How Did This Happen?

My Favorite Dongsaeng

Gongchan’s POV

“How did this happen?” I ask Manager-hyung while we’re sitting in the practice room. All of us sent Mia home with noona so she’s not here with us and we didn’t get a chance to go out. After all of the reporters, it’s a miracle that we were able to send her home. If not, we would all be stranded here in the building.

“We’re not sure,” Manager-hyung tells us. We’re all sitting on the floor in the practice room surrounding him. I guess I’m the one that’s the most upset about this because Mia is my girlfriend and people aren’t supposed to know about her. How did they even know about her? No one actually evens knows that I have a girlfriend besides the people that we trust the most. How did this happen?

“But they’re still outside,” Sandeul says as he goes over to the window and looks out of it for a second before coming back to the circle. “How are we going to leave? I’m hungry.”

“I’ll get some food for you,” he says. “I’ll just leave and get it right now.” Manager-hyung leaves the room to get some food for us while the five of us are left.

“We know you’re frustrated, Channie,” Jinyoung says as he pats me on the back. “But we have to attack this one at a time.”

“Yeah. Tomorrow, Mia’s pictures may be all over the newspapers with a rumor saying that you guys are dating, even if it’s the truth,” Baro says. I shoot him a glare and Shinwoo hits him on the head.

“Don’t listen to him,” Jinyoung says.

“But then I really have to deny her,” I say looking at them. “I’m tired of denying her.”

“Then do you want to tell everyone that Mia’s your girlfriend?” Sandeul asks.

“I don’t know,” I say as I collapse on the floor. I stare up at the ceiling as I close my eyes. “I don’t know what to do anymore.”

It’s not like I necessarily want people to know about Mia, but I’m tired of denying her. I’ve denied her for too long and now with this, it’s just going to make it even worse.

“You two should discuss it first before you make a decision like that,” Shinwoo says. “You should talk with Mia first to see if she wants to say something about your relationship.”

“You know, they’re probably going to find out where she lives and then go there, too,” Baro comments causing another hit from Shinwoo.

“Why bring in the negativity, Baro?” Sandeul asks.

“I’m only stating the facts,” he says as he gets up from the floor and goes over to the computer.

“Well the facts aren’t helping right now,” Sandeul says back to him.

They begin to argue back and forth as Jinyoung gets up to stop them. “Look, guys, we can’t be breaking apart just because of one simple scandal. We have to stand by Channie and support him in whatever he decides. What if it were you guys?”

“I’d surely not let this happen,” Baro mutters. I shoot him a glare.

I’m trying my best, doesn’t he know that? I don’t want Mia to be exposed, but I don’t want to deny her either. If I deny her and then our relationship gets exposed later, then everyone’s going to remember that we lied about our relationship in the beginning. That’s normal for stars, though, right? They deny their relationships all of the time and then in the end they get exposed, but wouldn’t bad articles come out because of it? This is so confusing.

Why is Baro being so negative anyway? Does he think that he could do a better job than me? I’m giving it my all, more than he can understand. I’ve always been doing everything for the better of our relationship without exposing it. Sure, as a group, we were seen with Mia once, but that was as a group. There’s always the possibility of us being cousins, they don’t know that.

How in the world did this happen to begin with?


Mia’s POV

“Looks like there’s a lot of people outside,” unni says as she closes up the windows.

“How did this happen?” I mutter to myself.

“We’re not sure,” unni says as she sits down next to me on the couch. “Who else knows about your relationship?”

“You, their manager, their members, and Suzy,” I say naming off the people. “But I know that Suzy wouldn’t say it. What advantage would she get? She likes Jinyoung-oppa,” I state.

“That does sound a bit absurd,” she says thinking. “But could it be,” she says suddenly thinking of something.

“What did you think about?” I ask sitting up.

“That woman, that strange woman that Gongchan told me to look out for, could it be her?”

“Her?” I ask. “As far as I know, she doesn’t know that we’re dating, but maybe she does. I’m not sure,” I admit.

“For the time being, though, you shouldn’t open the door for anyone and you shouldn’t meet Gongchan until this blows over.”

“Okay,” I say. Even though I was looking forward to spending time with him on his break, I know that if we want to keep our relationship hidden, I should stay hidden and we shouldn’t be seen out in public together. There are surely going to be articles tomorrow, there may even be articles right now on the internet. The internet is always faster than gossip magazines or whatever.

“I have to go back to the company,” she says standing up. “We have to finalize their outfits. Are you going to be alright here by yourself?” I nod my head. “Remember, no opening the door for anyone either.”

“Okay,” I say. “I understand.”

“Good,” she says patting me on the head. “I’m going to go now. Just call if you need any help.”

“Got it.”

With that, she leaves me all alone in the house. Thankfully, before any of the reporters outside get a good look at me, she is able to close the door and now I’m all alone in this empty house.

I didn’t want this to happen in the first place, neither of us wanted this to happen, but I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later. He’s a star, I’m a regular person, and maybe we shouldn’t be dating. He should find someone who is in the same profession as him, which would probably be easier for him to manage. I was never supposed to meet Gongchan or B1A4 for that matter. It was just because we were both coming to Korea at the same time that we happened to get involved with each other.

Am I starting to regret this relationship?


Gongchan’s POV

All of us eat our food silently. We don’t know what to say to each other. Sandeul and Baro aren’t really talking to each other and Jinyoung is on watch as the leader. Shinwoo is doing who knows what and I don’t feel like talking anyway. It’s like this is ripping our group apart, but it can’t rip us apart.

“Maybe we should just break up,” I say as I move around my rice.

“Break up? What are you talking about?” Sandeul asks.

“Channie, you bought rings for her. How are you going to say that you’re going to break up with her?” Jinyoung asks.

“You bought rings?” Shinwoo asks and Baro suddenly lifts his head.

Slowly, I nod my head. “I bought them for Christmas. I ordered them a while ago.”

“If you break up, then you can’t give them to her,” Jinyoung says.

“But hyung, this is causing more trouble than I thought it would,” I tell him.

“Did you think being in a relationship is easy?” Baro asks. “Did you think that being in a normal relationship it’s not normal to fight? To have arguments? To have obstacles thrown in your path to make your relationship difficult? Those things exist and if they exist in normal relationships, then they’re probably going to be much worse in idol relationships.”

“Baro’s right,” Sandeul says. “You have to fight for what you want.”

“Is that why you guys were fighting before?” I ask in an attempt to ease the tension in the room, but it doesn’t really work.

“But you love Mia, you already told her,” Jinyoung says. “You’re just going to abandon the love you have for her because the press saw you guys once? They don’t even really have anything. They’re just going to create a rumor.”

“Channie, if you love someone then shouldn’t you fight for them?” Sandeul asks.

“Hyung, you’ve been watching too many dramas,” I say. “Not everything works out.”

“Well, this is just one little thing and you’re acting as though it’s the end of the world,” he comments. “It’s not the end of the world. This is just something for you to prove to everyone just how much you love Mia, even if you haven’t been dating her for long. This can show you two that you guys are meant to be together.”

I think about his words as he says them. I probably am making a too big of a deal out of this; I just want Mia to be safe, though. I can’t stand the thought of her possibly getting beat up because of me. If that happens, then it won’t feel like I’m doing my proper job as a boyfriend.

I sigh as I look at my food. “Okay, so maybe I’m making a big deal, but I don’t want her to get hurt because of me. I don’t want people to start chasing her; I don’t want people to start bullying her just because she’s dating me. The world is cruel.”

“Then why don’t you call her? Why don’t you attempt to talk with her and see what the next step that you guys want to take is?” Jinyoung asks.

“Fine,” I say pulling out my phone and sifting through for Mia’s phone number. “But hyungs, what if it’s that woman who told them?”

“I thought you didn’t call Mia your girlfriend or anything with that woman,” Shinwoo says.

“I didn’t. I just called Mia my dongsaeng and said that I missed her, it was after we were already dating that this happened. Do you think that that woman thinks we are? She even came over to Mia’s house,” I tell them.

“Just call Mia first; we need to sort these things out one at a time, alright?” Jinyoung asks.


Mia’s POV

I wander around the house aimlessly. Not being able to do anything isn’t as fun as I thought. I’m completely bored. Even the computer or the television can only keep me interested for a short amount of time before I feel the urge to do something else. I make myself lunch before deciding to go back into the living room.

I surf the internet once again playing some games when I notice that there is an article up about Gongchan possibly having a girlfriend. To my amusement, and because I’m slightly curious, I click on the link and get taken to the article.


Does Gong Chanshik, the maknae of B1A4 have a girlfriend? Rumors, and a tip-off, state that he has had a girlfriend hidden from the public for a couple of months. When reporters went to B1A4’s entertainment agency, they saw the members exiting with a girl, with whom Gongchan had his arm around.

According to the tip off, they have been dating for a couple of months and managed to keep their relationship hidden and even went on a couple of outside dates together. The girl in question is apparently a university student, but nothing else is known about her at this current moment. We will keep you updated as more information comes in.


I stare at the article and sigh. Right next to it is a picture of me and Gongchan, although it’s slightly blurry because we were quickly moving after we saw the cameras and reporters. So it was a tip-off. Someone told them that we were dating. It has to be that woman, right?

Breaking the silence, my phone rings, surprising me a little in the process. “Hello?” I ask picking it up not even caring to look at the caller ID.

“Mia!” Gongchan yells into the phone. “Dongsaeng!”

“Oppa,” I say back. “There’s an article online with one of the pictures that was taken earlier.”

“Don’t pay attention to it, aright?” he asks. “You’re going to be safe, okay?”

“Okay,” I say nodding my head even if he can’t see me.

“Listen, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”

“That’s what you wanted to talk to me about?” I ask repeating the question hoping that I’d at least get a gist if I said it again.

“I wanted to know what you thought about perhaps making our relationship public.”

“Making it public?” I ask. Am I hearing this correctly? Gongchan wants to tell the world that we’re dating? “Are you sure about this?”

“Nope,” he says, “that’s why I’m asking you first. That’s why we’re talking about it here because there are still reporters outside of the company.”

“And there are reporters outside of my house. There’s no possible way we would be able to meet.”

“So that’s why we’re talking over the phone,” he announces. “So, what do you think about it? What do you think about possibly telling everyone about our relationship?”

“I think it’s scary,” I admit. “I don’t know what would happen after we say it.”

“Well everyone would be looking out to protect you. All of the members, noona, Manager-hyung, and even Suzy. We would all be making sure that you were safe,” he tells me. I guess he’s trying to comfort me, and it’s working a little bit.

“I don’t know,” I say. “What would happen after that?”

“What do you mean?”

“Like to our relationship? Would it put a strain on it because we’re going to be in the public eye?”

“Maybe,” he freely admits. That doesn’t make me feel better at all. “But we can show them that our relationship is stronger than that. We can show them that we’re going to be together no matter what they say.”

“No matter what they say,” I say with a smile gently growing on my lips.

“So are we going to tell everyone? It’s getting pretty hectic at the company with the amount of phone calls that we’re getting about this.” I can hear Gongchan slightly laugh, and it feels good to hear him laugh like that.

“Sure,” I say nodding my head. “Let’s tell everyone.”

“You aren’t going to be afraid, right? If you are, I’m going to be right next to you the entire time.”

“I’m not afraid,” I tell him. “For right now.”

“I’ll be beside you. We’ll announce it tomorrow at a press conference to address the situation and to stop putting assumptions towards this. I’ll tell Manager-hyung and he’ll probably tell noona. Are you okay with that?”

“I’m okay,” I say. I can’t believe what we’re about to do.

“I’ll call you later with the details, alright?”

“Okay. You have to get back to practice, don’t you?”

“I do. So I’ll see you tomorrow?” Gongchan asks.

“See you tomorrow,” I reply.

I hang up the phone and it finally hits me. What in the world did I just do? We’re announcing our relationship to the world?


Gongchan’s POV

The next morning, I’m getting dressed in semi-dressy clothes. The members are looking over me. They’re going to go to the press conference, too, but since it doesn’t revolve around them, they can wear more relaxed clothing. Besides Jinyoung since he is the leader, he’s going to speak on behalf of the other members regarding the issue.

“I can’t believe that Mia said she would tell everyone,” Sandeul says as he watches me get dressed.

“I can’t believe it either,” I confess. “I thought she would’ve been completely against it.”

“Yeah,” Jinyoung says as he looks at his watch. “We should get going. We don’t want to be late.”

Quickly, all of us pile into the van and get transported to the venue where the press conference is.

“Are you nervous, Channie?” Shinwoo asks.

“A little,” I admit looking at the both of them. “But this is good, getting everything in the open. I don’t want a scandal for our group.”

“We all understand,” Jinyoung says with a slightly fatherly smile.

“But is this what you want?” Sandeul asks.

“It is. Maybe now that woman will stop bothering us. I’ll just have to keep a closer eye on Mia,” I say. “She might start going after her and we can’t have that happen. I’ll protect Mia with my life.”

The van pulls around back and the five of us get out. The three others leave to go somewhere while Jinyoung and I head to go see Mia. “Are you nervous?” I ask her as soon as I enter. Mia doesn’t say anything; she just comes over and hugs me. “You missed me, didn’t you or are you afraid?”

“Slightly,” she whispers. “What if they don’t like me?”

“Don’t be concerned with them,” I tell her. “You’re my girlfriend. It doesn’t matter if they approve you or not because I approve of you. That’s all that should matter, alright?”

“Alright,” Mia says nodding her head.

“Let’s go,” I say grabbing her hand as we walk out to the stage.

During the night and into today, the press found out about Mia. They found out about her name and her school. We figured that having a press conference wasn’t such a bad idea after discovering that the press managed to dig up everything, including some of her past in America, which I still don’t fully understand. Thankfully, they didn’t get a lot of it, they only got that she moved from there and her parents live there. They also found out that her sister works for us. So now Mia is the number one candidate that they suspect is my girlfriend. Instead of avoiding this, we’re going to fight it head on.

As soon as we step on stage, cameras start flashing and the people that were talking start to get softer. I can feel Mia’s hand go tense, but I squeeze it in a supportive matter.

Manager-hyung, Jinyoung, Mia, and I take our seats on the stage. Jinyoung and I thought that putting Mia in the middle of us would be safer because we both would be able to be supportive to her if she had to talk. I’m going to make sure she doesn’t have to talk at all possible costs, though.

We wait for the crowd to quiet down before Manager-hyung begins speaking. “Hello,” he greets everyone, “I am the manager for B1A4 and we are here to issue an official statement regarding the matter about Mia and Gongchan.”

With that, now it’s my turn to speak. “I understand that there was a tip-off about me being in a relationship and photos have been taken and the number one person that everyone believes me to be in a relationship is Mia, the girl who is sitting right next to me,” I say while looking at the crowd and managing to get quick glances to Mia. “I am here today to address that those rumors are true.” I can hear everyone hold their breath as they begin snapping more pictures. “Yes I, Gong Chanshik, the maknae of B1A4 am dating Mia.”

Suddenly, a thousand questions start being thrown at us before Jinyoung steps in. “As the leader of B1A4, I, along with the other members, knew about Gongchan’s relationship with Mia and we have supported him along the way. We hope that you will do the same thing and support Gongchan and Mia as their love for each other grows. Thank you.”

“Now, we will take a couple of questions to help clear up some more rumors,” Manager-hyung says attempting to soften the situation a bit. By hearing the news that an idol has a girlfriend, everyone here is riled up. Hopefully this will go well.


Mia’s POV

I don’t know how Gongchan and other idols can do this. Standing in front of cameras and people is nerve-wracking. Even if I’m not speaking, just the thought of them staring at me, correction, they are staring at me, puts shivers down my spine.

Gongchan begins answering all of the questions that they throw at him about our relationship. I feel helpless sitting here and I feel like I should help him, I just don’t know how to.

“How long have you and Mia been going out?” a reporter asks.

“We’ve been going out for a couple of months now,” Gongchan smoothly replies.

“Mia, is it true that your sister is one of the coordi’s for B1A4?” a reporter asks towards me.

I look at Gongchan and he gives me a supportive smile to answer the question. Hesitantly, I nod my head. “Yes,” I say. “My sister does work with B1A4.”

“And is it true that you only came to Korea a couple of months ago?”

“Yes,” I say. “I moved from America to Korea a couple of months ago.” I probably shouldn’t say anything about the home life that I left behind.

“Did you two meet in America?”

“No,” Gongchan says shaking his head. “We did not meet in America, we met in Korea.”

Just then, the door to the room slams open and all eyes turn to look at the person standing there. It’s not a big person, like weight or strength; it’s just an average person. From where I’m sitting, I can’t see who it is.

Thankfully, eyes are no longer on us; they are on the strange man that decided to enter now. Who is he? As he comes closer, my eyes focus in on his features and the realization hits me. “Dad,” I whisper.

“What?” Gongchan asks leaning down towards me.

“That’s my father,” I say motioning a little with my head.

“What is he doing here?” Gongchan asks.

I shrug my shoulders. “How am I supposed to know?”

Suddenly, my father decides to do the worst thing possible. “My daughter will not date an idol! She will absolutely not date you!” he yells pointing a finger at Gongchan. “I forbid it!” Who in the world does he think he is? Sure, he’s my father, but I’m a university student, I can do whatever I want. He can’t barge in here and command me around. Gongchan and I look at each other in disbelief. How in the world did this happen?



My father has no control over him, so please don’t worry. I don’t know how he came here or why. I finally get the courage to tell everyone about our relationship and my father comes and attempts to destroy it all.


The person who’s father is crazy,



What is Mia's father doing in Korea? What is going to happen now that her father disapproves of her relationship? How is everyone going to react to Gongchan and Mia's relationship? What happened in America with Mia's parents?


Here is Chapter 17. Hope you enjoyed :D

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Saemiy #1
Chapter 26: Love the story ^^
At first i suspected suzy as the culprit behind the chaos though. Hohohoho.
Love this story :D
jkgdshvfgsdh!! i loved this story.. :)
applechapple #4
asdfghjkl I can't wait for the next chapter! please update! ; A;
Wenxinzxc #5
update soon ^^
new reader here ! Love your story, thanks for update ! :) omg gongchann bias <3
This is so sad. ): i would hate to have a secret relationship but your fic makes it seem cool. :) anyways, updateee asap? Arraso?
Omg! This is so good! Update soon! ':) channie is so sweet. ♥ he's my bias. ;)
xoxotiffanyxo #9
First chapter and it's already good! update soon!
i love this! update soon!