Welcome to Seoul

My Favorite Dongsaeng

Mia’s POV

“Unni,” I yell and run over to my older sister in the airport.

“Mia,” she says grabbing me into a hug. “It’s been so long, look how much you’ve grown.”

“It’s been five years since I last saw you,” I comment. “Of course I would’ve grown, I was like twelve.”

“Hey, we need to hurry okay?”

“Hurry?” I ask with a confused look. I just landed here in Korea and she wants to hurry up? Where in the world does she want me to go? “Where we are going?”

Unni doesn’t answer back and I just follow behind her. She leads me to another part of the airport. There are two men standing in black suits outside of some doors and she takes out her ID card. What is she doing? “Don’t worry about her,” she says to the men pointing at me. “She’s with me.” The men nod and I just politely smile at them and nod back. They can probably see that I’m confused myself about what is going on. “Just follow behind.”

I stand there waiting with unni for about another moment before double doors open and some boys step inside, there’s five of them to be exact. “Noona!” one of them yells. “Why are you picking us up?” He then notices me behind her. “Noona, who is this?”

“Guys,” unni says looking at them and putting me besides her. “This is my dongsaeng, Mia, she just arrived in Korea, too.”

“Hello,” they all say bowing before me. “We’re B1A4.”

I don’t say anything and just stare at them. I’m not very familiar with things over here considering that I just got here and I’ve lived in the U.S. for as long as I can remember, but my parents are from Korea and they always spoke in Korean at home, so I know both.

“She doesn’t know much since she’s lived in America ever since she was a year old,” my unni explains to them. They nod their heads in an understanding manner. “Why don’t you guys introduce yourselves to her?”

I see them nod their heads. “Hello, I’m Jinyoung, the leader.”

“Hello, Shinwoo, vocalist and rapper.”

“Hello, Sandeul, main vocalist.”

“Hey, Baro, main rapper.”

“Hello, Gongchan, cute maknae.”

The last guy does some aegyo and smiles at me. “Hello,” I say bowing before them. “I’m Mia. I just moved here and even though I’m probably only going to see you until I go back home, please take care of me.”

“Actually,” unni starts looking at me. “You’re coming with me all day.”

“What?” I ask.

“Well, unless one of the boys doesn’t have a schedule,” she says looking at them and they just look at her.

“We have a schedule right now, but not later, at least I don’t,” the last boy standing in the line says , I believe his name was Gongchan? “Hyungs, do you?”

“I have to record.” Is Sandeul his name?

“Star King filming,” the other three say.

“Then I guess I’m the only free one after our fan signing,” Gongchan says.

“Let’s worry about this later,” my unni says ushering us along the path. “We have to get going to your fan signing, you don’t want to be late, do you?”

“No,” all of them say in unison. It seems like they’re used to her behaving like this.

She puts us all in the van while she’s driving and I just stand there awkwardly not really knowing what to do. Should I get in? Otherwise, how else am I supposed to leave the airport?

“Here, sit next to me,” the guy from earlier says. He grabs my arm and makes me sit next to him in the middle.

“Oh, okay,” I say quietly as I sit beside him. I shove my hands into my knees and awkwardly look around, it really is awkward sitting here surrounded by people that I don’t know.

“I’m Gongchan,” he says introducing himself again and extending his hand. “Actually, my real name is Gong Chanshik, but everyone calls me Gongchan.”

“Gongchan,” I repeat looking at him. “I’m Mia.”

“I know,” he says with a smile. “So how did you come here?”

“By plane?” I ask looking at him.

He laughs a little and so do I, easing up the awkwardness between us a little. “I already know that, but why?”

“I just wanted to come live here for a while,” I say without diving into the whole story.

“Ah, okay,” Gongchan says nodding his head. He must sense my not wanting to say anything else about the subject and doesn’t press any further. Gongchan seems like a nice person.


Gongchan’s POV

Mia. I can’t get her name out of my head. She seems like a very nice person, not to mention that she’s kind of cute, but she’s noona’s dongsaeng, does that mean that she’s my dongsaeng?

“Hey, when is your birthday?” I ask her.

“Um…June of ’94, why?” she asks.

“Then I’m your oppa,” I say proudly. A wave of relief falls over me. “Call me oppa.”

“Oppa?” she asks looking at me. “But today’s probably the only day that I’ll see you. Why should I call you oppa?”

Why is she so cute?

“Well the just tell your friends that you met Gongchan-oppa,” I say proudly.

“I’m not sure if I’ll make friends,” Mia admits.

“Why not?”

“I’ve already graduated.”

“Then aren’t you going to college?”

“Yeah, but,” she begins.

“But nothing,” I say patting her on the back. “I’m sure you’ll make friends.”

“Ah, thanks, Chanshik,” she says bowing.

“Gongchan, Gongchan,” I say poking her.

“Guys, stop fooling around,” noona says and looks in her rearview mirror. “We’re here.”

I look out the window as we pull into a somewhat familiar underground parking lot. Then again, all of the underground parking lots are the same. They all have the same layout, basically. After I saw one, I felt like I saw them all.

“Now,” noona says, “let’s go to the room and get you guys ready.”

“What about Mia?” I ask raising my hand. I didn’t even realize that I started talking.

“Mia, do you want to go out into the main venue?” noona asks looking at her.

“Why doesn’t she come with me?” I ask pulling her close.

“You want her to come backstage?” noona asks a little bit shocked.

“Gongchannie,” Sandeul says pointing at me. “Do you know what you’re getting yourself into?”

“Wouldn’t she be more comfortable?” I suggest. “She won’t know anyone out in the main stage.”

“But it might take a while for the fan signing to be over,” Baro says.

“I can just go out where the stage is,” Mia says attempting to walk away, but I grab her back.

“No, you’re coming with us. Noona, please?” I ask doing some aegyo.

She sighs before nodding her head. “Only if Mia agrees to, though. Mia, do you want to stay in the back? No one will be back there with you.”

“Are you jet-lagged?” Jinyoung asks her. “There’s a couch back there, you could sleep.”

I see Mia look at everyone and she slowly nods her head. “I guess I’ll go back there. Speaking of it, I am slightly tired.”

“Then it’s settled,” noona says. “Quickly, we have to hurry up, come on everyone.”

We all get ushered through the hallway into the room that we’re going to be using. All five of us split up into our separate sections while we change from our airport clothes into something that’s matching each other, sort of like our stage clothes. Noona puts Mia on the couch and I glance in her direction every once in a while.

“Hey, do you like her?” Shinwoo asks coming up to me.

“What are you talking about?” I ask looking at him. “We only just met today.” I change out of my button down shirt into a pink t-shirt.

“Yeah, but there’s always such things as love at first sight, unless you don’t believe it,” he teases me.

I disregard his comments and continue changing myself quickly since the fan signing will start soon enough. After I’m done changing, I immediately look for Mia. It’s like my eyes are glued to finding her, and miraculously, I’m able to find her wherever she is. “How do I look?” I ask turning around in front of her.

It’s just a regular outfit today, nothing too fancy like our stage clothes; we all just have a jacket with B1A4 and our names written on it, not to mention our blood types too, since that is what we’re named after. The pink shirts are all customized for us, too.

“It doesn’t look…bad, I guess,” she says tapping her finger against her cheek.

“Bad?” I ask giving a pouty face. “Dongsaeng, it’s good to say that your oppa looks handsome.”

“More like childish?” she asks with a smug smirk. Who knew that she had this side of her?

“Hey,” I say poking her, “is your jet lag getting to you?” Mia shrugs her shoulders. “Then lie down,” I say pushing her so that she’s fully lying down. I didn’t even realize that I did it and when I do, Mia and I both stare at each other awkwardly. “Ah, sorry,” I say getting off of her.

“Um, no…problem?” she asks confusingly. She’s probably just as awkward as I am right now.

“Gong Chanshik, are you coming or not?” Jinyoung yells.

“I’m coming,” I call back. “Um, I have to go.”

“Okay, good luck,” Mia says.

Before I leave the room, I turn back and wave to her. Thankfully, she waves back. Why am I so weird lately?


Mia’s POV

“Wakey wakey,” I hear a voice say as they shake me a little bit. I slowly open my eyes and see unni there shaking me. “Mia, the fan sighing is done.”

“Is it?” I ask rubbing my eyes. “What time is it?”

“Late, sort of,” I hear her say. “We’re going to get something to eat, you must be hungry, let’s go.”

“Then can I do some exploring after that?” I excitedly ask.

“By yourself? I don’t think so,” unni says with a serious look.

“Then can I at least go home?”

“I’ll send someone with you. I have to go help right now.”

With that, she leaves me sitting there as I look around and just stare at everyone. What else am I supposed to do? The boys are changing their clothes and it looks like they’re having fun with each other. When they were all out doing their fan signing, and before I fell asleep, I did a little research on them and read some more about this group B1A4. To me, they seem like they really enjoy what they’re doing, even if they are just rookies, well maybe they aren’t technically rookies anymore, but they really seem to be fun people.

“Bored much?” I immediately look over to where the voice is coming from and see Gongchan sitting down next to me. He’s already finished changing his clothes.

“Are you like some stalker?” I ask.

“Why would you think that?” he asks pretending to be hurt.

“Well, you’ve been sticking by me all day. There has to be something wrong with you, right?” I ask attempting to make reason out of it.

“Maybe you’re right, maybe there is,” he says with a smile. “So, you want to go exploring, right?”

“Yeah, but—,” I begin.

“But nothing,” he says cutting me off, “I don’t have a schedule, I can take you around. I can be your official tour guide.”

“Are you sure about that?” I ask. “According to your profile, you don’t know much about the city.”

“You searched me?” he asks. I see a hint of excitement in his eyes.

“Don’t get those kinds of thoughts,” I say lightly slapping him on the back of his head. “It was purely because I’ve never heard of you before. Plus, I don’t know if my unni will allow you to take me around.”

“Why don’t we find out?” Gongchan asks and before I can say anything against it, he’s already over there talking to her. I rush over to where they’re talking, but it’s too late. “Noona, so I can take Mia out into the city?”

“I don’t know,” unni says while she’s putting some of their clothes away. “Are you trustworthy?”

“Noona, you’ve known me for how long? I’m trustworthy. I’m the maknae, the most trustworthy out there.”

“I heard that,” one of the other guys comments. Gongchan doesn’t even bother to give that person the time of day.

“Please, please?” Gongchan asks. “Mia said that she wanted to go explore the city. I can help her; I’ve lived here long enough now.”

“What if fans recognize you?” my unni questions.

“I’ll make sure they don’t, I’ll be extra careful,” he says. “Please noona?” I see unni consider it for a while until she finally, slowly, nods her head yes. “Yes!” Gongchan says raising his fist in the air. “Thank you, noona.” Quickly he hugs my sister and turns to look at me. “Looks like we’re going to be heading out into the city.”

“But not before we eat,” unni clarifies.

“Right,” Gongchan says flashing a smile. “It doesn’t matter, as long as I get some free time.” So he just wanted to use me to get some free time. Gongchan, you are quite the sneaky person.


Gongchan’s POV

Yes, I get to take Mia out in the city. Even though I’m not the most skilled person, I convinced noona enough to let me take her. Yes. For some reason, Mia seems like an interesting person, not that she seems like a boring person, but I’m just curious about her.

We all get back into the van and the manager hyung drives this time. Mia sits next to me, still bringing a smile to my face. I hope she will sit next to me when we eat.

“So, Mia, how was life in America?” Jinyoung asks her striking up some conversation.

“It was good, I guess,” she says with a smile. “It’s really like anyone’s life.”

“How do you know Korean so well?” Baro asks.

“Our parents,” noona says turning around in the front seat. “They came from Korea.”

“Why didn’t you ever tell us that you lived in America, noona?” I ask.

“Well, I wasn’t over there for that long. We moved when I was about ten or eleven and then I only stayed there until I was nineteen.”

“That’s still a long time,” Sandeul mutters and I snicker at the comment.

Finally, we pull into a restaurant. To keep it safer, and to people to not hate Mia, she sticks behind with her sister and hyung since everyone knows that she’s one of the coordi noonas and that he’s our manager.

“Sit here, Mia,” I say gesturing to the seat right next to me. I look at her as she hesitantly sits down and then awkwardly smiles at me once she’s settled herself. I give her an awkward smile myself. Normally I’m cool, but there has to be something wrong with me today.

“So Gongchan, you’re going to go out with Mia after we eat?” Manager hyung asks me.

“Is that okay?”

“As long as you don’t create any scandals.”

“Really, hyung?” I ask excitedly.

“Gong Chanshik, you’re lucky. You get free time,” Baro comments.

“You get to go to a recording,” I say sticking my tongue out at him.

“So you don’t want to take Mia out then?” Manager hyung asks suspiciously.

“No, I want to take her out,” I say. “I think it’s more fun than a recording.”

I can’t say it, but for some reason I want to take her out. I want to spend time with her, but I have absolutely no reason why. I just feel the need to want to get to know her better.



You’re noona’s dongsaeng, and now you’re my dongsaeng. You’re going to have a great time touring the city with me. Even though today may be the only time that we’re going to be able to meet each other, I’m going to make sure that your first day in Korea is the most memorable day in your whole life.



Gong Chanshik


First chapter is up. I hope it's not too lame, like I've said in my other stories, I'm not great with first chapters. I'm better at the drama.


So Gongchan and Mia meet for the first time and automatically, Gongchan has a slight crush? Or maybe a good feeling about her? What's going to happen along the way (I think we all know anyway)? What's going to happen during Mia's tour of Seoul with Gongchan?

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Saemiy #1
Chapter 26: Love the story ^^
At first i suspected suzy as the culprit behind the chaos though. Hohohoho.
Love this story :D
jkgdshvfgsdh!! i loved this story.. :)
applechapple #4
asdfghjkl I can't wait for the next chapter! please update! ; A;
Wenxinzxc #5
update soon ^^
new reader here ! Love your story, thanks for update ! :) omg gongchann bias <3
This is so sad. ): i would hate to have a secret relationship but your fic makes it seem cool. :) anyways, updateee asap? Arraso?
Omg! This is so good! Update soon! ':) channie is so sweet. ♥ he's my bias. ;)
xoxotiffanyxo #9
First chapter and it's already good! update soon!
i love this! update soon!