Protecting Her

My Favorite Dongsaeng

Marisa’s POV

“He confessed that he loved you?” Suzy excitedly asks.

“Yup and he gave me this charm bracelet,” I say holding it up so she can see.

“You’re so lucky,” she comments.

“Thanks,” I shyly say. “But I think I should get him something better than what I got him.”

“What did you get him?”

“Just some manga,” I say looking down at the floor of my house. Since we’re on vacation, Suzy comes over more often now than before. Then yesterday, Gongchan said that he has a break so he’ll be able to see me more often, but today the members were going to figure something out for Jinyoung to do for Suzy. It’s my job to get information about the perfect confession from her.

“Why don’t you get him a necklace?” Suzy suggests.

“A necklace?” I ask staring at her. “But isn’t that a little too girly?”

“True,” she says taking some time to think about it. “Do you want to go to the mall to just look around and see if you find something nice in the jewelry store?”

“Sure,” I say immediately hopping off of the couch.

We both grab our coats before going on the bus to go to the mall. Suzy and I both arrive in one piece. “So how was your first kiss?” she asks poking me lightly as we walk through the mall to find the store.

“It was nice,” I say. I can feel my face getting red just from remembering it. “I guess it was how all first kisses feel. It’s not like I even knew that he was going to do it. One minute he was sitting across from me and the next he was right next to me. It just happened suddenly.”

“You have the sweetest boyfriend ever,” Suzy gushes. “He’s so romantic. I wish I had someone like him, but don’t worry, I don’t steal him away.” We both laugh at the comment as we come to the jewelry store.

The both of us walk in and start looking around at all of the merchandise. “A watch?” I ask pointing to a watch in a case. “Would he wear it?”

“Probably,” Suzy says nodding her head. “I mean, I don’t think anyone would take it as a girlfriend’s present if he were going to go on a broadcast and people were going to see it.”

“True,” I say thinking about it.

The both of us continue to look around the store when a sales woman comes up to us. “Hello, may I help you find anything today?” she asks in a sweet voice.

“No thanks,” I say taking my eyes off of the case I was looking at for a brief moment to look at her. For some reason, it feels as though I’ve seen her face before, but I’m not entirely sure when. She probably must recognize me from somewhere because she stares at me for a moment before nodding her head and leaving us alone.

“Do you know her?” Suzy asks when she leaves.

I shake my head. “No, why? I mean, she looks kind of familiar, but you know,” I say shrugging my shoulders.

“Well it surely seems like she knows who you are.”

“Impossible,” I say as I continue looking through the case. “Should I get him something like this or clothes?” I ask Suzy as I point to something in the case. I don’t feel like talking about the strange worker any longer.


Gongchan’s POV

“Channie had his first kiss!” Sandeul yells throughout the dorm.

“Shush!” I yell as I run to cover up his mouth.

“What did you say?” Baro asks immediately sticking his head out of the doorway to his room. Great, now everyone’s going to know, but it’s not like I could’ve kept it a secret forever.

“Gongchan here kissed Mia,” Sandeul says leaning his head towards me a little.

“Our maknae is growing up,” Shinwoo says with a big smile as he sits and watches television.

“Not only that,” Sandeul says as he sits down next to Shinwoo. It’s like he’s a totally hyperactive child. “But he also told her that he loves her.”

“Did you really?” Jinyoung asks coming out of the bathroom. What is this some meeting? Now everyone’s going to know everything. It’s not like I could actually keep some things for long. They were bound to find out anyway.

“Well, we’ve been dating for a while now and I really do love her,” I say justifying why I told Mia those words.

“Do you really?” Sandeul jokes as he comes next to me and pokes me.

“I really do,” I say looking at all of them. “Do you not believe me? Wait here then.” I go inside of my room and dig out the rings that I’m planning on giving Mia for Christmas. I want to show the hyungs that I’m serious about Mia. I may be young and inexperienced but that doesn’t matter. It shouldn’t matter. I’m listening to my heart and my heart says that I love Mia. “Here.” I show them the rings as they all look at it with their mouth open.

“Are you planning on getting married?” Baro asks looking at me.

“No,” I say shaking my head, “but I plan on showing Mia that I’m serious about her and that I’m serious about us.”

“Then why don’t you go public with your relationship?” Shinwoo suggests.

“Do you know how much trouble the both of us would be in? I could never do that…as much as I want to…I need to protect her,” I tell them. “Revealing our relationship would only lead to hardship. I’m not going to do it unless it’s the last thing that I have to do.”

“You seem really serious about her,” Jinyoung says nodding his head in approval. “This is a new side of you we’ve never seen before.”

“Well, it’s the mature Gongchan,” I say before breaking out into laughter.

“This is fun,” Sandeul says sprawling out on the floor.

“What is?” we all ask as we look at him.

“Just relaxing, but we’re completely lame people. We have a break and we’re doing nothing. Shouldn’t we be doing something that other teenagers do?” he says as he rolls around on the floor.

“Then do you want to go out?” Baro asks.

“Yes!” Sandeul says immediately sitting up and looking at all of us with an eager face.

“Where would we go?” I ask looking at them.

“Why don’t we go to a bakery or something?” Shinwoo asks.

“A bakery?” Jinyoung asks looking at him. It’s the first time we’ve heard Shinwoo suggest something like that.

“Yeah, do you want to bake some stuff? I mean, Jinyoung, you like Suzy. You could make her cookies or something and confess while Gongchan could make something for Mia and the rest of us could just make stuff because Sandeul likes to eat it.”

We all stare at each other. I’ve never thought of doing that before. Maybe making cookies or something for Mia is nice and romantic. I’ll probably be going over to her house later today anyway.

“Okay,” I say nodding my head. I’m the first one to approve. “That sounds like a good idea.”

The five of us manage to make our way to a cooking school that allows us to use all of their stuff before we get working on the things that we’re going to make.

“Why don’t we spilt up into teams?” Sandeul suggests.

“Why?” I ask as I get together some more ingredients that Jinyoung hands me.

“That way we’re not all doing the same thing,” he clarifies.

We play rock-paper-scissors to determine the teams. In the end, I’m working with Jinyoung and Sandeul is working with Baro leaving Shinwoo alone, although he said that he wanted to try making some more complicated in the cooking books that were sitting around.

With the teams all settled, we start making whatever we want to make inside of the bakery. I just hope that Mia likes it.


Mia’s POV

Suzy and I spend the rest of the time looking around the mall and buying new clothes for ourselves while I’m halfway looking for another gift for Gongchan, although I’m sure that he’ll be happy with what I’m giving him. I just have a feeling that he’s going to go all out since it’s our first Christmas together and I don’t really want to disappoint.

In the end, Suzy and I find ourselves lying around my house since my sister isn’t home. She’s probably off doing something with her free time since Gongchan told me that they have a break. She probably is dating their manager for all we know.

“So, tell the truth,” I say turning my body so I can look at Suzy. “It’s been a couple of months since we first saw B1A4 through my unni. Do you like Jinyoung-oppa?”

She just stares at me. It has been a while and there’s really no need to deny it anymore. We know that Jinyoung likes her back; she’s the only one that doesn’t know. She’s also the one that won’t admit that she likes him in the first place.

Suzy shrugs her shoulders and sighs. “Maybe I like him maybe I don’t,” she says juggling the idea. She’s more likely thinking out loud than giving me an answer.

“Just say that you like him already,” I say growing impatient with it.

“Fine, I like him. There, are you happy?” Suzy asks looking at me. We both suddenly smile at each other.

“Suzy has a little crush,” I joke.

“And you have a boyfriend,” she says back.

“So,” I say resting my head in between my hands. “What is your ideal confession?”

“Like how I would want Jinyoung-oppa to confess to me?”

“Yeah,” I say nodding my head. “How would you want Jinyoung-oppa to confess?”

After thinking about it for a while, Suzy finally answers. “It doesn’t matter.”

“It doesn’t matter?” I ask in disbelief. There’s no way that it doesn’t matter. She has to have an ideal confession.

“As long as he confesses to me I think I’d be alright,” she says as she thinks it over. “Maybe it’d be nice if the confession were outside. Winter is nice, so during winter and spring, if a guy were to confess to me then, I’d like it outside. I like the snow during the winter and I like the flowers during the spring. Both are perfect times.”

“See, so you do have an ideal confession,” I say poking fun at her.

“Fine then I’ll ask you a question,” Suzy says adjusting herself on the floor. “What’s your ideal date?”

“Ideal date,” I say to myself as I begin thinking. What would I want Gongchan to do with me on a date? We’ve practically done everything that couples normally do together. “An ideal date for me would be just spending time with one another since Gongchan-oppa is always busy and we rarely ever have time to see each other. I would want to see him more. We don’t even really need to go out because he has to wear a disguise. If we stay home, then he can be himself. I like it when he’s himself. Are you sure that he’s going to be satisfied with the manga?”

“Why wouldn’t he be?”

“I don’t know,” I say expressing my doubts. “I mean, it’s our first Christmas together, I should at least get something meaningful.”

“Then why don’t we go back to the jewelry shop another day and you can get that thing you were looking at in there.” I just stare at her. I was looking at a lot of things. Being vague like that doesn’t help the cause. “That necklace.”

“You liked the necklace?”

“Yeah, it was really nice and I’m sure he would enjoy it.”

“You sure?” I’m completely unsure as to what I should get him. There are a couple of weeks left before I have to make up my mind. Maybe the necklace is a good idea. I can give him that and the manga.

“You should have faith in yourself. You’re his girlfriend,” Suzy says attempting to boost my confidence. “He would like anything that you gave him. He loves you after all.”

“I guess it hasn’t set in yet,” I say looking at her. “It’s crazy, I know. We’ve been going out for a couple of months now but I find myself waking up some days unable to believe that I actually have a boyfriend who is an idol.”

“I think I would still be in shock, too,” Suzy says laughing. “I can’t imagine myself being with Jinyoung-oppa.”

“Well, we can’t imagine everything,” I tell her as we laugh together.


Gongchan’s POV

“Are you sure this is right?” I ask as I watch over Jinyoung’s shoulder. He won’t let me do anything since he believes that I’m going to mess it up. He’s going to let me cut out the cookies and decorate them, but as far as the actual making process goes, he’s not letting me touch anything.

“I’m positive,” Jinyoung says as he mixes it.

 I sigh as I play around with some of the utensils. “I hope that these cookies are good. Mia made cookies last time and I want them to be up to par with her. I could just ask her to teach me how to make them.”

“Channie,” Jinyoung says as he concentrates on mixing. “What is the one thing that you want to do with Mia?”

“Hyung, why are you asking such a question?"

“I’m just curious. You’re the first one of the members to be in a relationship since debuting. I’m just curious as to what the one thing you really want to do with your girlfriend is.”

I think about the question. I’ve never really thought about this question before, but there is one thing that really sticks out in my mind that I want to do. “There is one thing,” I say looking at Jinyoung, but he doesn’t pay attention to me. He only pays attention to what ingredients he’s putting into the batter. “I want to confidently announce our relationship.”

“That’s the one thing that you want to do the most?”

“Yeah,” I say nodding my head after thinking about it again. “I’m positive.”

“Then you should do it.”

“Do you know what that means though? That means that people are never going to leave us alone…ever.”

“But then you won’t have to lie about your relationship. We all see how much it hurts you whenever you have to deny Mia in an interview.”

“I have to do that, though,” I say looking down at my fingers. “There’s no other way around it. I have to protect Mia. If we reveal our relationship, it’ll be the end to the both of us.”

“You won’t ever know if you don’t do it.”

“But I can’t do it,” I object.

“Here, the dough is done,” Jinyoung says as he takes it out of the bowl and starts rolling it.

“I want to do it one day,” I announce to him. “I want to tell the world that Mia and I are going out. I want to put it on billboards in commercials and announce it for the world to hear.”

“Then you should listen to your heart. Listen to your heart and wait for the right time to announce it, alright?”

“But how will my heart know?”

“Your heart just will. You and Mia will both know that the time has come for the world to know just wait for it.”

I stare at Jinyoung as I think about his words. Would Mia and I really know when the right time to announce our relationship is?

“But what if people find out about our relationship beforehand? What if it gets exposed to the public?” I ask Jinyoung worriedly.

“Then it gets exposed, what’s the big problem?”

“How would you feel if you and Suzy were dating and your relationship got exposed?” I ask putting him in the situation.

Jinyoung thinks a little bit. “We would just face it head on without any turning back. That way people would be able to see that we have a strong relationship that no one can break apart.”

No wonder Jinyoung is the leader. He always has great advice to help. I’m grateful to him. His confession to Suzy is going to be the best ever.


Mia’s POV

While Suzy and I are watching a movie, my phone rings disrupting it. “Hello?” I ask while Suzy pauses the movie.

“Dongsaeng!” Gongchan yells on the other line.

“Oppa,” I say. “What’s up?”

“Hey, the guys and I are going to come over. Is that okay?”

“Sure. Suzy is here now.”

“Good, we want you guys to try some things. We’ll be over in a couple of minutes.”

“Okay, I’ll see you then,” I say hanging up the phone.

“That was your boyfriend, no need to say,” Suzy says.

“He and the rest of the guys are going to be coming over in a little bit.”

Suzy’s eyes immediately get wide. “Please don’t tell Jinyoung-oppa about y confession.”

“I won’t,” I say.

Suzy sticks out her pinky and I promise. Just then the doorbell rings. “They’re here really fast,” Suzy comments.

I get up to answer the door when I see the lady from the jewelry shop standing there. “Excuse me?” I ask. “May I ask what you are here for?”

“Nothing,” she says as she just stands there. It’s starting to creep me out.

“Um, I’m sorry, but who are you?” I ask as politely as possible. She does nothing and only stares at me. What is she doing here and how in the world does she know where I live? I don’t even know her name or anything. Isn’t she being a little too creepy?

I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and look to see the B1A4 members happily coming up the stairs holding something. They stop at the sight of the woman. Jinyoung and Gongchan’s eyes go wide upon seeing her.

“Oppas, do you know who she is?” I ask. “She won’t answer the questions that I’ve given her.”

“Just leave me alone,” Gongchan says to the woman before going into the house. “Mia, let’s go. Hyungs, can you handle this?”

“We have it,” Jinyoung says smiling at Gongchan.

“Oppa, what was that about?” I ask as we enter my house.

“I’ll tell you later when we’re alone,” he whispers as he looks over at Suzy.

“You guys are fast,” Suzy comments upon seeing Gongchan.

“Yeah,” Gongchan awkwardly says looking at her. “I guess you could say that. I called Mia when we were close. Here you go,” I say holding out the box to Mia. “I made cookies for you. Suzy, Jinyoung-hyung has yours. He’ll be in here soon.”

Mia and I take a seat next to Suzy on the couch when the rest of the guys come in. “It’s settled,” Jinyoung announces as he sits down. “That woman will no longer be coming here.”

“Who is she?” I ask again. “I only saw her at the mall today.”

“Do you recognize her from anywhere?” Jinyoung asks.

“Possibly,” I say. “I’m not entirely sure. She just seems familiar, that’s all.”

“Well, don’t talk to her and if you see her, go the opposite way, okay?” I ask Mia.


“I’ll tell you later,” I whisper to her.


Gongchan’s POV

Why does that woman have to show up? How does she know where Mia lives? Isn’t that a little weird? She shouldn’t know where Mia lives and she shouldn’t know that Mia has anything to do with me. It’s like she’s some stalker. If I could, I would remove Mia from the home, but she lives in the university, she’s only home because it’s winter break.

If Mia saw her at the mall, then either Mia was in the jewelry store or the woman was walking around after her shift or before or something. I still don’t completely understand how she would know where Mia lives. She couldn’t have gotten it off of the rings because there’s no last name; it’s only my name and Mia’s first name.

Since Mia went to the mall, did she follow Mia home? That’s possible. I should tell noona to keep a close eye out for anything suspicious.

“Are you okay?” Mia asks poking my arm.

“Oh yeah,” I say nodding my head to avoid suspicion.

Mia probably has a lot more questions but she trusts me that I’ll tell her later about the whole thing and I will. I have to. It has come this far already. I have to protect Mia, that’s what I have to do at all possible costs.



I’m going to protect you. I’m always going to protect you. You’re my girlfriend and I love you and I never want anything bad to happen to you. You’re the most precious thing in my life and I wish that I were able to tell everyone about you. For the time being, I’ll just trust Jinyoung-hyung’s words and believe that the right time will come when the whole world can know about your charms and about the woman who has won me over. Until that happens and even afterwards, I’ll protect you forever and always.


Protector of Mia,

Gong Chanshik


What is the woman doing at Mia's house? What does she want? How will Mia react when Gongchan tells her? How is Jinyoung's confession to Suzy going to go? What is Mia going to get Gongchan for Christmas? What will be Mia's reaction to the rings? How will Mia and Gongchan's date go?


Here is Chapter 15. Hope you enjoyed :D

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Saemiy #1
Chapter 26: Love the story ^^
At first i suspected suzy as the culprit behind the chaos though. Hohohoho.
Love this story :D
jkgdshvfgsdh!! i loved this story.. :)
applechapple #4
asdfghjkl I can't wait for the next chapter! please update! ; A;
Wenxinzxc #5
update soon ^^
new reader here ! Love your story, thanks for update ! :) omg gongchann bias <3
This is so sad. ): i would hate to have a secret relationship but your fic makes it seem cool. :) anyways, updateee asap? Arraso?
Omg! This is so good! Update soon! ':) channie is so sweet. ♥ he's my bias. ;)
xoxotiffanyxo #9
First chapter and it's already good! update soon!
i love this! update soon!