This Can't Be Happening

My Favorite Dongsaeng

Gongchan’s POV

“Hyung, what are you doing?” I ask staring at Jinyoung.

“I came to find you and Mia, where did you both go?” he asks.

“We were walking around. She was angry so I thought she needed to cool off,” I explain to him.

“Where is she now?” he asks looking around for her.

“I don’t know,” I say shrugging my shoulders. “She should be heading back to the restaurant, unless you guys aren’t there.”

“We left the restaurant and split up looking for you guys. We were worried sick.”

“You were?” I ask looking at him strangely. “How long were we gone?”

“Like a half an hour,” Jinyoung says looking at the watch on his wrist.

“A half an hour?” I ask shocked. “That long just walking around?”

“Apparently,” he says nodding his head. “We called you guys, too, but you didn’t answer. That’s why we were worried sick.”

I pull out my phone and look at it. “I guess I had it on silent this entire time.”

“You should keep it on the ringer,” Jinyoung scolds me.

“Yeah, hyung,” I say as I turn on the ringer of my phone. “Wait,” I say realizing something. “If you guys left the restaurant, what if Mia’s on her way there?”

“Well we called her and she didn’t pick up her phone. Everyone’s out looking for her, or at least I’ll tell them that I already found you.”

“Okay,” I say nodding my head as Jinyoung takes out his phone to text everyone else to say that he knows where I am and we don’t know where Mia is.

“Why aren’t you with Mia anyway?” he asks as he looks up at me.

“We split up because the fans were becoming too much for Mia.’

“Gongchan, haven’t you learned after that text message?”

“What?” I ask looking at him.

“That threatening text message towards Mia. Why in the world would you leave her alone after that?”

Suddenly, it hits me and I remember what that message said. “Stupid Gongchan,” I say hitting myself in the head. “Hyung, we have to find her, what if something happened to hear?”

“We better hope that nothing did. Let’s get going.”

Jinyoung and I start taking off in another direction to search for Mia. If something happened to her, I’ll definitely never forgive myself. I can’t believe that I forgot about the message and sent her on her way by herself. How is that being a responsible boyfriend? I should’ve thought twice about sending her off alone.

“Don’t beat yourself up over it, Channie,” Jinyoung says as he pats my back as we keep searching for Mia.

“But it’s my fault, hyung. I wasn’t thinking properly at the time,” I say with a frown upon my face.

“Mia was simply caught up in the emotions of her father and you wanted to be by her side. You both weren’t really thinking.”

“I was trying to make her comfortable,” I explain, “she doesn’t like the big crowds. I thought splitting up would do us good, but it’ll only bring us bad.”

“Hey, we don’t know that. Mia is probably okay.”

I sigh and stare at him. Jinyoung better be right.


Mia’s POV

“What are you doing?” I ask staring at the woman.

“I’m here to make sure that you don’t get close to Channie.”

“What are you talking about?” I ask. “I’m sorry, but I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I begin to walk away when the woman puts her arm on mine.

“You’re Gong Chanshik’s girlfriend, aren’t you?” I don’t reply to the question. “Well, it’s not very safe for you to be walking out here by yourself.”

Suddenly, I feel arms lift me up off of the ground. I look and see strong musclemen standing on both sides of me and are the ones holding me up. How this woman got them here I have no idea. I don’t even know her name, but I know I’m not supposed to be anywhere near her.

“Let’s take her boys,” the woman announces.

“Where are you taking me?” I ask as I start kicking and screaming so passersby can hear me.

My stomach abruptly starts to hurt as I look and see that the woman has punched me in the stomach. “Shut up if you know what’s good for you,” she threatens.

“No!” I yell at her. “You’re not going to kidnap me!” Again I start flailing around and this time she gives me a slap across the face.

“What do you think you’re doing?” she angrily asks as she slaps me once again, harder each time.

“You’re not going to get Gongchan, you’re not going to defeat me. I don’t know who you think you are, but you’re not going to do anything to either of us,” I tell her as I fight off the stings.

“Really, do you think that?” she asks in a sickly sweet voice as she runs her fingernails along my arm and her foot kicks into my shin.

“Of course, Gongchan and I love each other. You’re just jealous and if I hadn’t run into you at the amusement park and if we hadn’t switched phones, none of this would’ve happened in the first place.”

“Do you think that that was an accident?” she asks with a scoff as she scratches the skin on my both of my arms so hard that blood starts trickling. I don’t whimper in pain, though. She’s not going to win. “I watched you the whole time in the amusement park and waited until you were alone.”

“Still, you’re not going to win,” I tell her as I look her right in the eye. Again I feel pain, but this time it’s worse as she punches me in the face. Why is she doing all of this to me? Still, I tolerate the pain, not letting a weakness show.

“We’ll just see when this day ends.” I knew that this lady was crazy, but I didn’t know that she was as crazy as she is right now.

“Really? You’re nothing but a fan who wants to marry her ‘oppa,’” I say mimicking another at the word. “You’re nothing but a fan, you’re no one important and you’re never going to be.”

She walks up to me and punches me again, or at least something or somebody does. My vision starts to blur and I can’t recognize anything around me. I hear a familiar voice and suddenly I’m put down on the ground and pushed, or thrown, I can’t really tell, but my stomach starts hurting again. Is someone kicking me?

I attempt to pick myself up, but I can’t. I have no strength left. It feels like it was all knocked out of me with one blow. Every part of me aches because of being dropped onto the concrete and I have a major headache, not to mention my stomach now hurting. Lazily, I open one of my eyes and attempt to see what’s happening except everything is hazy and it starts to blacken out before I officially close my eyes.


Gongchan’s POV

“Mia, Mia, where’s Mia?” I ask quickly running into the hospital. Before I can get any further, Jinyoung and Sandeul stop me. “Hyungs, I need to go see her!” I frantically yell.

“Calm yourself down,” Jinyoung tells me. “You can’t go in there like this.” I stare at him. He’s right. I’m frantic and panicking because this is my fault. “There you go, just breathe,” he says looking at me.

“Where is she?” I calmly ask.

“She’s in surgery right now,” noona says coming over. I feel so bad for her, I even feel bad for their father. I’m the one that caused all of this. I’m the one that let her go by herself when I got the threatening text message. I should’ve never let her go.

“H-how bad are her…injuries?” I ask looking down at the ground.

“She’s beat up and she was bloody when I got to her,” Baro says. I now realize that he has a bandage around his arm. “She was losing a lot of blood and she was unconscious when she was brought here.”

I stare at Baro as he starts telling me everything. How could I let this happen this badly? “Baro…are you okay?” I ask him.

“I’m fine,” he says smiling. “It’s nothing. I heard screaming and yelling and I went to go see what was happening. That’s when I saw them.”

“Thank you,” I say looking at him. “I really mean it.”

An hour passes and the doctor finally comes out. He talks with noona and with Mia’s father before disappearing once again. When the both of them come back, the five of us immediately stand up to hear news about her.

“Well?” Sandeul asks.

“She’s out of surgery, but she’s still in critical condition,” noona says. “Apparently some of those blows before Baro got there were a bit more serious than they thought. They broke some bones, too. Plus, Mia getting thrown onto the ground and hitting her head on the concrete wasn’t a good thing either. They’re not sure how long she’s going to be asleep.”

Defeated, I slump back down in the seat. “Everything’s my fault,” I mutter. “What if she never wakes up? What if I caused some serious problem?”

“Don’t think like that,” Jinyoung says sitting next to me. “I think you need some fresh air, let’s go out to the garden.”

Jinyoung practically has to pull me up in order to get me go, but in the end, I follow him outside. It’s only us two there, the rest are inside with noona and Mia’s father. Once we’re outside, I slump down on a bench and stare at the sky.

“Okay, let’s talk,” Jinyoung says looking at me.


Mia’s POV

I can’t see anything. I don’t know anything. I’m entirely surrounded by white. Is that something good? Is that something bad? I can’t move. My voice won’t talk. It’s like I’m just waiting for something to happen. I don’t know what I’m waiting for. I feel lost. I feel hopeless.


Gongchan’s POV

“You can’t keep blaming yourself,” Jinyoung says. “This wasn’t your fault.”

“Yes it is,” I tell him as I look at him. “If Mia didn’t go off by herself then she wouldn’t be in a hospital. If that crazy stalker lady wasn’t there and didn’t run into Mia again, Mia wouldn’t be in a hospital. If Mia never accidentally switched phones with the crazy stalker lady, Mia wouldn’t be in a hospital. If Mia never dated me, she wouldn’t be in a hospital.”

“What are you saying?” he asks taking a tight grip on my shoulders.

“I’m saying that maybe Mia should’ve never dated me. I’ve only caused her problems.”

“But you both love each other.”

“It doesn’t matter. If I’m hurting her, then that’s not love. I can’t love her knowing that I’m the one who’s hurting her.”

“She’s fine; didn’t you hear the doctor, though?”

“I heard them say that she’s unconscious and that they don’t know when she’s going to wake up.”

“But she’s not dead,” Jinyoung says attempting to show me the positive side.

“But she could’ve been!” I yell causing some people to stare at us and start whispering because they recognize us. “She could’ve been hurt so badly that she could’ve died. She was slapped, kicked, thrown, and punched. What if she had a knife? What if she had a gun?”

“But those are ‘what ifs,’” Jinyoung says. “We aren’t playing that game right now.”

“Yeah, we’re playing the game on whether or not Mia is going to wake up or not. What if she doesn’t remember me? What if she doesn’t remember anything?”

“Then we’ll have to cross that hurdle when we come to it.”

“I can’t,” I say shaking my head as I rest it in between my hands. “I can’t. I can’t sit here and watch Mia be up there unconscious. I feel helpless. I’m her boyfriend; I’m supposed to be doing something. The only thing I did was cause this.”

Jinyoung sighs. “Then let’s go back with the rest of them. Just remember, that woman is crazy.”

Jinyoung and I make our way back through the hospital where we see Shinwoo, Baro, and Sandeul sitting outside on a bench. “Where are the others?” I ask.

“They’re inside with Mia,” Sandeul says pointing with his thumb to the room that they’re sitting outside of.

I walk over to the open door and peer inside. I see Mia lying there. It doesn’t look any different than her sleeping. She has some slight bandages on, but it doesn’t look like any casts, or any that I can notice right away. Suddenly I feel like I want to cry, like I want to break down and cry. I can’t stand to see her like this. I can’t.

Noona sees me standing outside of the door and beckons for me to come in, but I shake my head. I see her father’s disapproving look on my face and I back away from the door. “Where are you going?” Shinwoo calls after me. I just keep walking.


Mia’s POV

“Who are you?” I ask seeing a faint figure appear in front of me.

“No time for questions,” the girl says.

“Then, care to explain what’s going on?” I ask.

“Do you want to follow me?” Quickly, she disappears just as soon as she appeared. I look around the room questioningly before she appears once again causing me to jump. “Are you coming or not?”

“I don’t know,” I say shrugging my shoulders. “Does it matter if I come or not?”

“It matters the world,” the girl says. As she gets closer to me I see that she looks like Suzy.

“Suzy?” I ask.

“Nope,” she says shaking her head. “But I’m glad for the compliment.”

“Would it be bad if I went with you?”

“You would have to find out yourself,” she says with a smile. I stare at her as she stares back at me. “Are you coming with me or not?” she asks again.


Gongchan’s POV

I walk through the streets. I don’t care if people recognize me. I don’t care if people are taking pictures or videos. I don’t even care that some reporters are coming up to me after the incident that happened. I just don’t care anymore.

I make my way to the empty dorm and collapse on the ground. Finally, when I’m alone, I let it all out. I end up crying until I can’t cry any more.

“Why?” I ask myself. “Why am I hurting her like this? I don’t deserve Mia. I’m just a bad guy who has nothing going for me. I…I can’t do this anymore.”

I take out my phone and make a phone call to noona who’s still at the hospital. “Gongchan?” she asks. “Why are you calling me? Why aren’t you here anymore?”

“I need to talk to you,” I tell her. “And I need to talk to Mia’s father, the both of you. Could you bring him to the dorm?”

“Couldn’t you just come back to the hospital?” she asks.

“No,” I say. “I…I can’t go back. Please,” I beg.

I hear her sigh as she thinks for a moment on what to do. “We’ll be there in a couple of minutes. We’re going to leave the other members to watch Mia, but we have to tell them first and just as a warning, my father isn’t going to be the happiest person alive with you.”

“I understand,” I say. “I’m not expecting him to be.”

I hang up the phone and wait until noona and Mia’s father get to the dorm. I change out of my clothes and put on something comfortable. Within ten minutes, the doorbell to the dorm rings. I get up and answer it and invite noona and Mia’s father into the dorm.

“It’s not the cleanest,” I say looking around, “sorry.”

“It’s alright,” noona says with a smile. Mia’s father is a different, story.

“Let’s sit,” I say.

We sit down with me on one side and noona and Mia’s father on the other side. It feels nerve-wracking sitting across from them, but I know what I have to do.

“What did you want to talk about?” noona asks.

“It’s about taking Mia to America,” I say looking down at the table.

“Do we have to be talking about this now when my daughter is lying in the hospital?” Mia’s father angrily asks.

“Just hear him out,” noona says calming her father down.

“I’m sorry about that,” I tell him. “I really am.”

“Fine,” her father says giving a defeated sigh. “Tell us what you want to talk about.”

“Is there a way for you to get an earlier ticket to America?” I wonder.

“I probably could, why?” her father asks confusingly while noona’s eyes widen with every realization that she starts getting.

“Gongchan, you can’t leave B1A4,” noona interjects. “You can’t runaway to America with Mia.”

“I’m not talking about that,” I calmly say. “Is there a possible way that you’ll be able to get a ticket for Mia when she wakes up, or even before that if you could. You can move someone that’s unconscious for medical reasons,” I softly say.

“What are you getting at young man?” Mia’s father asks as he stares at me.

“I want you to take Mia to America,” I announce. I watch noona’s reaction and her father’s reaction. They’re both completely different. Noona’s reaction is one of shock; I guess she didn’t think I would give Mia away that easily. Her father’s is one of approval; I guess he’s happy that I want him to take Mia to America. I’m not happy about my decision; I just think that she would be safer there. “I want you to take her so she can be safe and so she can be away from me.”


Mia’s POV

“What would happen if I didn’t go?” I ask.

“Just make your decision already,” the girl who looks like Suzy says.

“Well, if you would only tell me,” I say sitting on the white floor and crossing my arms. “But you won’t tell me anything, so I have to make a good decision.”

“I’m not supposed to tell you anything. Now make your decision.”

“Your personality is so like Suzy’s,” I comment.

“Can you just please decide whether or not you’re coming with me?”

“I need to know more information, though. How would this affect the world?”

“It just does,” she says growing restless.

I sigh and stare off into space thinking about my decision some more.


Gongchan’s POV

I stay in my room for the rest of the day. I don’t talk to anyone. Noona and Mia’s father left with different reactions and they were probably having different feelings about the situation, too.

 I’m letting Mia go, there’s no other way to say it. She’s going to get sent back to America the soonest that they can, maybe in the next couple of days if she doesn’t wake up.

“What is this I hear about you sending Mia to America?” Baro asks storming into my room. “You’re just going to let her go like that?”

“Yes,” I say looking at him. “She’s going to get hurt being here. Why not let her go to America?”

“I thought she doesn’t like her parents, though,” he says coming up to me.

“It would be safer for her there than getting beat up every day because she’s my girlfriend,” I say not even looking at him.

“You know, I tried to hold back, I tried, but this time I’m not. If you’re just letting Mia go, then I’m going to go after her.”

“What are you talking about?” I ask looking at him.

“I like Mia,” Baro confesses to me. “I didn’t say anything because she’s your girlfriend, but if you’re giving her up then I’m going to go after her.”

“But she’s leaving.”

“I’ll go to America.”

“You go to America?” I ask in disbelief as I turn to face him. “What about the group?”

“I’ll come back to work with the group when I can,” he says as he heads towards the door again. “I’m not giving up on her like you are. I thought you loved her.” Without a second word, Baro leaves the room.

Silently, I pull out the rings that I was going to give Mia for Christmas. Finding a spare sheet of paper, I take it out and begin writing her a letter with tears streaming down my face.


Dongsaeng, Mia, my girlfriend,

You’re never really going to hear those words again come out of my mouth and I feel regretful. I’m sorry for everything bad that’s happened to you. Right now you’re in a hospital unconscious and it’s my fault. Just know that I love you and this is all for your good, this is to protect you. I can’t stand to see you hurt. I love you, you know that, right? This ring was your Christmas present. I have one and you have one. That’s our little bond together, okay?

I’ll miss everything about you. I’ll miss looking at you, your voice, your personality; I’ll miss kissing you and holding you. I’ll just miss you. If I continue loving you, you’ll be in danger; therefore I’m letting you go. You can always call or text and keep in touch. Baro-hyung said that he’ll probably be there with you. So, I entrust you over to him. I hope he keeps you happy and safe, things that I am unable to do as your boyfriend. I hope he will be able to do them better than I ever could. Just know that I’ll always love you and that you’re always the first. You were my first girlfriend, first kiss, first person I bought something for, and first person I said I love you to. With that being said, this is goodbye. Goodbye Mia, my favorite dongsaeng.


For the final time as your boyfriend,

Gong Chanshik


When will Mia get taken to America? When will Mia wake up? What will happen to Mia when she realizes what Gongchan has done? What will the other member's reactions be to sending Mia away? How will Baro go to Mia? Will Mia accept Baro by her side?


Here is Chapter 22. Hope you enjoyed :D

In the next chapter I'll probably skip over Christmas a little bit, possibly, not sure yet. I'll probably skip to when Mia wakes up in the hospital, but what country would she be in and how much time would have passed?

Ooh, wait until next chapter :)

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Saemiy #1
Chapter 26: Love the story ^^
At first i suspected suzy as the culprit behind the chaos though. Hohohoho.
Love this story :D
jkgdshvfgsdh!! i loved this story.. :)
applechapple #4
asdfghjkl I can't wait for the next chapter! please update! ; A;
Wenxinzxc #5
update soon ^^
new reader here ! Love your story, thanks for update ! :) omg gongchann bias <3
This is so sad. ): i would hate to have a secret relationship but your fic makes it seem cool. :) anyways, updateee asap? Arraso?
Omg! This is so good! Update soon! ':) channie is so sweet. ♥ he's my bias. ;)
xoxotiffanyxo #9
First chapter and it's already good! update soon!
i love this! update soon!