Can I Get To Know You?

My Favorite Dongsaeng

Mia’s POV

“You guys did great,” Suzy says complimenting all of them.

“How do you think I did?” Gongchan whispers in my ear. I immediately turn around and slap him on the shoulder. “What was that for?” he complains rubbing the spot where I hit him.

“You just snuck up on me,” I say sticking my tongue out.

“My apologies, dongsaeng, I’ll never do it again,” Gongchan says patting the top of my head.

“Ahem,” I hear the guys say and Gongchan and I immediately turn around feeling embarrassed once again.

“If you lovebirds don’t mind,” Sandeul says looking at us and rubbing his stomach, “I’m hungry.”

“Let’s get changed out of your stage clothes and we can go get something to eat,” unni says.

“Wait for me, okay?” Gongchan whispers as he walks by. I don’t have a chance to respond with a witty comment because he walks away to go get changed and Suzy drags me outside of the room.

“He totally likes you,” she squeals, jumping up and down.

“No he doesn’t,” I say.

“And you like him,” Suzy comments completely ignoring what I just told her.

“No I don’t.”

“You just keep denying it, but I’m sure that you guys are going to end up with each other in the end. That’s the way that these things always happen.”

“No it isn’t.”

“Why don’t you believe me, Mia? Haven’t you ever seen the dramas?”

I shake my head. “I lived in America, I didn’t watch dramas.”

“Well in drama land here,” Suzy starts to explain, “the two always end up together. Always,” she says emphasizing the word even more. “He likes you and you like him, okay?”

“What if I don’t approve?” I ask crossing my arms.

“Doesn’t matter, it’s going to happen anyway. I’ll just be waiting for the day when you say, ‘Oh Suzy, you were right. I like Gongchan and he likes me. He asked me to be his girlfriend.’”

“I don’t sound like that,” I say rolling my eyes.

“Oh well,” Suzy says with a bright smile.

“Hey, don’t talk about Gongchan and me all the time. What about you and Jinyoung?”

“I already admit that I liked Jinyoung before meeting him and he’s even cuter and more charming in person.” Now she’s totally like a fan girl. “You just have to admit it, okay?”

“Guess who,” I hear Gongchan say putting his hands over my eyes. I know the sound of his voice, it’s not like he’s actually going to surprise me.

“Gongchan-oppa,” I say turning around and facing him with a bright smile. He’s changed into some skinny jeans and a t-shirt. He has a sports jacket on, too. “I know the sound of your voice, it’s not like you can actually trick me. Learn how to disguise your voice.” I lean in close and flick him on the forehead a little.

“Meanie,” he says as he sticks his tongue out.

“Too bad,” I say.

“Let’s go,” Gongchan says with a flick of his head. Once again, we assume the regular position of me walking besides Gongchan and talking to him, Baro, Shinwoo, and Sandeul are talking among themselves, and Jinyoung is talking with Suzy. I still don’t know what’s going on with my sister and their manager. Maybe Gongchan might know something.


Gongchan’s POV

I walk besides Mia in silence, but it’s not awkward silence, it’s a comfortable silence. “Hey, is my unni going out with your manager?” Mia suddenly asks.

“What?” I ask.

“Do you know if my unni is going out with your manager?”

“Noona and Manager-hyung?” I ask making sure that I understand what she’s asking. Mia nods her head yes. “I don’t know. What they do once we leave and go back to the dorm is all their business. So we don’t know what they do.”

“Hmm,” she says as we walk to the van. “Where are we eating?”

“Haven’t decided that yet,” I admit. “We normally do that when we get to the van, but I’ll warn you, it’s kind of hectic, especially with Sandeul-hyung. He likes his food.”

“I think I can tell,” Mia says with a light laughter that makes my heart beat faster.

We make our way to the van and we sit with four people in the back and three up front. Mia sits between Baro and me while Suzy, Jinyoung, Sandeul, and Shinwoo sit in the back. Manager-hyung and noona sit up front.

“Now comes the hectic time,” I whisper into Mia’s ear after we’ve all buckled into the seat.

“What do you guys want?” Manager-hyung asks turning back and looking at us.

“Spam,” Jinyoung says.

“Hyung,” Sandeul whines, “we’re going out to a restaurant, Suzy and Mia are here. I say pizza or else if we were going back to the dorm I would say kimchi pancake.”

“Samgyupsal,” Shinwoo says.

“Chicken!” Baro yells.

“Chicken pizza!” Sandeul excitedly says and high-fives with Baro.

“Spaghetti,” Jinyoung says.

“Chicken spaghetti,” Baro says.

“Why does everything have to involve chicken?” Mia whispers into my ear.

“He loves it,” I say. By this point, it’s hard to tell who is saying what and who is combining what with what since everyone’s talking over everyone else.

“I want chicken.”

“Why don’t we get something else with chicken?”


“Black bean noodles?”

“Chinese food?”

“What ever happened to the chicken?”

“They have chicken in Chinese restaurants.”

“But what about pizza or a hamburger?”

“They don’t have those in Chinese restaurants.”

“No, really?”

“Guys, guys,” Manager-hyung says getting our attention back. “Where do you guys want to go?”

“You choose, hyung,” Jinyoung finally says, spoken like a true leader.

“Okay then,” he says as he starts driving.

“They were on their best behavior,” I say leaning over to talk to Mia. “That wasn’t even half as bad as how it normally is.”

“I can’t imagine what it would be like otherwise.”

“You should hang out with us more and you’ll really see how they are,” I say with a smirk.

Manager-hyung drives to his favorite restaurant, which just so happens to be a fast food place, but we aren’t bothered by that, it’s fine by us since we told him to pick where he wants to go.

“Sit here,” I say to Mia. I point to the seat across from me. Thankfully, we were able to find a place near the back while Manager-hyung and noona went to go order all of the food. They think that if we stand up there for too long, people will notice us and a crowd will form. Whenever we go out, we always try to find a place where not many people will notice us. All of us still enjoy going out and eating in public places. “So,” I say starting the conversation up with Mia, “how is your college life going? Is it everything that you’ve dreamed of?”

“I guess, “she says. “Don’t you go to college?”

“No,” I say shaking my head, “I don’t have time for it in my schedule. If only I had more time I would definitely attend.”

“Maybe you could come visit me sometime, I’ll welcome you.”

“Would you let me sleep over?” I ask looking at her and thinking about the extra bed that she has in her room.

“Chanshik!” she yells. I’ve really missed her calling me by my name.

“No one has to know.” I see her face turning a shade redder every second. “Anyway, I may take you up on that offer sometime. I’ve always wanted to experience the college life for a little while.”

“Don’t you like being an idol?”

“I love it and I appreciate all of my fans. I even love all of my fans. Are you my fan?” I ask putting my face closer to hers across the table.

“What if I’m not?”

“Then why were you looking at me throughout the performance today?”

“You were the one looking at me,” she says turning her head away and crossing her arms.

“But how do you know that if you weren’t watching me?” I’ve got her trapped now.

“I guess I support you.”

“You’re my fan,” I say with a bright smile as I lean back in the chair. “That means that I love you.”


Mia’s POV

My ears perk up as soon as he says that he loves me, but he only loves me like a fan. Why am I so excited about hearing those words? They’re simply things that he tells his fans, I shouldn’t get excited over it.

“What if I don’t accept your love?”

“Then you’re an anti,” Gongchan says pointing at me and pouting.

“Hey lovebirds,” Suzy says causing me to glare at her once again for who knows how many times today. “Can you guys stop having a marriage fight?”

“Suzy!” I say looking at her. She doesn’t say anything but just gives the look that she’s given me all day saying that I like him and he likes me. There’s no way. We’re dongsaeng and oppa.

Are we having a marriage fight?” Gongchan asks.

“Chanshik, not you, too,” I complain.

“Not me too what?”

“Never mind. Forget that I said anything.”

“If my dongsaeng said it, I can’t forget it. What were you talking about?”

“Here’s the food!” unni says coming back with their manager and carrying some trays with a lot of food on each one. Saved by the sister, I’m going to have to thank her later, although she probably won’t know what for.

“So much food,” Sandeul says staring at it all.

“Yup, so let’s pass it out and dig in,” unni says handing everyone their food.

I immediately unwrap my bacon cheeseburger and take a big bite into it. I’ve missed eating food like this. Since I came to Korea, I’ve been slightly deprived of American food, so eating stuff like this brings back plenty of memories, the good and the bad.

“You look like you haven’t eaten for a week,” Gongchan says as he stares at me eating.

“I’ve missed eating this type of food.”

“Did you eat it all the time?”

“Once in a while, more than I’m supposed to,” I admit. “But it’s just too good to pass up, you know?”

“Yeah,” Gongchan says nodding his head.

“Noona, you’ve never told us about your family before,” Shinwoo says.

“We didn’t even know that you had a dongsaeng,” Baro says looking at me.

“Well, I would want to keep my dongsaeng from meeting bad people like you,” unni jokes.

“I’m not a bad person,” Gongchan says proudly.

“That’s why you’re so close to Mia, right?” Jinyoung asks.

“We’re close because we’re oppa and dongsaeng,” Gongchan pouts.

“Whatever you say, Channie,” Baro says and I see him roll his eyes.

“Moving on,” Suzy says stepping in to change the subject, “what do you guys like to do for fun?”

“Well, Sandeul here likes to eat,” Jinyoung starts off causing a giggle out of Suzy. And she says that I’m the one who likes the other. Maybe she should take a look at Jinyoung and her first. It seems as though they like one another, too.

Wait, did I just admit to liking Gongchan? No way, no way, no way. There’s no possible way that I like him. Even if I do like him, I’m not going to do anything with him, we’re not going to become boyfriend and girlfriend. He’s an idol; I’m a girl that came from America. No, no, no. A crush is probably alright, a lot of people probably have a crush on him since he is an idol, but a relationship is out of the question. It’s absolutely out of the question.

“What are you thinking so hard about?” Gongchan asks knocking on my head.

“Hmm?” I ask looking at him.

“My dongsaeng seems to be thinking a lot lately. Is it because you get to see me for a second time?”

“Don’t you wish.” In reality, it is because I’ve seen him again. We’ve only met twice, but my heart is racing like crazy. Is this the charm that idols have on people?

“Feisty. So what are things that you like to do?”

“Things that I like to do?” I ask.

“Yeah, your hobbies,” Gongchan explains.

“Reading, playing on the computer, you know. Dorky stuff,” I shyly say.

“That doesn’t sound dorky at all,” Gongchan says with a big smile. “I like reading Japanese mangas. Ask the hyungs, they make fun of me for it.”

“I’ve read some before,” I say nodding my head. “Depending where you are in America, and what kind of people you hang out with, some people enjoy reading them. Animes, too. Sometimes people watch those.”

“Were you a part of that group that watches and reads those?”

“Not really,” I say shaking my head. “I was more of a normal person. I didn’t really belong with anyone, I had friends, but they were all part of different groups. I don’t really know what I would classify myself as.”

“Same,” Gongchan says with a bright smile. “Who would’ve known that my dongsaeng and I would have a lot in common.”

“I’m not really your dongsaeng,” I say.

“Why? Do you want to be something more?”

“G-Gong Chanshik,” I stutter. “What are you saying?”

“Ah, nothing,” he says reaching over and taking some of his drink.

“Wait,” I say looking at the table. “That’s my drink.”

“Ooh,” I hear one of the boys comment, “did somebody just indirectly kiss?”


Gongchan’s POV

Crap. Why didn’t I pay attention when I picked up the cup? I should’ve seen that it wasn’t mine. I didn’t mean to. “Someone’s blushing,” I hear Shinwoo say. I look over at Mia and realize that he’s talking about me. I’m the one blushing. Crap, double crap. Why did this ever have to happen?

“Um, I’m sorry,” I say placing her cup down.

“No worries,” she says with a smile. It’s like she’s not even bothered by it. “My friends used to always take stuff that I had and try it.” So she’s used to this type of thing? Were the boyfriends? “I’m perfectly fine by it.”

“That’s good,” I say faking a smile when I’m freaking out inside. My dongsaeng couldn’t have had a boyfriend, that’s just completely unacceptable.

Am I getting jealous? Am I getting jealous over a guy that I don’t even know? Aish, Gong Chanshik, what has gotten into you?

“Hey guys,” Manager-hyung says standing up. “We should get going, we have a recording tonight.”

I look at Mia and am disappointed that we aren’t going to be able to spend any more time together, and after last time that we said goodbye, I didn’t see her for two weeks. I don’t know if I’ll be able to last not seeing her for two weeks. Hopefully she’ll see the note that I left, though.

“I guess I have to go,” I say standing up. “Don’t be a stranger, okay?”

“Okay,” she says with a smile. “I highly doubt that I’ll have the ability to. I mean, if you see me or my unni sees me or if Jinyoung sees Suzy or even if Suzy sees you guys. I’m sure that she’s going to say hello.”

“Good,” I say stretching out my arms. “Give oppa a hug before he goes.” I see her hesitate a moment before I grab her arm and pull her close. “Not giving oppa a hug results in oppa pulling you into a hug.” I smirk as I say those words and I can only imagine what her face looks like. “I’m going to miss you, dongsaeng.”

“I guess I’ll miss you, oppa.” I feel her hug me tight for a moment before letting go. “You should go. Bye guys,” she says turning her attention to the other four that are standing there.

“Bye Mia, hope to see you guys again,” Sandeul says with a bright smile.

“I know we probably will meet,” Baro says.

“It was nice meeting you Suzy and it was nice seeing you again, Mia,” Jinyoung says.

“See you next time,” Shinwoo says gently waving.

“Are you guys going to be alright getting back to the college?” noona asks going over to Mia. I want to offer me going with them, but I know that we have to go.

“We’ll be fine, there’s a bus stop nearby. I’m sure it’ll stop somewhere near,” Mia says reassuring her.

“Okay, well just give me a text when you’ve returned safely.”

“No problem,” Mia says waving as we all leave as a group.

I hope it’s not going to be like last time when we didn’t see each other for two weeks. Maybe she’ll see the note. I just hope she’ll see the note.


Mia’s POV

Suzy and I successfully make it back to the campus and I text unni to let her know that we’re safe. I go to my room alone and rest on my bed. It’s not too late and I should do my homework, but I feel lazy, especially after spending an incredible day with the boys again. Even though it’s only our second time meeting, it feels like I’ve known them for a long time. It’s probably the way that they include everyone in with the conversation and make them feel like they’re best friends.

My phone vibrates on the bed next to me and I realize that Suzy is texting me. She starts telling me about the wonderful time that she had today, to which I point out that Jinyoung probably likes her and that she shouldn’t be so judgmental of whether or not Gongchan and I like each other. I can only smile at the witty comments that she sends back. We should request to have the same room next year and we can be roommates. This whole not having a roommate thing is slightly lonely, or rather very lonely. I wish that there were someone else in the room with me, but for right now I can be content with what I have. I mean, being alone is nice, too. I’m used to being alone since I had my own room in America. I’m not sure how I would be if I was just placed with a random roommate.

While I’m still texting Suzy, I put my arm under my pillow to rest on, and that’s when I feel a piece of paper. I don’t ever remember putting a piece of paper there. I pull it out and see that it’s in handwriting that I’ve never seen before. Who put it there? I read it and it makes sense.


Mia, my dongsaeng. If you’re reading this now then you found the secret hiding place. Shhhh. You went to the bathroom and told me not to touch any of your stuff, but I touched your notebook and pen, I hope you’re not angry at your oppa. Just thought that you should know that I’m having a great time with you on your tour, even if it was short. I’m pouting here, but I’m loving the quality time that we can spend with each other. I’m too afraid to ask you for it, but I put my phone number on the back of this paper because I know that you won’t ask and I’m too afraid to. Don’t be a stranger, but you’re coming back, I think I hear your footsteps. I hope you find this letter. From your oppa <3.


I read the letter again and smile to myself. Why did he have to put a heart after signing it? It makes it seem like he’s my boyfriend or something. I turn the paper over and see that his phone number is in fact scribbled there. Quickly, before I forget, I put him in as a new contact in my phone. For some reason, this makes me excited. I’ll be sure to not forget to keep in contact with him and not let two weeks slip us by.



Is it alright to call you oppa whenever I want to address you? You make my heart beat really fast and I’m not used to this feeling anymore, but I think I like you? It’s okay to have a crush; a lot of people have a crush on you. But what if you like me back? Would you ask me out on a date? Would we be boyfriend and girlfriend? Honestly, I’m afraid of that. I don’t know if I could handle being an idol’s girlfriend, but you only see me as a dongsaeng, I don’t know why I’m getting myself excited about it.


Always your dongsaeng,



So Mia and Gongchan both like each other, when will they actually admit it to each other? Mia now knows Gongchan's phone number, will they keep in contact more frequently? Will Gongchan visit Mia at college like he said he wants to?


Another chapter is up. Hope you enjoyed :D

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Saemiy #1
Chapter 26: Love the story ^^
At first i suspected suzy as the culprit behind the chaos though. Hohohoho.
Love this story :D
jkgdshvfgsdh!! i loved this story.. :)
applechapple #4
asdfghjkl I can't wait for the next chapter! please update! ; A;
Wenxinzxc #5
update soon ^^
new reader here ! Love your story, thanks for update ! :) omg gongchann bias <3
This is so sad. ): i would hate to have a secret relationship but your fic makes it seem cool. :) anyways, updateee asap? Arraso?
Omg! This is so good! Update soon! ':) channie is so sweet. ♥ he's my bias. ;)
xoxotiffanyxo #9
First chapter and it's already good! update soon!
i love this! update soon!