Date Day

My Favorite Dongsaeng

Mia’s POV

Right when I’m about to say something to Baro, the door opens and the rest of the members come right in. Awkwardly, Baro and I look at each other and thankfully, they don’t notice anything suspicious.

“We’re back with food,” Jinyoung says holding up the bag.

We all assemble around their table as Jinyoung and Shinwoo place the food on the table. “Did you have a good time with Baro?” Gongchan asks. Inside I start to freak out about the question, but on the outside, I show no sign of anything.

“It was fine,” I say giving him a smile.

“Awesome,” he says as he wraps his arm around me.

“I forgot, “Jinyoung says as we begin eating, “Channie, you and Mia have to go to the park tomorrow.”

“Why?” I ask looking at Gongchan who just shrugs his shoulders. Apparently neither of us know what’s going on.

“It’s your date day, of course,” Sandeul says with a bright smile.

“Date day?” we both ask looking at each other.

“Yeah, you both confessed publicly that you guys like each other,” Jinyoung begins, but it suddenly sets in.

“This was Suzy’s doing,” I mutter.

“Bingo,” Sandeul says flashing me a smile. “She asked you what your idea date was or what you wanted to do the most with the other person and we asked Channie the same thing. We put together our ideas and there we go.”

“But I said to publicly announce our relationship,” Gongchan says, “and we’ve already done that. You couldn’t have possibly gotten anything from that.”

“Oh, we did,” Baro says with sly eyes. It’s hard to imagine that this is the guy who just a half an hour ago confessed his love to me. I try to shake the thought from my head.

“And I think I just said that I wanted to spend it with Gongchan,” I say attempting to remember what exactly I told Suzy, but it was a little while ago so I can’t really remember it.

“Just think of it as a Christmas gift from us,” Shinwoo says.

“Christmas gift?” I repeat.

“Yeah, it’s a Christmas gift,” he says with a bright smile.

“Plus, tomorrow’s the perfect day, we don’t have any schedules,” Jinyoung says with a smile as if he’s encouraging Gongchan along.

“One condition though,” I say looking straight at Jinyoung. I’m not sure if he expects this to come or not.

“What is it?” he asks. All of the members seem slightly excited for it now.

“You have to come along,” I say pointing at Jinyoung, “and you have to be with Suzy.”

I see Jinyoung hesitate for a moment before he confidently answers. “Sure.”

Now I wonder how tomorrow is going to go.


Gongchan’s POV

I get up bright and early in the morning to prepare myself for my day with Mia. I don’t have to hide anymore from the public so I can just go out as myself, as Gongchan. I’ll protect Mia from the press if they decide to come after us. But Mia invited Jinyoung yesterday, that means that people are probably going to see him with Suzy and they’re going to start thinking that they’re dating. Maybe I should take a disguise just in case…

“Hyung, are you up?” I ask as I look onto the lower bunk, but Jinyoung’s body is all over the place. “Hyung.” I go over and shake him until he wakes up.

“Channie, what are you doing?” he asks.

“Your date thing is today, right? Let’s get ready and go to Mia’s house.”

“This early?” he asks.

“It’s not early,” I say looking at my phone. I see that it’s about eight. “It’s eight and you’re still sleeping. We should get a move on.”

Slowly, Jinyoung manages to get up and goes to wash himself up. “I’d say that you’re pretty excited,” he comments.

“Somewhat,” I say shrugging my shoulders, “but hyung, if the paparazzi are going to be following me and Mia, then wouldn’t a scandal erupt from you and Suzy? Mia told you to come along with her.”

“I guess you’re right,” Jinyoung says as he checks his appearance in the mirror. “But if Suzy’s going to be my girlfriend, then the press can know.”

“Would Suzy be alright with that?” I ask.

“Maybe, I don’t know, but let’s go to Mia’s house. Wait, do you even know where her house is?”

“I don’t remember… Do you remember?”

“Nope,” Jinyoung says shaking his head. “How would I remember directions?”

We decide to call Manager-hyung to see if we could pester him to tell us where noona lives. After a while, well, after he was tired of us bothering him since we didn’t have anything to do today, he gave the address to us. “Thanks, hyung,” Jinyoung says hanging up the phone, “let’s go.”

Heading outside, we decide to catch a cab since the early morning air isn’t something that we’d like to walk through. We hand him the address and he finds the place for us.

“So what does today have in store?” I ask looking at Jinyoung.

“You’ll see,” he replies with a sigh as he stares out the window.

“Are you going to confess to Suzy today?”

“Maybe,” he says as he still stares out the window.

“Well we already know that she likes you, Mia asked her herself. Plus, I’ve told you before.”

“I’m just concerned about timing. I don’t know when I should ask her or even if I should ask her.”

“Just listen to your heart,” I say as I pat him on the back. It feels strange, me comforting him and giving him advice. Normally it’s always the other way around since I’m the dongsaeng. I’m happy that I get to help him once in a while.

We arrive at Mia’s house and knock on her door. Thankfully noona is up and answers the door.

“Gongchan, Jinyoung?” she asks blinking her eyes. “What are you guys doing here?”

“Um…Mia and I are going to spend the day together,” I tell her. “I wanted to surprise her, is it alright?”

“Sure,” she says opening the door a bit wider. “She’s sleeping right now, though.”

“That’s alright. I’ll go wake her up,” I say with a smile.

I travel the hallway to go to Mia’s room while I leave Jinyoung with noona. I don’t know why I’m slightly nervous to wake her up, but it’s not a bad feeling. I enjoy this feeling, actually and I kind of hope that I can do this forever.


Mia’s POV

I feel someone shaking me and thinking it’s my unni, I move over and pull the blankets over me more. “Unni, let me sleep some more,” I beg.

“It’s not your unni,” a very familiar voice says.

“Oppa?” I ask turning over once again and slowly opening my eyes.

“So you do actually know who I am,” he says and I can see a bright smile on his face.

“Why are you in my house?” I ask the realization suddenly setting in. I quickly get up on the bed and back up against the wall.

“Dongsaeng, you make it seem like I’m a bad person,” he says slightly pouting. I can’t help but smile at his slight use of aegyo in the morning.

“I was just…surprised, but really, what are you doing here?”

“Noona let us in and you didn’t forget that today is apparently our date day, right?”

“Date day, right,” I say as I rack my brain. I totally forgot about it, but at least I texted Suzy last night and told her that she has to drag her over since we’re going on it together. She objected, I said I’d tell Jinyoung about her liking him, she agreed. “Let me go get changed, okay?”

I hustle out of bed and make my way to the bathroom to take a shower and dress up. Then I remember that it’s the first time that Gongchan has seen me in pajamas, I feel slightly embarrassed, but I know he won’t really do anything about it. He just came in to wake me up. Why, I guess I’ll never know.

“Sorry oppas, did you wait long?” I ask as I walk into the living room to see them sitting there watching television.

“Nope, not at all,” Gongchan says with a smile. I sit down between him and Jinyoung. “Hyung here might confess to Suzy today.”

“Really?” I ask turning to him. “You’re going to confess?”

“She does like me, right?” he cautiously asks. “Channie here said she already admitted it.”

Looks like Gongchan let the cat out of the bag before I even got the chance. “Yes, she likes you,” I say nodding my head.

“He actually told me before apparently, but I don’t remember, I guess I thought it wasn’t true.”

“Well she likes me, and actually,” I say remembering it, “she told me her ideal confession.” I see that I now have Jinyoung’s full attention. “She told me that she would like it to be in the winter or in the spring since she likes the snow and the flowers and she would want it to be outside.”

“That’s it?” Jinyoung asks. I guess he was expecting to hear more.

“That’s it. That’s all she wants, but speaking of her, I guess I should text her and tell her to come.”

“No need,” unni says from the doorway, “she’s already here.”

“Mia!” Suzy yells as soon as she enters the room.

“Suzy!” I yell back to her getting up from where I’m sitting to greet her.

“They’re already here?” Suzy asks looking at the couch.

“Hey,” Gongchan says to Suzy while Jinyoung just gives a modest hello. I can tell that he’s already nervous around her and she looks like she’s slightly nervous already knowing that he’s here. If they’re going to put Gongchan and me through this type of thing, they’re going to have to experience it, too.

“So, what is this miraculous date day that you have planned?” I ask Jinyoung and Suzy.

“Let’s go to breakfast first,” Suzy says grabbing my hand. I guess she wants to get out of there as quickly as possible.

“Where are we going?” I ask her.

“To a restaurant, where else?” she asks giving me a look. “We’re going to have breakfast and then we’re going to do what we planned, right?” She looks at Jinyoung who just gives a nervous smile.

The four of us sit down in the restaurant and our orders get taken. “Wait, what if you guys get noticed?” I ask looking at Jinyoung and Suzy.

“We’ve already thought about that,” Gongchan says chiming in.

“You already thought about that?” I ask.

“Yeah, I thought of it this morning actually. People know that we’re dating, but if they see us with Jinyoung and a strange girl, no offense, then people would think that Jinyoung and she are dating, right?”

“Right,” I say not knowing where Gongchan is taking this.

“Actually,” he says giving it a second thought. “We’ll just tell you guys later when the time actually arises, if it does.”

I glare at Gongchan and realize that he’s not going to be giving it up any time soon on what plan that they have. I can only be curious as to when the time actually arises. Before I can ask any questions, though, our food comes and everyone starts to eat.


Gongchan’s POV

“Where are we going now?” I ask as we’re leaving the restaurant. It seems like Suzy and Jinyoung got slightly more comfortable with each other that I’m glad at. I wonder if he’s actually going to confess to her. Mia did say that she likes a winter confession, so now would be the perfect time. It’s before Christmas, too.

“Ice skating,” Jinyoung states with a smile.

“Ice skating?” Mia and I ask looking at each other.

“Yeah, we’re going to go ice skating, have you ever gone before?” Suzy asks. I shake my head.

“I’ve gone before, don’t worry,” Mia says giving me a smile. “It’s actually not that hard, it’s like rollerblading.”

“Like rollerblading,” I say as I repeat after her. I try to imagine myself ice skating, but I can only picture me falling a bunch of times. I wonder of Mia would laugh at my attempts to ice skate, knowing her, she probably would. However, she would also probably help me learn, she’s a person like that.

“Let’s go, you’re slow,” Mia pouts as she grabs my arm and pushes me along.

As soon as we get to the place, I have no idea where Jinyoung and Suzy went, it seems like they already disappeared. I hope they get their special moment here that will help Jinyoung make up his mind as to whether or not he wants to ask her out.

“Oppa, do you not know how to tie your skates?” Mia asks as she comes over to me. I don’t answer Mia and simply stare at the mess of laces. “I’ll take that as a no.” She bends down and ties mine before she ties hers.

“When did you learn to skate?” I ask her.

“I used to go all of the time with some friends back in America,” she explains. “I learned then. I’m not the best, like I can’t do flips or anything, but I at least know how to balance.”

“What if I knock you down?” I worriedly ask. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t hurt me,” she says skillfully standing up and balancing on the skate. “Let’s go.”

Mia offers her hand out to me and I take it an attempt to stand up, only to wobble my way down to the ice. If it’s this bad on land, how is it going to be when I attempt to walk on the ice?

“Are you nervous?” she asks looking up at me.

“Slightly,” I chuckle as I look down at the ice. I look out and see Jinyoung and Suzy having a good time with each other. I’m happy for them. “It looks like they’re going to be a cute couple,” I say pointing at them skating.

“It does,” Mia says nodding her head approvingly. “I just can’t wait for them to date already. It seems like they already are. Ready?”

Slowly, Mia steps out onto the ice and I see how well she does it. She glides around a little before returning back to me and offering her hand. “You want me to go out?” I ask pointing at the ice. Mia nods her head. “I don’t know.”

“You can do it,” she says. “You stand in front of fans all of the time and you announced our relationship to everyone, but you can’t step onto an ice rink?” I hear her gently chuckle and I take a first step onto the ice. I manage to slip a little and find a holding onto the side that I grip so I didn’t fall and hurt Mia.


“Well, you know what, it is,” she says with a bright smile. “But you’re doing good for your first time. Try to move some more.”

With Mia’s guidance, I start moving around by holding onto the edges and soon after that, I start moving around with little to no assistance with the edge.

“Look, Channie can skate,” Jinyoung says as he comes by me patting me on the back and almost throwing me off my balance.

“Still trying, hyung,” I say, “but Mia’s a great teacher. Is your time with Suzy going well? Where is she?”

“She said that she wanted a drink,” Jinyoung says. “But I think I’m going to confess to her.”

“Awesome,” I say high fiving him and I can see the approval on Mia’s face.

“You’re going to be a great boyfriend,” Mia says nodding.

“But I’m better,” I say as I kiss her cheek causing her to slightly blush.

“We’re in public,” she whispers.

“But it’s not like no one knows we’re dating,” I retort back and she simply smiles and shakes her head at me.

“Well I’ll leave you two lovebirds to have fun,” Jinyoung says before he carefully skates away.

As Mia is waving goodbye to Jinyoung, I use it as an opportunity to skate over and hug her tightly. “Oppa, what are you doing?” she asks.

“I’m hugging you,” I say without letting go of her.

“Why are you hugging me?” she asks.

“You don’t like it?” I pout.

“No I like it, it’s just…slightly random?”

“I’m a random person, what can I say?” I ask as I hug her even more.


Mia’s POV

Ice skating time ends and it’s time to find some place for lunch, which apparently they already have figured out. “You know,” I say as Suzy and I are walking down the street to go wherever we’re going, “this is actually pretty fun.”

“I knew you’d like it,” she slightly squeals. Jinyoung and Gongchan are behind us. It’s not like we necessarily want them to be back there, it’s just that we thought it’d be safer for all of us, but I think they slightly look like they’re following us like creepers.

“I have a good feeling about today,” I smile at her.

“Why?” she asks, but I don’t tell her that it’s because Jinyoung will probably ask her to be his girlfriend.

“Because I get to have this date day and spend it with my best friend.”

“Date day is supposed to be spent with your boyfriend,” she says as she lightly pushes me back into Gongchan.

“Whoa there,” Gongchan says as he catches me. “Are we having a little bit too much fun?”

I smile at his comment. “So, where are we going for lunch?” I ask the two masterminds behind this day.

“Sandeul picked the lunch spot,” Jinyoung explains.

“Well, that’s not a surprise at all,” Gongchan comments.

Turns out, the place that Sandeul picked for lunch isn’t that bad. It’s a small place that doesn’t look like it’s populated by many people. He probably took in the consideration that our relationship would still remain secret. As soon as we walk in, though, it already feels like something is going to happen.

“Is that B1A4?” someone whispers.

“Omo, Gongchan-oppa is so cute.”

“Jinyoung-oppa looks so charismatic.”

“Look, Gongchan-oppa is with his girlfriend. She’s so lucky.”

I attempt not to pay the people attention as Suzy and I sit down at a table with Gongchan while Jinyoung orders food. “Are you guys okay?” Gongchan asks looking at Suzy and me.

“We’re fine,” I say. “They’re your fans and they just miss you since you guys are on your break right now.”

“Yeah, I guess so,” he says awkwardly looking from side to side. “If it gets weird for you guys at any time, let me or hyung know. We’ll leave with you guys.”

“No, it’s alright,” Suzy says.

It doesn’t take long for Jinyoung to come back with food and we all happily eat. I sit on the same side with Gongchan and Suzy is on the same side with Jinyoung.

“Oh, Suzy,” Jinyoung begins, “we’re all thinking about having a Christmas party, do you want to come?”

“Sure,” she says with a smile. “When is it?”

“Undetermined,” Jinyoung says, “but it’ll probably be soon, Christmas is really soon.”

We all nod our heads and continue eating our lunch. However, right when it’s time to leave, fans start coming up and asking them for autographs and pictures. At first they attempted to reject the offer, but Suzy and I urged them to do it and stated that we can postpone the rest of the day until they’re done.

Figuring that Suzy and I didn’t want to walk home in the cold alone, I took out my phone. “Who are you calling?” Suzy asks. “Gongchan is over there signing autographs and so is Jinyoung.”

“It’s someone else,” I say as I search through the contacts before finally dialing one. “Baro-oppa,” I say. I look at Suzy and see a surprised reaction to the name. “Can you pick me and Suzy up?”



Your fans are important to you and you should maintain that close relationship to your fans. I don’t mind if you are suddenly asked to give an autograph or take a picture. I’m alright with that. I just hope it doesn’t happen too often, though. I don’t know what I could do if that happened, but I’m grateful for the time that we’re spending together because I know that by the time the new year hits, we probably aren’t going to have that much time to see each other.


Your bright girlfriend,



How is Mia and Baro's friendship going to be like now? Why didn't Jinyoung or Gongchan do their plan for when fans recognized them? Will Jinyoung end up asking Suzy to be his girlfriend? What will happen to the rest of their day?


Some more Mia and Gongchan along with some Suzy and Jinyoung moments before things start to come up again. Don't forget about that stalker-lady and the fact that Gongchan is an idol.


Here is Chapter 19. Hope you enjoyed :D

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Saemiy #1
Chapter 26: Love the story ^^
At first i suspected suzy as the culprit behind the chaos though. Hohohoho.
Love this story :D
jkgdshvfgsdh!! i loved this story.. :)
applechapple #4
asdfghjkl I can't wait for the next chapter! please update! ; A;
Wenxinzxc #5
update soon ^^
new reader here ! Love your story, thanks for update ! :) omg gongchann bias <3
This is so sad. ): i would hate to have a secret relationship but your fic makes it seem cool. :) anyways, updateee asap? Arraso?
Omg! This is so good! Update soon! ':) channie is so sweet. ♥ he's my bias. ;)
xoxotiffanyxo #9
First chapter and it's already good! update soon!
i love this! update soon!