Mistaken Identity

My Favorite Dongsaeng

Mia’s POV

All of us finally arrive at the park with heightened spirits. Even though the car ride up was kind of awkward at moments, I’m still happy being here. Although, I am worried that we’re going to get caught, well, people are going to realize that B1A4 is at the amusement park no matter what, so it doesn’t really matter I guess. Now it’s only what type of excuse they’ll provide to explain my presence.

“We’re here, we’re here,” Sandeul sings.

“Yay,” I say grabbing onto Gongchan’s arm and dragging him in.

“Someone’s excited,” he remarks.

“Yup,” I say with a wide smile. “Amusement parks are fun. How could I resist?”

“True,” he says. “If there’s anything you want, I’ll buy it for you.”

“You don’t need to buy anything for me,” I say shaking my head.

“I want to buy it for you,” Gongchan says.

I just smile at him. I’m not actually going to make him buy anything for me. “So, who wants to go onto the Viking?” I suggest.

“The Viking?” Shinwoo asks looking at the other members.

“Sure,” Jinyoung says shrugging his shoulders.

“Do you want to go on?” I ask looking at Gongchan.

“Um…if you want to go on,” he says.

“Are you afraid of the Viking?” I blurt out.

“N-no,” he says shaking his head, but his voice tells otherwise. I can’t help but laugh at him. “Why are you laughing?” he asks pouting.

“I’m sorry,” I say. “It’s just that it’s funny to see you afraid.” Gongchan pouts at my comment. “Fine,” I say, “we go on the Viking now, and then afterwards, it’s your choice. Okay?”

“Sure,” he says.

Together, we all walk towards the Viking. Upon my request, we sit in the back. I can see some of the bystanders looking at us and they’re probably thinking at they’ve seen the guys around me somewhere, but no one screams that they’ve seen B1A4 and no one really comes up and bombards them with something to sign. Either they’re afraid of coming up or no one really recognizes them.

“Are you sure about this, Mia?” Gongchan asks.

“Of course, you don’t like rides like these?” I ask him. Slowly, he shakes his head. As Gongchan shakes his head, the ride begins to move and he quickly grabs onto my arm.

Throughout the course of the ride, I laugh at him since he’s screaming his head off like a girl and I’m sitting here laughing at the ride. This is one of my favorite rides here. I look at the other members and hear them screaming, too. They all sound like girls when they scream. I wonder if Baro would sound like a girl when he screams.

Getting off of the ride together, everyone looks like they’re already defeated, and it was only the first ride. “C’mon guys,” I say attempting to cheer them up. “Why don’t we go on a ride that suits your tastes?”

“Okay,” Sandeul says and Jinyoung nods his head along with him.

“You guys were so energetic on the way up, yet from one ride you guys already look like you’re about to puke,” I mutter as we make our way to another ride.

“Well, you just have a good internal organ system,” Sandeul complains.

“And you’re supposed to be the main vocal?” I ask giving him an eye, although he only knows that I’m joking.

“Mia,” he yells chasing after me, but I run away.

People that are in the park look at us chasing each other and yelling. They’re probably wondering what we’re doing. This is probably only bringing more attention to us, but the boys don’t seem like they care. If they don’t care, then I’m not going to care either.

“So, weren’t we supposed to go to another ride?” I ask after we all finally settle down.

“Ah, yeah, another ride,” Jinyoung says.

“Why don’t we just walk around?” Gongchan suggests. “We could eat some snacks.”

“Snacks?” Sandeul asks, his face lighting up at the mention of the word. “Let’s go.”


Gongchan’s POV

We all walk through the park together side by side. I’d like to reach out my hand and hold Mia’s, but we both know that when there’s this many people around, someone’s bound to take a picture and it’ll be in the headlining news tomorrow.

I hate this. I hate that I can’t acknowledge that Mia’s my girlfriend publicly. I wish I could. I want to, but it would only be more trouble for her.

I see Mia looking at me and I flash her a smile, she gives me one back. She doesn’t seem upset about having to keep our relationship a secret. I guess she understands what could happen to her if word got out that Gongchan of B1A4 was in a relationship. All celebrity relationships are alike, they’re either hidden or they’re exposed and sometimes ruined. Sometimes, though, there are the strong relationships that are able to withstand everyone’s criticism and stay together. I want that type of relationship with Mia.

But I’m still young and to go out and announce publicly that I’m dating might turn our relationship sour and our relationship has only just started. I don’t want it to end so quickly.

“Oppa,” Mia whispers so the others don’t overhear. We’re in the line to get some snacks and they’re up at the front ordering. I told them that we should order separately and they accepted. They’re willing to do anything to get a nice snack. “What are you thinking about?”

“Nothing that you should worry about,” I say patting her head. Mia smiles at me once more and I can feel my heart about to burst. Why does she have to be so cute? I want to tell the world that she’s mine, but I can’t.

“Are you sure? You seemed to be looking at me a lot,” she says looking down at the ground with her hands behind her back. If this is her aegyo, she is really good at it.

“I can’t stare at my beautiful girlfriend?” I lean down and whisper in her ear so no one overhears us.

Her face turns a dark shade of red as I go up to the counter and order cotton candy. Mia and I find the rest of the members sitting on a nearby bench. We both take the opposite side of it.

“What did you do to Mia, Channie?” Sandeul asks as he drinks some of his smoothie and eats some more popcorn. “Why is her face red?”

“Oh, nothing,” I say completely ignoring it.

“You know how dangerous it is if you did something,” Jinyoung says.

“Relax, hyung,” I say to Jinyoung. “I did it so no one would be able to hear. Do you think I’m that careless?”

“No, I just want to make sure that no one gets hurt in your relationship,” Jinyoung says.

“Spoken like a true grandfather,” I comment causing everyone to laugh.

“Is this how you guys normally are in an amusement park?” Mia asks us.

“Depends,” Shinwoo responds.

“Why?” I ask looking at her. I really want to put my arm around her shoulder, to hold her close, to let her put her head on my shoulder and relax. But I’m an idol, she’s a regular girl, and even though she’s my girlfriend, I can’t do that kind of stuff.

“Don’t you guys want to ride rides?” she asks. “Gongchan, it’s your turn to choose what we want to go on since I dragged you onto the Viking.”

“Right,” I say remembering. “Hyungs, Mia and I will be going. Call me if you need me.” With that, I stand up and grab Mia’s hand as we run away. People passing by probably think that we’re holding hand because we’re running, no big deal; it happens all of the time.

“The Merry-Go-Round?” Mia asks as we’re standing right in front of it.

“Yeah, it’s a fun ride. You don’t want to go on?” I ask pouting.

“Sure, I’ll go on,” she eventually says giving in. I break out into a smile as we get in line.

The only other people that are on this ride are the small children. There’s not that many teenagers on it. As we’re in line, I hear people say my name, they probably recognize me. “Who’s that girl with him?” one asks.

“Is that girl even with him? It kind of looks like she’s with the people in front of him.”

“But why would he come to an amusement park alone? Do you think the other members are here, too?”

“We should look for them.”

The girls continue walking to who knows where. I look at Mia with an apologetic gaze, but she’s not looking at me so she doesn’t see it. Being an idol is difficult, I can’t just have a normal relationship, we have to be in secret, we have to pretend like we don’t know each other. It pains me. Does it pain Mia as much?

“C’mon, let’s go,” I say to Mia. She follows me onto the ride and we find some animals to sit on that are sort of away from everyone else, but not so much secluded since the Merry-Go-Round goes around in circles for everyone to see.

I climb on the horse next to hers and flash her a smile while the ride starts going around. “You’re really enjoying this,” she says to me with a laugh.

“Hey,” I say looking at her, “I like rides like this. It’s fun. It feels like I’m a cowboy.”

Mia rolls her eyes, but she has a smile on her face. That smile stays on the whole time she’s on the ride.


Mia’s POV

Gongchan and I walk through the park together. There are less people around since it’s dinner time. I can’t believe we’ve been in the park for this long already. We’ve already been on plenty of rides and are just simply walking around. Neither of us know where the other members have gone. They’re probably off having their own fun.

Suddenly, Gongchan grabs my arm and brings me behind a building. “What was that for?” I ask him.

“I wanted to do this,” he says as he suddenly takes me into his arms in a big hug.

“Oppa, what if we get caught?” I ask him.

“We won’t, there’s no one around,” he whispers as he still holds onto me. I finally cave and wrap my arms back around him with equal strength. “I wanted to hold your hand a thousand times today. I wanted to hold you like this even more, but we can’t.”

“I understand,” I say as he pulls away from the hug.

“Who knew that I had such an awesome girlfriend?” he asks making me blush again. “You blush at every simple thing I say.”

“Oppa,” I complain.

“Okay, okay,” he says with a bright smile. “What do you want to do now?” he asks me.

“It doesn’t matter,” I say, “do you want to go shopping and go on a couple of more rides or the other way around?”

“Let’s do a couple of more rides. I don’t want to carry around those bags,” Gongchan complains.

“I’ll carry them,” I say.

“Never!” he says loudly, but quickly looks around to see if anyone found us back here. “You’re a lady, I’m the boyfriend. Boyfriends aren’t supposed to let their girlfriends carry bags. Let’s go to the Ferris wheel,” Gongchan says grabbing my arm once again.

Once we’re back out in the actual park and see people around, Gongchan immediately lets go of my hand and we walk side by side. I don’t know how many people will actually buy what excuse they hand out if we’re actually caught, but it doesn’t really matter to me.

We finally reach the Ferris wheel and Gongchan and I wait in line, although the line isn’t that long because most people don’t want to go on this. When it’s our turn to get into the cart, the worker looks at the both of us. He probably thinks that he recognizes Gongchan from somewhere, but we both enter the thing without any further questions asked.

Once we’re far away from the worker and heading towards the sky, slowly, I start laughing. “Why are you laughing?” Gongchan asks.

“I think you may have a male fan.”

“It’s possible,” he says. “Why did you think of that now?”

“The worker,” I say.

“Oh,” Gongchan says as he grabs my hand. “Up here, no one can figure us out.” I smile at him. “We shouldn’t have come here.”

“Why not?” I ask as I look out the window. I look at all of the people and rides get smaller and smaller.

“Because we can’t do anything,” Gongchan complains.

“It’s alright,” I tell him. “As long as I’m spending time with you it doesn’t matter what we can and can’t do. If we can’t hold hands but we’re still walking next to each other, I’m happy.”

“Really?” he asks with a wide smile.

“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?” I ask.

“Dongsaeng, I really like you.”

“I really like you too, oppa.”

With that, Gongchan leans forward and kisses my forehead. “There you go,” he says with a slight chuckle, “our first kiss.”

“Chanshik!” I yell.

“You haven’t gotten angry at me in a while. I wonder why you’re angry,” he says pouting. “Were you not happy with your first kiss?”

“Can that even be considered a first kiss?” I ask. “It was on my forehead.”

“Then do you want a real one?” he asks leaning in close.

“U-um,” I stutter.

Gongchan backs away and laughs to himself. “You’re so cute sometimes. I’m not going to give you one here; I’ll wait until a special day.”


Gongchan’s POV

Mia and I, well, mostly I enjoy the time with Mia being able to hold her and tell her how much I like her without everyone overhearing. As we get close to the bottom, I reluctantly let Mia go because I know that if the worker opens the door and sees us in there like that, rumors are going to go flying.

“Shopping?” I suggest after we’ve gotten off of the ride. “Remember, if you want anything, just tell me.”

“Okay,” Mia says nodding her head, although I know she’ll try to not tell me and pay for things on her own. I have to keep a close watch on her.

“Let me call the hyungs and see where they are,” I say taking out my phone.

“Hey Channie,” Jinyoung says answering the phone. “Where are you guys?”

“We’re going shopping. Where are you guys?” I ask as we enter the gift shop.

“We’re already ahead of you,” Jinyoung says. As we enter the shop, I see Jinyoung, Sandeul, and Shinwoo in the corner.  I see Baro over there, too. I wave to them and they all wave back.

“Your schedules over?” I ask looking at Baro.

“Yeah, Jinyoung-hyung said you guys were here so I decided to come,” Baro says.

“Where have you guys been?” Sandeul asks.

“We were on the Ferris wheel,” Mia says.

“Did Channie here try to do a couple of moves on you?” Shinwoo asks. I look at Mia and her face has started to turn color.

“Take that for a yes, hyung,” Sandeul says as he and Jinyoung high five.

“It wasn’t anything serious,” I say, “I just kissed her forehead.”

“Is that B1A4?” I hear someone say. All of our heads turn at the same time to where the voice is coming from. We shouldn’t have been talking about this aloud. “It really is B1A4.”

“Hello,” we all greet. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Mia sneak away to go look at something.

Pretty soon, a lot of fans are around us and we’re taking pictures with them and doing autographs, things that idols do when they’re out in public during their free time. I try to look for Mia through the crowd, but I can’t see her. Where did she go?

Thankfully, the park closes soon and the crowd disperses after a while. “Where did Mia go?” I ask looking around. The rest of the members shake their head, they don’t know where she went. None of us do. I decide to text her.


Where did you go? I’m missing you already.

-Gongchan <3


I wait for a reply as we walk out of the park and are leaning up against the van. “Do you think she’s alright?” I ask the hyungs worriedly.

“Of course,” Jinyoung says, “she snuck away. Our fans didn’t know anything. She’s probably perfectly fine and probably just hiding somewhere. She probably didn’t know where to go when all of the fans started coming.”

“True,” I say nodding my head when my phone vibrates.


Aww, that’s cute. I’m at home. I miss you, too.


I stare at the text message. She’s home already? How did she get home? “She texted me saying that she’s home already,” I announce to the guys.

“How?” Baro asks.

“I’m not sure myself,” I admit. “But she’s safe, that’s all that matters.”

“Yup it is,” Shinwoo says as we all go into the van. I was looking forward to sitting next to her on the way home. At least she’s safe.


Mia’s POV

Where did the guys go? The park closed and now I don’t know where they are. I could see them from where I was looking, but then I got knocked into by some woman. I was going to text them, too making fun of them and saying that I could see them because I know that they would have opened the text message later. But that woman knocked into me. Maybe I should text one or call them.

I go through the contacts of my phone and I realize that Gongchan’s not in there, which is strange because I’m sure that I saved him in my phone. True, I don’t have the other members, but I should have his. He’s the one that gave it to me, after all.

Wait. I look at a couple of the contacts. It’s not my phone. This phone is not mine. That lady and I must have switched phones when she bumped into me. This is bad. This is completely bad and I don’t even remember his phone number. I have to wait until I get back to my room to be able to look at the note again, but even that’s dangerous if that woman has my phone. What if he tries to text me?

My unni is a lifesaver, though. When she found out that I was coming to Korea, she made me memorize her phone number. “Mia?” unni asks picking up the phone.

“Could you pick me up from the amusement park?” I ask.

“Why are you at the amusement park alone?” she asks concerned.

“I wasn’t alone. I was with B1A4, but this lady and I switched phones and I have no way of getting a hold of them,” I explain.

“Oh, I’ll be right there.”

“So what happened?” unni asks as we’ve driving back to my university.

“A lot of fans suddenly came and I was sneaking away, but while I was looking at something, a woman accidently bumped into me. I had my phone in my hand because I was going to text Gongchan making fun of him a little bit. I guess we switched phones.”

“We should call the company and have your phone turned off.”

“Okay,” I say nodding my head. “When I get back to my room, I’ll tell Gongchan immediately.”

“Okay, that’d be advisable,” my unni says. “What if the person who has your phone is a fan and Gongchan texted you?”

“I’m not sure,” I say in a whisper. I don’t actually even want to think about that. What if.


Gongchan’s POV

We finally reach the dorm and I collapse on my bed inside. It’s been a long day and I’ve been away from Mia for too long. I liked spending the whole day with her, but tomorrow I have to go back to being the idol and doing idol type things like going to schedules. Mia and I are going to have to settle on texting for a little while until we’re able to meet again. Maybe if she’s free she could come to our schedules sometimes.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I take it out. Mia’s calling me. “Dongsaeng!” I yell into the phone. “I miss you.”

“Ahh! It really is you!” a voice screams. It’s not Mia’s voice. I look at the phone again, but this is Mia’s number. Does someone else have Mia’s phone?

“Excuse me, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say deepening my voice to disguise it like I had done earlier when I was walking around Mia’s university, but it’s probably already too late. I answered the phone in my normal voice.

“Gong Chanshik, the maknae of B1A4. It really is you.”

“I think you have the wrong number,” I say in the deep voice.

“I have the right number. Ahh! I can’t believe that I’m really talking to you.”

“I’m sorry,” I say quickly hanging up.

Mia doesn’t have her phone. Someone else does. Does that mean that when I texted her that it wasn’t her, it was someone else? Is she still at the amusement park? Oh no.



I’ve a bad oppa, a bad oppa and a bad boyfriend. I should’ve realized when it wasn’t you responding to me. Now someone else has your phone and knows that I’m saved in it. I just hope this blows over and the person who has your phone is willing to agree to keep everything a secret, but it’s not even like I called you my girlfriend in the text messages, I just called you my dongsaeng and said I missed you, but maybe I sent a heart. That could still be passed off as a cousin, right? I’m such a bad oppa and boyfriend. I’m sorry.


The worst guy in the world,

Gong Chanshik


So someone else has Mia's phone and they know that Gongchan is saved as a contact, what are they going to do? Did they already save his number? How will Mia and Gongchan see each other now that Gongchan has schedules and Mia has to go to her classes? When will Mia tell Suzy about her relationship with Gongchan?


Chapter 10 is up. Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed :D

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Saemiy #1
Chapter 26: Love the story ^^
At first i suspected suzy as the culprit behind the chaos though. Hohohoho.
Love this story :D
jkgdshvfgsdh!! i loved this story.. :)
applechapple #4
asdfghjkl I can't wait for the next chapter! please update! ; A;
Wenxinzxc #5
update soon ^^
new reader here ! Love your story, thanks for update ! :) omg gongchann bias <3
This is so sad. ): i would hate to have a secret relationship but your fic makes it seem cool. :) anyways, updateee asap? Arraso?
Omg! This is so good! Update soon! ':) channie is so sweet. ♥ he's my bias. ;)
xoxotiffanyxo #9
First chapter and it's already good! update soon!
i love this! update soon!