
SM Entertainment's Girl Group 365YEAR

"Annyeonghaseyo this is 365YEAR" The girls smiled as they spoke to the camera in front of them. Soo Man had wanted them to film a small movie of which they talked and also answered questions that had been sent in by their fans.

"We know that all our fans might not know Korean and therefor were going to do it like this. We are going to speak in Korean, English, Japanese and Chinese, well Jaehwa and Youngri are the only ones who can Japanese so they'll have to help us and either Youhee and Youngri will have to help me and Jaehwa with the Chinese part. Even I am confused right now, well, you'll see how it works out" ChaeYoung finished off and the youngest were fast to declare that her Japanese wasn't fluent but that she'd try her best.

"Maybe we should introduce ourselves" Youhee stated and they all laughed at the confused look on their leader's face, who weakly smiled embarrassed before motioning for someone to begin.

"Well I guess I'll start then, I'm Haneul and 365YEAR's main singer" Jaehwa spoke first in Korean, then English and lastly Japanese before she got help from the maknae with the Chinese part.

Fallowing was Youhee who introduced herself in Korean, English and Chinese, before she got help with the Japanese part by Jaehwa as Hana, and then said that she was the group's main dancer and sub-vocal.

"Sunah?" ChaeYoung stated and waited for the maknae to speak.

"Ni hao! Wo jiao Sunah" the maknae spoke in clear Chinese, which to Jaehwa and ChaeYoung was like Greek, not understandable. And as a last touch she finished off with a cute 'V' sign towards the camera.

"Maknae-yah don't just speak in Chinese or no one else will understand" the two of them lectured playfully and the youngest did as she was told and continued with her introduction in the four languages. ChaeYoung wondered how someone three years younger could speak two more languages, the only ones she could manage to was Korean and then English and then at the most say hello in Chinese. As Youngri finished she glanced at the leader and they all waited for her to open .

"Yeh, I'm Baram and the leader and lead vocal of the group" she winked at the camera and then they started to talk about the feeling of finally debuting after all the years of tough training. It wasn't like they were complaining about the training but more that they were overwhelmingly happy that they got the chance to debut since they all knew that even though you got the chance to be a trainee under a company it didn't actually mean that you would debut.

After talking for a while a woman stepped in and handed ChaeYoung a bundle with paper, glancing down at them she realized that it was the questions sent in by their fans. She swiftly waved the bundle in front of her before she spoke and told the viewers that they would answer their questions.

*Imagine that they are taking this in all four languages*

"First question is from Lee Sayuri, 18, 'Haneul how is it that your English sounds better than the others?'" all the members turned their heads and looked at the smirking Jaehwa, the girl knew that her English was much better than the other three and she would more than well show it. Especially at times like this when people asked her. "As some of you might know I studied for two years in the US where I lived at the time before moving back to Korea" Jaehwa answered the question with much care and then spoke a bit about her two years there before letting her leader continue with asking more questions.

"This one is from Bang Chung Hee, 19, 'Could any of you possible consider dating a non celebrity?'" the atmosphere in the room changed from playful to a bit awkward, what were they going to answer. It wasn't like they had actually thought of that.

"To speak the truth, we haven't really thought of that question. Now I think I speak for all of us when I say that we don't actually care if the guy is a celebrity or not. What we look for is someone that care and like us for who we are and not because we are idols" ChaeYoung stated and the girls agreed to her speech. Even though they couldn't care less if the guy was a celebrity or not it didn't mean that they didn't find some of the guys in the Korean industry appealing. Because that would be a total lie.

"Here's one for from Son Soo-Kyung, 14, 'Sunah I really really like your rapping, and do you have twitter?'" the maknae was smiling brightly as she heard the question from the fan, and yes she did have a twitter account even though she didn't always update it as much as she maybe would've.

"Soo-Kyung sshi my twitter name is WhiteAngel so please take a look on it" the maknae laughed whole hearted and so did her unnies.

"We'll answer two more questions, this one is from Shin Yuri, 16, 'Hana unnie why is your nickname pudding?'"

"HAHAHAHA" everyone except for Youhee started laughing, it wasn't the most flattering nickname one could get.

"Well it's because I'm a laid back person who enjoys life" Youhee replied sounding sophisticated but the maknae soon ruined it with her own answer to the question asked.

"What she means is that she's a lazy couch potato" of course it only earned more laughter from the girls. Jaehwa was hovering over the maknae's shoulders, trying not to fall flat to the floor after laughing too much.

"I guess that would answer your question" the leader said with a snicker before she continued with reading the last question.  

"This one is from Yang Ji Yeon, 20, 'Baram sshi is it true that you were suppose to debut with SNSD?'"

The thing about the whole SNSD ordeal, with the car accident and the time after wasn't something she loved to talk about but at the same time she knew that people would eventually ask those kind of questions.

"Well yes, but due to some difficulties I couldn't" ChaeYoung didn't want to reveal the truth about why because that would probably cause people to feel pity for her and that was exactly what she didn't want. She had gotten that more than she wanted after the accident.

And even though she almost died on that day three years ago, she was happy that she got to debut with these girls whom she had gotten more and more attached to each month they had trained together.

"That was everything for now, please listen to our debut album '4Seasons'. It's been nice talking to you and keep supporting us" ChaeYoung stated and glanced over to Jaehwa who had her arms around the maknae, who one the other hand didn't seem to bother.

"This is 365YEAR" they all said and waved and as the person behind the camera were about to stop the recording Jaehwa had planed a kiss on Youngri's cheek, which was a bit too much for the maknae who stuck out her tongue in disgust. Causing laughters from Youhee and ChaeYoung.


Okay at least the kiss wasn't as bad as Heechul's XD poor maknae, you suffer a lot ;P

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Michellakiels #1
So great
LeeJinki-s #2
seems interesting
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
waaahh.. this story is complete??<br />
I'm so sorry for not comment in one month or 2 months.. *bow*<br />
it's because i have a lot of exams and i moved to another country.. so i can't read or comment in this story...<br />
I'm so sorryT__T<br />
please don't mad at meT__T I'm so sorry~_~<br />
I hope you forgive me:)
wow....O_o<br />
you really know how to play with one´s emotions!! xD<br />
first no disbanding and then BAM! <br />
<br />
although it´s all really surprising I understand.<br />
<br />
will miss this story ~_~
ChaeYo #7
Ah I feel so bad right now, for letting you all down. You should only know how much more I prepared for this FF, but as I already told you. I takes up too much of my time and my ideas are running out =S <br />
this is actually my first time not finishing a FF and it was a hard decision whatever I should end this or not "bows"
WHAT!!! T.T<br />
I was really happy to be in this group.<br />
I was even going to try to make another poster for you! *cries*<br />
Its understandable though, the story was progressing a little slowly, but I didn't really mind.<br />
Well, good luck with your other stories! ^^
ChaeYo #9
XxSaytraXx@ Ahh sorry, I'm not going to finish it or change the plot. I'm truly sorry to all my readers that I quit but it's taking too much of my time.
XxSaytraXx #10
Wait i am confused....Are you not going to finish it? Or are you continue it but with a different plot??