Chapter 21

More Than the Air I Breathe






“Are you ready?” Jaejoong asked her. Joonhee took a very deep breath and hummed a ‘yes’ softly. Jaejoong interlaced their fingers together and gave her a smile to calm her. Jaejoong brought her closer to his side and kissed her lips tenderly. Joonhee smiled a bit, she knew what Jaejoong was up to.



They then kept on walking on the cemetery and Joonhee stopped her walk when Jaejoong stopped too. “Here.” Jaejoong put down the white carnation on a beautifully carved memorial rock. Ko Ayumi. Joonhee felt herself was unable to move as the accident suddenly flashed inside her mind.


“Joonhee, what are you doing?” Ayumi pushed her slightly as she concentrated on the road. “Yumi…I’m so sad,” Joonhee leaned her head on Ayumi’s shoulder. “They should at least ask how my days are…am I really their daughter?” Joonhee shook Ayumi and that distracted her. “Joon, stop it. I’m driving here.”


“Yumi~~” Joonhee grabbed the stering and turned it around playfully. “Joonhee! Don’t!”Ayumi shouted as the car overturn. She pushed Joonhee and quickly pressed the brake to stop the car and shut her eyes tightly. She opened her eyes after the car has stopped. Their car was on the opposite direction on the highway. Luckily there weren’t any car as it was 3 AM in the morning.


“I thought I’m going to die…” Ayumi held her hands close to her chest tightly. “But why did I have a bad feeling…?” Ayumi turned to her side, to find Joonhee who was still tipsy. “Are you okay?” Ayumi asked her.


“That was fun!!!” Joonhee suddenly cheered and giggled. “Let’s do it again!” Joonhee turned the steering and the car overturned again. “Joon!! Stop!!” Ayumi tried to take the control of the car again.




“Aahh!” Joonhee suddenly shouted loudly and she fell on the ground. “Joonhee!” Jaejoong quickly ran to her. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Jaejoong asked worriedly as Joonhee was breathing heavily and she was sweating a lot.


“I’m sorry…sorry…” Tears suddenly rolled over her cheeks. Clutching on Jaejoong’s arm, she cried her heart out till her body trembled. “Shh…it’s not your fault. Shhh…” Jaejoong caressed her back. Maybe she remembered about the accident…


“I’m scared, Jaejoong…I’m scared…” Joonhee looked up to look at her husband. “It’s already happened…” jaejoong wiped her tears with his thumbs. “I’m sure Ayumi want you and me to move on and live a happy life too,” Jaejoong smiled and helped her to get up. “How do you know?” Joonhee said. It’s impossible that Ayumi told him.


“I just know it.” Jaejoong smiled and led her to in front of Ayumi’s grave. “Talk to her. I’m sure she missed her best friend.” Jaejoong tried to wink but failed. “Jaejoong…don’t ever try to wink, okay? You just can’t wink,” Joonhee chuckled a bit.


“Ayumi…” She caressed Ayumi’s picture. “I’m sorry…For everything. I don’t know how many times I’ve already said sorry but I just can’t help from said it…” She continued. “With my own life, I promise I’ll live my life happily! I’ll never forget you. Never, Ayumi.” Joonhee wiped her tears with the back of her hand. She then stood up and gave Jaejoong the warmest smile he ever got from her.


Jaejoong pulled Joonhee closer to him and looked at Ayumi’s picture. “I promise…” Jaejoong took Joonhee’s hand into his. “…I’ll look after Joonhee. I’ll love her more than anything, more than the air I breathe. Bless us, Ayumi.” Jaejoong bowed in front of Ayumi’s memorial.


“Jaejoong…” Joonhee was taken aback with his confession. I guess he really meant everything that he said…everything that he done…maybe it’s the time where I should really open my heart… Joonhee smiled and nodded slowly.


That evening, everything felt new to her and to him. They felt like a big and heavy burden on their shoulders had been lifted up.


She didn’t feel remorse now. She promised herself to live more diligently, for the sake of herself, Jaejoong and their unborn child. She would be a good parent, not like her parents.


He felt relieved. All the grudges that he kept over for years were useless. If he knew this was how he would feel, he already threw away all the grudges and his ego.


“Joonhee…” “Jaejoong…”


They looked at each other and chuckled. “You first,” Jaejoong said. “No…you first.” Joonhee shook her head. “Okay.” Jaejoong shrugged his shoulders.


“I love you. That’s all I want to say.” Jaejoong leaned down a bit and kissed her. He wanted Joonhee to feel what he felt through the kiss as he tried hard to convey his feeling.


“You stole my line,” Joonhee pouted. Jaejoong laughed heartily and took her into his embrace. “Put me down!” Joonhee yelped when Jaejoong started to turn her around. Jaejoong was to engulf in happiness that he forgot his wife was pregnant.


“Ops, sorry. Are you okay?” Jaejoong quickly checked her. “I’m…okay…just a bit…dizzy…” Joonhee leaned on him.


“Kim Joonhee, you’re mine and I’m yours.” He sneaked his hands around her waist. “I love you more than the air I breathe.” Jaejoong rested his chin on Joonhee’s shoulder.


“Kim Jaejoong, I love you. You’re the air that I breathe.” Joonhee replied. “Is that means you love the air more than me?” Jaejoong suddenly pouted. Joonhee’s furrowed her eyebrows.








i'm a bit sick the past few days and having writer's block crying

now i'm posting this since i have a week of holiday and will try to update as many as i can...

and maybe i'll end this story sooner than what i've plan...i'm going to move on to my next story quickly smiley



Owh owh

have you guys watch Paradise Ranch? Changmin is soooooo cute!!!

he's my currently bias now laugh


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Chapter 38: i just read it and when will this long hiatus end? im so curious what will happen
New reader and subscriber n____n<br />
I like your story, hope Seowoo won't doing something bad toward Joonhee :)<br />
Update soon
nar12345 #3
wow..this is fun to read!
pls update again :]<br />
<br />