A new friend

Triple Lee


Minhee’s POV

After 2 weeks of staying at the hospital the doctors allowed Donghae to go home.

“Welcome home Donghaeshii” Oemonim welcomed us at the main door.

“Thanks Umma.” Donghae said then hug her.

“Both of you must be tired. Why don’t you go to your room first; I’ll ask Mrs. Hwang to prepare a snacks for both you.”

“Thanks umma but I’m not hungry.” Donghae said.

“How about you Minhee?”

“I’m okay. I’m not hungry also.” I said.

“Okay. I’m just going to ask Mrs. Hwang to prepare the dinner earlier.”

“That’s fine Oemonim.” I said.

“And I’ll ask Mr. Hwang to help you Minheeshii and Donghaeshiii.”

“NO NEED UMMA.” Donghae said.

WHAT THE HELL IS HE TALKING? I can’t carry him all the way upstairs.

“Donghaeshiii. Your wife can’t carry you.” Oemonim said.

“She can’t? With those arms?” Donghae sarcastically answered.

I just rolled my eyes when I heard him say those things. GOSH I hate him.

“Donghaeshiii. Your wife can’t carry you all the way to your bedroom.”

“Ahm Oemonim. It’s okay. I can take him.” I said.

Let’s see. Who’s going to suffer?

“Are you sure Minheeshii?”

“Yes. I got him these two sticks.” I said then pointed at the pair of under am crutch that I took from the hospital.

“I see.” Oemonim said.

Then on to the stairs.

“You really gonna carry me?” he asked.

“No. You’ll use this!” I said then give him the sticks.

“WHAT?! I don’t know how to use that!”

“Well it’s time for you to know how to use this. KAJA!”

“I hate you!” he said.

“Don’t worry I hate you more.” I said.

After almost an hour of fighting while climbing up the stairs; we finally made it to our bedroom.

Once we enter our room we both slammed ourselves to the bed.

“You’re so heavy.” I said.

“What?! You didn’t even do anything. You just held my hand.” he said

“I brought your other stupid stick.”

“who told you to brought it here?”

“Your doctor; so that you can walk.”

“There’s a thing called wheelchair.” he said then gets on his side to turn away from me.

“AHHH…. That I left it at the hospital.” I said then get up from the bed.

“What? And you brought those sticks than bringing a wheelchair.”

“Oh honey. I don’t like you to be stuck on a wheelchair at least with those sticks you can walk right.” I said then get up.

“Yeah right! You’re going to get something from me soon. I promise you that.”

“Hahahahaha. In your dreams.”

----skip to dinner---

Eunhyuk's POV

“WOW! Umma! What’s the occasion?” I said when I saw the food at the table.

“We’re all here. We’re complete. It’s the first time that we’re going to have dinner as a complete family and it’s the first time for your brother and Minheeshii to have a dinner with us as a couple." Umma said.

“Wow! Umma! This is wonderful!” Sungmin Hyung said.

“Ofcourse!” Umma said.

“Okay. WOW! What do we have here?” Appa suddenly came.

“Honey. You’re here.” Umma kissed appa.

“Ofcourse. You told me to be home early. What’s the occasion?”

“Well I would just like to have a dinner with my family.” Umma said.

“Oh is that so.”


“Let’s start the dinner shall we? Where’s the newly wed?” Umma said.

“Mrs. Hwang can you call Donghae and Minhee?” she added.

“Yes Madam.”

Minhee and Donghae came down and they started the dinner.

“Oemonim. These are amazing. You are such a great cook.” Minhee said.

“Neh. But I heard from your mom that you’re actually a great cook yourself.”

“Ani. I’m not. I just know a few recipes but I’m not as great cook as neither you nor umma.”

“Sungmin Hyung. When are you going back to US?” Donghae asked.

“Donghaeshiii.” Minhee said, trying to stop her husband’s evil plan.

“Actually; I am planning on staying here for good.” Sungmin said.

“Oh that’s wonderful Sungminshii. Honey isn’t it wonderful?”

“Yes. It is. I’m glad you’re going to stay.”

“that’s great hyung.” I said.

“You don’t have a place here anymore.” Donghae said.

Then everyone turn to him.

“You left 3 years ago. You shouldn’t come back.” Donghae said.

“Donghaeshii.” I said.

“Donghaeyah! Stop.” Appa said.

“Donghaeshii.” Mijin said.

“He left right. And you supposed to leave so why did you decide to stay? Is it because your threatened?” Donghae said

“huh? Threatened? Me? Are you kidding Donghaeshii?” Sungmin hyung answered.

“Yeah. Why would you feel threatened? Ah yeah! It’s because I got what you want. And that’s why you’re going to stay. To get it back!” Donghae said.

“ENOUGH! Donghaeyah! Why are you being like this again?” Appa finally break them down.

“Oh Come Appa! He just left and you’re just going to let him stay just like that. Come on! I want to hear some arguments.”

“What the hell is your problem?” Sungmin hyung asked Donghae.

“What is my problem?! My problem is you! I don’t want you here!” Donghae said.

“Donghaeshiii!” Minhee gets in the conversation.

“ENOUGH! STOP THIS AT ONCE!” Appa once again yelled to both of them.

“Don’t worry I will stop.” Donghae gets his crutch and leaves but came back again.

“Aren’t you coming?” He asked Minhee.


“GET UP!” he said.

Then Minhee immediately followed him.


"WHERE'S YOUR CAR?!" he yelled at me.


"GET YOUR CAR?" he yelled at me again.

"Why?" I asked for the second time.

"STOP ASKING ME WHY? JUST GET YOUR IN' CAR!" he yelled at me again.

We get to my car. When I asked him where are we going? He just told me to drive.

So now I'm driving out of nowhere.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Turn left." He said.

So I turn left.

"Where are we going?"

"Stop here." he said.

Then I stopped the car.

He immediately get off. But I followed him.

"What do you think you're doing?" he said.

"You. Where do you think you're going?" I asked him.

"None of your business." he said then continue walking.

"YAH! YAH! It's my business because I drove you all the way here. If something happens to you....."

"Why don't you just go home?"

"Then come home with me."



I realized that we stopped in front of an underground club.

"OH MY?!"

"I TOLD YOU TO GO HOME." he said.

"I told you. I won't go home." I said.

"Suit yourself." he said then went inside.

I don't know what to do. I've never been to a club before. Should I just wait for him here.

I look around. And thought that the place is not safe. And a lot of men are staring at me.


I went inside to follow him. 

The club is full of people. I will never find him in this crowd.

"Hi. Can help you?" One guy asked me.

I just bowed my head then continue going inside.

"Hi. Would you like to have a drink with me?" another guy said.

I just ignored him and keep on looking for Donghae.

"Care to have a chat with me?" a 3rd guy approached me.

GOSH. Are all guys in this club we're going to try to hit on me?

Then a guy blocked my way way and said: "Are you new here? I haven't seen you before. You must be new because this is the first time I saw an angel." he said.

"Ahm. Sorry. I am looking for  someone. And you're blocking my way." I said.

"Oh. Am I? Sorry for that. Care for drink? Miss?" he said.

"I'm sorry. I'm not here to drink. I am really looking for someone. He's name is Lee Donghae."

"Lee Donghae? I know him. He's my friend."

"really you know him? Did you see him?"

"yes. I saw him. I can take you there."

"Oh. Thank you. I'm Minhee by the way." I said.

"I'm Junhyung." He said.

I followed him as we made our way to crowd.

"Where is he?" I asked him as we reach the top level of the club.

"You won't need him because I am here." he said then suddenly pinned me against the wall.

"WHAT THE HELL! Get off me!" I said then hit him on his nose.

Good thing Eunhyuk oppa thought a move for the next time Donghaeshii will try to do something again. But I never thought I will be using it on a stranger.

I punch his nose. And its now bleeding. I try to run but he grabbed my waist.

"YOU ! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" he said then slapped me.

"You psycho!" I said then kick his legs but it didn't bother him. Instead he used his legs to pinned mine on the wall.

"You're tough! I like that!" he said as he aimed for a kiss. But someone tap his back.

"What the?!" he said then look at the guy who tap him.

"Excuse me. You're hurting the lady." the stranger said.

"Who are you?! She's my girlfriend so mind your own business." Junyung said.

"I'm not your girlfriend! You psycho!" I said.

"The lady said she's not your girlfriend. So let her go." the stranger said.


"I'm the owner of this club. If you don't want me to throw you outside and banned you from my club. You will let her go." 

"Okay. She's all yours." Junyung said after letting me go.

"Kamsahamnida. Kamsahamnida. Mister."

"It's okay. Do you know that it's not safe for you walking around a club like this all alone."

"I know. But I am looking for someone. You probably know him because you're the owner of this club."

"Aniyo. I'm not the owner. I just made that so he will let you go."


"You should go home. You can't find him here. There's a lot of people tonight."

"But.... I have to find Lee Donghae." 

"You're looking for Lee Donghae. He trailed off together with his friends." he said.


"yeah. 5 minutes ago. Don't tell me you're one of his girlfriends because you don't seem to be his kind of girl."

"Is that supposed to be an insult or compliment?"

"Well take it as a compliment if you know him and about his girls you'll take it as a compliment." he said.

"Yeah. I know all about it."

"I'm Cho Kyuhyun." he said.

"Kim Minhee."

"You should go home now. He won't be back here." Kyuhyun said.

"Do you know where they....."

"Ani. And even if I know I won't tell you because you should go home instead of following him around."

"I know. But I have to find him...."

ring. ring. ring. ring.

My phone rings. When I looked at it. It's flashing Eunhyuk oppa's name

"Yubuseyo. Oppa."

"Where are you? Are you still with Donghaeshii?" he said.

"Ani. He left me He left with his friends."

"Where are you? I'm coming to get you." He said.

I cover the phone with my hand and ask Kyuhyun where are we.

"Oppa. I'm at Dongwan-do. I'm at G.I.G Club."

"Okay. Stay there."


Then I end the call.

"I told you. You should go home. Now they are looking for you. Come on. I'll take you outside." he said then grabbed my hand.

When we got out.


My car is gone.

"What?" he asked me.

"Where's my car?"

"Did you just leave your car here?"

"ah yes because of I was busy following Lee Donghaeshiii."

"And he didn't told you that it's not safe to park your car here because it will be gone for a minute that you left it."

"You mean."

"yes. Someone stole your car."

"ottoke! Ottoke! Appa is going to kill me."

"well.... you just have to tell him the truth. That someone stole it."

"You seem to know you're way around here."

"It's because I'm always here."

"Party boy."

"Aniyo. I'm not."

"Then what?"

"I just want to be in this kind of place. It makes me forget everything."

"what is it that you want to forget?"

"i'm afraid that's personal Ms. Kim."


"it's okay." he said.

"MINHEEYA! MINHEEYA!" I saw Eunhyuk Oppa stop his car in front of us.

"Gwenchana? Minhee?" he asked.

"I'm okay Oppa." I said.

"Good. I was worried." He added.

"I'm okay. Good thing Mr. Cho is here. He saved me from a maniac earlier." I said.

"I'm Cho Kyuhyun." Kyuhyun said then offered his hand to Eunhyuk Oppa.

"Lee Hyukjae. But you can call me Eunhyuk." 

"OH! Lee Hyukjae. The famous dancer." Kyuhyun said.

"Ani. I'm not famous." Eunhyuk said.

"You are. A lot of my friends know you. And your dancing skills." Kyuhyun added.

"Is that so? Well I guess I'm famous. Hehehehehehe." Eunhyuk said.

"Because you're a great dancer." I said.

"Yes. I know Minheeshii. BTW where's your car? Mr. Hwang said you take your car."

"Ahm. Carnap." I said.




"It's not really safe to park a car here." Kyuhyun said.

"I see. Gwenchana. Just try to get used of not using a car." Eunhyuk oppa said.

"Or you can call me if you need a lift." Kyuhyun suddenly said.

Both me and Eunhyuk Oppa stared at him.

"Just kidding." he said.

"Ahhhh...." both me and Eunhyuk oppa said.

"We should go ahead now." Eunhyuk oppa said.

"yeah. We should." I said.

"Ahm. Call me here if ever you're here again. You never know you might need my help again." He said then held a card to me.

"I'll take it!" Eunhyuk oppa suddenly get the card. "We'll go now." he said then pull me to his car.

"Kamsahamnida Kyuhyunshiii."

"No problem Minheeshii." Kyuhyun said.


"Bye." he said.


Now there's Kyuhyun. Hahahahahahahahahaha. :D

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sjismylife #1
I hope you update soon :) I love the story so much!!!
@yanHae15 I'll try to update this weekend if my trip won't push... Hopefully. Don't wanna go to that trip... T_T
157 streak #3
Aaaah~ finally! An update! :)

I missed this FF! Will u update soon eonni???
I wanna know what will happen next.....
Sorry If I took so long to update.... T_T
157 streak #5
Aish, donghaeya! Why did you listen to her? Wae?? Wae??
You're being pabo! :((
Don't be so immature. U know that minhee loves u! Why do u still have to doubt her or yourself?!?!? :((
Donghae, baboyah!
157 streak #7
Duh!!! Don't listen to her donghae oppa!! She's a big assh*le!!!!!! :((
errr yeah. jiyeon won't do any good, donghae. pfft! just trust your wife.
157 streak #9
Hahaha....funny hae!!!! Why does hae have to be so cute and naughty all the time?!?!? Geez!!! Hahaha :DDD<br />
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Goodluck mr. Lee :)