The "Tour"

Forever With You

GD&Top w/ Sica and Fany

"Hyung how about this beat?" GD asked. Top turned around and leaned to see and listen to the beat GD was about to play. GD hit the play button and the beat suddenly came in. 

 "Oh thats pretty good," Top said while tapping his foot on the floor. 

 "Oppa! Doesn't that kinda sound like the beat on your song crayon?" Fany asked. 

 "Oh yeah it kinda does!" GD said. "But this is kinda diffferent. I like this beat." 

 "Yeah I like it too," Sica said. 

 "Anyway, I already know that this will be a cutesy hip hop," GD said. "But what should the lyrics be about?" 

 "I don't know," Sica said with a lugh. "Oppa you got this! Your the lyrics guy!" 

'I think we should make the song form kinda different and unique. Different parts will come in different times," GD said. 

 Suddenly Teddy came into the recording room. 


 "Jiyong-ah, please come upstairs we will start making the statement letter. You too Fany," Teddy said and left the room. GD and Fany left the room leaving only Sica and Top. 

   "So I guess its just you and me," Top said with a smile. HE stood up and sat on Jiyong's seat and started messing around with the computer. 

 'Yeah, what should we do?" Sica said. Omo, ottoke? "Oppa is really handsome," Jessica said in her mind. 

 "I think, actually lets take a break from this," Top said. "Would you like to have a personal tour of YG?"

 "Neh?" Sica asked. 

 "I'll show you some of the places that the tour guides won't show you," Top said. "C'mon lets go." Top already stood up and headed for the door. Jessica had no choice but to follow but she was very happy. 

 "First I will show you the #1 place I like to hang out. Me and Youngbae always come here just to think and talk and stuff like that," Top said. He led Jessica upstairs. 

 "This is the rooftop. Like I said its usually only me and Youngbae up here. Not even Jiyong comes here," Top said as he opened the door leading to the roof top. 

 "Omo, its so nice here," Jessica said. 

 "Right now at this time its the most beautiful up here," Top said. "You can see the sunset right over there. Not only that, its a very good view of the city. At night when its really dark, the lights are really bright and I really love it. So does Youngbae." 

   "Oppa, its really beautiful," Sica said. 

 "Yeah it really is," Top said. He started walking to the edge o the rooftop and leaned on the banister. Jessica followed him. She got an idea and started smiling to herself. 

 She crept up behind Top and slightly pushed him which made Top flinch and scream a little. 

 'Ahahaha, oppa are you afraid of heights?" Sica said while laughing. Top suddenly smiled. 

 "Yah, that not funny," Top said also laughing to himself. "I wasn't scared."

 "Why did you scream then?" 

 "I'm not afraid of heights, more of afraid of falling down and dying like this," Top explained. 

 "That's pretty much the same thing," Jessica said smiling. 

 "No, its completely diferent," Top said hiding his smile. "Anyway lets move on." 



   YG Conference Room


 "So we have two days until we have to release the public statement," YG said. "But we need to get it done by tonight since we also need SM Ent to review it."

 "First of all we need to address that they are indeed dating and are in a relationship," GD said. "But we also have to ease the fans into the whole situation." 

 "Oppa you really have to stress that we are in a relationship. That we are boyfriend and girlfriend," Tiffany said seriously. "There are some fans that are delusional and will think its only a friendship." 

 "Yeah we need to stress it," GD said. 

  YG brought in lawyers and all the important people of YG to help make this an understanding letter. After a few hours they all agreed on the statement, and faxed it to SM for their seal off approval. 



 Top and Jessica

 Top and Jessica both left the rooftop and went to the next "venue" of "Top's tour." 

 "This place right here is the practice room of BIGBANG," Top said. 

 "Its soo nice here!" Sica said. "Oppa this should just be a practice room. Why is it so fancey?" 

 "We have a rerigerator because sometimes we practice for hours. The most we practiced nonstop was 8 hours. So we have drinks and snacks available. The radio system is for music when we dance," Top said. 

 'Speaking of dance, why do you always make a mistake in dancing?" Sica said teasing him. 

 "Wha- I am a great dancer," Top said. "watch." Top started doing his bingu dance which caused Jessica to laugh really hard. 

 'Oppa!" Sica shouted as she slapped Top's arm. "What are you doing!" 

 "Haha Youngbae taught me that," Top said joking around. 

 "Can't be. Youngbae oppa dances way better than that!" Jessica said. 

 'Psshh. I am BIGBANG's main dancer," Top insisted. 

 "Snap back to reality oppa," Sica said as she walked towards the door. 

 'Oh, I see you have been listening to Eminem," Top said and followed her out. 



 After a few hours Taeyang finally finished his schedule. He called Jiyong to make sure SNSD was still there. 

 TY: Jiyongah

GD: Oh Youngbae. what is it?

TY: IS Fany and SNSD still there?

GD Why are you asking?

TY: If Fany isn't there, I'lll just take my time coming and maybe just go home. 


 "Oppa who called you?" Tiffany asked while GD was on the phone. 

 "Youngbae," GD said. 

 "Why did he call you instead of me?" Tiffany asked. GD just shrugged. Tiffany motioned for GD to allow her to talk to Taeyang. 


 FY: Oppa!

TY: Oh Fany, your still there?

FY: Why did you call Jiyong oppa instead of me?

 TY: I wanted to know if you were still there. 

   FY: You could have just called me. 

TY: I thought it would have been more conveient to call Jiyong. 

FY: Next time call me arraso!? I want to hear your voice. 

  TY: Arasso. I will call you next time. I am on my way there right now. 

FY: Okay bye oppa!

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Snakeeyes3599 #1
Chapter 29: Hello Author-nim,This story was so soo good but sadly you left it hiatus so I would like to ask for your permission to continue this story(I'm having lots of interesting ideas about this soshibang-oriented fic) .
So is it ok for me to continue this story??
Tks again and fighting ~~
Chapter 78: good luck with this fic!
thane5001 #3
Chapter 77: Chapter 77: Like simplYBe said below, you don't have to say sorry to us. Do whatever you want haha

Personally, any pairing with Taeyang is good with me so you pick! :D
TYYB1988 #4
Glad to see you back on! This story was one of the first ones I read on the site. Hmm... In terms of which Apink member to choose from, if you're aiming to somewhat base it off of reality, I would pick Chorong, Bomi or Eunji since they have more going on for them in terms of dramas, variety shows, etc...

Anyways, can't wait to see another updates, whether it's this story or a new one. And thanks for subscribing to my own story as well!
Chapter 77: No need to apologize! Do what makes you happy!

I just think it's interesting how people are getting so much more interested in APink now. I see more and more stories with YB and them. I've seen YB paired with Chorong ad Eunji so it'd be nice to see him with someone else. But of course, it's always up to you!
Chapter 77: I say, do what you think will be best in order to keep your interest in a story going. If it means moving onto a different girl group such as Apink, go for it. I did the same thing, moving on from Taeyang x SNSD ships to others, even making a couple Taeyang x Apink stories at the moment!

I will miss this story if you decide to stop updating, but that definitely won't stop me from re-reading it every once in a while!

As for the Apink member to be chosen, another writer and I have both started writing stories with Taeyang and Chorong, so seeing another writer's take on the ship would be cool. But there haven't been any Namjoo (or Bomi) stories, so that would be nice too. Overall, I think that any Apink member you choose, it should be the one that you can probably show better through imagery made by your words.

Anyways, long comment done. Good luck on starting on a new story! I will gladly sub and uproot first thing! :)
Chapter 76: Too bad you stopped updating this fic. It's really good. I hope you'll find the motivation to continue.
Chapter 3: woah~ they look super close fast and the kiss was pretty quick.
Freddy1 #9
Chapter 76: Thanks for the update! Do you like taeyangs new album? I love it !!!!
taeyangtiffany123 #10
Chapter 76: Updateeeee ! But kinda short though :( please do update soon ....
And I'm super excited about taeyangs new album tomorrow !!!! Anyone else with me ?