I'll Be Here

My Favorite Dongsaeng

Mia’s POV

We’re back sitting in one of the company’s room. Gongchan and I are sitting together on one side while my father and my unni are sitting on the other. “Dad,” unni says breaking the awkward silence between us. Dad has been staring at Gongchan and me for the last ten minutes that we’ve been sitting here. “What are you doing here in Korea?”

After he came into the press conference, it was quickly ended before he could do anything else. That’s how we all ended up here. B1A4’s manager will be back shortly after dropping the rest of them off at the dorm and we’re going to discuss what to do now. It’s not like we can go back into the past, everyone knows about our relationship already. There are numerous phone calls that the company has to deal with because of our relationship announcement and because of my father coming in and disturbing the press conference by stating that I’m not allowed to date him. I’m an adult for crying out loud. I’m sure that I know how to take care of myself.

“Why can’t I come to Korea?” he asks.

“I thought you were going to let Mia stay with me and that would be the end of it. She’s attending university here,” unni explains. “And you just suddenly come in and say that she’s not allowed to date her boyfriend? You caused a scene. Now everyone is going to remember Mia as the girl that has a crazy father. Why are you even here?”

“I’m here to take Mia back to America with me,” he firmly states while looking at me.

“Did you not just hear what I said?” unni asks. “She likes it here and she’s been here for a couple of months already. Why can’t you just accept it? Aren’t you the one that pushed her out of the house anyway?”

“That was your mother,” he corrects looking at unni. We all know fully well what happened back in America, only Gongchan looks lost. I guess it’s time I should tell him, but later. I’m not just going to spill my whole history while we’re sitting here waiting for the manager to come back.

“It doesn’t matter who,” unni says. “The only thing that matters is that Mia is finally happy and yet you’re going to destroy her happiness.”

“I’m only protecting her.”

“From what?”

“From dating a guy like him,” he says pointing at Gongchan.

“You don’t have to worry about a guy like him,” unni reasons. “I work with him and the rest of s. Yes he’s an idol and sometimes it’s hard, but they’ve managed to get through it this far. They were telling everyone to carefully watch over their relationship and support them when you suddenly barged in.”

“Because I saw it as soon as I landed on the television. I can’t have my daughter dating this guy.”

“Why not?” I ask speaking up. “Why can’t I date Gongchan?”

“I want you to have a normal life, not one in the papers.”

“It’s going to be in the papers anyway, you’re the one that started yelling during the middle of the press conference,” I tell him. “Gongchan and I have kept hidden from the papers until someone decided to give a tip-off about our relationship and then we got discovered,” I explain. “We’ve already been dating for a couple of months and you’re going to tell me to break it off? I’m not doing that.”

“I’m your father, Mia,” he sternly says.

“When have you ever acted like a father to me?” I ask standing up from the table shocking everyone. “You’ve never acted like a father and Mom’s never acted like a mother. You guys just are worried about yourself all of the time that you never paid any attention to me!”

Unable to take it anymore, I run out of the room. I hear footsteps right behind me and figure that they’re Gongchan’s. “Shh,” Gongchan says as he grabs me into a hug. Slowly and quietly, I let tears out. “Let’s go somewhere, okay?” he asks.


Gongchan’s POV

It hurts me to see Mia like this. I don’t know the whole story behind what happened to her before, but by the tone of her voice and the way that she acted when she spoke to her father, I can tell that it’s not something good. Even some of the things that she said kind of made me jump to conclusions yet, but I won’t say anything to Mia until she tells me the truth.

I take her to the empty practice room and we both sit on the floor with Mia sitting in between my legs and my arms around her. By now her tears have stopped, but I can tell that she’s upset and I don’t want to do anything that would cause her to be even more upset and cry again.

“Mia, are you okay?” I ask her as I rest my head on her shoulder. I don’t know what to say. I’m at a loss for words as to how I should start a conversation with her.

“I don’t know why he had to come,” Mia says. “He never came anywhere else. He just decided to come here and ruin my life once again.”

“He’s looking out for you,” I attempt to reason. “He just wants what’s best for his daughter.”

“He never wanted that before,” she says as she turns her head to look at me. I lift my head off of her shoulder and look at her. “He always let me do whatever I want and when I’m finally happy, he comes and destroys it.”

I sigh. “Parents do that sometimes, but we’re adults and we can choose what we want to do. Sometimes, that’s the reality that parents have to accept.”

“My parents accepted that reality when I was born,” she says.

I guess Mia’s hinting at her past, but I still don’t fully understand. The only thing that I can take out of it is that her parents always let her do whatever and now her father is saying that she can’t date me, he’s doing something that he never did before, which I’m guessing is care about her.

“Do you want to tell me about it?” I ask in a soft whisper.

“I don’t know,” she says.

“Well, I’m always here if you ever want to talk,” I tell her. “I’m your boyfriend, even if I may not understand what you’re going through, I’m going to be here for you no matter what.”

“Thank you,” Mia says as she smiles at me. She then leans in and kisses me on the cheek. “I’m just afraid of telling you everything though.”

“Why would you be afraid of telling me everything?” I ask. I don’t know why she would be afraid of telling me things unless they’re really bad.

“Because I’m afraid that you wouldn’t like me after I told you.”

“Listen to me closely,” I say looking Mia right in her eyes, she looks back at me and I can see all of the hurt. “I’m never going to not like you, okay? I love you. I’m always going to love you. I promise,” I say sticking out my pinkie. Mia gently wraps her pinkie around mine.

“I love you, too,” she whispers.

“Now tell me,” I say readjusting ourselves so we’re in a more comfortable position. “Why are you afraid that I’m going to not like you?”

“Because no one else does,” Mia whispers as she starts to tell me the story.


Mia’s POV

I sigh as I look at Gongchan, he really wants to know the story. “I was born when my unni was about nine or ten,” I begin. “We have a ten year age difference and I was born in Korea. When I was one, we moved to America and had our life over there. I guess you could say that I was never close with my unni, until now. She was ten years older than I am and when I was about eight, she left to come to Korea, so I spent ten years more there as an only child.

“At first I didn’t understand why she moved. I didn’t know why she didn’t want to be with the family anymore. She never visited and I rarely ever heard something from her. My parents never said anything about her either, so sometimes I even forgot that I had an older sister. It wasn’t until about half a year ago that I decided I was coming to Korea.

“My parents were going through a divorce, one of the nastiest things possible. My parents apparently were waiting for me to become old enough before divorcing. When I was younger, I remember them always arguing and fighting, but they would stop whenever I came into the room, that is if they were home long enough to argue. I guess that was the sign there, right? So when I turned eighteen, they announced that they were divorcing.

“Before, I had expressed my desire about going to college close to home because I would be able to visit often, but…but when the news of their divorce struck; I no longer knew what to do. My world was ripping apart, and what was worse about it was that my parents were arguing about who should have to care for me.” I begin recollecting all of the memories as tears start to form in my eyes.

“Even if I was going to college and was becoming an adult, my parents thought that at least one of them should help me along the way, but neither one of them wanted to do it. They always attempted to push the other into taking care of me. Finally, when I had enough and I was tired of them arguing over which one had to look after me; I came here to live with my sister.” I look at Gongchan who has a solemn face on and is taking in everything that I’m telling him. “And now we’re here. I never thought that my parents liked me. They were barely even around when I was growing up, but that’s probably because they already knew that they were divorcing once I turned eighteen.”

“I…I don’t know what to say,” Gongchan stutters.

“You don’t have to say anything,” I say doing my best attempt at a smile. “I’m…I’m just happy that someone finally knows the truth.”

“And you thought that I wouldn’t like you after you told me it?” he asks. I nod my head. “Why?”

“I was afraid that you would just be like them and not want anything to do with me,” I admit.

“Mia, you’re my girlfriend. I’m going to want to know everything about you and do everything with you. I’m your boyfriend and I’m always going to take care of you. Alright?”

“Okay,” I say as I look at him.

“So…forget everything of the past because you’re here now and you’re starting over with all of us. You’re starting over with noona, the members, and me. You can forget you life in the past, you have a new one now,” he says as he envelops me in a hug.

“There’s where you guys are,” unni says as the door to the practice room opens. “We were wondering where you went.”

“Sorry,” I say letting go of Gongchan and going up to her.

“I was the one that brought her here,” Gongchan says.

“What happened to Dad?” I ask.

“He went back to the hotel that he’s staying at,” she explains.

“Did you guys already discuss it?” I ask.

“We did and we determined that there’s nothing that we can stop. The press already know and Dad had an outburst, but he agreed to say a statement saying that he was wrong about the whole thing.”

“Okay,” I say nodding my breath as I exhale a big sigh. I look back at Gongchan who is smiling.

“Hopefully everything is well between you two?” she asks looking back and forth.

“Of course,” Gongchan says as he steps up and puts his arm around my waist. “Nothing could ever be better.”

“That’s good. Gongchan, you’re going to go back to the dorm, you guys have no more schedules for today,” unni tells him.

“Can Mia come with?” he asks.

“Sure,” she says nodding her head. “Let’s go before we’re seen by reporters.”


Gongchan’s POV

“Why do you guys look so down?” I ask as Mia and I enter the dorm. The members are all sprawled out on the ground in our bedroom watching the television. “Is there something wrong?”

“Nope,” Jinyoung says looking at me. “But the press conference has been showing all morning.”

“Has it?” I ask sitting next to Jinyoung. Baro moves over a little bit to let Mia sit there, too. “Have you been watching it all morning?”

“Yeah, and Shinwoo and Sandeul have been seeing what fans are saying about it,” Jinyoung says.

“What have they been saying?” I nervously ask.

“Some like it, some don’t like it, mixed reactions,” Shinwoo reports.

“I figured,” I say. “But at least I’m happy that I don’t have to deny Mia anymore whenever I go onto programs.”

“You’ll just get a thousand questions related to her,” Baro comments. What is up with him lately?

“Doesn’t matter. It’s better than saying that I don’t have a girlfriend when my girlfriend is watching,” I say sticking my tongue out at him.

“Moving on,” Jinyoung says in attempt to control us all. “Do you think that lady will bother you anymore now that she knows you have a girlfriend?”

“She’s probably the tip-off,” Mia mutters.

“Probably,” I say. “If she were the tip-off then she’s probably following us to give more information about our relationship, we have to be careful.”

“Why does she take an interest in you anyway?” Sandeul asks. “Everyone knows that I’m prettier.”

“I don’t know,” I say shrugging my shoulders.” I wish she were your fan, though.”

“If only she hadn’t gotten my phone,” Mia says. “Then none of this would’ve happened.”

“It probably would’ve happened anyway,” Baro mutters and Jinyoung hits him on the back of the head.

“Look, it’s not you fault,” I say in an attempt to comfort Mia. “It’s not your fault at all. It was an accident that your phones got switched. How were either of us going to know that was going to happen? You can’t keep blaming yourself for everything.”

“Right,” Jinyoung says backing me up. “That woman is crazy on her own. She’s just obsessed with Gongchan, that’s it.”

“I guess you’re right,” Mia says.

“We know we are,” Sandeul says with a bright smile. “Now, let’s stop monitoring what people are saying about Gongchan and Mia’s relationship and let’s go play some games.”

All six of us move out into the main room where we start playing games and games with punishments. Slowly, evening starts to approach. “Let’s play a game to see who has to go get dinner.”

“Losers have to go out and get it?” Mia asks.

“Yup,” Sandeul says nodding his head.

We all play rock-paper-scissors with everyone throwing out different things the first couple of rounds before we finally get a good one. We look and see that all of us threw out rock, except for Baro and Mia who chose paper.

“Looks like we all have to go get dinner besides Mia and Baro,” Shinwoo announces as he gets up. Jinyoung, Sandeul, and I get our jackets and join Shinwoo.

“What are we getting?” Mia asks.

“How about we go get some chicken or something? It’s easy,” Jinyoung suggests.

“Sure,” we all say in unison.

“We’ll be back later,” I call as we leave.

Thankfully, there are barely any reporters outside when we’re leaving. I guess they get tired and want to go home after a while. “So that was Mia’s dad, eh?” Sandeul asks as we begin walking to the nearest place.

“Yeah,” I say nodding my head. “That was her dad.”

“And he’s really against you guys dating?” Jinyoung asks.

“I guess he is,” I say. “He probably is, but I don’t know how he would know anything about me anyway.”

“And you guys are going to keep your relationship?” Sandeul asks.

“Of course, I love her,” I tell them. “She’s my girlfriend and I’m happy that everyone knows.”

“But aren’t things going to get more difficult from here on out?” Shinwoo asks.

“I guess, but it doesn’t matter. I’m always going to stand by her,” I tell them. “I don’t know why you guys are doubting me so much.”

“We’re not doubting you,” Sandeul says, “we’re just curious. You’re the first member to have a girlfriend. We just want to know what you’re doing in case we have to do something like that in the future.”

“Yeah, whatever,” I mumble.

“Hey guys,” Jinyoung says interrupting the conversation. “Do you think that Baro has been acting a little weird lately?”

“Yeah, ever since Mia’s been here he’s been acting strange,” Sandeul says thinking about it. “I don’t know why, though.”

“Do you think he likes Mia?” Shinwoo asks causing us all to look at him and stop in our tracks.

“But she’s my girlfriend,” I say.

“You never know,” Shinwoo says as he continues walking. “It’s always a possibility.”


Mia’s POV

“It’s funny, isn’t it?” I ask as Baro and I are sitting in the house.

“What is?” he asks.

“We’re always stuck together whenever they go out and get food. Last time we were the ones that had to make the food,” I say as I remember it. “It didn’t taste that bad.”

“Yeah, it didn’t taste that bad,” he says agreeing with me.

“Is something wrong?” I ask.

“Why would you think that?”

“I don’t know,” I say shrugging my shoulders. “You just don’t seem like the Baro that I first met when I got to Korea.”

“I guess time has passed,” he says.

“Good time or bad time?”

“Both? I really don’t know, but now that you and Gongchan have told everyone about your relationship, there are going to be reporters following you all over the place, better be careful.”

“Okay, I will,” I say nodding my head. “People will probably treat me differently once university resumes.”

“More people might attempt to become your friend to hang out with us.”

“That is true,” I say thinking about what might happen if that happens. “Or they just might want to rip my hair out.”

“That’s true, too,” Baro says sighing. “Just…be careful about who becomes your friend.”

“Be careful?” I ask not fully understanding what Baro is getting at. I mean, I get it, but then again, I don’t get it.

“Don’t make friends with people easily because they can always stab you in the back.”

“Right,” I say nodding my head.

“Some people might become your friend now that they know you’re dating Gongchan. They’ll pretend to be all nice and once they get what they want, they’re going to abandon you.”

I listen to what Baro tells me. “You’re so different,” I remark.

“Different?” he asks. “You already said that. You said that I’m different from when you first met me.”

“Well…you’re different than when you’re around your members when you’re alone.”

“Am I? I hadn’t noticed.”

“I’m sure you’ve been told that once in a while.”

“Not really.”

“Is there a reason?” I ask.

“I…I just feel like I can be comfortable around you,” he confesses.

“Everyone does, don’t they?” I ask with a wide smile.

Baro gently smiles back at me while he moves a little bit closer to me. “Just know that if there are ever those strange friends or if you’re ever in any danger you can rely on me. If Gongchan isn’t available for whatever reason, you can always turn to me as a backup. I’ll always be here for you.”

“Thank you.”

“No problem, it’s the least that I could do for you.”

“The least that you could do for me?” I ask. “But I haven’t done anything for you.”

“No, you have.”

“What’s that?” I ask confused.

“I like you, Mia, but you’re with Gongchan, I understand. That’s why I’m just going to wait here on the sidelines until the day comes when you come to me.”

“Baro,” I begin.

“I’m not going to intrude and I’m not going to make any move, until Gongchan makes you cry that is, then I’m not going to forgive him. But I’ll wait for you, Mia. I’ll wait no matter how long it takes.” I stare at Baro in disbelief.



Baro-oppa just confessed to me. He told me that he was going to wait for me to come to him. He told me that I can always rely on him when you’re not there. Is that ever going to happen? You told me that you love me and that you’re never going to leave my side, but why would Baro-oppa make a promise like that? Is he just that type of guy?


Confused and worried,



Baro confessed his feelings for Mia, but he said that he'll wait until Mia comes to him, will they day ever happen? Will Gongchan ever find out about the confession? Why does Mia's dad want to take her back to America? Why does he disapprove of Gongchan so much?


Here is Chapter 18. Hope you enjoyed :D

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Saemiy #1
Chapter 26: Love the story ^^
At first i suspected suzy as the culprit behind the chaos though. Hohohoho.
Love this story :D
jkgdshvfgsdh!! i loved this story.. :)
applechapple #4
asdfghjkl I can't wait for the next chapter! please update! ; A;
Wenxinzxc #5
update soon ^^
new reader here ! Love your story, thanks for update ! :) omg gongchann bias <3
This is so sad. ): i would hate to have a secret relationship but your fic makes it seem cool. :) anyways, updateee asap? Arraso?
Omg! This is so good! Update soon! ':) channie is so sweet. ♥ he's my bias. ;)
xoxotiffanyxo #9
First chapter and it's already good! update soon!
i love this! update soon!