
Seeing you


"Omma, wake up."

A voice was trying to wake the sleeping woman on bed.

"Appa made breakfast, and he said if you're not gonna wake up, he's having them all."

The woman then slowly opened her eyes and groaned before turning to the side of her to see her precious boy standing beside the bed.

"Morning, Omma.", the boy blinked then smiled with a one of his front tooth missing.

You touched his cheeks then messed his hair.

"Let's go and eat breakfast before Appa finishes it all!", the little boy pulled on your hand but you didn't budge. 

"Let's sleep a little more. We can go and get food ourselves later."

The boy hesitated awhile before climbing into the bed and sleeping next to you.

You covered the blanket over him and closed your eyes.

"Choi Junhong, didn't I tell you to-", your husband walked in with a green apron.

Junhong wriggled under your hold but you kept him still.

"Junhong, go out and eat breakfast.", Dongwoo said as he watch Junhong escape from you and ran out.

"Junhong-ah!", you dramatically stretch out your hand but he was already gone.

You looked up and see a unhappy Dongwoo with his arms crossed, "Morning?"

"It's almost noon! Get out, now. And I thought I was the one who lazes on the bed."

"Just let me sleep, it's Sunday!"

"You said it, it's Sunday! Get out of there now before I grab you with my grease-filled hands.", he moved nearer to you as you slowly removed the blanket away from your face.

"OKAY, OKAY. I'm getting out, get your hands away. These sheets aren't easy to wash.", you scrambled off the bed and ran to the bathroom before Dongwoo could even get close.


When you were done washing up, you went to the kitchen and saw your favorite boys feeding each other breakfast.

"Aww, aren't you two the cutest thing.", you cooed as they turned over.

You walked over and gave Junhong a kiss on his cheek which he used his hand to wipe away, "Eww, Omma."

"Why? Now that you've grown up, you don't want my kisses anymore?", you said as you went over and hugged Dongwoo from the back before resting your chin on his shoulder.

Before you could react, Dongwoo turned over and stole a kiss from you.

"I'll want them then."

"Ewwwwwww.", Junhong covered his eyes while you two laughed.

"Eat up, little one. We're going to the mall later."

"Are you getting me the toy I wanted?!"

Dongwoo nodded and watched as Junhong shoved all the food in his mouth.

"Woah, slow down, monster."

You poked Dongwoo's shoulder and he turned over, "We're going to the mall?"

He nodded and took your hand, "It's the first time."

Ever since you and Dongwoo got married, and adopted Junhong as your son, you three hasn't gone out together in public before.

Not to mention, it's Sunday.

"I don't know. It's Sunday and there's gonna be a lot of people at the mall."

"I'm taking you guys to the mall and that's final."

"Appa! I'm done!"

He turned back to see Junhong with milk trace along his upper lip, "Ehhh you messy eater. Now go and change."

Junhong then ran into his room and closed the door.

"Aren't you scared of what people would say about you having a adoptive son?"

"If I was, I wouldn't have agreed on adopting Junhong the other day. He's the best boy I could ever ask for in my life. No, in our lives."

"Appa, Omma!", the bedroom door opened and came your precious boy dressed in his favorite clothing.

You squatted down to his height and fixed his blouse, "My baby looks dashing. You're going to be a model in the future."

"I want to be a rapper in the future! Like Appa!"

Dongwoo came over and carried Junhong in his arms, "That's my boy!!!!!!!"


The three of you arrived at the crowded mall.

Junhong standing in between the two of you, swinging both yours and Dongwoo's hands back and forth. 

When the toy store came in view, he immediately ran to the section he loves most.

Dongwoo then swung his arm around your neck, "Let's go find that boy."

Some of the families in the store saw Dongwoo and knew who he was immediately.

Whispers here and there but he didn't care.

You glanced and looked at him, and he gave you a smile that warmed your heart.

"Appa!", the boy came running with a boy in hand.

"Found your toy?", Dongwoo carried Junhong in his arms and asked.

The boy nodded with a smile on his face.

You then heard some girls talking from a near distance.

"Isn't that Dongwoo from Infinite? They have a son already?"

"I heard he's adopted though. The boy looks nothing like Dongwoo and his wife, you see."

"Adopted? Why would they want to adopt a kid? His wife can't give him kids?"

Some other people in near them gasped and you walked nearer to Dongwoo.

"Dongwoo, we should go.", you tugged on his sleeve.

He set the boy back on the ground, holding on to his hand then turned to you, "Why?"

You glanced over at the small crowd that were standing near you guys, and he knew exactly why.

"Wait here for me.", he kissed your cheek and placed Junhong's hand in yours.

"Excuse me.", he went over to the crowd that stopped talking once he was in front of them.

"I'm saying this once, and only once. That boy right there is my lovely son, and I don't care if he's not my own flesh and blood. He is my, Jang Dongwoo's son."

Junhong was slightly hiding behind your leg and you patted his head, "It's okay, baby. You don't have to be scared."

"And even if ________ can't give me kids, I think it's none of your problem, is it? So I hope you will stop speaking such things about my wife. I hope you'll respect her because she's my love. And the two of them are the ones I cherish most right now on this world.", he slightly bowed and the crowd was left speechless.

Suddenly, they started clapping and Dongwoo was taken aback by their reaction.

"Those are probably the best words I've heard from an father and husband idol.", one of the older lady said.

"You'll be a good father to your future kids.", another said and Dongwoo scratched the back of his neck.

Junhong ran to Dongwoo and hugged his leg, "Appa, can we go?"

Dongwoo carried him then looked at you.

You looked at him with teary eyes, which was caused by the words he said earlier.

"Omma, why are you crying?", he placed his small palm on your cheeks to wipe away the tears.

"Because Omma is happy."

Dongwoo took your hand in his free hand, held it up and kissed it.

"You know both of you meant the world to me, and I meant it."

"I know.", you squeezed his hand and smiled, "I know."




"Oh my god. OH MY GOD!"


Dongwoo ran into the toilet to see you sitting on top of the toilet lid.

He squatted in front of you, "Why were you screaming?"

"I think Junhong's gonna have a dongsaeng."

"Junhong's gonna have- A DONGSAENG?!"

You showed him the stick with two red bright lines visible. 

He stood up immediately and carried you before spinning you around, "Junhong's gonna be a oppa!!!! Or hyung! He's gonna be so happy when he comes home later."

"Okay, I'm getting dizzy, so please put me down.", he put you down back on the ground and hugged you.

"Let me give the guys a call.", he gave you a kiss and ran out to the living room to dig for his phone.

You placed your hand on your soon-to-be baby bump and smiled, "I love you already."

"GUYS, YOU CAN'T BELIEVED WHAT JUST HAPPENED.", you hear Dongwoo screaming into his phone.


Dongwoo placed his phone in speaker mode, and you could hear the guys at the dorm cheering when you walked to the living room.

"About time, hyung!", that was definitely Sungjong.

"Luna and Jieun is here! Girls, you wouldn't believe it but _________ is pregnant!"

"NO WAY. Is she on the line with Dongwoo?"

"Yup, I'm here.", you answered.

"OH MY GOD. We're so happy for you!!!!!!!!", you shyly laughed.

Sunggyu then voiced out, "To celebrate this happy occasion, I'm treating dinner tonight, at the old place."

"We gotta invite more people since the old man is finally treating us."

"Get back here, Nam Woohyun."

"See you guys tonight! Bring Junhong too!"

And the moment the call ended, the doorbell rang. 

"I'll get that.", you almost stood up from the couch but Dongwoo held you down.

"I'll do it."

The door opened and came running your precious boy.

"Omma, Omma. I have something for you!"

"Hey man.", Dongwoo half hugged the other man and let him in.

"That kid wouldn't stop moving in the car and kept saying how he wants to show his Omma his work."

"Thanks for bringing him back from school, Guk."

"No biggie, I was on my way here to see my favorite girl anyway.", he reached out to hug you but someone stopped him.

"What are you doing?", Dongwoo raised a brow and Yongguk laughed.

"Protective, are we?", he went over to gave you a small hug anyways.

"Be careful, she's pregnant!", Dongwoo blurted out and Yongguk's eyes widened.

"You're pregnant?", he took your shoulders and you nodded with a smile.

"Calling dibs for godfather."

"NO!", Dongwoo objected, "I don't want my future kid to be so hip hop again, you've influenced Junhong enough."

"Appa, what's pregnant?", the boy trying to pronounce the word.

Dongwoo carried the kid and ruffled his hair, "It means, you.", he tickled him, "Is going to be a oppa or hyung."

"I'm going to have a dongsaeng?", he asked and Dongwoo nodded.

"Means I'm having someone to play with, right?", and he nodded again.

He then ran over to you and shook your arm, "When is my dongsaeng going to come out? I want someone to play with!"

"Not so fast, baby. 9 months, when you're done with this school year. You'll have someone to play with, okay?"

He nodded then hugged you, "And I wrote this for you in class today."

He took out a small notebook and pushed it to you, "Read it."


You opened the book and there was about 2 pages of words.

There was a sentence being underlined at the top, "Why I love my Omma."


"I love my Omma because she was the one who gave me happiness when my real one couldn't. 

 She made me the happiest kid in the orphanage ever when she came and adopted me with Appa.

 She gives me the nicest clothes to wear, yummiest food to eat and showers me with her unlimited love.

 Appa once told me, I can forget everyone in this world but not her.

 Thank you for having me in your family with Appa, Omma."


You were way beyond touched with the words a kid can write. 

"Junhong ah.", you placed your palm on his cheeks and he just smiled at you.

"I love you, Omma."

"I love you too, my dear.", and you kissed the top of his head.

"He's definitely gotten those cheesiness from you.", Yongguk said as him and Dongwoo watched the two of you.

"That's my son.", and Yongguk punched his arm.

Dongwoo clapped his hands, "Sorry to break the moment but we have a dinner to go to so, get ready."

"Am I invited too?", Yongguk stayed in his place.

"Of course! Sunggyu oppa is finally treating."







And with that, this concludes 'Seeing You'

It has been a great pleasure writing this story with so much anticipation from you guys.

And I definitely needed all those support comments to keep me going ;)

I will miss writing this story because it was sort of the story that made me really enjoyed writing every week.

And now, I'll be focusing on my other stories.

Please support the other stories that I'll be posting up, yeah?


I love you all, really.

From the bottom of my heart.

*Bows deep*


School is getting busier now so I might update lesser.

But I will update whenever I get the chance to so, yup.

Do subscribe other stories, guys!




PS, I went to SMTown Live World Tour in Singapore the other day.

And god, was it amazing.

I mean, it was my first time seeing SHINee, Boa, Kangta, Super Junior, f(x) and EXO.

It was such a amazing concert because the atmosphere was completely hyped up that night.

When it was close to ending, the rain fell and everyone was continuing to party.

I swear everyone there was probably drenched then from head to toe because I know I was.

And despite the heavy rain or more like hurricane, the artists continued to perform at all their might.

Thank you SM for such a great night for all of us Singapore fans, really.



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Chapter 32: It's ended already :'(
I'll miss it :D
I was crying while reading the last chapter, the letter was beautiful =)
Keep on writing !!! I'll be supporting you :D
Chapter 30: omg thats the cutest chapter ever. Anyhoo been so long since i last been here ;A;. First of all i miss you and second of all im now turned into a Dongwoo bias because of you. /goes on tumblr and reblog crap loads of Sungyeol so no one suspect ahahah
Chapter 27: Oooh I bet it was Minji
Jumin13 #4
OTL I love the gif! Kkkk~
@MissOneww Or will he? ehehehehhehehe

@Mr04loveme it's because you're in the same company now :( people working in the same company can't date :'( L O L be my guest~
Hope they will be surprised especially dongwoo :) Hahhhaha , UPDATEE ^^
Mr.Park soooo strict about dating *sigh
About Minji, can I 'killed' her first before she do any harm to 'me' ?? *jk XP
Update soon :D
Awwww , Update soon :)
omg luna ;-; let me hug you guys and keep you together ;-;
update soon so i can keep the 7 of them in my pocket<3 hehe
Celebrate INFINITE First Triple Crown Too And Their 7Th Win ♥