
SM Entertainment's Girl Group 365YEAR

“Girls come on, don’t you wanna meet SHINee before going to sleep?” Jaehwa was hurrying towards the car with the five girls after her. They where now on their way home from the recording. Jaehwa had met them up outside of the SM building.

Youngri was thrilled about to finally meet Key again. It had been ages since they met, or at least that’s what it felt like.

As they where sitting in the car, the leader noticed that Jooyeon was unusually quiet. Well the younger wasn’t as talk active as the maknae, but this quiet. No not even for her. She was starting to act more like Youhee now.

“Dongsaeng-ah are you okay?” Chaeyoung was worried that something had happened that was the cause for Jooyeon to be quiet but the only reply she got was a low no. “Okay, but if you want to talk you know I’m here. Just like the other girls. Okay?”

She knew that it was no point in forcing anything out from the younger girl. As it might make her feel uncomfortable and that was probably the last thing she wanted her to feel. “Okay”


They had arrived home ten minutes later and was now knocking on the door to the SHINee apartment, hopefully they wouldn’t be asleep right now. But on the other hand it was late. It didn’t take many seconds before the door flung open and a somewhat tired Onew was standing in the doorway wondering what they where doing there.

“Key said that we could come” Youngri blurted and the girls could hear Onew heaving a sigh before murmuring that it was typical Key to just invite people without telling him who would come. “All right then, come in” Onew stepped away and let the six girls inside.

“Ririe” Key’s voice could be heard throughout the whole apartment as he hugged the girl tight. “O-ppa can’t breath” the bone-crushing hug was a bit too much for the two year younger girl who had a hard time breathing while he was hugging her.

“Sorry” Key laughed awkwardly before he let her free and said a hurried hello and then dragged the maknae into the living room. Telling her that he had learned a new dance that he wanted her to see. Which Youngri of course agreed to watch.

“Those two, seriously they act like a married couple” Jaehwa butted in half surprised, but only earned laugher from Chaeyoung and Youhee, “what, are you jealous that someone is stealing your lover away?” the two of them teased as Jooyeon and Saewon was staring at the three with questions marks over their heads, before Youhee started explaining about the JaeRi couple, which the fans had come up with.

“Yo!” Jonghyun waved his right hand in the air as he past by them and entered the living room.

“YAH! Move it fatso, we’re trying to dance here” Key’s scream was loud enough to wake up the whole freaking building as he obviously told Jonghyun to move. Since apparently he was in the way.

“Don’t mind them, they’re always like that” Minho had suddenly appeared out of nowhere and was now standing right in front of Jaehwa who was blushing ever so slightly. “Why are you just standing there?” Onew wondered and disappeared towards the living room too. The girls soon fallowed after and the scene of Key and Youngri was breathtaking.

And it was now Chaeyoung’s turn to scream, “Yah! what are you doing? What if someone sees this” the other four members was as shocked as the leader over what they saw. Youngri sitting straight in the couch with Key’s head in her lap.

“Are you always like this?” Jooyeon snapped, as she felt anger boil inside of her, which also caused Youngri and Key to move away from each other. Noticeably bothered by the tone of Jooyeon’s voice.

“Well yes, we’re best friends” the maknae replied as everyone’s eyes was one her and Key, who also was bothered and tried to defend Youngri. Telling them that they would cool it down.

“I’m sorry if this offended you Jooyeon, I didn’t mea...”

“Screw you” Jooyeon was even more angry now and was glaring at the maknae while speaking to her before she turned her heal and walked out from the room and then they could all hear how the door was slammed close. “I need to talk to her” the leader was soon fallowing after Jooyeon who she later found in their bedroom. But that wasn’t all, she was crying. A lot.

“Jooyeon, please tell me what’s wrong” Chaeyoung was practically pleading that she could tell her what was wrong,so that she had a chance to help her. “I like him okay” Jooyeon had turned around so that she was looking straight at the leader. “Key?”

Jooyeon nodded and cried some more into Chaeyoung’s shoulder as they could hear how the door to apartment opened and numerous of voices appeared. “What’s wrong?” Saewon was the first one to step inside the bedroom and jump onto Jooyeon’s bunk bed. Luckily she didn’t have to climb any stairs since the younger girl was sleeping on the bottom bed.

Later that night Youngri got to know why Jooyeon had been upset and angry at her, and they came to an agreement that Youngri wouldn’t be so close to Key any more and respect that the older girl had feeling for her best friend.

“I’m sorry” the maknae apologized for making Jooyeon sad, but the latter girl replied that she couldn’t have known that she liked Key and that she also was sorry for shouting to her.

And with that the six girls of 365YEAR feel asleep, though it hadn’t been much time spent with SHINee, they knew that it was more important to take care of your own members than being with other groups. And besides, it’s not like they’ll never see SHINee again.

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Michellakiels #1
So great
LeeJinki-s #2
seems interesting
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
waaahh.. this story is complete??<br />
I'm so sorry for not comment in one month or 2 months.. *bow*<br />
it's because i have a lot of exams and i moved to another country.. so i can't read or comment in this story...<br />
I'm so sorryT__T<br />
please don't mad at meT__T I'm so sorry~_~<br />
I hope you forgive me:)
wow....O_o<br />
you really know how to play with one´s emotions!! xD<br />
first no disbanding and then BAM! <br />
<br />
although it´s all really surprising I understand.<br />
<br />
will miss this story ~_~
ChaeYo #7
Ah I feel so bad right now, for letting you all down. You should only know how much more I prepared for this FF, but as I already told you. I takes up too much of my time and my ideas are running out =S <br />
this is actually my first time not finishing a FF and it was a hard decision whatever I should end this or not "bows"
WHAT!!! T.T<br />
I was really happy to be in this group.<br />
I was even going to try to make another poster for you! *cries*<br />
Its understandable though, the story was progressing a little slowly, but I didn't really mind.<br />
Well, good luck with your other stories! ^^
ChaeYo #9
XxSaytraXx@ Ahh sorry, I'm not going to finish it or change the plot. I'm truly sorry to all my readers that I quit but it's taking too much of my time.
XxSaytraXx #10
Wait i am confused....Are you not going to finish it? Or are you continue it but with a different plot??