
My Favorite Dongsaeng

Mia’s POV

Baro comes quickly to pick us up with Shinwoo who’s able to drive. “What happened to your date day?” he asks as he opens the door.

“Um…it got a little…delayed,” I tell him. “Some fans recognized Jinyoung and Gongchan and came up to them.”

“Oh,” Baro says nodding his head in understanding. “At least I’m glad that you called us before you guys got like mauled by someone.”

“Yeah, and we weren’t going to get mauled by someone,” I tell him.

“You never know,” he says shrugging his shoulders.

“What are we going to do now?” Suzy asks.

We all just shrug our shoulders. “We could go to my house or to their dorm,” I suggest.

“Let’s just go to your house,” Suzy says.

“Can we come?” Shinwoo asks from the driver’s seat.

“Do you guys have anything to do today?” I ask. I see Baro shake his head and I’m guessing Shinwoo does as well. “Then if you guys don’t have anything, feel free to come over. Do you remember where I live?”

Since they didn’t remember where I live, I instructed them until we finally got to my house. We made our way to the living room where my sister was sitting there watching television. “You guys are back already?” she says as she hears the door open, but turns in shock as she sees that we walked in with Baro and Shinwoo. “Where are Jinyoung and Gongchan?”

“They got caught by some fans,” I explain, “so I called Baro and asked if he could pick us up.”

“You could’ve called me,” she says. “I would’ve come and gotten you.”

“But I didn’t know if you were doing something,” I told her. “Like you picking out their outfits yesterday, so I didn’t want to disturb you.  I just thought that it’d be easier calling them.”

“Okay,” she says giving me a suspicious look that I don’t know the meaning of. “So, do you guys want to do anything?”

“Well, we’re back here because we got caught doing something,” I tell her.

“Yeah, that’s true. I guess I’ll leave you guys alone,” she says as she starts getting up.

“Noona, you don’t have to leave,” Baro says.

“Nah, it’s alright. I was planning on doing some work in a little while anyway.” We all nod as we watch her go to her room. I have absolutely no idea what type of work she was talking about doing, but I just continue to stare.

Awkward silence fills the air. I guess neither of us know what to do in a situation like this. Normally Jinyoung or Gongchan is around to make the conversation less awkward, or at least Sandeul who isn’t here. Where is Sandeul?

“Oppas, where’s Sandeul?” I ask.

“He’s at the dorm, why?” Baro asks as though Sandeul is completely nonexistent.

“Does he want to come over here? And why would you leave him at the dorm by himself?”

“Does someone like him,” Baro sings as he pokes my cheek.

“Are you crazy?” I ask. “I have a boyfriend, Gongchan, remember? I just don’t want him to be lonely.”

“I’ll call him,” Shinwoo offers as he takes out his phone.

“So, do you guys want to play a game or something?” I suggest.


Gongchan’s POV

“What’s wrong, Channie?” Jinyoung asks me as we’re walking on the street. I have no idea where we’re going and I don’t know where Mia or Suzy went. I can’t believe that I just ruined the whole day. Mia and I were having fun and I could tell that Jinyoung and Suzy were having fun, too. I guess being an idol has its challenges.

“I feel guilty for ruining the day,” I admit.

“Don’t feel guilty, I’m sure everything is alright,” he says as he pats me on the back. “Why don’t you call Suzy and Mia and see where they went?”

“Sure,” I say, but as soon as I’m taking out my phone, it rings. “Who do you think that is?” Jinyoung simply shrugs his shoulders as I answer. “Hello?”

“Gongchan, where are you and Mia?” Manager-hyung asks over the phone.

“I’m currently separated from Mia, why?” I wonder looking at Jinyoung who looks at me with the same confused face.

“There’s an article out saying how Mia is cheating on you, which I know couldn’t possibly be true,” he says.

“What? Who in the world would come up with such a thing?” I mildly shout, but maybe it was too loud. Jinyoung got surprised a little in the process.

“We’re not sure, but we’re putting a stop to it, but it’s already online.”

“Who would the other person be?” I wonder.

“Baro,” he simply states.

“What?” I ask.

“And they say that the other girl that was with you guys is Jinyoung’s girlfriend, but she’s secretly dating Shinwoo, too.”

“Who could say that?”

“We’re figuring that out, but I just wanted to tell you.”

“Yeah, thanks,” I say hanging up the phone.

“What was that?” Jinyoung asks.

“There’s an article going around saying that Mia is cheating on me with Baro-hyung and that Suzy is dating you and Shinwoo-hyung at the same time.”

“Who would do that?” Jinyoung asks having the same reaction as me.

“I don’t know,” I say shrugging my shoulders. “I don’t even know how they would come up with something like that in the first place.”

“Same here. Let’s still call Mia, though.”

“Sure,” I say nodding my head. “But, hyung, why didn’t you do the plan when people recognized us?”

“Because no one said what we were agreeing on, until now,” he says sighing as he shoves his hands into his pockets.


“If they would’ve said that Suzy was my girlfriend when she was there, I would’ve said yes and then confessed to her, but now since it’s in the article, should I still do it?”

“Do it,” I say with a wide smile. “You’ll enjoy the times of dating.”

“Don’t act like you know everything,” he says lightly hitting me. I laugh as I dial Mia’s number.

It doesn’t take long for Mia to answer the phone. “Oppa, where are you?” she asks.

“Where are you?” I ask back.

“I’m at home. I got a ride from Baro-oppa and Shinwoo-oppa. Suzy is here with me, too and so is Sandeul-oppa.”

“Jinyoung-hyung and I will be right over,” I announce.

“Okay, I can’t wait,” she says giggling a little bit.

“Mkay, I’ll be there soon.” We both hang up the phone and I look at Jinyoung who’s waiting for me to give him an answer. “Mia and Suzy got a ride from Baro-hyung and Shinwoo-hyung and they’re at Mia’s house with Sandeul-hyung.”

“Okay, and I’m guessing we’re going there?” Jinyoung asks. I just nod my head as we continue walking to Mia’s house.

“That’s probably how the rumor started,” I mutter.

“Hmm?” he asks turning to look at me.

“The rumor about the both of them cheating on us. She got a ride from Baro-hyung and Shinwoo-hyung. Fans probably saw them getting into the car together after they were with us and we didn’t notice. Fans saw that and just automatically assumed that they’re cheating on us.”

“I guess you’re right. Are we going to tell them about the rumor?”

“We have to,” I say sighing. “It involves everyone now. I just hope we can clear this up before people really misunderstand.”

“We will, Channie,” Jinyoung says as he puts his arm around my shoulder. “We’re a group; we’re going to stick together. Everything will be fine.”

“I hope so,” I say smilng.


Mia’s POV

“Are you sure you guys know how to play this?” I ask Sandeul and Baro. We’re playing Mario Party. Shinwoo just decided to sit and play referee between Sandeul and Baro who are playing against Suzy and me. We also decided to play teams to make things more interesting.

“We do,” Sandeul says looking at me. “You’re just cheating.”

“How am I cheating?” I ask. “You’re the ones who don’t know what they’re doing, right?” I ask Suzy who just laughs along with me.

“We’ll just see when I get to the Star Space first,” Baro says as he rolls the die.

“Of course you are,” Suzy says pointing at the screen. “You’re one space away. How can’t you?”

“Shush!” he quickly says causing us all to laugh.

“Doorbell,” Sandeul signs as the doorbell rings.

“I’ll get it,” I say getting up from where I’m sitting, but Shinwoo stops me.

“I’ll get it,” he says.

“Um…thank you,” I say watching him as he opens it to reveal Jinyoung and Gongchan.

“Wah, you’re playing this game without me?” Gongchan immediately asks as he comes in.

“You can play in the next game,” I tell him. “It’s almost over anyway. Sandeul-oppa and Baro-oppa are horrible players.”

“Are not,” Sandeul complains as he debates on which candy to buy.

“Get that one, get that one,” Baro says pointing at it.

“Why?” he complains.

“Because I said so.”

“I’m the older one,” Sandeul retorts.

“Not really,” Baro mumbles. I laugh at their childish fights.

“Are you okay?” I ask looking at Gongchan who seems to be deep in thought about something.

“Huh? Oh, yeah, I’m fine,” he says.

“No you’re not,” I say turning around to look at him. “Do you want to tell me?”

“Sure,” he quietly says.

“Do you want to go into my room or stay here?”

“Let’s go into your room first.”

“Okay,” I say nodding my head. “Jinyoung-oppa, you can play on Suzy’s team. I’ll be back.”

“Okay,” Jinyoung says as he takes my spot on the floor next to Suzy. I see both of them attempt to divert their gaze from one another and it just makes me laugh. “What did you want to talk about?” I ask him as we’re both sitting on my bed.

“There’s a rumor going around,” he softly says after he thought about it for a while.

“A rumor? What type of rumor?”

“A rumor on the internet saying that you’re cheating on me and that Suzy is dating two people at once,” Gongchan admits.

“Who would start that?” I wonder.

“I don’t know,” he says picking his head up and looking at me, “but you’re not, right?”

“Of course not,” I tell him. “I’m dating you and only you.” I let my hand touch his cheek, it’s the hand with the charm bracelet on it that he gave me the night that he told me he loved me and the same night that we shared our first kiss together. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” he says grabbing my hand and pulling me into a hug. As my head rests on his chest, I can hear his heartbeat going extremely fast.

“Were you that worried that I was cheating on you?” I ask. “Your heart is racing.”

“I was worried because I love you, but I should’ve known better. You won’t cheat on me,” he whispers. “You won’t cheat on me and I won’t cheat on you.”

Gongchan touches the side of my face and I look at him before he leans down and kisses me on the lips. It’s a sweet and innocent kiss. As soon as we pull away from one another, I look into Gongchan’s eyes.

“Why were you so worried about me cheating?” Gongchan stares at me intently. “Gongchan?” I ask.

“Baro-hyung,” he simply says.

“Huh?” I ask not fully understanding.

“They all say that you’re cheating because of Baro-hyung and Suzy is dating Jinyoung-hyung and Shinwoo-hyung. They saw you guys getting a ride and that’s how they said it. I guess they thought that you would be going into the car and then going off somewhere with them after abandoning us without us realizing what you were doing. But now that I know that it’s not true, not that I ever doubted you, I’m glad.”

I nod my head. “I’m glad that you believe me,” I say.

“I’m glad that you didn’t give me any reason not to,” he says smiling back at me.


Gongchan’s POV

Mia and I make our way back out into her living room. I’m glad that she’s not cheating on me. It’s not that I didn’t believe her; it’s just that I had a funny feeling about it inside. Maybe it was jealousy, or maybe it was something else, I’m not sure. She’s not dating him, though, she’s dating me and she loves me, but what was the strange feeling?

“So, who won?” Mia asks as soon as we’re out of her room.

“Who do you think?” Suzy asks turning around with a wide smile.

“I knew that they’d never beat us,” Mia says as she high fives Suzy.

“Everything alright?” Jinyoung asks me. I nod my head. “That’s good.”

“Hey, you guys verses me and Jinyoung-oppa,” Suzy says.

“Okay,” Mia says as she takes me to sit where Baro and Sandeul are arguing over something and Shinwoo is attempting to be the mediator. “You’re good at this game, right?” she whispers to me.

“Of course,” I say smiling. “I love this game.”

“Good, then we can win,” she says with a big smile. It enjoys me how much she’s competitive about things like video games.

We start laughing and carrying on and soon enough my mind stops thinking about the date day that we didn’t get to have. I’m just happy that we’re spending time with each other and having fun, even if it is simply playing video games in her living room, it makes me happy.

“Ooh, so close,” I say looking at Jinyoung’s ending score and my ending score in one of our duel battles. “But I win.”

“Channie,” Jinyoung mutters.

In the end, it’s Mia and I who win the game. “I knew it!” she says as she quickly hugs me. “Yay!”

“Yup,” I say hugging her back.

“It’s getting closer to dinner,” Mia says looking at the clock, “should we order something?”

“Sure,” Sandeul says, his ears perking up at the mere mention of food.

“Where’s unni? I’ll go get her so she can say what she wants, too,” Mia says looking around. Mia gets up and disappears to find her sister while the rest of us are sitting in the living room just staring at Mia and my characters on the screen. I guess none of us know what to say to each other or what we should do.

“So, the Christmas party,” Sandeul says breaking the silence.

“What about it?” Baro asks looking at him.

“We’re going to have one, of course,” he says sticking his tongue out.

“It’s not a surprise anymore to Mia since Jinyoung-hyung said something,” I say pointing at him.

“Hyung,” Sandeul complains. “Why did you say something?”

“But she didn’t even react to it,” Jinyoung states.

“She was probably calculating in her head, you know how she normally doesn’t say anything,” Sandeul says crossing his arms. I guess he really wanted to plan a surprise party.

“Why don’t you plan it a different way?” Baro suggests. “You can put surprises inside of it.”

“Suzy, will you help me?” he asks with hopeful eyes.

“Sure,” she says nodding her head. “No one else knows Mia better than I do.” We’re all talking about the party a little when Mia comes out.

“We’re going to order pizza; I hope no one has any objections.” We all shake our head and she smiles. “Good.”

While we’re waiting for the pizza to come, since no one has to go out and get it, my phone vibrates in my pocket signaling that I have a text message. I take it out and see that it’s a number that I don’t know. It’s not saved in my phone and it’s not from that stalker lady. I wonder who it is. I open the message and my eyes go wide, but I quickly regain my composure so no one else senses anything, but I quickly read over the message again.


Do you think your girlfriend is safe? With you, she’s not very safe now is she?


What is the message supposed to mean?


Mia’s POV

The pizza quickly comes and unni gets up to answer the door and pay for it before going back into her room. Apparently she’s having a movie marathon by herself in her room and she’s probably contacting their manager. I swear she goes out with him, but she never brings up the subject and I never do.

“Food,” Sandeul says eyeing it up and quickly grabbing some. “Mmm, good food.”

“You really like food,” Suzy comments.

I look over at Gongchan and see him staring off into space. Is he thinking about that whole rumor of me with Baro again? Does he know that Baro said that he liked me? I didn’t tell him and I don’t plan on telling him because that would only destroy him even more.

“Hey you,” I say poking his cheek. “You’re spacing out again.”

“Really?” he asks looking at me. I nod my head. “Sorry about that. I’ll be sure to prevent myself from doing such things in the future.”

I chuckled at his cuteness and ruffled his hair. “And those are the reasons why I love you,” I tell him.

“Thank you,” he says kissing my nose.

“Thank you for what?”

“For being you,” he says.

“Someone’s chessy,” I say as I poke his forehead.

“Yeah, this pizza is,” Sandeul says holding it up. “But it’s chessy goodness.”

We all stare at Sandeul and just laugh at him. I look at Gongchan every once in a while and he looks like he’s drifting off into his own thoughts again. Something has to be worrying him, but if he wanted to talk about it, he would’ve told me, right?

I don’t believe that he’s thinking about the thing with Baro anymore, I think something else is bothering him. “Ah, my phone,” Jinyoung says taking it out. “It’s Manager-hyung, I’ll answer it.” He gets up and leaves to go into the kitchen.

“What could that be about?” Baro asks looking at him.

“I don’t know,” Shinwoo says. “I just hope it’s not bad.”

“Same here,” Sandeul says. Gongchan doesn’t answer, he’s too busy thinking about whatever he’s thinking about. After a short while, Jinyoung comes back.

“Mia,” he says looking at me, “is it okay if we stay here for the night?”

“Yeah, but why?” I ask.

“Hyung said that the rumor got out of hand,” he says. At the sound of rumor, Gongchan stares at Jinyoung. I guess we’re the only three that know it. The others don’t know it.

“What rumor?” Baro asks.

“The rumor blew up and it looks like reporters are outside of the apartment right now,” Jinyoung says leaving us all just looking at each other and some utterly confused.



I don’t know what’s on your mind right now, but I hope I can be of help to you as you need it. I won’t force you to tell me anything, but always know that I’ll be right by your side in case you need someone to lean on. I love you and I always will. For me, it’s only you.


The girlfriend who loves you,



How is it going to be spending the night with B1A4 and Suzy? Who started the rumor? Who sent Gongchan the text message? 


Here is Chapter 20. Sorry it took so long, but we mangaed to somewhat fix my laptop. More like I'm using my sister's charging chord. It's a good thing that it fits my laptop, too :)

Hope you enjoyed :D

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Saemiy #1
Chapter 26: Love the story ^^
At first i suspected suzy as the culprit behind the chaos though. Hohohoho.
Love this story :D
jkgdshvfgsdh!! i loved this story.. :)
applechapple #4
asdfghjkl I can't wait for the next chapter! please update! ; A;
Wenxinzxc #5
update soon ^^
new reader here ! Love your story, thanks for update ! :) omg gongchann bias <3
This is so sad. ): i would hate to have a secret relationship but your fic makes it seem cool. :) anyways, updateee asap? Arraso?
Omg! This is so good! Update soon! ':) channie is so sweet. ♥ he's my bias. ;)
xoxotiffanyxo #9
First chapter and it's already good! update soon!
i love this! update soon!