It Has To Be Today

My Favorite Dongsaeng

Gongchan’s POV

It’s been a week since the concert and although I haven’t been able to talk to Mia face to face or spend time with her, I’ve at least been able to text her. Surprisingly, she texted me the very next day thanking me for the note, although, I don’t exactly know what the thank you was for in the first place since it was just a note. She seemed to appreciate it though.

“What are you so smiley about?” Sandeul asks.

“What?” I ask looking up from my phone. Mia and I are texting again while I’m on our way to our next schedule and Mia’s in school.

“He’s probably texting Mia again,” Jinyoung calmly states. “He’s been doing it twenty-four seven for the past week.”

“Why don’t you guys just go out already?” Shinwoo offers.

“Because she’s just a dongsaeng,” I reason as I read her text again. Aish, she’s so cute.


Oppa, I’m in class and I’m supperrr bored.



I chuckle at her comment causing my hyungs to look at me again. I just shrug my shoulder. They should really find girls in their lives.


Dongsaengie, I’m going to a schedule now. I wish I could wash away your boredom.



I can only imagine what she’s doing in class. Why is she even texting in class in the first place? I brush off the thought as we arrive to our next schedule, or more like Sandeul and Baro’s next schedule. The rest of us are just going to watch the recording, we’re not actually going to be in the show. I’m kind of grateful for that because I can talk to Mia some more.

Taking a seat, I feel my phone vibrate yet again. I slyly take it out of my pocket and read the message from Mia.


I wish you were able to, too. We haven’t been able to see each other for a week.



Wait, does that mean that she misses me? Does she actually miss seeing me? This is a rare opportunity; I have to jump on it.


Does my dongsaeng miss me that much? You’ve only seen me twice before. I guess you must really like me a lot.



Maybe this is a time to see what she really thinks about me, although she’s probably only thinking about it like a joke. What is a real way to let her know that I really like her? I could confess to her, but that would be quite difficult considering our separate schedules. Why does liking someone have to be so difficult?

“Are you okay?” Jinyoung leans over and whispers to me.

“What?” I ask.

“You seem…out of it. Is everything alright with your relationship with Mia?”

“Why wouldn’t it be?” I ask. “We’re dongsaeng and oppa. Of course our relationship is okay. Is your head okay?”

“Very funny, Channie,” Jinyoung says.

“Hyung,” I quickly say, he probably has a lot of experience confessing to people, “how do you confess to someone?”

“Confession? You want to make Mia your girlfriend?” Jinyoung asks suddenly interest. I can’t look at him and only nod my head yes. “We always knew you liked her.”

“I don’t care, hyung, I just want to know how to get my feelings across to her without her thinking that I’m joking.”

“Go to her university,” Shinwoo whispers calmly.

“Hyung, when did you get in the conversation?” I whine looking at him.

“I was listening to you guys talk the whole time,” he admits.

“Moving on,” I state glaring at the both of them, “how should I confess to Mia?”

“Go to her university,” Shinwoo urges. “Confess to her in front of everyone.”

“But wouldn’t she be embarrassed?” I ask.

“It’s a foolproof way for her not to say no, I mean, once they know that the cute little maknae of B1A4 is confessing to a girl on their campus, she’ll get pressured into saying yes,” Jinyoung explains.

“But I don’t want to pressure her,” I say when I feel my phone vibrate again. I stop talking to read the text and answer back.

“Looks like someone’s texting his girlfriend,” Jinyoung says in a sing-song voice.

“Hyung, I don’t say that when you’re texting your girlfriend,” I say without even looking up.

“Yah, Channie, when have I ever had a girlfriend?” he asks. I see his face slightly turning pink.

“Whatever hyung,” I state as I continue my reading.


Oppa is funny. So what if I really miss you? You’re my oppa. You probably miss your dongsaeng a lot.



So does that mean that she does like me if she misses me?


Of course, I always miss my dongsaeng and I always will. What classes do you have this afternoon?



“I mean it, Channie, confess to her at university,” Shinwoo states.

“Hyung, but I’m not good at confessing. I’ve never done it before,” I complain.

“Well, it’s a good thing that you have experienced hyungs, right?” Jinyoung asks wiggling his eyebrows weirdly. Shinwoo joins in and I can only stare at them. Experienced hyungs? More like childish ones.


Mia’s POV

“Are you texting your boyfriend?” Suzy asks attempting to look at my phone, but I shield her away from it.

“Shouldn’t you be paying attention to class?” I whisper.

“Shouldn’t you?” she asks pointing at my phone.

“And he’s not my boyfriend,” I say.

“Yet,” Suzy emphasizes. “He likes you, you like him. You’ve been texting him nonstop for a week. It’s like you guys are already going out. Plus you can see him like any time you want because of your unni.”

“Very funny,” I comment as I type back on my phone. “And don’t say that out loud so everyone can hear. It’s not like I want everyone to know who my unni is.”


My last class ends at three this afternoon. I have English and Calculus 1. I have a break at about twelve thirty. This class is ending soon, though, like right now. Then I have a little time before I go to English, but not long, like ten minutes.



I send the message and wonder why Gongchan is asking such a thing. He normally never asks what classes I have in the afternoon. I guess he’s just wondering what I have going on later if I’m complaining right now and it’s only like eleven in the morning.

“I’m hungry,” I complain leaning my head against the desk. The class is now over and kids are packing up their stuff to head their separate ways.

“You’re such a complainer,” Suzy says dragging me out of my seat. “Just an hour and a half until we have lunch together.”

“Yeah, but still,” I complain as we walk outside. The air is nice and so is the sun. Even though it’s mid-September, the weather is still nice outside before the fall air starts setting in and things start getting cooler.

“You’re going to get lunch and then we’re going to hang out. Where do you want to go?” Suzy asks.

I shrug my shoulders. “It doesn’t matter. Is there any specific place that you want to take me to?”

“I hear that B1A4 are having another recording, but on a music program this time,” Suzy says. “Do you want to go see it?”

“I guess,” I say shrugging my shoulders and attempting to keep my excitement in. I can’t let her notice that I’m actually excited that she brought up such a thing. Why didn’t Gongchan say anything to me about a recording? Maybe he thought I was too busy to do anything.

My phone vibrates again and I take it out. I see Suzy roll her eyes. “You guys should just date already. Well, I’ll see you for lunch,” she says as she takes off in another direction. Sadly, she’s not in my English class. It looks like I’m going to have to suffer through another class alone.


Yay! You will be able to come to our recording then, right? There’s another recording tonight on a music program since today is Friday. You’re coming right? You can bring Suzy along, I’m sure Jinyoung-hyung is missing her, no matter how much he wants to admit it.



I chuckle at his comment. I guess the only thing that’s going to make me last through English is the fact that I’m going to get to see Gongchan again. I do miss him, even if we haven’t met that much. He’s my first friend and he’s very friendly, he just has that personality that makes people immediately like him. I won’t ever tell Suzy that I like him more than an oppa and I don’t think I’ll ever tell him. I’m just planning on keeping it inside until this time passes and we’re friends with each other. That time’s going to come, right?

I take a seat in class and take out the materials for it while I quickly text Gongchan back before the class starts.


Sure, Suzy’s already invited me, don’t worry. Do you want me to look for you guys backstage? And Suzy’s coming, too. Oppa, if I don’t text back, don’t worry about me. I’m in English class and the professor is pretty strict.



I close my phone knowing that that will be enough to let Gongchan understand why I don’t text back because I’m sure that he’ll be worried, but he’ll only be worried like an oppa worried for a dongsaeng. There’s no way that he likes me. He’s a star, there are plenty of people out there for him to like, and he knows even more people than me because he knows more people in the entertainment industry than I ever will. There’s no reason for a guy like him to have a crush on me. It just doesn’t make sense.

“Did you see B1A4?” I hear a nearby girl ask.

“Jinyoung is so romantic."

“Shinwoo looks just like a cuddly teddy bear.”

“Sandeul and Baro are the best together.”

“Isn’t Gongchan just the cutest thing that you’ve ever seen? His aegyo is to die for.”

Slowly, I find their conversation boring. Fawning over people that they don’t even know, it’s like pathetic…but isn’t that what I’m doing? Aren’t I falling for a guy that I barely know anything about?


Gongchan’s POV

“You aren’t texting anymore,” Baro says coming up next to me after the recording. We’re heading to the dance studio for a little practice before the music show recording.

“Nope,” I say. “She has class and she says that her professor is a little strict on the whole texting thing. I wouldn’t want to get her in trouble.”

“Well at least she’s not going to get in trouble,” Baro says as we go into the van.

For the past couple of weeks, actually, ever since we’ve met Mia, Baro has been acting a little strange. I’m not entirely sure what is going on with him, I just know that he’s been acting strange. He’s been quieter lately, which is something completely strange since he’s always loud with Sandeul. Maybe it’s hanging out with all of us A blood types that has started changing him.

“Why don’t we plan the confession?” Jinyoung asks when we’re sitting around our practice room in a circle eating some lunch. Practice is done now and it’s about one in the afternoon.

“Confession?” Sandeul and Baro ask practically choking on their food as they look at Jinyoung, Shinwoo, and me.

“Who’s confessing to who?” Sandeul asks.

“Channie is confessing to Mia,” Jinyoung happily says as he pats my back. I just smile nervously at the two.

“Congrats, our maknae is all grown up,” Sandeul happily says as he stuffs his mouth with more food.

“I still say go to her university. When are her classes done?” Shinwoo asks.

“Three this afternoon, so we have about two hours,” I say looking at the clock on the wall. “But wouldn’t everyone know then that we were in a relationship?”

“Do you not want people to know?” Jinyoung asks.

“I’m not sure, hyung,” I say. “Should people know? Would Mia get in trouble at her school if she’s dating me and everyone knows? Will she even say yes?” There are so many things that are going through my mind right now. I couldn’t’ be any more nervous about this whole planning to confess thing. Is it even the right thing to actually confess to her?

“Don’t sweat it, Channie,” Sandeul says. “You could always do it tomorrow or the day after that, or the day after that.”

“But I don’t think I’ll have the confidence,” I confess. “I feel like I have the confidence today, so it has to be done today. I think she’ll say yes.”

“Of course she’ll say yes,” Shinwoo says. “You guys have been texting each other nonstop. If she didn’t like you, she wouldn’t text you and she wouldn’t talk to you.”

“Oohh, how do you know, hyung?” Baro asks looking at him. We all just laugh at the statement without asking another question.

“So what are you going to do?” Jinyoung asks looking at me. “Are you going to go to her university or are you going to do it in a more private setting?”

I think about it. If I show up at Mia’s university, kids are surely going to be talking about it and I don’t want to put Mia through that unwanted attention. If I do it in private, we are able to keep our relationship private from people and there’s no way that she have any difficulties because of it. As much as I would like people to know about our relationship, I think that her safety should come first. She is my dongsaeng after all. I should protect her, and if I want to become her boyfriend, I should protect her.

“I think I should do it in a more private setting,” I admit. “I don’t want her to be hurt by what fans say or what kids at her school say, even though I would like to do it at her school.”

“When the time comes,” Jinyoung says patting my back in attempt to comfort me since he knows that I really wanted to go to her school. “I understand how you don’t want her to get hurt.”

“Hey, how let’s plan how you’re going to confess to her in a more private setting,” Shinwoo suddenly says getting excited.

“Okay,” I say putting a bright smile on my face.

“Why don’t you like write her a letter or something? They say that those types of things can like say a thousand words, right?” Baro asks.

“That’s a painting,” I retort. “But a letter, it sounds nice. Thanks hyung.”

“No problem,” he says flashing me a smile.

“Where should the confession take place?” Sandeul asks.

For the remaining time before we had to go record some things for a song or something like that. I could barely keep focused, though. The whole time my mind was focused on confessing to Mia tonight. Hopefully everything is going to work out as planned. Tonight will hopefully be the night that I make Mia my girlfriend.


Mia’s POV

“Freedom!” I yell stretching out my hands from my Calculus 1 class at exactly three on the dot. I love it when I get out of class right on time. Suzy and I meet at our regular spot when we’re both done our classes. “What time is their recording tonight?” I ask as we walk back to the dorms.

“Like seven,” Suzy says. “I think. I’m not sure. It’s apparently one of those big concert type things but for a music show.”

“Don’t we have to buy tickets?” I ask.

“Already ahead of you,” Suzy says as she pulls two tickets out of her pocket. “I was hoping I would find someone to go with. I bought these a while ago.”

“Then I should pay you back,” I say.

“No, no need. You’ve already paid me back big time,” she says with a wide smile.

“What do you mean?” I ask confused.

“Your unni,” she whispers.

“Ah, so you consider that your repayment? But it’s only a coincidence.”

“Coincidence or not, you have to be the luckiest girl in the world,” Suzy says. “Your sister works with B1A4. If my sister worked with B1A4, I would follow her all day long around just to be with the boys.”

“But I lived in the United States,” I say. “I actually didn’t know what job she did. I told you this before.”

“True,” Suzy says nodding her hair. “Let’s go back to your dorm and find something cute for you to wear tonight for Gongchan. I want to make sure that you look acceptable for your boyfriend.”

“He’s not my boyfriend,” I protest. “He’s simply a friend.”

“Whatever you say,” Suzy says as my phone vibrates. I pick it out of my pocket and a smile automatically comes across my face. “Well, speak of the devil,” I hear her whisper. I don’t even bother to pay attention to her anymore. Her saying those types of things are just normal for me now.


I’m going to see you at the recording? Assa! I’ll definitely look for you, unless you find us first and then I can give you some passes or maybe I’ll reserve some seats for you so I know right where they are. I’m so excited that you’re coming tonight.

-Oppa <3


I look at his text and realize that he must be really happy that I’m coming tonight. He even signed his name as oppa and put a heart next to it. Without trying to draw too much attention to myself, I feel my heart getting faster by the minute as I read his text. Gongchan, oppa, why do you have to do this to me?


Gongchan’s POV

“Its concert time, concert time,” Sandeul sings as we walk down the hallway to our dressing room.

“Gongchan, is Mia coming?” Baro asks me. I nod my head. “Awesome. You’ll get to see you again.”

“And you’ll get to see you again, too,” I say with a wide smile. For some reason, I see Baro freeze for a second before returning to his normal self. What was with that?

“Anyway, I hope your confession goes well tonight,” he says.

“Ah, thanks,” I say as he walks into the dressing room. There’s something up with him, it doesn’t seem as though he’s acting like himself lately. I really wonder what’s going on with him.

After we’ve settled ourselves in the room, I see noona enter. “Mia and Suzy are here,” she proudly states as she moves over and reveals the two girls.

“Dongsaeng,” I yell, my face immediately brightening up upon seeing her.

“Oppa,” she says brightly. “And the other oppas. Hello.”

“Hello Suzy,” I say looking at her.

We all say our hellos and greet each other before it feels like we never left the last time when we were at their school. “You guys really have a lot of fans,” Mia comments. She’s sitting in between me and Baro while Suzy is in between Shinwoo and Jinyoung.

“Really?” Jinyoung asks.

“Yeah,” Mia says nodding her head. “I heard some girls talking about you guys today. It looks like you guys are really making an impact.”

“Awesome,” he says with a smile. “Looks like we’re becoming more known guys.”

“Woo,” I say clapping. “I bet you were jealous,” I whisper into Mia’s ear.

“Jealous?” she asks immediately turning to face me. I see her face is really red. Is she that embarrassed by the comment? “Why would I be jealous about you?”

“I don’t know, because my name came out of another girl’s mouth,” I continue to whisper so the others won’t hear. It’s like they’ve already enveloped themselves in a conversation where Sandeul and Baro are fighting about something that makes absolutely no sense to anyone but themselves.

“Well,” Mia says crossing her arms. “You are mistaken, I wasn’t jealous, not in the least.”

“Well that’s good,” I smirk.

“Chanshik!” Mia says hitting my arm.

“Oww,” I say rubbing the place where she hit.

“Then don’t say those things.”

“Fine, fine,” I say giving in and flashing her a smile since I know what’s going to happen tonight and she doesn’t. “Oh, I just remembered, I already saved your seats for you guys.”

“You saved us seats?” Suzy asks looking at Mia and then back at me. I can tell what she’s probably thinking.

“Yup,” I say with a smile. “I’ve already saved them and know where they are so I’ll be able to see you through my performance.”

“Aww,” I hear Sandeul say, “look at the lovely couple.”

“Wouldn’t it be so great if they were boyfriend and girlfriend?” Jinyoung asks looking at Suzy.

“I tell her that all of the time but she just doesn’t think that,” Suzy says.

I look at Mia and I can see her face getting red. Why does she have to be so cute?



Honestly, I’m excited for tonight. Will you say yes? You wouldn’t reject your oppa, right? you’re embarrassed of the things that they say because you know it’s true, am I correct? I hope you’ll like the letter I prepared for you. I wrote it with all of my heart while seriously thinking about why I want to be with you. Tonight is going to be magical. Don’t be embarrassed by the things that they say now because I’m always going to protect you. I promise it. I swear on my life.


Your soon-to-be-boyfriend,

Gong Chanshik


How is Gongchan's confession to Mia going to turn out? Is Mia going to confess? What is up with Baro's weird acting?


Chapter 6 is now posted. Hope you enjoy :D

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Saemiy #1
Chapter 26: Love the story ^^
At first i suspected suzy as the culprit behind the chaos though. Hohohoho.
Love this story :D
jkgdshvfgsdh!! i loved this story.. :)
applechapple #4
asdfghjkl I can't wait for the next chapter! please update! ; A;
Wenxinzxc #5
update soon ^^
new reader here ! Love your story, thanks for update ! :) omg gongchann bias <3
This is so sad. ): i would hate to have a secret relationship but your fic makes it seem cool. :) anyways, updateee asap? Arraso?
Omg! This is so good! Update soon! ':) channie is so sweet. ♥ he's my bias. ;)
xoxotiffanyxo #9
First chapter and it's already good! update soon!
i love this! update soon!