The Chase

Forever With You

   Few days before Taeyang's flight to America. (SNSD Dorm)

Yuri walked into Tiffany's room and closed the door. Tiffany was surprised, but didn't say anything. 

 "Fany, I need to talk to you," Yuri said. 


 "Youngbae oppa will be leaving in two days to America," Yuri started to say. "He will be there for a long time. Might even be there for up to a year." Tiffany's heart sank when she heard this. But she maintained a calm face. 

"So? He isn't my boyfriend anymore," Tiffany continued to say. 

  "Fany please! Just tell me what is going on!" Yuri said in a strong tone. 

 "Nothing is going on Yuri-ah!" Tiffany shouted back. 

'Fany! Please! I know you! You thin you can fool me?" Yuri shouted back. "Just tell me! I know you still love Youngbae oppa. You just going to break his heart from all the times you've been together? Fany didn't say anything.

 "Youngbae oppa didn't know what to do. He didn't do anything for a week because of you. You were everything to him. He loved you so much, and now you're gonna hurt him?! Yuri angrily shouted at Tiffany. Tears started coming out of her eyes. She missed Taeyang so much and it wasn't her intention to hur him like this. 

 "I know you still love Youngbae oppa. Like I said he is leaving in two days. He is going crazy because of you! He is trying to move on, but he can't! Stop hurting him like this! Why are you even doing this!" Yuri shouted. Tiffany by then started to cry. 

 "I'm sorry Yuri-ah, I don't know what to do anymore," Tiffany said while crying. 

 "What the hell are you talking about," Yuri said coldly. 

"I-I miss hi-him so much!" Tiffany said. "i love him. 

 "Then why are you acting like this," Yuri asked. 

 "Siwon oppa, is blackmailing me," Tiffany said while still crying. 

"Bwoh!?" Yuri shouted. "Why? Whats going on?" 

 "He told me to break up with Youngbae oppa and become his girlfriend or he will tell sangsaenim about my relationship," Tiffany cried. "I don't want oppa to get hurt by my fans, so I am doing what Siwon oppa is telling me to do!" 

"Siwon oppa?! That jerk!" Yuri shouted. 

 "I don't like whats happening. We aren't really dating, but what can I do?" Tiffany cried. 

 "Youngbae oppa is hurting so much right now. Go to his YG company and explain to him right now. I will take care of Siwon," Yuri said. Fany just stood there crying. Yuri hugged her and comforted her. 

 "Youngbae oppa needs you right now. Please go make things right with him," Yuri said. Tiffany was still crying but nodded. She immediately got up and ran out the dorm to her car. 


  Meanwhile at YG Building...


 "So, you leaving today?" YG asked. 

"Neh hyung. I need to get my mind of many things, so I would like to leave for America as soon as possible. My flight is in an hour," Taeyang said. 

 "Arasso. We will all visit you there once in a while, but please work hard, Youngbae-ah," YG said. 

"I will. I will take my leave now," Taeyang said. He left the room. HE said all his goodbyes to s, 2ne1 and all the staff he worked with over the years. 

 "Goodbye everyone. Please do come visit me in America. I will be back with America's support for YG," Taeyang said confidently. Everyone cheered for him and wished him luck. He went out of the building and into his car on his way to the airport. He left. 



  That same time, Tiffany was in her car driving to YG. She got into her car and drove off. Within 20 minutes, she arrived in YG building and went to the entrance. She parked her car, and walked up to the entrance of the building. She said she was SNSD Tiffany and wanted to talk to taeyang. 

  Dara passed by and saw that Tiffany was in the entrance. She told the body guards to let her in and they did. Tiffany walked to Dara and apologized. 

  "I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused," Tiffany said. Dara was mad at Tiffany. 

  "How can you do this? Do you know how hurt Youngbae was? This was his first real relationship and now he is emotional!" Dara shouted at Tiffany. 

  'I'm sorry. I want to clear things up with him right now. That is why I am here. I had a reason for doing that, and it was for Youngbae oppa's ake," Tiffany said. 

  "How is that for Youngbae's sake? He hurt him a lot!" Dara said. 

  "Please let me talk to him. I need to explain it to him," Tiffany said. 

  "He gave you many chances to talk, but you refused," Dara said. 

  "I was stupid for doing that. But please let me talk to him," Tiffany asked. Dara knowing Taeyang left didn;t say anything. 

  "He isn't here," a voice said. Both Dara and Tiffany looked up to see who it was. GD. 

  "He left for America already a few minutes ago," GD said. 

  "Bwoh? I thought he wasn't leaving for another few days," Tiffany asked. 

  "He decided to leave early to get his mind off of you," GD said. 

  "I-," Tiffany started to say but didn't know what to say. 

  "If you want to stop him, you need to head to Incheon airport immediately," GD said coldly. 

  "Arasso, thanks Jiyong oppa!" Tiffany said and ran to her car. 

  'Why did you tell her," Dara asked. 

  "It wasn't Tiffany's fault for her acting like this," Jiyong said calmly. 

  "Bwoh?" Dara asked. 

  "I recieved a text from Yuri a few minutes ago. Siwon blackmailed her and that is why she was doing this," Jiyong said. 




    Tiffany drove as fast as she could to Incheon airport. Taeyang meanwhile already arrived at the airport. He settled everything and just sat down to wait for his flight. He drank coffe while listening to music to kill time. HE was just thinking abut how he miss Tiffany, but needs to move on. Tiffany doesn't seem to like her. His flight was in fifteen minutes. 

 Tiffany meanwhile was still in the highway and was stuck in light traffic. 

 "Come on!" She shouted while honking her horn. Every now and then she would check the time. 


 Now it was 10 minutes. Taeyang stood up and took his suitcase. He started walking slowly to his gate. Tiffany then arrived and ran into the airport's entrance. SHe looked around quickly and saw that the flight to LA was in ten minutes. She ran to where the gate was. 


Taeyang was still walking to his gate while listening to his music. 

"Okay, here I go," he said to himself and walked to the gate. Tiffany turned the corner and saw a man with a mohawk. 

"oppa!" She yelled as loud as she could. 'Youngbae oppa!" She ran as fast as she could. Taeyang was listening to music so he didn't hear anything. HE gave the ticket to the lady in teh counter and walked in. Tiffany was still far away from thegate and ran. But it was too late. Taeyang was already inside the airplane and they closed all the doors already. 


Tiffany fell to her knees and started tearing. She was too late. she left the airport and went to her car. She drove back, but instead of going back to her dorm, she went to Taeyang'd condo. She still had the key so she unlocked it and went inside. She went to Taeyang's bedroom and just lay there in his bed. 





  Hey guys! Here are two more chapters. What do you think? Sorry for the late updates. From now on, I only will be able to update on the weekends since I am really bsy with school. Anyway, Taeyang left for america! 

  What should Tiffany do? What should Taeyang do? Please continue to comment. Silent readers, please ccomment also! Your comments really motivate me. Thank you for all you new subscribers as well. BaeFany Fighting!



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Snakeeyes3599 #1
Chapter 29: Hello Author-nim,This story was so soo good but sadly you left it hiatus so I would like to ask for your permission to continue this story(I'm having lots of interesting ideas about this soshibang-oriented fic) .
So is it ok for me to continue this story??
Tks again and fighting ~~
Chapter 78: good luck with this fic!
thane5001 #3
Chapter 77: Chapter 77: Like simplYBe said below, you don't have to say sorry to us. Do whatever you want haha

Personally, any pairing with Taeyang is good with me so you pick! :D
TYYB1988 #4
Glad to see you back on! This story was one of the first ones I read on the site. Hmm... In terms of which Apink member to choose from, if you're aiming to somewhat base it off of reality, I would pick Chorong, Bomi or Eunji since they have more going on for them in terms of dramas, variety shows, etc...

Anyways, can't wait to see another updates, whether it's this story or a new one. And thanks for subscribing to my own story as well!
Chapter 77: No need to apologize! Do what makes you happy!

I just think it's interesting how people are getting so much more interested in APink now. I see more and more stories with YB and them. I've seen YB paired with Chorong ad Eunji so it'd be nice to see him with someone else. But of course, it's always up to you!
Chapter 77: I say, do what you think will be best in order to keep your interest in a story going. If it means moving onto a different girl group such as Apink, go for it. I did the same thing, moving on from Taeyang x SNSD ships to others, even making a couple Taeyang x Apink stories at the moment!

I will miss this story if you decide to stop updating, but that definitely won't stop me from re-reading it every once in a while!

As for the Apink member to be chosen, another writer and I have both started writing stories with Taeyang and Chorong, so seeing another writer's take on the ship would be cool. But there haven't been any Namjoo (or Bomi) stories, so that would be nice too. Overall, I think that any Apink member you choose, it should be the one that you can probably show better through imagery made by your words.

Anyways, long comment done. Good luck on starting on a new story! I will gladly sub and uproot first thing! :)
Chapter 76: Too bad you stopped updating this fic. It's really good. I hope you'll find the motivation to continue.
Chapter 3: woah~ they look super close fast and the kiss was pretty quick.
Freddy1 #9
Chapter 76: Thanks for the update! Do you like taeyangs new album? I love it !!!!
taeyangtiffany123 #10
Chapter 76: Updateeeee ! But kinda short though :( please do update soon ....
And I'm super excited about taeyangs new album tomorrow !!!! Anyone else with me ?