We meet again

Somebody that i used to know

Taemin POV –

   “Taemin?!” I saw key siting on a couch. I wanted to go up and hug him because even though I was the one that left him I thought I would never see him again. Until I saw Jonghyun sitting with his arm around Key. I went out of the room and slammed the door. I started walking away when all of a sudden I felt arms wrap around me.

   “Taemin. Where have you been? I missed you so much.” I heard Keys soft voice in my ear. I wanted to hug him so bad but I will never forgive him for what he did to my heart.

   “LET GO OF ME!” I yelled pushing him away.


   “Don’t touch me Kibum.” As I said that the other people came out of the room. I saw Minho and Onew and I went up to them and started talking to them.


Key POV –

   “Don’t touch me Kibum” I was shocked to hear Taemin call me Kibum. He never called me that. Even when we first meet he called me Key. What did I do to make you hate me?

   We went back in to the room and Taemin was talking to Minho. I was sitting there wandering what I did to make Taemin hate me so much. Just seeing him sitting there talking to Minho looking a little happy is making me a little jealous. Every time he would look at me he would give me a mad look. After half an hour a guy came in the room. He looked like an older guy.

    “Hi my name is Jin Choi I will be the manager of this group. I will give you a few minutes to think of a name for this group and a stage name for yourself. After you have a name I will take you to get you pass and you pass will allow you to come in and out if this building whenever you like. I will also take you to the place where you’re going to live.” After he said that he walked out of the room and we stared at each other.

   “What about Sun Shin People.” Onew said.

   “No but I like Shin.” Minho said.

   “What about Shinning?” Taemin said.

   “I like that.” I said

   “OK but what about Shinee?” Jonghyun said.

   “That’s a good name.” Both Minho and Onew said.


Minho POV –

   When the manager came in the room again Taemin was clinging on me and when we were walking to the ID place. He never wanted to be near Key and that made me sad because I felt sorry for Key. I was looking at Key and I looked like he was going to cry. Those three years really have changed us a lot. After Taemin left Key became depressed to the point to where he would never live his room and always hugging the bear that he gave Taemin. He also turned into a diva even though he denies it. Onew moved school after one year. We kept in contact by phone and seeing each other every now and then. Onew also became a little bit more clumsy over the years. Jonghyun stays by Keys side and takes care of him. He even goes shopping with Key and even though Key won’t admit it Jonghyun is a little bit of a play boy. I think it’s because Key and Jonghyun have something going on, but they won’t tell me.  Amber went in to be in a K-pop band called F(X).  Then there is me. I talk to Onew a lot and key once in a while. I also spend most of my time on the computer doing a lot of programing stuff. But now Taemin is back in the in the picture. I wander how things will turn out.


Jonghyun POV  –

   Seeing Key look so sad hurts me. I don’t like seeing Key being all sad. It was heard when Taemin left. It took me a year just to make him happy again. Taemin why do you hate Key? Was it something that I did to make you hate him? If so why are you blaming him? I walked over to Key and put my arm around him. He looked at me and gave me a smile and put his arm around my waist. After we got everything we need, we got in a car and went to the place where we will be living. Taemin didn’t like how we are all shearing the same room. The manager just said you will get used to it. Then he sent him and Key get some food for the dorm. Minho and Onew went to get some basic stuff for the place. While the manager and I stayed and cleaned the house.


Key POV –

   Taemin and I went to the store to get some food for the place. As we are walking he won’t even look at me.

   “Hay Tae-”

   “Don’t talk to me Kibum.” He said walking faster.

   “What’s you problem.” I said grabbing his jacket. Just at that moment he turned around and shoved me agents a wall.

   “I told you not to touch me.”

   “WHAT THE HELL! Let me go.” I said shoving him back.

   “What happened to you? Why are you acting this way?  You used to never act like this.”

   “It’s none of your business.” He said walking away.

   Once we got back to the dorm Minho and Onew where watching a movie. While Jonghyun was on the floor huffing heard. Taemin went over to Minho and they started talking.  A little time passed and we had dinner and then we all went to bed. The next morning I got up and started making breakfast when Jonghyun came in to the room.

   “Good morning Key what are you doing?” He said his arms around my waist.

   “What do you think I am doing? Good morning by the way.”

   “I love your little diva side.”

   “I am not a-”

   “I think I’m going to be sick.” A voce came from behind. “If you’re going to be all lovey dove do it somewhere ells.”

   “Morning Taemin.” I said.


   “What’s your problem with me?”

   “A lot of things. For example look at the way you dress.”

   “Well at least I don’t look like an idiot.”

   “What did you say?” He said grabbing my shirt.

   “YAH. You don’t want me to touch you. So what gives you the right to touch me?” I said pushing him away.

   “You two stop it.!” Another voce came from the kitchen.


I know this chapter isn’t that good. I tried. (^_^) hope you like it and tell me what you think.

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Chapter 27: woah....the storyline is good.... The way story is good too... But i think u need do a lot homework bout your english... There are many mispelling... And u got many grammartical error... U good writer... But i think u'll be better if u can reduce ur error.... Sorry if u think my comment harsh to u...anyway fighting!!! For ur other stories... ^^
thestrangelittlegirl #3
errm... this is pretty nice... but really, this is going to come off harsh, but I really don't mean any offence, your English is horrible in this fic... and the poster is... sorry, i just felt that I had to voice my opinion. hope you don't mind some criticism :)
Chapter 25: I love your story *__* and just as I thought that this is the end, TaeKey is back, Minho & Onew are together, the last sentence confused me..I want to know what happens next.. update soon please! :)
XxLeeTaeminxX #5
Chapter 25: Update soon :)
Chapter 25: aah update so0on please!! I want to know what happens next!!
Chapter 25: AWWW TAEKEY and o.o wuwu onmin tyme c; ... wut bout jonghyun ... he gunna beh with a dinosawr xD
Chapter 25: Yay they are back together! :D
Update soon please! :D <3
Chapter 24: DX MINHO xc taeminnn xc waeyoooo
Chapter 24: poor minho. damn u taemin. >.<