope that she didn’t notice who I was otherwise this whole plan is failing, although, she probably understands my feelings. That is, if she does know that it’s me.

I reach the outside of the building and lean my back up against it with my foot on the wall. I call Mia and thankfully she picks up. “I’m outside of your building,” I say in my normal voice.

“Okay, I’ll be out, give me a minute,” Mia says. My expression suddenly brightens up after hearing her voice on the other line. I don’t know what this spell is that she has over me, but it’s quite something. Is this what love feels like? Love at first sight?

I see the front doors open and Mia comes out. “Hey,” I say going up to her and hugging her.

“Hey, who are you?” she angrily asks pushing me off of her. It takes her a moment to realize that it’s me. “Gongchan?” she asks staring at me. I nod my head. “Why are you dressed like that?”

“To pick you up, of course,” I say.

“But, you wearing this,” she says looking at my clothes.

“It makes me look like an actual university student, right?” I ask excitedly happy that I’m able to pull of such a thing.

“It surely does,” Mia says with a bright smile. “I wasn’t even able to recognize you.”

“Oh, yeah, someone else wasn’t able to recognize me either,” I say remembering the incident with Suzy.

“Really? Who else?”

“Suzy,” I say laughing.

“Suzy? You tricked Suzy? She really likes you guys. If you tricked her, then you could trick anyone.”

“Then do you want to spend the day out?”

“Out?” Mia asks questioningly.

“Let’s just go,” I say quickly grabbing her hand dragging her along with me.


Mia’s POV

Gongchan grabs my hand and runs with me through the campus. “People are looking at us,” I comment.

“Let them look,” Gongchan says without a care in the world.

“But what if they notice you?” I wordily ask. I know how much he wants to keep our relationship secret. Running through the university like this isn’t actually helping anything.

“You said it yourself that Suzy is a big fan, and if she didn’t notice then they aren’t. Granted, I did deepen my voice, but she still didn’t recognize me.”

“Gongchan,” I say rolling my eyes.

Slowly, Gongchan stops in front of a shop. “Let’s go in here.”

“Here?” I ask pointing at the place.

“Yeah, it’s an ice-cream parlor. It’s our favorite place to go to when we’re free from our schedules. I want to take you here.”

Before I can say another word, Gongchan drags me in and sits me down at an empty table. I watch him as he goes up to the counter to order.

I take a look around the place and it doesn’t actually seem like a bad place. Then again, ice cream parlors never are, they’re always joyous. The place seems moderately busy, but not super packed. I feel a little relieved about Gongchan and my relationship not going to be found out. I have to admit that his disguise is well thought out and put together. It really seems like he’s a college kid. Where did he get that backpack from?

After a couple of minutes, Gongchan comes back with two ice cream cones. “Vanilla for me and strawberry for you,” Gongchan says giving me my ice cream. “I hope that it’s okay.”

“Yup,” I say with a wide smile. “I really like strawberry, how did you know?”

“It was just a guess,” Gongchan remarks. “I guess I just know my girlfriend well.”

“Stop saying that,” I say gently hitting his arm as I eat some of my ice cream.

“Saying what?” he asks as he leans closer to me. Suddenly, I start feeling nervous as my face starts to turn red. “Looks like someone really likes this.”

“Likes what?” I ask. “Strawberry ice cream?” I hold the cone up in his face.

“Here, let me try some,” he says taking mine. “You can try some of mine.” Without me saying anything, he takes my ice cream and some of it. “Hmm, it’s really good.”

I laugh at him as I steal my ice cream back. “You’re so weird. Were you always this weird, oppa?”

“Well, someone just happened to make me this weird,” Gongchan says with a bright smile. “I like spending time with you, Mia.”

“We’ve only been hanging out for like half an hour,” I comment looking at my watch and guessing the time. “Plus, we haven’t even been going out for that long; it’s been a day, oppa.”

“Doesn’t matter,” Gongchan says shaking his head. “It feels like I’ve known you for much longer. That just shows how much I like you.”

Gongchan starts leaning in closer. When his mouth is centimeters away from your lips you stop him. “Oppa, not here.”

“Why not?” he whispers.

“People are watching.”

“Let them,” Gongchan says as he sweeps in and kisses me gently on the lips for a short time before finally letting go. “Sweetest kiss in the world.”

“Oppa, that’s embarrassing,” I comment, “people are watching us.”

“So what if they’re staring? They’re probably jealous because you have such a cute boyfriend.”

“Not in that outfit,” I mutter under my breath.

“What did you say?” Gongchan quickly asks.

“Oh, nothing,” I say playing innocent.

“Okay,” Gongchan says looking at me and giving me a sly smile. “Let’s finish our ice cream and get out of here.”


Gongchan’s POV

After we finish eating our ice cream, I decide to take Marisa back to the dorm after all. “Hey, you know something,” I begin breaking the comfortable silence between us, “I could use this disguise again, it seemed to work perfectly fine. I could even be a student at your university.”

Mia laughs at my statements. “Oppa, so we’re going back to your house?”

“Yup,” I say nodding my head. “The guys all have a schedule today, so we can get some privacy there without being too worried.” Mia nods her head as I lead the way to the room.

I feel slightly guilty about the whole keeping our relationship a secret thing. I know that Mia wants people to know that we’re dating; at least I think she wants people to know. I want people to know, too. It’s just that, I want to protect Mia at whatever costs possible, even if that does mean that the both of us can’t reveal our relationship. I don’t want her to get letters of hate mail or have a hard time in college because she’s now dating me. I know she still has the new kid label on her and it’ll be hard to make other friends.

Finally, we reach the dorm and the both of us walk in. “So, this is where B1A4 lives,” she says as she looks around.

“Would you like a tour?” I offer. “I know the dorm’s not that big, but you know, it’s good to have a tour.”

“Sure,” Mia says with a bright smile.

“Okay, so that’s the doorway, obviously,” I say pointing at it, “this is the main room, where we eat and talk. That doorway over there is Baro-hyung’s bedroom. There’s a bunk bed in there even though he’s the only one sleeping in the room. That room right there is the bathroom and the room over there is where the other four of us sleep. All of our dressers are here,” I say pointing at them. “And then there’s a kitchen here with a washer and a dryer. I know it’s not really that big.”

“No, it’s no problem,” Mia quickly says, “I like it. It has a homey feel to it.”

“Doesn’t it?” I ask with a smile. “Let’s go into my room.” I grab Mia’s hand and lead her to my room. “And this is where I sleep.” I show her the top bunk. “And down here is where Sandeul-hyung sleeps. Jinyoung-hyung sleeps in the bottom bunk over there and Shinwoo-hyung sleeps on the top bunk of that one.”

“It’s really nice here,” Mia comments looking around our room. I can’t believe that she’s my girlfriend, and unknowingly, I continue staring at her. “Why do you keep looking at me?” I hear Mia ask.


“You’ve been staring at me a lot lately,” she says embarrassed. My girlfriend is embarrassed.

“Ah, don’t be embarrassed,” I say running over and hugging her in a bear hug. “You’re beautiful, I just can’t believe that you’re all mine.”

“I could say the same,” I hear Mia say as she hugs me back. My heart feels like it could explode any second now. I feel so happy just holding her into my arms.

“I’m going to get changed,” I tell her. “Why don’t you wait for me out there?”

“Sure,” Mia says with a smile as she goes out into the living room area.

I get changed as quickly as possible back into Gongchan and out of the loose jeans and the sweatshirt. I go back to my original style since we’re back at the dorm and have no chance of anyone coming and seeing me or recognizing me since we’re not going to be walking around on the street.

Coming out of the bedroom, I see Mia sitting on the floor cross legged just looking at everything. She looks so cute when she’s studying something. I immediately run over and hug her. “I’m sorry,” I whisper in her ear.

“Oppa? Why are you sorry?” she asks turning herself to face me.

“I’m sorry that we can’t reveal our relationship to the public,” I confess.

“No, it’s alright,” she says with a smile.

“It’s not alright,” I tell her, “I want to, I really do, but please understand that I just want to protect you.”

“I understand. I don’t want to get bashed on by fans, either.”

“I’m glad you understand,” I say with a smile as I kiss her forehead. “You’re the best girlfriend that a guy could have.”

“And I guess you’re the best boyfriend,” I say shrugging my shoulders.

“Hey, what was that supposed to mean?” I ask jokingly.

“I think there are better ones,” Mia says sticking her tongue out.

“You’re so funny,” I say as my fingertip touches the tip of her nose. “I’m so happy that you accepted my feelings last night.”

“How long did it take you to write that letter?” she asks.

“Oh, not that long,” I comment. I can see her a little disappointed that it didn’t take me longer. “It didn’t take me that long,” I begin to clarify, “because the words started flowing easily.”

Mia smiles at the comment and I smile back. My dongsaeng is the best.


Mia’s POV

“I’m going to go get snacks,” Gongchan suddenly announces.

“But oppa,” I say, “we just ate ice cream.”

“And it’s almost lunch time, so I’m going to go get some things at the store down the road. You can wait here for me; they’re used to seeing me so it’s not going to be such a big deal. Maybe we could cook together, you know, like those couples that you see in the movies,” he says hopefully.

“Sure,” I say after thinking about it for a while. “I’ll cook with you.”

“Awesome,” Gongchan says immediately getting up from his seat and racing towards the door. “I’ll be back soon, wait for me.”

I sit in their empty dorm alone and feeling kind of bored. I pull out my phone to play with it a little bit when I hear a door open. Expecting it to be Gongchan who forgot something, I immediately look up, but immediately put my hands over my eyes once I see it.

“Ah, I’m so sorry,” the voice says. It belongs to Baro.

“A-a-ah. I-it’s a-a-alright,” I stutter.

Quickly, Baro goes back into the bathroom while I am left in the living room thinking about what just happened. I saw my boyfriend’s best friend shirtless, practically . The shock. What am I going to tell Gongchan?



I saw your best friend shirtless by accident while you were buying food. I hope you aren’t mad at him because of it since it was only an accident, but I think he blushed. Was it because of me? Just know that I only like you.



Your girlfriend Mia


What is happening with Baro and Mia? How is Mia and Gongchan's first date going to continue to go? 


Chapter 8 is up. Hope you enjoyed :D

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Saemiy #1
Chapter 26: Love the story ^^
At first i suspected suzy as the culprit behind the chaos though. Hohohoho.
Love this story :D
jkgdshvfgsdh!! i loved this story.. :)
applechapple #4
asdfghjkl I can't wait for the next chapter! please update! ; A;
Wenxinzxc #5
update soon ^^
new reader here ! Love your story, thanks for update ! :) omg gongchann bias <3
This is so sad. ): i would hate to have a secret relationship but your fic makes it seem cool. :) anyways, updateee asap? Arraso?
Omg! This is so good! Update soon! ':) channie is so sweet. ♥ he's my bias. ;)
xoxotiffanyxo #9
First chapter and it's already good! update soon!
i love this! update soon!