Cho Kyuhyun

Triple Lee


Minhee’s POV

“Oppa! Oppa!” I am trying wake up Eunhyuk Oppa.

This lazy guy promises me to take me to Incheon today because thanks to my wonderful husband I lost my car yesterday.


“Oppa. You need to get up now! I have to be in Incheon at 9am.”

“Can’t you go tomorrow or on other day?”

“No. It’s been 3 month since I went there. And Appa asks me to go there today. They’re waiting for me. ”

“aish! Just take my car.”

“duh! If only I could take your car. You have to be back here after lunch. You have a dance practice. Hello?”

“AISH! Kim Minhee.”

“duh! It’s not my fault that I lost my car last night.”

“And it’s my fault?” He said.

“no. But you promise to take me to Incheon.”

“You made me promise you. Because you bribe me.”

“Great bribe. A beautiful bribe.”

I used Gyuri’s name.

“Kim Minhee if you didn’t do your part I will break you into pieces.” He said then get up.

“I will. I will talk to Gyuri for you.” I said.

I actually promised him that I will talk to Gyurishii. I will ask for her number; because Eunhyuk Oppa have a huge crush on her. And he can’t make a move. He’s too shy to approach her or always losing his words whenever he is in front of her. Well I like Gyurishii for Oppa. She’s kind and friendly. And she’s gorgeous.

-Skip to Incheon-

“Kumapsumnida.” I said.

“You should keep your promise.” Eunhyuk oppa said.

“I will.”

“Should I call you when Donghaeshii decided to go home?” he asked in sarcastic tone.

“No. Why?”

“I see. How about when Sungmin hyung went home already?” in more sarcastic tone.

“Shut up.”

“hahahahahahaha. I’ll get going now. I’ll see you later. “

“Okay. Don’t make me wait here!”

“yeah. Yeah. Bye.”

“bye. Take care.”

Then he drives off. I’m now in front of Kim Yun Exhibition Hall.

“Little Miss.”

“oh. Mr. Yang.”

“It’s been a long time Little Miss.” Mr. Yang said.

“ yes it is. How’s the exhibits going on?”

“They are all doing fine. We’re always booked every month. There will be also an orchestra concert for next month.”

“That’s great.”

“Shall we go in Young Miss?”

“yes. Please.”

----skip to Lee’s Residences---

Sungmin’s POV

“Oh.  Where have you been?”

“I took Minheeshii to Incheon. She needs to check something in there. She really needs to buy a new car. Coz she’ll be bugging if she didn’t buy one.” Eunhyuk said.

“Why? What happened to her car?”

“It was stolen last night. While she’s busy looking for Donghaeshii at a bar; her car is being stolen.”


“yeah. I know. Poor her; she lost her car while searching for her husband.”

“I should buy her a new car.”

“what hyung?”


“Ah. Where’s umma? And appa?”

“They are in Jeju. They have to attend a party. They’ll be back tomorrow.”

“Why didn’t you go with them?”

“Why should I? I don’t like parties. You know that.”

“But I’m sure there’s a lot of good investor on that party. They’ll be a great help on your business. Exposure! Exposure!”

“I don’t need that. It’s just probably Appa’s friends. I told you before I won’t ask any help from him. I will make my own name on my own style.”

“okay. Whatever you say hyung.”

Skip to Kim Yun Hall

Minhee's POV

"This is the newest exhibit. They just started last week. And they are doing great. A lot of people are very interested on their crafts." Mr. Yang said.

"They are impressive." I said.

"Some of the items will be auction for next week."

"Are we still the one who handle that?"

"No. Young Miss. It will be handled by a different company. We're just providing a place for the exhibition but we don't sell."

"ahhhh. Okay."

"Young Miss. Can I leave you for a moment. I just have to take this call? Just approached any of the staff if you need something."

"Sure. Sure." I said.

Then he leaves.

I was roaming around the hall. Looking at different art pieces. I really don't understand any of it. I guess I didn't get any art side from my Appa. Then I stopped when I saw this small statue of a girl in a swing or something. It looks weird but I actually appreaciate it.

"Nice piece huh?" I guy suddenly speaks from my back.

I turned around.

"Mr. Cho?"

"Please. Just Kyuhyun. It's too formal." he said.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

Then he points at a couple at the other side of the room who looks like his parents.

"Appa? Umma?" I said then he nods.

"You what are you doing here?"

"I'm trying to gain my artistic side." I said.

Then he laugh.

"Artistic side?"

"yes. Because I didn't get artistic side from any of my parents." I said.

"Well. Count me in that project. Because I didn't get any from my parents."

"hahahaha.... I'm not the only who's not artistic at all."

"yeah. We're two now." He said.

His mom suddenly approached us. " Kyuhyunshii. You got a friend here and you won't introduce us to her."

"Annyeonghasayo. I'm Kim Minhee." I said then offered my hand.

"Annyeonghasayo Kim Minhee. I'm Mrs. Cho Aerin. Mom of Kyuhyunshii. And this is my husband Mr. Cho Jungsin."

"It's nice to meet you Kim Min-hee?" his dad shakes my hand.

"yes sir."

"How are you related to Kim Yunji?"

"He's my dad."

"You're Minheeshii. Aigoo. Kyuhyunshii. You never told us that you're friend with the only daughter of the Kim's." his mom then suddenly get both of my hands.

"Forgive my son. He really doesn't know anything about the society today." she said.

"It's okay Ma'am." I said then looked at Kyuhyun who is now confused.

"Kyuhyunshii. Her parents own this exhibit hall. Well actually all the biggest exhibit halls in S. Korea. They owned it." His dad said.

"Molla?!" Kyuhyun said then looked at me.

I just smiled at him.

Then I saw Mr. Yang.

"I'm sorry to leave you. Young Miss. Oh. Mr and Mrs Cho. I'm glad to see you again. I believe that you already meet the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kim?" Mr. Yang said.

"Yes. Mr. Yang. We did. Actually she's a friend of our Kyuhyunshii." Kyuhyun's mom said.

"Oh really?" Mr. Yang said.

"We just met yesterday." I said.

"really? Where?" Kyuhyun's mom asked.

"At the...."

"Appa, Umma don't you have a appointment to day." Kyuhyun suddenly cuts me off.

"Yeah. We almost forgot. Honey we have to meet the dealer." Kyuhyun's dad said.

"Yeah. I'm sorry Minheeshii. We have to go maybe we can talk another time. You can visit us at our house. I'm sure Kyuhyunshii would love to take you. Right Kyuhyunshii?" 

"ah? neh. Umma."

"It's okay ma'am. It's very nice meeting you." I said.

"You too." She said then hug me all of a sudden.

It's akward but I her back.

"We have to go. Mr. Yang. Ms. Minhee." Kyuhyun's dad said. "Kyuhyunshii. Aren't you coming?"

"Ah. I'll stay here for a bit. I don't have anything to do anyways." Kyuhyun said.

"Okay. We'll go now."

"I'll you outside sir." Mr. Yang said.

"Oh Thank you."

Then off they go. Leaving me and Kyuhyun.

"They don't know that you're go clubbing right?" I asked him.

"Yes. You almost sold me to my parents." he said.


"It's okay. Want to grab some coffee?" he said.


---Skip--- (Lee's Residence)


"thanks bro!" I said then wave at Minho who gave me a ride home.

AISH this stupid stick is giving me hard time walking. But it's better than wheelchair. I guess. Well that's what my wife said.

Speaking of her. Where the hell is she?

"Young master. You're already here." Mrs. Hwang appeared in the main door.

"I'm hungry." I said.

"I'll ask the maid to make some food for you."

"Tell them to bring it to my room."

"Yes. Young master."

"Btw. Where's my wife?"

"Young master Hyukjae gave her a ride this morning to Incheon. I believe she'll back later this afternoon."

"Gave her a lift? She have a car. Why do she need a lift from Hyung?"

"Young Miss's car have been stolen last night."

"Carnap?! Where?"

"I don't know Young Master. But that's what young Miss told us."

"Okay. You can go now."

She lost her car. Bapo! How could she gave her car away! Stupid!

"Lee Donghaeshii!" I saw Sungmin hyung.

"Where have you been?"


"I'm asking where have you been? Appa and Umma were very worried last night." he said.

"Oh really. LIKE I CARE!"

"Don't you really care about this family?"

"Like you care? You left 3 years ago right? Is that what you call care?!" I said then continue my way to my room.

SKIP ( Minhee and Kyuhyun at the coffee shop)


"So you're a law student. And 2nd child. You have a noona who is studying abroad. Your family have a school."

"Yes. That's all correct." he said.

"Then what does a law student doing in a club last night?" I asked.

"Very persistent huh?"

"Well it doesn't suit you. I mean it doesn't suit your personality." i said.

"I'm just there to relax."

"And to forget something?" I added.

"yeah. Well sort of." he said.

"What is it?"


"That you want to forgot?"

"If tell you I have to kill you." he said.

"Is it worth my life?" i said.


"Then I don't need to worry about my life."

"No. Miss Kim."


"Now it's your turn." He said "How are you related to Lee Hyukjae and Lee Donghae?"

"I'm actually the wife of....."

"what?! You're married to Eunhyukshii?"

"Actually to Donghaeshii." I said.

"WHAT?! TO HIM?! WHY?! I mean why?" he asked.

"Fixed marriage." i said.

"Does your parents want to kill you? I mean its okay if you marry Eunhyukshii but you marry the worst Lee." he said.

"Yah! Can you please not emphasize the word WORST. Because I feel worst on the first day of our marriage." I said.

"Hahahahahahaha. You can divorce him."

"Like I can do that?"

"Ofcourse you can do that. You can even just runaway on your wedding day. Which my ex girlfriend did."

"Your girlfriend what? She runaway? on your wedding day?"

"Can you try not to shout it." he said.


he looked all around to check if people heard it.

"Yes. She runaway with some stupid man who likes to dance everynight at G.I.G Club."

"That's why you're there last night. To look for her."

"Actually to look for her new boyfriend."

"OMO! You want to kill him."

"NO. I'm not gonna kill him. I'm just.... I just...."


"YAH! It's already your turn not mine!"

"But you interfere."

ring ring ring ring.

I looked at my phone it's Eunhyuk oppa.

"Neh. Oppa!"

"Minheeshii. I can't pick you up. The rehearsal will extend until 8 in the evening. Good thing your not here because you will be exhausted. Urgh. I hate that new dance instructor!"

"Ah. Oppa. You're yelling at the phone now."

"Sorry. I hate him. I really hate him."

"I know."

"So are you okay going home alone?"

"It's okay. I can manage. I can take a cab." I said.

"Okay. But be careful huh? see you at home."

"See you oppa."

I end the call.

"There's no one to pick you up?" Kyuhyun asked then sips his coffee.

"neh. Eunhyuk oppa's rehearsal have been extended."

"I'll give you a ride home." he offered.


"It's okay. I'm going back to Seoul anyways."

"I can take a cab." i said.

"cab? you? You sure. I don't think that the only heiress of Kim's Family take cab."

"Yah! I know how to take a cab. I also know how to take subway." I said.



"But I won't allow you to take a cab today. I'll drive you home. Okay?"

"You don't have to."

"I insists."

I didn't try to argue with him so in the end he gave me a ride home.

SKIP to Lee's residence.


"Kamsahamnida Kyuhyunshii."

"No problem."

"Take care." I said.

"You too." he said.

I was about to get out of his car when.....

"Minheeshiii." he called


"Can I borrow your phone?"

"huh? My phone."


I get my phone from my bag and gave it to him.

"Here's my number. If ever you want to divorce your husband."


"Just kidding if ever you want to hang out or something. Just give me a ring." He said then gave me my phone.

"ah okay." i said then get off.

I wave at him while he drive off.

"Who's that?!" Donghae suddenly appears.


"yes. I am. Who's that?!" he asked again.


"The one who took you home?"

"he's my friend."

"Oh I see..... A friend who's giving you a ride home."

"yes. So what?!"

"Nothing!" He said. “Where’s your car?”

“Thanks to you I lost it last night.” I said

“Thanks to me? What did I do to your car? It’s not my fault. That you lose your car.”

“Well while I am being harassed inside the club where you went in last night my car is being stolen outside.”

“harassed you? By whom?! What kind of guy who would get interested on you?” He said.

“How could you? That guy almost did something to me. Fortunately Kyuhyun was there.”

“Kyuhyun? Kyuhyun who?”

“The guy who gave me a ride a while ago.”

“Huh? He saved you last night and now he’s giving you a ride. Are you cheating on me now?”

“Cheating? Yah! You accused me? Why don’t you look at yourself first? You left me there yesterday. You left with your friends.”

“Did I tell you to go inside? I told you to go home.”

“You’re such an .” I said.

“And you’re a cheater.”

“I hate you!” I said then leave him at the door way.

“Oh honey I hate you more.” He yelled.

I was about to go upstairs when I saw Sungmin Oppa.

“Minheeshii did you just had a fight with Donghaeshii.”

“He’s such a jerk. He’s accusing me of cheating on him. I should be the one to accuse him. Is it because Kyuhyunshii gave me a ride?” I said.

“Kyuhyunshii? Who is he? And why did he give you a ride home?”

OMO. Not you also.

“Oppa. Not you also!” I said then run to my room.



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sjismylife #1
I hope you update soon :) I love the story so much!!!
@yanHae15 I'll try to update this weekend if my trip won't push... Hopefully. Don't wanna go to that trip... T_T
160 streak #3
Aaaah~ finally! An update! :)

I missed this FF! Will u update soon eonni???
I wanna know what will happen next.....
Sorry If I took so long to update.... T_T
160 streak #5
Aish, donghaeya! Why did you listen to her? Wae?? Wae??
You're being pabo! :((
Don't be so immature. U know that minhee loves u! Why do u still have to doubt her or yourself?!?!? :((
Donghae, baboyah!
160 streak #7
Duh!!! Don't listen to her donghae oppa!! She's a big assh*le!!!!!! :((
errr yeah. jiyeon won't do any good, donghae. pfft! just trust your wife.
160 streak #9
Hahaha....funny hae!!!! Why does hae have to be so cute and naughty all the time?!?!? Geez!!! Hahaha :DDD<br />
<br />
Goodluck mr. Lee :)