What About Me?

My Favorite Dongsaeng

Gongchan’s POV

“I’m so tired,” I comment as we make our way backstage after the long fan signing. It was very long, but I’m happy to be able to get to spend time with the fans after what feels like so long.

“We’re all tired,” Sandeul complains.

“But it was fun,” I say with a smile. Everyone agrees with me.

As we make our way towards the room that we were using, I spy Suzy playing on her phone and Mia sleeping. Suzy spots me and points towards Mia and I give her an okay sign. I go over towards the table that Mia has rested her head on and I sit down facing her sleeping face. She looks so cute when she’s sleeping, like an angel.

For a little while, I don’t wake her up. I merely stare at her sleeping features. I’ve never seen her sleep before. She must be really tired. Are the classes really that difficult that she’s lacking sleep?

“Hey, are you going to wake up your sleeping girlfriend or not?” Jinyoung asks coming over to me.

“I might let her sleep a little more,” I say. “She looks like she’s really tired.”

“Yeah,” Jinyoung says looking at her.

“Hyung,” I say. “Don’t fall for her, too.”

“I’m not going to fall for her,” Jinyoung says with a bright smile. “She’s your girlfriend, Channie. I’m not going to steal her away, don’t worry.”

“Oh I forgot that you have Suzy,” I joke again.

Jinyoung doesn’t question this time. Does that mean that he accepts the fact that he likes Suzy or is he tired of hearing us say it all of the time that he just wants to ignore us? Whatever the reason is, I don’t really care. I just continue to look at a sleeping Mia. Did she read my message on her CD? I hope she did, or maybe she was tired when she came back here and slept for longer than she anticipated.

“Gongchan, you got this letter,” Baro says handing it towards me.

“A letter?” I ask as I make my way over to where they are leaving Mia sleeping more for a little bit.

“Yeah, it’s addressed to you,” Sandeul says throwing it. I catch it in the air and sit down next to them as I open it up.

“Wait,” I say, “do you remember who gave this to you?”

Baro shakes his head. “It was sitting in this pile. We just decided to go through it while we’re sitting here for a little bit since your girlfriend is sleeping. These letters could’ve been sent to Manager-hyung for all we know.”

“True,” I say nodding my head and thinking.

“Is there something wrong?” Shinwoo asks.

“Well,” I say as I read over the letter once again. “Just…here.”

I hand the letter over to them as they crowd around it and begin reading it.

“No way,” Sandeul says.

“You have got to be kidding me,” Jinyoung says.

“What?” Baro asks.

“Really?” Shinwoo comments.

“Really,” I say nodding my head. It’s a letter from that lady who kept calling me. How do I know that it’s her? She directly says that it’s her in the letter. I don’t know what the purpose of giving me that letter was, maybe it was prove that she’s a really big fan, I’m not entirely sure, but somehow she annoys me a little bit. Correction, she annoys me a lot.

“You changed your phone number, though, so it’s alright,” Jinyoung says patting me on the back.

“But what if she decides to stalk me? Then she’s going to eventually find out about Mia, right?” I ask worriedly.

“Then…we just won’t let that happen, okay?” he asks. “Right guys?”

“Right,” the rest of them respond in unison.

“We’re going to protect you at all costs,” Sandeul says with a smile.

“We know how much you like Mia,” Shinwoo says.

“Thanks guys,” I say with a smile. “I’m going to try to protect her, too. Let’s try not to overprotect her.”


Mia’s POV

I hear loud talking in the room and gently open my eyes. Sitting up in the chair, I rub my eyes before looking around to a now filled room with many people walking everywhere and cleaning up the place.

“Look who’s awake,” Suzy comments.

“Oh, hello,” I say to Suzy as I blink my eyes a thousand times since I wear contacts.

“Your boyfriend is already back,” she says as she nods her head to where B1A4 are furiously talking about something.

“I slept that long?” I ask looking at my watch. Suzy just nods her head yes. “Why didn’t anyone wake me up?” She just shrugs her shoulders. “Fine,” I say getting up from where I’m sitting and heading over to the members. “What secret are you guys keeping now?” I lean down and whisper into their group. I watch as they jump in surprise and I laugh. I hadn’t even bothered to eavesdrop on their conversation.

“Mia!” Gongchan says immediately standing up and hugging me. “You’re awake.”

“Yeah, why didn’t anyone wake me?” I ask.

“You looked so peaceful there sleeping,” Gongchan comments.

“And Gongchan wouldn’t let anyone go close to you,” Sandeul mutters under his breath, but I can hear him. Gongchan apparently doesn’t.

“What are you laughing at?” Gongchan asks looking into my eyes.

“Oh, nothing,” I say as I take a quick glance at Sandeul. “What are we doing now?”

“We were thinking about heading back to the dorm,” Jinyoung states.

“Do you want to come with?” Baro asks.

I look back at Suzy who is on her phone. Who in the world could she be talking to?

“Sure,” I say nodding my head. “I think it’d be fun.”

“But we’re going to have to leave at different times. Fans may be waiting outside for us, is that alright?”

“Yeah, it’s perfectly fine,” I say nodding my head.

Slowly, we all pack up our things before going our separate ways. “Do you remember the way to our dorm?” Gongchan asks before he walks down one hallway while I walk down another.

“My unni is going to take me,” I tell him. “She should know where you live, right?”

“Yup,” he says nodding his head. “I’ll see you there, alright? Just call me when you’re close.”


Suzy and I take off for my sister’s car since she’s going to be the one to drive us there because it’s too dangerous for us to go together. We’re both pretty sure that people would think that we’re dating and even though we are, we have to deny it. As much as I don’t want to, I know why we have to.

“So, how did you like the event?” unni asks as we’ve driving to their dorm.

“It was fun,” I say. Suzy has gone back to the university since she’s going to meet up with some friends. That only leaves me with the members back at their dorm.

“That’s good,” she says never taking her eyes off of the road.

“Unni,” I say looking at her. I guess now is a good time. “Gongchan-oppa and I are dating.”

“Really?” she asks surprised, but she doesn’t sound too surprised.

“Really,” I repeat. “We’re dating. Are you mad?”

“Mad?” she asks. “Why would I be mad?”

“I don’t know,” I say looking down at my fingers as I begin playing with them. “I just thought that maybe you wouldn’t approve of me dating him.”

“I approve it,” unni says with a bright smile. “I don’t know anyone better for my younger sister. If he gives you any problems, don’t forget to tell me, I’ll make him pay.”

I laugh at her seriousness. “Don’t worry, unni,” I tell her. “I’ll be sure to tell you, but I’m sure that he won’t do anything.”

“I’m sure, too,” she says, “he is a really good guy and he has himself a really good girl.”

“Thanks,” I say.

For the remainder of the ride we simply talk about girl things while she gives me advice about dating. I still believe that her and the manager of B1A4 are dating, even though she won’t address it forwardly. How else would she know about all of this dating advice? Then again, she is ten years older than me. It does make sense that she’s more experienced than I am.


Gongchan’s POV

I look out the window as we drive back to the dorm. All of the guys are tired. Sandeul and Baro have already passed out long ago while Shinwoo is beginning to nod off. It’s only Jinyoung and Manager-hyung and me that are left up. I don’t feel like falling asleep, I’m thinking about too many things. Should I tell Mia about the girl? But that would only cause her to worry more and I don’t want to do that.

“Are you alright?” Jinyoung asks poking my arm.

“What?” I ask.

“You seem out of it ever since we left the fans. Are you already deprived of them?” he asks making a joke.

“Very funny, hyung,” I say. “I’m just thinking.”

“I’m pretty sure everything will get better again,” Jinyoung attempts to say reassuringly. “That woman, she’s no problem for us. She’s just a fan, what harm could she do?”

“I’m not sure, that’s what I’m afraid of,” I admit as I look up at the sky. My mind trails off to Mia. I should be happy that I’m spending another day with her, another evening, but am I just bringing more harm to her by doing so?

Jinyoung nods his head. “Well, we’re always there for you if you ever need anything.”

“Thanks, hyung,” I say.

Finally, we arrive back at our dorm. I wake up the rest of the hyungs and go up to the room. Right away I go to the bedroom to change out of my clothes and into some comfier ones, particularly a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. Coming out into the main part of our dorm, I see that the rest of the members have changed as well and I see Mia sitting there.

“Dongsaeng,” I say at the sight of her, “you were supposed to call me when you were here.”

“She did,” Sandeul says as he stretches. “You left your phone out here so we answered it.”

“Oh,” I say nodding my head. “Okay.” I take a seat down next to Mia and wrap my arm around her shoulder. “Did you like being in the crowd this time?” I ask her.

“It was fun,” Mia admits nodding her head.

“Did you read our messages?” Sandeul excitedly asks. I wanted to ask that question, but he beat me to it.

“Not yet,” she says shaking her head. “I was going to, but then Suzy and I started talking and then that’s when I fell asleep. I’ll read them as soon as I get home, okay?”

“I’m hungry,” Sandeul complains as he lays out on the floor and grabs one of his duck toys.

“You’re always hungry,” Baro complains as he smacks Sandeul in the .

“So what? It’s dinnertime anyway,” Sandeul says not even looking at any of us. Maybe he’s upset that we always complain whenever he’s hungry, but it really seems like he’s hungry all of the time.

“Why don’t we play a game and see who’s going to make dinner?” Shinwoo suggests.

“What game?” Mia asks interested.

“Rock, paper, scissors?” Baro suggests. “It’s probably the easiest game that we can play.”

“Ready?” Jinyoung asks.

The first time it’s thrown out, Jinyoung, Sandeul, and I are exempt from cooking. That means that it’s between Shinwoo, Baro, and Mia. I hope that Mia cooks, not only because she’s a good cook, but also because I know that Shinwoo needs a lot of help in the kitchen and Baro really can’t cook. I’m sure that if Mia were with Jinyoung, they would make something really delicious. Sadly, they’re not together. The three play another round and our worst fears come true, Mia and Baro are put together.

“Crap,” Sandeul says.

“What?” Mia asks looking at us.

“Baro cooking?” Jinyoung asks. “We’re dead.”

“What?” Mia asks utterly confused.

“Good luck,” I tell her.

“Good luck?” she asks.

“Baro’s not the best cook out there,” Shinwoo explains.

“I would’ve rather paired you with Jinyoung-hyung,” Sandeul says.

“Is he a good cook?” Mia asks looking at him.

“He always cooks for us in the dorm. Baro has little experience,” I explain.

“Oh,” Mia says nodding. “Well, then I guess I’ll take control. What do you guys want?”

“We’ll go buy the ingredients,” Shinwoo says standing up. “You and Baro can stay here and get the kitchen ready.”

“But how am I supposed to get it ready when I don’t know what you guys want?” she asks.

“Good point,” I say, “you guys can just stay here. Mia, you can become more familiar with the kitchen and educate Baro in the act of cooking. We’re going to buy the ingredients.”

“Okay,” Mia says nodding her head. “I guess I’ll see you guys when you come back?”

“Of course,” I say as Sandeul, Jinyoung, Shinwoo, and I get up to go to the store. “We’ll be back as quickly as possible.”


Mia’s POV

Baro and I are left alone in the dorm. “So,” I say looking at him. It feels slightly awkward. “Have you ever cooked before?”

“Not really,” he says avoiding my eyes. “I’ve baked cookies a couple of times, but that was only a couple and they didn’t even really turn out well. Cooking food, I’ve never done that. Well, I have, but it’s never turned out well.”

“Looks like this will be a learning experience for both of us,” I say smiling. “So, what do you think they’re going to want us to make?”

“I’m not sure,” Baro says. “They could pick anything. I just hope it’s not difficult.”

“Yeah,” I say sighing. “Should I take you to the kitchen or do you just want to sit here?”

“Let’s just sit here,” Baro says as he leans back onto a bamboo pillow that Sandeul was holding earlier.

“Oh, okay.”

For a little bit, Baro and I sit in completely silence. It’s kind of awkward because I haven’t spent time with him. Out of all of the members, he’s probably the one that I’ve spent the least time with. I don’t know why, but it just always turned out that way.

“So, we don’t know a lot about each other, right?” Baro asks starting up the conversation.

“Yeah, I guess,” I say looking at him attempting to ease the awkwardness between us.

“So, we should get to know each other more, right?”

“Maybe,” I say. “I guess, if you want to.”

“Well, I don’t know what we could ask each other,” Baro says as he begins to think.

“Yeah, I don’t know either,” I say looking away.

“How about this,” Baro says suddenly thinking of something, probably, more than likely. “Is your sister different here than she was at home?”

I shrug my shoulders. “Maybe. I just remember her before she left and then she moved here. I haven’t seen her in a while, but I think she’s probably the same. She left when I was like nine, so it was a long time ago, but…I’d say she’s the same.”

“Okay,” Baro says nodding as the conversation between us goes quiet. “Well then, why did you move here?”

“For different reasons,” I say looking at the floor of their dorm. “They all just factored into moving to Korea to go to college.”

“Anything specific?” he asks.

“Just wanting to be closer to my unni,” I say. “That was really one of the main motivators. I mean, I like my unni and I never really got to know her since she left home.”

“I can at least say that I’m glad you came to Korea,” Baro says with a smile. I can’t help but smile back at him.


Gongchan’s POV

“Hyung, why don’t we get this?” Sandeul asks holding up another snack food.

“We need to figure out what we want for dinner,” Jinyoung says shooing Sandeul away. “What do you guys want?”

“Should we get something easy since Baro is helping make it?” I ask.

“We probably should,” Shinwoo says as he rejoins the group. Who knows where he went.

“Then what?” Sandeul asks. “Pizza?”

“Pizza’s too complicated,” Jinyoung says as we walk through the store some more.

Thankfully, the only people really in the store are working-aged people so they don’t really recognize us as much as the younger generation would. Somehow, I’m glad about that. That way we don’t have to deal with hiding from other people and having to deal with the crazy fans. They aren’t necessarily all crazy, but sometimes it’s nice to have some peace and quiet and the chance to actually act like normal people rather than idols.

“What about chicken?” Sandeul asks. “Baro likes chicken, doesn’t he?”

“Maybe,” Jinyoun says thinking.

“If he likes it, then he wouldn’t mess it up because he likes to eat it, right?” Sandeul asks again.

We all just look at him. “To the chicken aisle!” I say as I point my finger up in the air and do a superhero pose.

“Channie, people are staring,” Jinyoung says as we start walking.

“Sorry, hyung,” I say apologizing.


Mia’s POV

Some time has passed and Baro and I are now feeling more comfortable with each other. “So, you like your university, that’s good,” Baro says.

“You’re always welcome to come,” I tell him. “I told Gongchan-oppa that. If you want to come you can. Any of the guys can.”

“Like come to your university?” Baro asks.

“Of course,” I tell him. “I’d welcome you, but maybe your fans would like mob you before you would even be able to see me. Maybe you could be like Gongchan-oppa and wear a disguise and mask your voice.”

“Channie did that?” Baro asks making sure.

“He surely did,” I tell him. “He even tricked Suzy.”

“Speaking of Suzy,” Baro says changing the subject a little bit. “Do you think that her and Jinyoung-hyung like each other?”

“Everyone thinks that they like each other,” I tell him. We both laugh. “They both just want to deny ever liking each other.”

“We feel the same way here,” Baro exclaims. “Jinyoung-hyung needs a girlfriend; we were all surprised when Gongchan said that he liked you. We wouldn’t think that our maknae would get a girlfriend before we would.”

“Yeah, I was surprised when he said that he liked me, too,” I admit.

“Would you have gone out with me?” Baro asks with a hint of seriousness in his voice.

“What?” I ask.

“Would you have gone out with me if you weren’t going out with Gongchan?”

“But I don’t know you that well.”

“If we were closer, would you have been my girlfriend?” Baro asks.

I look at him and he seems really serious. Baro couldn’t like me, right?



Your group mate and one of your good friends just implied that he likes me. What should I say? What should I do? Of course you’re my boyfriend and I like you, but I don’t want to make him sad because he’s my friend, too. I just hope this situation doesn’t get awkward between us and it doesn’t get awkward between your group members. What should I do, oppa?


Your confused girlfriend,



Does Baro like Mia? What about the creepy fan? Will Jinyoung and Suzy ever admit that they like each other? What is going to happen to Gongchan and Mia when Mia tells him? Will Mia actually tell him about Baro?


I'm thinking about maybe a little time jump to get deeper into Gongchan and Mia's relationship instead of staying at the beginning stages, maybe a month. If the story jumps a month forward, then what would be Mia's answer to Baro? Would Mia have ever told Gongchan?


Here's Chapter 13. It took a long time, I know. But I hope you enjoyed :D

Tomorrow is my graduation from high school :)

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Saemiy #1
Chapter 26: Love the story ^^
At first i suspected suzy as the culprit behind the chaos though. Hohohoho.
Love this story :D
jkgdshvfgsdh!! i loved this story.. :)
applechapple #4
asdfghjkl I can't wait for the next chapter! please update! ; A;
Wenxinzxc #5
update soon ^^
new reader here ! Love your story, thanks for update ! :) omg gongchann bias <3
This is so sad. ): i would hate to have a secret relationship but your fic makes it seem cool. :) anyways, updateee asap? Arraso?
Omg! This is so good! Update soon! ':) channie is so sweet. ♥ he's my bias. ;)
xoxotiffanyxo #9
First chapter and it's already good! update soon!
i love this! update soon!