
My Favorite Dongsaeng

Gongchan’s POV

I wake up once again to the sound of my phone ringing. The woman who has Mia’s phone kept calling me all night and it was annoying, although after a while, it did stop, but it looks like she’s at it again. I look at the caller ID just to make sure that I’m not ignoring an important call from the manager, but I see that it’s not a number I recognize, so maybe it’s important.

“Hello?” I ask picking up the phone.

“Oppa,” Mia says on the other line.

“Mia,” I say sitting straight up in bed, but quickly cover my mouth because I don’t want to wake up the other members. “I’m so sorry about last night; I didn’t mean to leave you. When I figured out that it wasn’t you who was responding to me, I called your sister and she said that she drove you back. I’m so glad you’re safe.”

“Thanks, oppa,” Mia says. “We got my phone shut off last night and now I have a new one, this is the number.”

“You have a new phone already?” I ask.

“I went out this morning and got one.”

“This morning?” I ask.

“Oppa, it’s already like ten,” Mia says laughing on the other line. “And it’s a Sunday so I don’t have any classes.”

“Oh,” I say understanding. “Well, at least we have the situation worked out.”

“Maybe, what if she wrote down your phone number? What if she knows all about us?”

“I’m pretty sure she doesn’t know,” I say trying to comfort Mia. “It doesn’t matter, though. Soon this will all blow over; it may not even become a big deal.”

“I hope not,” Mia says concerned. “I don’t know what would happen to you or me.”

“Yeah, but let’s not think that way,” I say as I stretch before getting down from my bed. “I wish I could spend the day with you again.”

“I wish I could spend the day with you, too,” Mia happily says. I can only imagine how happy she must look with her smile. Sometimes I wish I weren’t an idol so I would be able to have a normal life, but then there are just some parts of this life that I like having, it’s not that hard to leave it behind. I’ll make this relationship work, though. I’m going to do everything in my power to make it work.

“I guess I just have to secretly text you and think about you all day,” I say with a laugh. I hear Mia laugh on the other line which makes my heart beat faster.

“I’m going to tell Suzy about our relationship,” I hear Mia whisper. “Is it okay?”

“If you trust Suzy enough, then it’s fine by me,” I say. I think it’d be good for Mia to have someone that she can talk to about our relationship besides the members, an outside party.

“I trust her enough. I mean, I trust her enough to tell her about my unni’s job when no one else knows.”

“Okay, I trust your judgment,” I tell her. “And I think I have to get going, I have a schedule.”

“Okay, oppa,” she says, still bright and cheery. “I hope you do well at your schedules.”

“I hope you do well with your day off,” I say making a face, but I know she can’t see me. “I’ll text you when I have free time. If I have a long free time, then maybe we could video chat. Bye dongsaeng.”

“Bye, oppa.”

I stare at my phone after we hang up and save Mia’s new number in under her name and just delete the old one. It doesn’t matter anymore since they shut that phone off. So whoever the girl that has Mia’s phone, it’s rendered useless. But I still can’t Mia’s words out of my head, what if the crazy lady really did write down my phone number? I should answer the phone for unknown numbers with caution.

“C’mon guys, we have go soon,” Manager-hyung says barging into our room. “Gongchan?” he asks looking at me. “Why are you up so early?”

“Oh, couldn’t sleep,” I lie as I put my phone out of sight. I don’t know if noona told him about our relationship. I don’t even know if noona knows. I’ll just wait until Mia wants to tell them, if they already don’t know.

“Okay,” Manager-hyung says nodding his head. “Well, get ready and help wake the others up, too.” I nod my head in agreement as he makes his way out of the room, probably to go to the other room and wake up Sandeul.

I climb off the top bunk and head towards the bathroom first to change into clothes before I decide to wake up the other members.


Mia’s POV

“Hello?” Suzy asks picking up on the other line. She doesn’t know that I have a new phone and thankfully, I wrote down most of the phone numbers in a book in my room for emergencies.

“It’s Mia,” I say.

“Mia? You have a new phone number.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“Why?” she asks.

“I was hoping to explain that to you,” I say with a laugh. “Do you want to meet up somewhere?”

“Sure, do you want to grab some brunch?”

“Sounds good,” I say.

Within five minutes, we meet each other, all prepared to go out. It’s not until we’re sitting down waiting for our order that I begin telling her.

“This is a strange sight,” Suzy comments.

“What are you talking about?” I ask.

“You aren’t texting you-know-who.” She’s probably afraid to say his name out loud because there are quite a few people in the restaurant even at this time.

“Oh, well…about that,” I say with my voice trailing off.

“Are you guys in an argument? Are you guys not friends anymore? What happened? I want to know everything.” Questions and statements come out nonstop from Suzy. She’s a very curious person.

“No, nothing of the sort,” I say shaking my head.

“Then what?” she asks confused.

I lean in close and Suzy does the same. I don’t want anyone to overhear, not with the position that we’re currently in. “We’re dating.”

“You’re what?” she yells causing everyone in the restaurant to look at her, including me. “Sorry,” she whispers. “But you’re dating? I knew it would happen and you denied me all along and you said you didn’t have feelings. Well, if you didn’t have feelings then why are you dating him now?” Suzy asks. She continues to rant and I let her because I know that it was all going to come out sooner or later.

“Okay, okay,” I say finally stopping her.

“You guys are dating,” she says again. “I’m so happy for you. How long has it been?”

“Two days?” I ask thinking.

“Two days? You didn’t tell me for two whole days?” Suzy asks shocked.

“Well, I was going to tell you yesterday but I went out with him and the rest of the members,” I explain. “And yeah, you got tricked by Gongchan.”

“Tricked?” she asks confused.

“There was a strange looking guy who asked you for directions to my dorm yesterday, right?” I begin to ask.

It finally sinks in. “That little trickster,” she says attempting to put on a mean face, but it doesn’t work so well. “I had no idea it was him.”

“That’s what he said,” I say laughing.

“He looked like an actual college kid, though,” Suzy says. It’s like she can’t get over the fact that she was tricked by someone in the group that she’s liked for the longest time.

“So if you’ve been dating for two days, did you guys do something together yesterday?” she asks. I nod my head. “What did you do? What did you do?” she asks becoming really excited.

I start telling her all about the amusement park not living a single thing out. I’m glad that I can at least be truthful to someone.


Gongchan’s POV

“Filming will start in about ten minutes, okay?” the producer asks. We all nod our heads. Even though it’s a Sunday we still have schedules to attend to. This time, it’s for some music program, we’re doing some interview and I just know that they’ll probably ask about girlfriends and ideal types. Even though I have to deny Mia as my girlfriend, that doesn’t mean that I can’t describe her for my ideal type.

“Channie, knock yourself out of it, we’re about to film,” Jinyoung says coming up to me.

“Oh, sorry,” I say.

“Are you thinking about Mia?” Sandeul asks.

“Yeah,” I admit. There’s nothing that I can actually keep from the rest of the members.

“Well, just stop thinking about her for this short while, we can’t mess up the interview,” Shinwoo says.

“I’ll try,” I say.

“You better,” Baro says looking at me.

What’s up with him? He’s been acting strange ever since Mia came here, which was like a month ago.

“I will hyung,” I say to Baro, “don’t worry. She’s off doing her own thing and I’m here doing mine. Okay?”

The interview starts and we give off our typical greeting. “I’m Gongchan, the maknae,” I say introducing myself and throwing some aegyo in on it.

“Okay, so who would like to introduce your song topic?” the host asks.

I don’t have to answer questions like these. It’s not that I’m not good to answer them; it’s just that I don’t ever want to. The other members probably don’t want me to say something now because I might slip up and say something about Mia unintentionally. I completely understand, but when they get around to asking everyone the same question, I have to be careful.

“Gongchan,” the host says catching my attention. I turn my head to look at her. “Why do you think fans are attracted to B1A4?” she asks.

“Um,” I say thinking of the question. “I think people are attracted because of our friendliness. We’re easy to approach and it makes it seem as though you’ve known us for a while.”

“Ah, I see,” the host says nodding her head. “Well, let’s start asking all of you guys some questions, okay? All of you guys are going to answer. First, what is your favorite song?”

We all start naming our favorite songs and whatever else the host has us answer until the dreaded question roams around. “Do any of you have girlfriends?”

I tense up at the question but know that I have to play it cool because fans might notice otherwise. “No,” I finally say when it gets to my turn. Somehow, it hurts to deny Mia more than I thought it would. I didn’t think that it would hurt this bad.

“Aw, someone must have a girlfriend, the fans are wondering,” the host pushes.

“Sadly, none of us have a girlfriend,” Jinyoung says taking the reins. He’s a much better liar than I am. “We would all like to get one, but we don’t have enough time to maintain one. Who knows, maybe in the future.” Jinyoung laughs a little and so does the host.

“Yes, it appears to be that way. Well, since you guys don’t have girlfriends, what are you looking for in a girlfriend?”

They go down the line answering this question and even add which celebrity they think that their ideal type matches the most. I don’t have a celebrity ideal type that fits Mia, so I guess I can say that I don’t know anyone.

“Gongchan, what are you looking for in a potential girlfriend?” the host asks.

“Someone’s who kind,” I say, “they have to be kind and only look at me. I’d also like it if they’d understand the life of an idol and that I may not always be there for them directly when they need me. I guess just someone who isn’t what everyone expects them to be, like strong on the outside, but sweet like candy on the inside.”

“Sounds very nice,” the host says. “I bet many girls wish that they were like that now, right?” she asks. A bunch of our fans that are standing outside begin yelling and we all smile at it. “What current celebrity out there do you think fits your type?”

“I’m not sure,” I say, at least it feels more comfortable now that I don’t have to lie because I really don’t know anyone. “I guess I would have to get closer to more people to see how they really are.”

“True,” the host says nodding her head. “Well, sadly, our time has run out together, but it was great seeing B1A4 on the show. You guys should come back again.”

“Don’t worry, we will,” Jinyoung says with a smile.

After the interview is done, we all head back to the room to wait to be called to do our performance.

“You completely described Mia when you were talking about ideal types,” Sandeul says immediately as we enter.

“So what?” I ask.

“Nothing, just saying,” he says.

“Oh, okay,” I say.

“No need to get all defensive, Gongchan,” Jinyoung says right behind him. “It’s probably hard on you.”

“Yeah, it hurt a lot more when I had to say that I don’t have a girlfriend.”

“I would imagine,” Shinwoo says. “But at least Mia does understand what you have to go through, but always remember that she’s probably going through the same thing, okay?”

“Okay,” I say nodding my head.


Mia’s POV

“He is the sweetest person,” Suzy remarks as I tell her about how Gongchan confessed to me while we’re eating our brunch. Ever since I told Suzy that we’re dating, she’s stopped using his name and has just called him by the word ‘he’ or any other pronoun associated with it. Maybe she doesn’t want people to figure out.

“Yeah, at first I thought the letter was for someone else,” I admit.

“You were jealous, just say so,” Suzy says in a matter-of-fact way.

“Maybe,” I grumble not looking at her.

“It’s alright to say so,” Suzy says with a smile.

“Would you be jealous about Jinyoung-oppa?” I quietly ask. I watch her eyes go wide at the mention of his name and her face turns a little pink. “I take that as a yes.”

“Mia,” she complains.

“Hey, you can make conclusions and so can I,” I say with a sly smile.

“You’re so tricky,” she says. “But what are you going to do about the phone thing?”

“Just hope that it passes,” I say. “There’s not really much that we can do, right?”

“True,” Suzy says looking down at her food. “I just hope that you guys don’t get discovered. I don’t want my best friend getting beat upon by their fanclub.”

“I don’t want to get beat on either,” I quickly say. “It doesn’t sound pleasant.”

“It’s not, you know how nasty those fans can get when they love them a lot, but that’s the life of an idol,” Suzy says.

“Yeah,” I quietly say.

“Hey, we should do something else, I’m getting tired of sitting in here,” Suzy says loking around.

“Well what do you want to do?” I ask her.

“Why don’t we go shopping? It’s Sunday, people are out at malls on Sunday,” Suzy explains.  “Plus,” she says with a bright smile. You have a boyfriend now, cute clothes are a must. Let’s go,” she says pulling my arm after she puts money on the table.

The two of us manage to make our way to the nearby mall and immediately Suzy takes me into one of her favorite stores to look at cute clothes. “Do I really need all of these?” I ask looking at the clothes that Suzy holds up to see if it would match me.

“Of course,” she says not even looking at me. “This looks cute, you should try this on.”

“Do I have to?” I ask looking at the sky blue dress that she’s holding in her hands.

“I’m sure your boyfriend would appreciate this once in a while,” she says.

“But can’t we just have a normal relationship?” I ask her.

“Well, it’s already not normal since he’s an idol,” Suzy states. She is true. As Suzy is picking out more clothes, my phone vibrates and I see a text message.


I’m sad. Cheer me up?



I stare at the message. Why is he sad? Is he sad about the whole phone issue that’s going on or is there something else that’s bothering him?


Why are you sad? I’ll cheer you up any day.



I close my phone as I look and see Suzy staring at me. “The boyfriend?” she asks. I don’t answer and look away. “I knew it, it’s the boyfriend. That won’t stop me looking for clothes.” Immediately, she goes back to looking at clothes. I really don’t know how she should change so quickly. Maybe I should set her up with Jinyoung. Would Gongchan help me?


Gongchan’s POV

I look at Mia’s response to me and it makes me smile. She’s always here for me. All of the time, even though we haven’t been dating for that long, we’ve been dating for two days, I feel like I’ve known her forever.


We just did an interview…and you probably know the rest. But just remember that I like you, I really, really like you. :)

-Gongchan <3


I close my phone and immediately I feel it vibrate again. “She texts back fast,” I mutter to myself as I look at my phone again. I’m left alone in the room since the others went to get something quick to eat. Since I wasn’t hungry, I opted out of it.

When I look at my phone, I see that it’s not a text message I’m getting, but it’s a phone call from an unknown number. “Hello?” I ask as politely as possible.

“Gongchan?” the voice says.

I immediately hang up the phone hearing the voice. So that means that she probably did write down my phone number and she must be calling me on her own phone since Mia’s phone was turned off. Doesn’t this lady know when to stop?

The lady calls back again, but this time I know it’s her and I don’t answer it. I even decide to save her name in as ‘Stalker.’ When my phone vibrates once more, I decide to look at the caller ID for the heck of it and see that it’s actually Mia this time texting me back.


I understand. And don’t worry, I really, really like you, too. Suzy’s all excited and picking out clothes for me to show you.



I laugh at the statement. So I guess Suzy is really happy about our relationship.


Suzy’s happy for us? That’s really good and I can’t wait to see the clothes later.



I debate on whether or not I should tell her about that woman calling me, but it’s alright. If I just ignore the number, then I’m sure that the woman will start to leave me alone.

“Hey Channie,” Sandeul says sitting down. “We grabbed you a snack.”

“Oh, thanks,” I say as Sandeul pushes a bag of snacks towards me. “I’m surprised that you didn’t eat it yet.”

“He was going to,” Jinyoung says with a laugh as he sits down next to me. “But we forbade him to.”

“Look at Jinyoung-hyung pulling out the big words,” Baro says.

My phone vibrates again and I see that it’s the woman. I immediately shove the phone back into my pocket. “Is that your girlfriend?” Shinwoo asks.

“Are you guys in an argument?” Baro wonders.

“Why didn’t you answer your phone?” Sandeul asks pointing at my still vibrating pocket.

“It’s no one,” I say dismissing the questions.

“What if it’s something important?” they ask.

“I don’t know,” I say.

“Are you okay?” Jinyoung asks stepping in as the leader. “Did something happen? You seemed off since last night at the amusement park.”

I sigh. There’s no way that I can keep this hidden from them. They are my members after all; they’re going to start noticing that I keep getting frequent phone calls. Maybe they could help me instead.

“I keep getting phone calls from a random lady,” I mutter.

“We should report it to the police,” Shinwoo says.

“Isn’t that stalking?” Sandeul asks.

“Random lady?” Jinyoung asks.

I dive into the full story about how Mia’s phone got switched with another person and how I texted her and it turned out to be a woman who now knows my phone number.

“We should tell the police, Channie, and get you a new phone number,” Jinyoung says.

“I guess,” I say. “If that would help.”

“I’m sure it would.”



Hopefully this situation is going to get better. I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure that our relationship isn’t discovered and that you’re in no harm. I’m going to be the best boyfriend possible and protect you from everyone. You’re never going to get hurt with me. I’m never going to make you cry.


Your protective boyfriend,

Gong Chanshik


B1A4 are going to tell the police about a stalker and get Gongchan a new phone, but will it work? When is the next time that Gongchan and Mia will see each other?


Chapter 11 is up. Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed :D

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Saemiy #1
Chapter 26: Love the story ^^
At first i suspected suzy as the culprit behind the chaos though. Hohohoho.
Love this story :D
jkgdshvfgsdh!! i loved this story.. :)
applechapple #4
asdfghjkl I can't wait for the next chapter! please update! ; A;
Wenxinzxc #5
update soon ^^
new reader here ! Love your story, thanks for update ! :) omg gongchann bias <3
This is so sad. ): i would hate to have a secret relationship but your fic makes it seem cool. :) anyways, updateee asap? Arraso?
Omg! This is so good! Update soon! ':) channie is so sweet. ♥ he's my bias. ;)
xoxotiffanyxo #9
First chapter and it's already good! update soon!
i love this! update soon!