
My Favorite Dongsaeng

Mia’s POV

“Well, if you’re staying the night, then you guys probably need clothes, right?” I ask.

“Yeah,” they shyly admit.

“But we could just manage with what we have,” Jinyoung says stepping up.

“No, it’s already. I think I have some basketball shorts if you want some, just give me a minute.” I disappear into my room and rummage through my drawers before I find five pair of basketball shorts.

“Why do you have those?” Gongchan asks suspiciously.

“It’s nothing bad,” I say as I give each member one. “I wear them when I sleep sometime or when I’m just lounging around the house. They’re very comfortable.”

“You wear them to bed?” Sandeul asks in surprise as he looks at me.

“Yeah,” I say shrugging my shoulders. “Why?”

“I didn’t know that girls wear them to bed,” he admits.

“Well I do. I just put on these with a normal t-shirt, but I have other shorts, too. Suzy, you can borrow some stuff if you want.”

“But what’s the rumor?” Shinwoo asks looking at everyone.

“Yeah, what is it?” Suzy asks chiming in.

“Well, you see,” Jinyoung begins. “Today was the date day with Gongchan and Mia and then Suzy and I got roped into going. Well, after fans caught us, more fans caught Mia and Suzy catching a ride with Baro and Shinwoo, causing them to say that they’re both cheating on us and that we didn’t know. Since it came out right after Gongchan said that he and Mia were dating, people are taking it very seriously.”

“They think that they’re cheating on you? Suzy doesn’t even date any of you,” Sandeul says pointing at me and Suzy.

“We know, but since Channie just announced his relationship, they’re taking it seriously, at least that’s how Manager-hyung thinks it is,” Jinyoung says.

The rest of their members nod their head in understanding and Suzy looks a bit confused, but they all were probably trained in what to do if this type of thing happened.

“Well, let’s get back to playing games,” Baro says breaking the tense atmosphere. “We can’t just dwell in this rumor thing the whole night. We know that it’s only a rumor, we could say something tomorrow about it.”

“Who knows,” Jinyoung says thinking. “We don’t know what will happen to this thing overnight.”

“Oh, I have to go tell unni that you guys are going to stay the night,” I say as I walk towards unni’s bedroom again. “We don’t want her to suddenly freak out to find all of you guys here.”

I leave the rest of them in the living room as they continue playing their game and they start a new one, Wii Sports. They said that they were going to play bowing I believe. They really do enjoy playing video games.


Gongchan’s POV

I think about the text message. I think about the threat towards Mia. Is that person serious? Are they going to really harm Mia? I could report it to the police and they could trace the number, but what if something worse comes out of that? I know I shouldn’t go towards this face on alone since Mia and I would end up hurt in the end. I really don’t know what to do anymore.

“Gongchan,” Sandeul says knocking me out of my thinking trance. “Are you going to play this round?”

“Nah,” I say shaking my head. “I’ll pass. You guys play.”

I move and take place on the couch with Jinyoung sitting down next to me. “Tell me what’s on your mind.”

“Aren’t you going to play?” I ask pointing towards the game.

“Nope,” he says shaking his head. “Sports aren’t really my forte. And don’t you go and try to change the subject. Just tell me what’s on your mind.”

I don’t say anything to Jinyoung and instead, I just pull out my phone, go to the message, and show it to him. I watch him as his eyes start growing wide and the realization of the threat that the message holds sets in.”It’s crazy, right?”

“You should report it,” he says looking at the phone and at me. “You shouldn’t let something like this go on.”

“And I’m not planning on it. I just…don’t know what to do,” I say leaning my head back on the couch. “How am I supposed to know what to do? It just feels like…I don’t know. It feels like I’ll do the wrong thing no matter what.”

“You won’t do the wrong thing,” Jinyoung says patting my shoulder. “I’m sure you won’t. All of us are in it together. We’ll never let you struggle on your own.”

“Who’s struggling?” Mia asks coming back out into the living room.

“Oh…Sandeullie-hyung,” I say pointing at the screen where Sandeul is obviously losing.

“Figures,” she says sitting on the arm rest. Jinyoung and I move over so she has enough room to sit down on the couch next to us and I sling my arm around her shoulder.

“So, did noona say that it’s alright?”

“Yup,” she says eagerly nodding her head. “She said that it’s perfectly fine. I told her about the situation and she said that she understands why you guys want to stay here. So what are you guys going to do about the reporters?”

“I don’t know,” Jinyoung says shrugging his shoulders. “We’ll figure out something because obviously we know that you guys aren’t cheating. Suzy and I aren’t even dating.”

“Yet,” I hear Mia mutter and I chuckle to myself. Jinyoung doesn’t hear her, though.

“Wah! Strike!” Sandeul yells jumping up and down. “I’m catching up now.”

“Not really,” Suzy says pointing at the screen. “You’re like forty points behind us.”

“Shh,” Sandeul says putting his finger on his lips. “No one has to know that.”

“But it’s clearly written on the screen.”

“Come on, Mia,” Baro says calling Mia over. “Why don’t you play with us?”

“I’ll play next game,” Mia says.

“Okay. We’ll tell you when we’re done,” he says with a smile.

I attempt to get into watching the bowling match between Baro, Suzy, Shinwoo, and Sandeul, but I just can’t. My mind is becoming too preoccupied with worrying about Mia and why anyone would want to hurt her. Why are people like that?


Mia’s POV

I sit down on the ground with the guys and Suzy as they’re playing their game, but I keep looking at Gongchan. It looks like he’s in deep thought about something and it seemed like he and Jinyoung were talking about something that they don’t want me to know about. Do they not want me to worry about it or something?

Soon, night falls even more and it’s time for us to go to bed since we don’t want to be staying up too late. It might be a big day for us tomorrow.

“So, where are you guys going to sleep?” I ask looking at all of them.

“We can sleep in the living room,” Jinyoung announces and the rest of them nod their heads. “You don’t need to worry about us. You and Suzy can sleep in your room and we’ll sleep out here.”

“Okay,” I say nodding my head. “I’ll go get some spare blankets and pillows for you all.”

I come back out and give them their blankets and pillows. I watch as they situate themselves on the floor in a line with Gongchan being in the middle, Jinyoung and Shinwoo on the ends, and Baro and Sandeul in the middle.

“Goodnight,” Suzy says giving them a smile.

“Goodnight,” I say.

“Night,” they all respond.

Suzy and I go into my room where we’ll be sharing my bed. “Are you sure that he likes me?” she asks after I close the door and lie down next to her.

“Why wouldn’t he?” I ask.

“I don’t know, it just doesn’t seem like it,” she pouts.

“Look, he likes you. Why do you need to doubt yourself?” I ask her. “Who knows, tomorrow is another day. A whole possibility of things could happen, alright?” Suzy smiles and she and I both drift off to sleep.

Suzy and I both wake up to yelling from the living room. “What’s that?” Suzy asks sitting up.

“I don’t know,” I say following after her to go into the living room. I see unni coming out of her own room to see what’s happening, too.

“Why are there boys sleeping here?” an all too familiar voice rings throughout the house.

“Dad?” unni asks. “How in the world did you get in here? It’s five in the morning!”

“You don’t need to know that,” he says pointing at her. “And someone explain to me why there are boys sleeping here.”

I look over and see all of the members of B1A4 sitting in the corner with their heads hung low. He must’ve really scared them.

“They weren’t doing anything,” unni tells him. “It was alright for them to be here and then you started freaking out about it. Why?”

“I don’t want my two daughters here alone with some boys sleeping in the living room.”

“They’re not just some boys,” I say finally speaking, “they’re my friends.”

“Friends?” Dad asks as he turns to get a better look at them. That’s when he recognizes Gongchan. “I thought I told you that you weren’t allowed to date him.”

“It doesn’t matter what you say, I’m an adult,” I tell him. “Stop attempting to command my life all of the time. You never did before, what makes you think that something different will happen now?”

“You’re my daughter,” he firmly states.

“Dad, can’t this wait for another time?” unni asks going up to Dad and practically begging him. “We can go get breakfast. Just give us time to change, alright?”

“Fine,” Dad huffs as he plops himself on the couch. “I’ll wait here and then we can all go out for breakfast. Bring those guys along,” he says pointing to B1A4.

“I was planning on it,” unni sighs as she looks at all of us. “I guess we’re going to get dressed, alright. Boys,” she says looking at B1A4. “I have some of your casual clothes with me for some broadcasts, you guys can wear that. Follow me.”

The members all get up off of the floor and I give them all an apologetic look, but they simply smile like nothing’s happened. Maybe they just don’t want to have to think about it and want to move on, that would be a good thing. Why does Dad always have to show up at the most unexpected times?

“Let’s go get dressed,” I tell Suzy while staring at the back of my father’s head. “You can borrow some of my clothes.”


Gongchan’s POV

All of the members are done getting ready first before the girls need to get changed. Awkwardly, we all sit in the living room with Mia’s father. He doesn’t say anything and just continues to stare at us.

“So, you’re still dating my daughter, correct?” he asks looking at me.

“Um…yes,” I say. “I’m still dating your daughter and I don’t plan on giving her up any time soon.”

Instead of saying something back to me about how he wants to take Mia back to America, he just nods his head. I don’t know if it’s an approving nod or if it’s a nod that means he’s going to beat me later and say disapproving words about our relationship, I really don’t know. The members seem even more lost in this whole thing. They’ve never really had contact with Mia’s father before and this is the first time that they’re really seeing him up close.

After what seems like forever, the girls finally come out from getting ready. “Let’s go,” noona announces.

“Wait, can we leave like this?” Jinyoung asks. “Won’t people recognize us?”

“True,” noona says scratching her head. “Mia, do you have any hats?”

“I think so,” she says thinking. “Give me a moment.” Mia disappears into her room and brings out sunglasses and hats. “There you go, choose as you please. It should hold over for now.”

The members and I sort through the hats and sunglasses that are presented before us and manage to find ones that match the outfits that we’re wearing. Hopefully people won’t be able to recognize us. I hope for at least that much.

Thankfully, most of the reporters outside of the house have gone. How they even got Mia’s address I’ll never know. Now they’re going to terrorize her all of the time and I don’t want that to happen. Once the New Year is over, though, she’ll go back to university and she won’t live here. Maybe they’ll give up then.

Walking into the restaurant, noona manages to request a table near the back so people won’t notice us. We order the typical breakfast foods when noona starts up the conversation with their father. It’s Suzy, Jinyoung, Mia, and I on one side of the table and everyone else is on the other.

“Why did you come this morning?” noona asks him.

“I came to see where my daughter has been living. Can’t I even do that?” he asks.

“No,” noona firmly says. “You can’t just barge in and say things that you don’t even know the situation of. When are you leaving to go back to America?”

“You want me gone that soon?”

“I’m just asking a simple question,” noona says. None of us have ever really seen her mad before so this is all brand-new to us.

“I’m leaving in about a week,” he admits. “And I want to take Mia with me.”

“But I have university, and in a week in Christmas. I don’t want to leave,” Mia objects. I hold her hand under the table for support and she lightly smiles at me. I smile back. I don’t know what I would do if Mia were to leave to go to America. I don’t think I’d be able to handle myself.


Mia’s POV

He wants to take me to America with him? I don’t want to go back there. I’ll have to deal with their fighting, with their constant complaints about me. I wouldn’t be able to live in that type of situation. I also don’t want to leave Gongchan, and especially before our first Christmas together. That’s not how I imagined having a first boyfriend would be.

“Why do you want to take her in the first place?” unni asks.

“I want her to go back and to live a normal life.”

“Live a normal life with you guys?” I ask looking at my father in disbelief as the food comes to our table. “I can’t live a normal life in that house with you guys. You guys aren’t even together anymore. How do you expect me to live a normal life in a house where people pretend like I don’t exist?” I stand up from the table and stare at everyone. They seem pretty shocked that I got mad in the first place.

“Who said that you never existed?” Dad asks pretending to play dumb. He knows that I know but he’s acting like he doesn’t. unni doesn’t even know this story. The only one that knows is Gongchan, but it looks like everyone is going to know after this.

“You did,” I say eyeing him. “You and Mom both were arguing when you got your divorce over who should take care of me. You guys weren’t pushing me off because of love; you were pushing me off because you both see me as a burden. Why in the world would you want me to come back with you if you see me as a burden? Both of you pretend like I don’t exist and you’ve been doing that ever since unni left.”

I see the shocked looks of everyone sitting at the table besides Gongchan who has already heard this story. I guess they’re trying to digest what they just heard come out of my mouth.

“That was the past,” Dad says attempting to calm me down.

“I don’t care if that was the past or not. Who’s to say that you aren’t going to do it again? I’ve never been treated like a human being to you. You always saw me as an object to be passed around when you grew tired of it. And now, I’m tired of it,” I say as I move to walk away. “I just…can’t be here anymore,” I say as I make my way out of the place.

“Wait,” Gongchan says coming after me.

We both make it to outside of the restaurant where I sit on the curb. Gongchan sits down next to me and pulls me close to him to comfort me. “Oppa, I don’t want to go back,” I tell him. “I like being here with you. I don’t ever want to go back.”

“And I don’t want you to go back,” Gongchan whispers. “I don’t want you to leave me.”

“I’m never going to leave you,” I tell him. “My father can come here and say whatever he wants, but I’m not going to go back to America. I can’t continue living my life with parents that pretend that I don’t exist.”

“And I don’t want you to live that type of life. It’s not the type of life that anyone deserves. Let’s just walk,” Gongchan says standing up.

“But you don’t have your disguise, what if someone spots you?” I ask pointing at his face.

“Then I guess if things get too crowded, we’ll have to split up like we’ve always done,” he says sighing. “I guess revealing our relationship is as bad as keeping it secret.”

“It’s alright,” I say touching his forehead. “I’m happy that people recognize you and come up to you. That means that you’re getting more popular by each day.”

“I guess,” he says as we walk hand in hand with each other.

I don’t know how long we’ve been walking and frankly, I don’t care. We’re just happy spending time with one another even if everyone keeps staring at Gongchan. We swing our intertwined hands back and forth and laugh and talk just like any other couple out in the world, only Gongchan is an idol and I’m a regular girl.

“Oppa, there are a lot of people around us now,” I say looking around.

“I guess,” he says sighing. “Does it make you uncomfortable?”

“A little,” I say looking at him. To be honest, the crowds kind of bother me, especially when a lot crowd around where Gongchan and I are.

“Okay. Then I guess here is where we separate, okay? Will you be okay going back by yourself?” I nod my head. “Okay.” Gongchan pulls me in for one last hug before he kisses my forehead. “I love you, Mia, don’t you forget it. Text me when you get back so I know you got back safely.”

“I love you, too, oppa. I’ll text you,” I say smiling as I maneuver through the crowd.


Gongchan’s POV

After Mia leaves, the crowd starts to get a little out of hand. I pick up my pace and begin walking so the others will stop following me. I guess I should go back to the dorm, the others are out eating breakfast and I’m sure that that’s where Mia’s going to go, or maybe not since her dad is still there. I should probably text one of the other members and just tell them, that would be good.

Soon enough, there are a lot more people around me than before. I’m just glad that Mia’s not here because I don’t know who would want to hurt her, but should I have left her on her own if someone’s out to get her? Maybe that was a bad idea.

A lot of people suddenly surround me and I find myself being bombarded with taking pictures and signing autographs. As I attempt to get through a good chunk of the people, more people come and ask for that. When I can’t handle it anymore, I excuse myself and start taking long strides before I start running completely.

I manage to run down an alleyway before I knock into someone. “You,” I say pointing as I glare at them up and down.


Mia’s POV

I make my way through the crowd and start walking back to the restaurant. I guess I should head back there since unni is my ride home and I don’t really feel like walking, but I don’t really feel like seeing my father either.

Why does he have to make me go back to America? What force is compelling him to take me back? I’m sure that it makes no sense for him to be doing that, but he is, like the idiot that he is.

I sigh as I kick a rock on the sidewalk and stare at the ground as I walk. I shove my hands into my coat pocket as I continue walking.

“He ruined my life once,” I mutter to myself as I play with the rock at my feet. “I’m not going to let him ruin it again.”

Suddenly, I remember that I have my iPod and I stick the headphones on and press play. I have some of B1A4’s songs playing currently. They always seem to lighten my mood whenever I’m feeling down. Maybe it’s because Gongchan is in the group, or maybe it’s because of the fact that their songs are always so…awesome? I don’t know.

I hum to myself and mouth the words as I’m walking before I feel myself bump into someone. Immediately, I look up and see a figure standing before me. Obviously there would be a figure before me if I just knocked into that person.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” I say immediately bowing, but I didn’t have a chance to look at them yet.

“It’s no problem,” the voice says.

I look up to see the person when I’m in shock. “You,” I say pointing at them.



I don’t know why my father is telling me to go to America. I want to spend Christmas here with you and I want to be together with you. It just seems like no one wants us together right now. It seems like every force in the world is attempting to pull us apart, but we won’t let them, right?


Your hard-headed girlfriend,



Who did Gongchan run into? Who did Mia run into? Will Mia's father take her back to America? Will Gongchan report the message that he got?


Here is Chapter 21. Hope you enjoyed :D

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Saemiy #1
Chapter 26: Love the story ^^
At first i suspected suzy as the culprit behind the chaos though. Hohohoho.
Love this story :D
jkgdshvfgsdh!! i loved this story.. :)
applechapple #4
asdfghjkl I can't wait for the next chapter! please update! ; A;
Wenxinzxc #5
update soon ^^
new reader here ! Love your story, thanks for update ! :) omg gongchann bias <3
This is so sad. ): i would hate to have a secret relationship but your fic makes it seem cool. :) anyways, updateee asap? Arraso?
Omg! This is so good! Update soon! ':) channie is so sweet. ♥ he's my bias. ;)
xoxotiffanyxo #9
First chapter and it's already good! update soon!
i love this! update soon!